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Project Management: Project 1

Group 1
Abhiti Patidar
Akshima Gulati
Ameya Telang
Amiangshu Dutta
Anirudh Agrawal
Anmol Sharma

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I. Business Case for Project Name
1.0 Introduction/ Background:
Manage Your Health, Inc. (MYH) is a Fortune 500 company that provides a variety of health
care services across the globe. MYH has more than 20,000 full-time employees and more
than 5,000 part-time employees. MYH recently updated its strategic plan. Its key goals
include reducing internal costs, increasing cross-selling of products, and exploiting new Web-
based technologies to help employees, customers, and suppliers work together to improve
the development and delivery of its health care products and services.

2.0 Business Objective:

Providing net savings of at least $30/employee/year for full-time employees over the next five
years. This application would include the following capabilities:
a. Allow employees to register for company-sponsored recreational programs, such as
soccer, softball, bowling, jogging, walking, and other sports
b. Allow employees to register for company-sponsored classes and programs to help
them monitor and manage their weight, reduce stress, stop smoking, and manage
other health-related issues.
c. Track data on employee involvement in these recreational and health-management
programs and their health statistics.
d. Offer incentives for people to join the programs and do well in them (e.g., incentives
for achieving weight goals, winning sports team competitions, etc.).
3.0 Current Situation and Problem/Opportunity Statement:
a. Unfit Employees.

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b. A recent study found that MYH, Inc. pays 20% more than the industry average for
employee health care premiums, primarily due to the poor health of its employees.
c. To reduce cost in medical insurance expenses.
d. To increase employee health and efficiency.
4.0 Critical Assumption and Constraints:
a. Employee health will improve as well as the efficiency.
b. All registered employees will follow the program.
c. Insurance premium cost will reduce.
d. Data privacy issues.
e. Physical fatigue might bring down employees' productivity.
5.0 Analysis of Option and Recommendation:
a. Since there is only one option available, we would go ahead with the same.
6.0 Stakeholder Vision:
Stakeholders Visions
Top Management Cost reduction and increased employee efficiency
Employees Socialize with Co-workers outside of work, improve long
term health benefits
IT consultant Develop a user friendly, high polarity interface fulfilling the
project objectives.
IT department To integrate digital connectivity across platforms.
HR department Improve employee health and thereby increase productivity.
3rd party sports agency Maintain good corporate relation with the company for
continued service.
Medical team Improve health of the employees.
Marketing team Improve the brand awareness, and capitalize on the
program that the company runs.
7.0 Budget Estimate and Financial Analysis

When 100% employees join the program:

IRR 245.12%
NPV ₹ 19,22,840.59
ROI 546.83%

When 50% employees join the program:

IRR 107.15%
NPV ₹ 7,85,604.56
ROI 223.42%

When 20% employees join the program:

IRR 16.95%
NPV ₹ 1,03,262.94
ROI 29.37%

When 15% employees join the program:

IRR 0.00%

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NPV ₹ 0.00
ROI 0.00%

8.0 Schedule Estimate

Date Task
5th Dec Project Start Date
15th Dec Development of the program and setting
up the fitness equipment program by the
3rd party agency
5th Jan Application is ready and is ready to be
15th Jan Employee registration and are the project
15th April Quarterly review and analysis
5th July Half yearly review and analysis
6th July Project Completion

9.0 Potential Risks -

Low registration
Employees drop out of the program because of dissatisfaction
Operational Risk – drop in productivity.
Financial Risk – The cost savings are lower than the expenditure incurred.
High dependency on the IT consultant &3rd party sports agency
Employees reluctant to shift from their already existing gym.
10.0 Exhibits
Exhibit A: Financial Analysis

1. 100% joining

2. 50% joining

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3. 20% joining

4. 15% joining

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II. Project Charter
Project Title: Recreation and wellness Intranet project
Project Start Date: 05/12/2020
Projected Finish Date: 05/07/2021
Budget Information:

When 100% employees join the program:

IRR 245.12%
NPV ₹ 19,22,840.59
ROI 546.83%

When 50% employees join the program:

IRR 107.15%
NPV ₹ 7,85,604.56
ROI 223.42%

When 20% employees join the program:

IRR 16.95%
NPV ₹ 1,03,262.94
ROI 29.37%

When 15% employees join the program:

