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Cover Design,
Jimga Concept
C/O Charles De Prints 08033533469

registered office
14, University Road,
Akoka, Lagos.
Otun Rasheed 2005

ISBN 978-978-922-763-1

Published by Pen Prints

c/o Charles De Prints
Mobile: 08034039963
About the Play OUR NATIONAL FLAG is didactic, instructive, provocative,
seditious and entertaining.
The idea of this play is borne out of the need to re-brand
Nigeria for positive growth and new direction. It is written to
attract attention of people to myriads of challenges facing the
nation. It is topical and written to mobilize the nation's human
resources for positive social change.

The National Flag here represents the symbol of the collective

yearning and vision of the people thus must be given
appropriate attention. It must inspire patriotic zeal and spur the
people for greater achievements in all spheres of live.
However, it remains the least considered symbol in Nigeria and
now enmeshed in shades of beliefs, values and visions. The
original and real colours of the National Flag is almost
unknown just as even its custodians parade different shades of
green white green.

The play compels all of us to stand and stare at the National

Flag and to examine what it stirs in us. The playwright explores
the absurd style with just two characters and minimal technical
supports in order to engage the audience.
A field. A flag hoisted on a flagpole is seen. A young man E.M.: Our compass. (to the audience) All of us!
continues to make frantic efforts to touch the flag. He jumps J.B.: You and who?
and falls on the floor and starts again. Exhausted, he looks E.M.: All of us! You, you and (to the audience) you!
around, picks a cane on the floor and jumps, trying to hit the J.B.: You!
flag. He looks around for something to use, picks stones on the E.M.: And you!
floor and starts aiming at the flag. While this continues, his J.B.: Your bondage!
partner who sits on a log of wood reciting the nation's states E.M: Our guide! Our compass!
and capitals from his palm occasionally turns to check him. He J.B.: Leave me (struggling).
parries the stones thrown by his friend who seems unrelenting E.M.: It must be protected!
in his attempt to hit the flag. He stares at him, stares at the flag, J.B.: By who?
stares at the audience and goes to drag him away from the flag. E.M.: You, you and (to the audience) you!
J.B.: Leave me I say. (pushes him roughly, both fall and
J.B.: Leave me! Leave me, I say panting. J.B. stands, picks his stick and continues his
E.M.: Why? attempts to hit the flag. After several unsuccessful
J.B.: Mind your own business. attempts, he picks some stones, throws them at the flag
E.M.: Keeping the flag is our business. while E.M. looks at him)
J. B.: Your business. E.M.: Why?
E.M.: Our business. J. B.: Why, Why me?
J. B.: Your business. E.M.: I mean, why?
E.M.: Our business. J. B.: Why what?
J.B.: Your bondage! E.M.: Why bent on destroying our flag?
E.M.: Our compass! J.B.: Your symbol of bondage!
J.B.: Who? E.M.: Our symbol of growth!
J.B.: Your static, creeping totem. J.B.: Many things!
E.M.: No! Our guide to success. E.M.: Many things!
J.B.: Your guide to Babylon. J.B.: Many and so many things.
E.M.: Mind your tongue. E.M.: Like what?
J.B.: Mind your own business. J.B.: Like, er ... er ... anything new!
E.M.: Protecting our flag is our business. E.M.: Like what!
J.B.: Which flag? Your flag? J.B.: White, red, green...
E.M.: Our flag! E.M.: Why?
J.B.: Your flag! J.B.: Meeting modem direction. White for peace, red for
J.B.: It must be changed. science and technology and green for agriculture.
E.M.: Why? E.M.: (looks at the flag for a while) Why?
J.B.: To be ours. J.B.: Re-branding the nation
E.M.: Why? E.M.: Why?
J.B.: It must be changed! J.B.: Refocusing its energy.
E.M.: Why? E.M.: Why?
J. B.: Because it must be changed! J.B.: Re-orientating its contents.
E.M.: To what? E.M.: Our flag?
J. B.: Anything! Anything new! J.B.: Yes, our new flag.
E.M.: To what? . E.M.: (stares at it for a while) This flag is beautiful.
