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Answer Sheet

Look at lines 1 – 72 and answer the following questions.

1. Dave and Deb are taking part in a talk show named “the social”, in order to talk about
meaningful travels.

2. Refers to the “ladies” at their Toronto studios.

3. – Traveling responsibly.
-Raising money for a cause.
- Stopping at sanctuaries or projects
- Interacting with the locals.

4. Yes “ by discovering and learning new things about the world and yourself”

5. Epic

6. The statements mean how collaborating certain persons or communities, you will
ended up having a clearer conscience about yourself in order to develop as a person.

7. Thinking in a responsible way.

8. By raising money for different causes, interacting with the different locals, and search
the people who own companies in order to help them financially.

9. It can help the traveler to create a more meaningful travel for himself after interacting
with the people that own the locals, or the people that you help financially.

Look at lines 73 – 96 find the words below that could meaningfully replace the words in
question 10 – 15.

10. H

11. J

12. L

13. A

14. F
15. G

Identify whether the sentences are true or false and justify your answer with a relevant brief
quotation from the text (lines 79 – 128)

16. “Meaningful travel is basically being aware of your environment and respecting
customs and culture”.

17. “Considering all the adventures travels, is important to start by baby steps”

18. “Our first foray into more meaningful travel happened in 2003 in Cambodia”

19. “It kicks started or desire to do something wherever we went”

20. “When we saw that they were benefiting directly from the money raised, we felt
motivated you help more”.

Match the first part of the sentence with the appropriate ending (lines 116 – 145)

21. A

22. D

23. B

24. E

HL extension (Lines 146 – 211)

Which phrase goes in each gap numbered from 25 to 32 in the text?

25. M

26. N

27. H

28. J

29. B

30. K
31. L

32. C

To whom or to what do the following words refer?

33. Local people

34. Elephant sanctuaries, conservation areas and national


35. Tigers

36. Elephant

37. Annual pilgrimage up Adams

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