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Task Type: Individual Project  

 Deliverable Length: 5-7 pages

Points Possible: 150   Due Date: 8/29/2008 11:59:59 PM  CT

As the VP of International Sales, you are responsible not only for sales but also for sales strategy.
Prepare a preliminary report to the CEO identifying which three countries you think would most
likely be interested in PM Company’s mobility product and state why you think these would be
good target countries. Describe the opportunities and risks in each of the target countries. Then
discuss the cultural (including religion, ethical business behavior, social responsibility, language,
etc.), political, economic, legal and technology issues you, as Vice-President of International
Sales will face when selling into these countries. In addition, explain any other differences
between selling the mobility product in the United States and selling it in your three targeted

Please submit your assignment.

     Instructor Comments:

Read the assignment

Pick three countries, tell WHY you picked (solid & valid quantitative reasons) these above all
others – facts (maybe how they rank in relevant areas) – use quantifiable elements (e.g.,
country A ranks 3rd in “xxx”)

What opportunities & risks exist for PMC in each country?

Don’t forget to discuss the USA – the USA is our “reference point (country)” that we can all
relate to and better understand how each country differs in the issues (below)

For EACH country describe the cultural (religion, ethical business behavior, social
responsibility, language, etc), political, economic, legal & technology issues relating to PMC’s
efforts (consider use of a table or chart to tell a story)

 HINT – Use tables, they summarize a lot of data concisely - use two to three word comments
only (this is not where you write the great American novel – that is what your notes are for)

 Use what you have learned and APPLY it to the assignment

We are looking for how you would “handle” this task in a real business-world situation

Focus on creating a workable solution

Content is more important than length

 Use PowerPoint (this is the software of choice for business) – only ONE FILE is to be
submitted in PowerPoint (not a second one in Word) – DO NOT USE WORD!

Don't go crazy with PowerPoint, use the basics - a light, solid color background with black
type is all you need - no fancy backgrounds, no dancing babies, no star wars songs, no cheap
clip art, etc

What *IS* good is use of relevant data to tell a story with graphs & charts, then talk to them in
your notes

PowerPoint is NOT "word" - short non-grammatically correct statements (max of 4-5 with a
few sub bullets is about all a slide should hold; if you go more than one line, you are likely
saying too much

 What reasons prompted you to select these three countries above all others? Consider location
(globally), market segments and other relevant data to support your decision. How will these
countries fit into PMC’s int’l growth plans?

 Spend time on graphs & tables (they help you tell a better story to your audience); also a great
way to ensure you cover “all the facts”. Most clip art is generic and not good for business use.
Clip art is best for parties, events and other non-business situations.

 Use the NOTES area in PowerPoint to “talk” to your boss – if you were in a real presentation,
you would reference your slides and talk to the audience; in class you talk to the audience with
your notes.

Citations and sources go in your notes

 You UPLOAD your file here – Recommend you put your NAME (e.g., W-CyranP1T2) as the

 If you have technical issues – please contact CTU Technical Support – number on main page,
right upper side

 If you need help on research, citations or sources – see information posted on class page or
contact our online Library – they are great folks and very willing to help

 Be sure to spell-grammar-punctuation check your work

Also have someone else read it

You are doing college-level work towards a degree; professional-level work is expected of you

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