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Bridging the gap between

Knowledge & Action
The Reality is...

Our life is a reflection of our own beliefs

These beliefs are held at the
subconscious level of the mind

Beliefs are the filters for Reality

We see the world NOT as it is…

but as we ARE!
Our beliefs are the cumulative effect of
life-long “programming”

Childhood Programming
(Core personality is set by Age 5-6
and belief “filters” are in place.)
Positive Messages as a Child
Positive Experiences as an Adult
Negative Messages as a Child
Negative Experiences as an Adult
Beliefs create our HABITS of
perception and behavior.
Beliefs create perceptions that affect our…

Job Performance
Mental Health
Physical Health
Spiritual Outlook
And More…
Self-sabotaging messages

You’ll never amount to anything.

You’re worthless.
You’re not smart enough.
No matter how hard you try, it’s
never good enough.
Self-reinforcing cycle
If we believe that we are unworthy or
incapable , we will consciously or
unconsciously invite others to treat us that
way, which reinforces our beliefs and
perceptions … and so the cycle is

We have two minds!

Conscious Mind Subconscious Mind

Habitual – monitors
operation of the
Volitional – sets goals and
body…e.g. motor
judges results…likes to
functions, heart rate,
try new things.
digestion, etc.
It prefers the familiar.

Thinks abstractly Thinks literally

Conceptually based Sensory based

Conscious Mind Subconscious Mind

Long term memory…

Short term memory
stores past experiences,
(20 seconds)
attitudes, values & beliefs
Time bound: Timeless:
past and future present time only

Expanded processing
1-3 Events … capacity – thousands of
40 bits of info./sec. events …
40 million bits of info./sec.
Research shows that between
95%-99% of our activities, both
behavioral and biological, are
directed by the subconscious mind.
Why change beliefs?
If our beliefs remain unchanged we’ll
keep getting the same results, no matter
how hard we try to achieve our goals.
“Trying to make changes with our conscious
mind is like rearranging the furniture on the
– Marianne Williamson
“Beliefs control our biology; we are
the masters not the victims, of our
miraculous biology.”
– Bruce Lipton, Cellular Biologist, author of the best
selling book Biology of Belief
Toxic Beliefs Can Be
Hazardous To Your Health
The latest mind/body research shows
that beliefs can be toxic in a similar way
that certain foods and chemicals can. 
There is a direct connection between
our thoughts and our body’s chemistry.
“If you don’t change your biography,
it’ll become your biology.”
– Wayne Dyer
The Brain – A Psychological Model
Left Right
Logic/Reason Emotion/Creativity

Words Pictures

Parts Whole

Analyzes Synthesizes

Facts Rule Imagination Rules

Short Term Gain Long Term Goals

Time Bound Time Free

Corpus Callosum
Whole-Brain Thinking

“When the brain’s hemispheres are

phase-locked and work as one, a number
of known benefits result, including
heightened awareness, improved recall,
more self-programming flexibility, and
h e i g h t e n e d c re a t i v i t y – – i n s h o r t ,
super learning.”
– Christopher M. Bache, Professor of Religious Studies,
Youngstown State Univ., author of Dark Night, Early Dawn
The Brain is Not the Mind

The brain is the gray matter inside our

cranium. It’s like the CPU chip in a
Mind is energy that interpenetrates the
brain and body, i.e. photons of light held
in an electromagnetic field.
Myth #1
If you’ve had a belief for a long time
it will take a long time to change it.
Myth #2
Changing old behaviors and thought
patterns is difficult and often painful.
Myth #3
We need to consciously know
what caused the problem in order
to change it.
What is PSYCH-K ? ®

"PSYCH-K is a set of principles &

processes designed to change
subconscious beliefs that limit the
expression of your full potential as a divine
being having a human  experience."
PSYCH-K is the ‘missing’ link between the
Conscious & Subconscious Minds.
PSYCH-K processes take one beyond
the standard methods of visualizations,
affirmations, and positive thinking.

PSYCH-K is about turning our wisdom

into a habit rather than an effort.
PSYCH-K deals with the causes, not just
imbalances, in our energy system.

PSYCH-K uses a process to define the

desired goals of the conscious mind to the
subconscious mind in the sensory-based
How does PSYCH-K work?
PSYCH-K (through kinesiology/muscle
testing) helps us communicate directly
with the subconscious mind, in order to
find and change self-limiting beliefs into
self-enhancing ones to support our
goals in life, in just minutes, while using
Whole-Brain integration processes.
What is a PSYCH-K Balance?
A PSYCH-K balance is a technique
designed to create a balanced
communication with both hemispheres
of the brain.
This “whole-brain” state is ideal for
reprogramming the subconscious mind
with new positive beliefs that support our
goals rather than sabotage them!
When we feel or experience a shift with PSYCH-K, we are
literally rewiring our brain. Suddenly, nerve cells are firing
together and wiring together, making new neuro-connections,
creating a new set of programs from which we will operate.  The
new set of perceptions will now require a new behavior to be
fulfilled, creating a new set of experiences.
As we transform the inharmonious
programming within our thoughts
and minds, the body then produces
the healing chemistry that matches
our beliefs and we move into
life-affirming experiences.
PSYCH-K Belief Change Process
Establish communication with the
Pre-test the desired belief statement
Get permission and commitment to change
the belief using a PSYCH-K balance
Do a PSYCH-K balance
Post-test the belief statement
Celebrate the change!
Robert M. Williams, M.A.

Originator of PSYCH-K®

Life long exploration of human potential
18 years as a psychotherapist
Certified in:
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
Educational Kinesiology

For additional information, visit the PSYCH-K website @
Rita Soman, M.A., CADC III
Internationally Certified PSYCH-K®
Instructor & Facilitator

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