IRR 0.00%
NPV ₹ 0.00
ROI 0.00%

Project Manager: Group 1

Project Objectives: Provide an application on the current intranet to help employees improve
their health. To negotiate lower health insurance premiums. Ensure all employees register for the
process and utilize it to its maximum potential.
Main Project Success Criteria: Net savings of at least $30/employee/year for full-time
employees. Significant increase in health of employees. More than 50% employee
 To develop an intranet web-based application to monitor health of employees.
 Allow employees to register for company-sponsored recreational programs, such as
soccer, softball, bowling, jogging, walking, and other sports
 Allow employees to register for company-sponsored classes and programs to help them
monitor and manage their weight, reduce stress, stop smoking, and manage other
health-related issues.
 Track data on employee involvement in these recreational and health-management
programs and their health statistics.
 Offer incentives for people to join the programs and do well in them (e.g., incentives for
achieving weight goals, winning sports team competitions, etc.).

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Roles (Responsibility):
Department Role
HR Get employees to participate
Decide upon the incentive scheme
IT Manage the intranet services
IT consultant (external) Develop the application
Top management Track and analyses the progress
Medical team (external) Monitor employee health data
Educating them on the program
3rd party sports agency Facilitate recreational program and activities
Provide all the tools and infrastructure for
recreational activities
Marketing Branding the recreating activities
Promoting a positive image of the company

Stakeholder Requirements:
Stakeholders Requirements
Employees  Trainers for each sport
 Equipment and infrastructure
 Medical checkups before and after applying for recreational and
wellness program
Top Management  Negotiating low premiums
 Save on cost to the employees
IT department  Employee Data access
HR department  Incentives to maintain motivation
 To know project objectives and budget constraints
3rd party sports  To know health objectives for the employees
agency  Number of employees participating
Medical team  To know health objectives for the employees
 Number of employees participating
Marketing team  Progress reports
 Pictures of employees indulging in sports
IT consultant  Defined objectives of the web application
 Type of and number of features to add in the application

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III. Scope Statement
Project Title: Recreation and wellness Intranet project
Date: 05/12/2020
Project Justification:
 We are paying 20% more health care premium due to poor health of the
employees. So, implementing this project will help reduce employee cost and
improve employee health.
 Increased efficiency in employees.
 Better synergy between employees, customers and employers.
 Anticipated net saving of $30/employee/year for full-time employees.
Stakeholder Requirement(s): (in the order of importance)

Order of importance Requirement

1 Defined objectives of the web application
2 Type of and number of features to add in the application
3 To know project objectives and budget constraints
4 Incentives to maintain motivation
5 To know health objectives for the employees
6 Equipment and infrastructure
7 Trainers for each sport
8 Employee Data access
9 Number of employees participating
10 Medical checkups before and after applying for
recreational and wellness program
11 Progress reports
12 Pictures of employees indulging in sports
13 Negotiating low premiums
14 Save on cost to the employees

System Requirement(s):
• To help employees monitor and manage their weight, reduce stress, stop
smoking, and manage other health-related issues.
• Track data on employee involvement in these recreational and health-
programs and their health statistics.

Project Management Related –
 Integration of all full-time employees into the program
 Tracking health data of the employees
 Increased efficiency in employees.
 Better synergy between employees, customers and employers.
 Yearly cost reduction on health care premium.

System Related –
 To help employees monitor and manage their weight, reduce stress, stop
smoking, and manage other health-related issues.
 Track data on employee involvement in these recreational and health-
management programs and their health statistics.

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Project Success Criteria:
Net savings of at least $30/employee/year for full-time employees.
Significant increase in health of employees.
At least 50% employee participation.

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IV. High level project Work Breakdown Structure
1. Hire IT consultant
2. Hire 3rd party sports agency
3. Develop the web application according to the objectives
4. Inform all the departments
5. Decide incentive schemes
6. Internal promotion of the program
7. Register employees in the scheme
8. Provide the application to the registered employees
9. Start the recreational program
10. Track progress of the employees
11. Conduct quarterly analysis of the program
12. Give promised incentives to the employees on completion of goals
13. Pay the IT consultant
14. Pay the 3rd party sport agency
15. Close the project

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