J.B.: Anything! Anything contemporary! Anything that fits J.B.: Beauty without brain is worse.
modem thoughts! E.M.: (still staring at the flag) it’s simple.
E.M.: [stares at the flag] What is wrong with this flag? Many J.B.: Yes, for simple minded like...
things! E.M.: It's so peaceful and simple.
J.M.: The world is not peaceful and simple any more. J.B.: (shouts) So, your simple flag must change too!
E.M.: But our flag! E.M.: (shouts) To what?
J.B.: Your flag! J.B.: To reflect the new world order!
E.M.: Our flag! E.M.: (stares at the flag for a while and goes to hug the
J.B: Your flag! flagpole) I love this flag.
E.M.: Our flag! J.B.: We must change this flag.
J.B.: I'm warning you. E.M.: Why?
E.M.: What will you do? J.B.: Why what?
J.B.: I will blow us all! E.M.: Our flag is our flag.
E.M.: Who? J.B.: Our flag must change with the wind of change
J.B.: You, (to the audience) you, your flag and I. sweeping the world.
E.M.: Our flag? E.M.: How?
J.B.: Your flag! J.B.: How how?
E.M.: Our flag! E.M.: Change to what?
J.B.: (looks at the flag for a while and starts throwing stones J. B.: Anything.
at it) We must not hand this to generation to come. E.M.: To what?
E.M.: Why! J.B..: Anything aside this!
J.B.: Language of trade has changed. E.M.: Like what?
E.M.: So? J. B.: Anything new!
J.B.: Terms of war have changed. E.M.: Like what?
E.M.: And so? J. B.: Anything progressive!
J.B.: The new world order has changed. E.M.: (stares at the flag for a while) Progressive like what?
E.M.: So? J.B.: Anything scientific.
E.M.: Scientific? Like what? J. B.: The capital has been changed.
J.B.: Like progressive, scientific and economic growth. E.M.: When?
EM.: (stares at the flag) Our flag? J. B.: Long ago.
J. B.: This flag must be changed! E.M.: Why our flag?
E.M.: Why? J. B.: The National Stadium has been changed.
J.B.: It must be changed! E.M.: When?
E.M.: Why? J. B.: Long ago.
J. R: The currency has been changed. J. B: The anthem has been changed.
E.M.: When? E.M.: When?
J. B.: Several times. J. B.: Long ago.
E.M.: Why our flag? E.M.: Our flag? The anthem?
J. B.: The policies have been changed. J.B.: Don't you believe it?
E.M.: When? E.M.: Our flag or the anthem?
J. B.: Several times. J. B.: The anthem!
E.M.: Why our flag? E.M.: Our flag!
J. B.: The structure of the nation has been changed. J. B.: The anthem!
E.M.: When? E.M.: Our flag or the anthem?
J. B.: Several times. J.B.: The anthem!
E.M.: Why our flag? E.M.: Our flag!
J.B.: The government has been changed. J.B.: The anthem has been changed.
E.M.: When? E.M.: When?
J. B.: Several times. J. B.: Long ago. (He stands immediately on attention. Gives
E.M.: (stares at the flag) But our flag! marching command to his partner and they march
toward the flag, salute and starts the old national E.M.: Like what?
anthem. When they finished with the old national J. B.: Old flag must pass away and a new one for new dream,
anthem, immediately they start the new anthem) a new aim, a new direction, a new mission and a new
E.M.: (claps) Good! Nostalgic! (gives order and they both vision.
recite the anthem again) Nostalgic! Good old days! The E.M.: And a new problem.
old anthem is good. J. B.: A new nation.
J. B.: (shocked) The new anthem is better. E.M.: A new crisis.
E.M.: The old is good! J.B.: A new horizon.
J. B.: The new is better! E.M.: Old fan is better than new.
E.M.: The old is good! J.B.: New fan is more sophisticated.
J.B.: The new is better! E.M.: Old friends are better than new ones.
E.M.: Good! J. B.: Have you seen the new bottle of Stout? ,
J.B.: Better! E.M.: So?
E.M.: Good! J.B.: The bottle of Coke has changed.
J.B.: Better! E.M.: And then?
E.M.: Good! J. B.: The bottle of Maltina has changed.
J.B.: Better! E.M.: And then, then?
