Project Management - Project 2

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Project Management - Project 2

While discussing the Business Case (prepared in Project 1), MYH realized that developing an
information system can help gather data, analyze, and prove to insurance companies to get a
reduction in savings but the project success depends on employees participating in the wellness
program and incentives are necessary to make them do it. In addition, tracking data on occasions
would be difficult and time-consuming and may result in insufficient data to prove the case of better
well-being. In the overall objectives described in Project 1, reducing internal costs is a major
objective and reducing the insurance premium is one of the projects to achieve it. That stakeholder
objectives called for improving employee health and proving to the insurance company that health
improvements have been made. The project is renamed as Recreation and Wellness Project. This
project would be treated as a Program Management consisting of

I. Recreation Project to identify activities to help employees engage in recreation that will help
• Use company’s gym and other recreational facilities.
• Company-sponsored recreational programs, such as soccer, softball, bowling, jogging, walking,
and other sports
• Company-sponsored classes and programs to help them manage their weight, sleep patterns,
reduce stress, stop smoking, and manage other health-related issues.
• Offer incentives for people to join the programs and do well in them (e.g., incentives for
achieving weight goals, winning sports team competitions, etc.).

II. An automatic data collection device (such as Fitbit or Apple wrist watch):
• This product will help as an id for Gym and recreational facilities
• Collect health data automatically as users work out.
• Make it a pleasure to wear this watch by adding some fun features
• User should be able to see his/her data
• Since no product in the market fulfills our needs, it has to be produced.
• Since the technology advances rapidly, the life of the product need not exceed 3 years. A new
model will be developed and produced two years after launching this.
• The production cost of the device needs to be low and not exceed $30 per watch. This watch
can be sold to other gyms and fitness centers and general public at prices competitive in the
market. (a spin off that will bring extra revenue to the firm)

III. A data analytics project to analyze data and help employees improve their health
IV. An Intranet project to integrate the three above.

The automatic data collection device (II project) is your assignment.

1. Who are the potential stakeholders to this project?
2. Define (a) product scope and (b) project scope
3. Document stakeholder requirements as (a) Capabilities and (b) constraints.
4. Identify product requirements for the device. Ensure these requirements are traceable to the
stakeholder requirements.

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