Fluid Management Plan: Maintain Communication Throughout The Job

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Fluid Management Plan


Oil Base System

1) Empty the four shaker tanks (40 bbls each) into the active system (system B).
2) Sandtrap will be dumped into the cuttings barge (180 bbls)
3) Volume of OBM in 2B to be transferred to 5B
4) Volume of Vassa in 4B to be transferred to 6B
5) Tanks 3B and 4B to be filled with diesel for displacement.
6) 500 bbls of OBM to be offloaded to the Coquivacoa.

Water Base System

1) Clean tanks 1A, 2A, 3A, and 4A

2) Dump WBM in 5A and 6A (majority to Coquivacoa, rest to cuttings barge)
3) Clean tanks 5A and 6A

Sequence of events/volumes:

Upon completion of LWD logging, RIH with 7” liner with inner string assembly.
Circulation will only be required if needed to wash to bottom.

Ensure string is landed to allow a minimum of 30 ft upward motion.

After setting the packer, perform the following operations:

 Pick up 3 ft.
 Pump 310 bbls diesel with rig pumps (3106 strokes)
 Pick up string 25 ft to ensure stinger is above the packoff and the packer bypass
 Pump a further 30 bbls diesel (301 strokes) with the rig pumps.
 Displace diesel with 145 bbls OBM (1453 strokes) to balance diesel levels in the
annulus and string.

POOH with drillpipe until the stinger is at 8150 ft. Rack back the drillpipe to form a box
or cradle to support the tubing stinger when it is racked back. A JSA is to be generated
covering the activity of running/pulling small tubing in stands.

 800 bbls filtered lake water with 3% KCl and .1 liters/bbl IDCIDE to be prepared
in advance in tanks 2A and 2B, with an additional 200 bbls in tank 3A.
 Prepare in advance 50 bbls (plus additional dead volume) hi-vis pill with XCD
polymer in tank 4A.
Circulate the following:

 50 bbls diesel
 50 bbls water-base hi-vis pill from tank 4A
 Filtered lake water with 3% KCl (total 9.5/8” volume is 600 bbls). Continue
circulation until returns are clean <50 NTU and <.08% TSS.

During the initial stages of the circulation, pump at maximum rate as directed by the
Shell Company Man.
Once “on the fly” filtration has started, the circulation rate must be reduced to a
maximum of 65 spm.

OBM returns are to be taken to tanks 1B and 2B initially. If additional storage is

required, storage will be available in tanks 3B and 4B upon having pumped the diesel.

Oil contaminated returns are to be taken into shaker tank 1, from where they will be
pumped to compartment 1E of the cuttings barge.

Upon receiving back clean brine, route returns to the active system tank 1A, filtering into
tank 2A, from where clean brine will be circulated into the hole.

Upon having well full of clean lake water with KCl and biocide, POOH and rack back
drillpipe in the “cradle” shape mentioned earlier. Rack back stands of tubing stinger,
tying back stands to the drillpipe.

Make up 5” screen with concentric washpipe and RIH to TD. Set packer as per Baker
instructions. String displacement to be taken back to tanks 1A and 2A. Circulation will
only be required in the case of encountering fill inside the 8.5” predrilled liner.

POOH racking back drillpipe and lay down tubing stinger.

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