E.M.: Listen. (He starts the anthems again and J.B joins him.) J. B.: The bottle of Star has changed.
The old is good. E.M.: What has that got to do with our National Flag?
J.B.: The new is better. Old things must pass away. They must J. B.: Your National Flag!
give way. E.M.: Mind your statement?
E.M.: For what? J.B.: Why?
J. B.: For new things. E.M.: It may be used in court against you.
J. B.: Are we in a law court? E.M.: Your problem!
E.M.: Yes. J. B.: The flag!
J.B.: What kind of a court is this? E.M.: Our flag?
E.M.: The court of conscience. J.B.: No! Your flag! Your National Flag is the problem. Your
J. B.: This stage? flag.
E.M.: Yes, this platform where conscience of people are E.M.: Our flag?
queried for moments. J.B.: (shouts back) Your flag!
J.B.: (claps in surprise) You mean, this place! This stage, E.M.: Our flag!
designed for plays? J.B.: Your flag!
E.M.: Yes, this stage designed for playful conscientization E.M.: Our flag!
and mass indoctrination for positive social change. J. B.: Your flag!
J.B.: You really need deliverance. E.M.: Our flag!
E.M.: From whom? J. B.: Mind what you say. I am warning you. Your National
J.B.: From God. Flag. (He picks a stick on the floor, starts jumping,
E.M.: From God? struggling to hit the flag with it. He tries unsuccessfully
J.B.: From your flag! From your bondage. for several times, looks for stones and starts throwing
E.M.: Leave the National Flag out of this. What is your them at the flag. Exhausted, he looks around for things
problem? to use.)
J.B.: My problem? Our problem! E.M.: J. B. This is madness! Pure madness!
E.M.: Your problem! J.B.: Madness, you say?
J.B.: (moves closer to him) Our problem! E.M.: Yes, madness. What has the National Flag got to do
E.M.: (shouts back at him) Your problem! with the progress of a nation?
J. B.: (shouting) Our Problem! J.B.: A lot!
E.M.: A lot? E.M.: (looks at it again) It inspires agricultural growth and
J. B.: Yes! It should be the symbol of our focus. peace.
E.M.: Our focus? J. B.: Like importation of rice, beans, palm oil, sugar, butter
J. B.: The Nation, the people collectively! It should signify plantain. ..
our dream, our vision, our mission, our goals, our aims E.M.: No like green revolution, like pyramids of beans,
and objectives collectively. cassava tubers, yams and groundnuts.
E.M.: (looks at the flag for a while) It is so peaceful and J. B.: Where are the pyramids now? E. M. why do you enjoy
beautiful. illusion and shy away from reality?
J. B.: The contemporary age needs more than peace and E.M.: We still have our pyramids of...
beauty. No develop world thrives only on peace. We J.B.: (cuts in) Yes, pyramids of Tokunbo cars, pyramids of
need growth· and we need real industrialization. Tokunbo pants, bras, shoes and pyramids of Tokunbo
Electricity must be constant, technological spare parts and electrical products. Pyramids of national
advancement... strikes!
E.M.: Electricity and technological advancement? E.M.: Don't be cynical J. B. This is unpatriotic.
J. B.: (cuts in, walks to him and drags him to the flag) Look J. B.: Well, there is a difference between (points to him) good
(points at the flag) look very well (he obeys) look at it gullible citizen (points to himself) and a patriotic
critically, with your third eye and seventh sense. What citizen.
can you see? E.M.: You are unpatriotic.
E.M.: (stares at the flag for a while, scratches his head J.B.: You are just a good citizen and I am the patriot.
ruminating, observes it critically again) Nothing. It is E.M.: I am a patriot and a good citizen.
just simply beautiful. J.B.: You are just a good citizen.
J. B.: Why should a flag be just simply beautiful and not E.M.: A patriot!
simply inspiring? Why? J.B.: No! A good citizen!
E.M.: A patriot! J.B.: So what happened or happens at the end?
J.B.: A good citizen! E.M.: What happened or happens at the end?
E.M.: You are just impossible! J. B: To that patriot and his revolutionary call.
J.B.: That is the difference between (points to himself) a E.M.: Which patriot?
patriot and (points to E.M.) an ordinary good citizen. J.B.: Both patriots!
E.M.: What difference! E.M: The white or black patriot?
J. B.: The patriot continuously looks for new forms, new ways, J.B.: Both patriots!
new frontiers, makes the impossible possible for the E.M.: The white or black patriot?
nation why the good citizen like you just sit down J.B.: Both patriots!
obeying orders, maintaining the status quo, admiring E.M.: 27 years in prison and death on the cross.
the peace and beauty of the nation and like Sisyphus, J. B.: Man of little wisdom and faith! It is not just death on the
accepting and never raising a voice against… cross. It is dying for the fulfillment of a call! For a call
E.M.: Like raising a voice against the flag? Like busying to be fulfilled!
stoning the national flag and using violent and uncouth EM.: So, where is the call and where is the fulfillment?
means to change a polity? J. B.: Doubting Thomas, do you still doubt his call? Is he not
J. B.: The patriot takes it by force and changes it by force if vindicated? Is the entire world not calling to him,
need be. The patriot like our Lord taketh it by force. waiting for him and expecting him to redeem and save
E.M.: And what happened in the end to the taker by force? them with his revolutionary call?
J. B.: What happened or what happens? E.M.: Who are those expecting and waiting for him?
E.M.: (confused) What happened or what happens? J. B.: Everyone, every patriot.
J. B: Yes, to the patriot, the taker by force! E.M.: Like you!
E.M.: Hanging and dying on the cross with no single J. B.: Every patriot!
volunteer to defend him.
E.M.: You are all "waiting for Godot” and till the end of time unemployment, bribery, corruption, nepotism, ballot
if there will be any end, Godot will not come just as box snatching and rigging?
(walks to the flag and holds on to the flagpole) our J.B.: A lot! A lot!
beautiful and inspiring National Flag will never change. E.M.: (still hold the pole) What has our National Flag got to
J. B.: Your beautiful and uninspiring National Flag... do with our failure to achieve uninterrupted power
E.M.: (angry and shouts) Blasphemer! Blasphemer! Our supply?
beautiful and inspiring National Flag! J. B.: A lot! A lot
J. B.: Your simple National Flag! E.M.: What is a lot a lot?
E.M.: Traitor! Blasphemer! Our beautiful National Flag! J. B.: A lot! A new National Flag is a new focus. The old
J. B.: Your static national totem! National Flag has failed us. It must be changed!
E.M.: (holding on to the pole) Our symbol of unity, E.M.: Is the National Flag the people that run the economy?
inspiration and our pride among committee of nations. Does the nation flag interfere or determine the decisions
J.B.: (moves closer) Your symbol of corruption, your at the National assembly? .
insignia among committee of fools, your pride among J. B.: The nation must be re-branded. Re-branded like the case
committee of poor nations. of Lipton tea. A new National Flag with colours
E.M.: (ready to fight) Do not touch our flag. You will see, you signifying not only unity, peace and agriculture but
will soon find yourself in jail for anti-nation activities. science, technology and acknowledging the potentials
J. B.: No! For anti-flag activities! Fool! of the diverse tribes.
E.M.: Idiot! E.M.: This is another ploy for another Kangaroo National
J.B.: Fool! Conference! (to the people) Watch out! This-man must
E.M.: Is the flag the cause of the nation's woes? What has our be stopped now!
flag got to do with incessant strikes, fuel scarcity, J. B.: No! It is a cry by a lone ranger in the wilderness and
only those willing to be baptized can understand the
need for a new symbol. It is neither a sponsored ploy J. B.: We, you (point at the audience) you, you and you!
for a Sovereign National Conference nor a ploy for E.M.: (spots an umbrella at the corner of the stage, walks to
another Kaima declaration. it and opens it) Okay for example, Umbrella!
E.M.: (looks at him critically) This your new flag, how will it J.B.: Um ... What?
look. like? What colours and symbols will be in it? E.M.: Umbrella! You heard me. Your flag should have a big
J. B.: Our New flag! umbrella at its center.
E.M.: Your new flag! J.B.: Our flag?
J. B.: Our new flag! E.M.: Your flag!
E.M.: Your new flag! J. B.: Why umbrella?
J.B.: Our new flag! E.M.: well, to serve as a shield against corruption, nepotism,
E.M.: Your new flag! rigging, power failure and to protect the sanctity of the
J.B.: We must first agree. nation (moves to him and both of them are now under
E.M.: Agree on what? the umbrella).
J.B.: That we need a new flag. J.B.: Go on!
E.M.: That you need a new flag. E.M.: Ehm, ehm, to guard against internal and external
J.B.: After the agreement then we can collectively design the aggression, to guard our sovereignty (thinks) umbrella
new flag. ...umbrella...yes, to protect our resources from internal
E.M.: We. You and Who? and external exploitation.
J.B.: We, you! (points to the audience) You, you and you! J. B.: In this global village, how do you intend to do that?
E.M.: How will your stillborn flag look? What symbol will be Can we be self-sufficient, self-sustaining, and protected
on it. from partaking in global affairs?
J. B.: Any symbol that pleases all of us. E.M.: A big umbrella at the centre of your flag?
E.M.: Us? Us who? J. B.: Our flag!
E.M.: Your flag! E.M.: Your flag!
J. B.: Our flag! Traitor! J. B.: Our flag!
E.M.: Your flag! E.M.: Your flag!
J. B.: Wait! (thinks) We cannot use umbrella! (snatches the J.B.: It is not how far but how well.
umbrella from him and throws it away) E.M.: Let me know when you are well and ready. (goes to
E.M.: Why not? sit)
J. B.: That will be unfair. The flag will not be accepted by all. J.B.: (spots a broom in a corner of the stage) I get it! (walks
We will be accused of being partisan and biased. to it) This! (points at the broom) This will be at the
E.M.: (remembers) Oh oh! But what if it will be beneficial to center of our new flag.
all regardless of... E.M.: (not moved at all) Your flag!
J. B.: No! Besides, umbrella will mean that the new nation is J.B.: A broom at the centre of our flag!
unfair to nature. . E.M.: Your flag!
E.M.: How? J.B.: Our flag!
J. B.: We need the sun for energy, we need the rain for E.M.: Your flag!
agriculture, we need the satellite, umbrella will stunt J.B.: Our flag!
our progress as a nation. We need to be opened in our E.M.: Why a broom and not an umbrella?
dealings, we need to be a shining example and open our J.B.: Umbrella is foreign but a broom is native to us.
nation for other nations to trade with us. E.M.: Us?
E.M.: So, what do you suggest? (seems impatient) J.B.: Yes, us.
J.B.: (thinking) Wait, let me think [thinking]. E.M.: Us?
E.M.: How many years will it take you to design this your J.B.: Yes, us.
flag? E.M.: Which us?
J. B.: Our flag!
J.B.: I, you (points to the audience) you, you and you. All of J. B.: Fool! A member of a race of people who have dark
us! skin.
E.M.: A broom native to us? E.M.: Where and how is the word 11 African" invented?
J.B.: (to the audience) Is it not? A broom is native to us. J. B.: What has that got to do with our flag?
E.M.: Us? E.M.: That is the crux of the matter today. That is the riddle
J.B.: Yes, Us! Us! we are here to solve.
E.M.: Us, who? J.B.: (at a loss) How?
J.B.: Africans! Africans! E.M.: Who, where and when is the word "Africa" or "African
E.M.: Africans! Who are Africans? invented as an adjective for people with dark skin?
J.B.: You, I (to the audience) you, you and you! J.B.: What is the correlation between that and our flag?
E.M.: Me? African? No! E.M.: May be to avoid making further mistakes.
J.B.: You! African! Yes! J.B.: How?
E.M.: Who are Africans? E.M.: We must know where we are coming from.
J.B.: All of us! J.B.: Be clear, you are drifting.
E.M.: All of us? E.M.: We must be clear about our past, we must clear the
J.B.: You, I (to the audience) You, you and you! past, know where we are coming from in order to
E.M.: Which us? appreciate where we are and plan properly for where
J.B.: Fool! All of us! Black race! '. . we are heading.
E.M.: Well, I may accept the title, “Black race" but" African? J.B.: Brilliant! (excited) Brilliant idea coming from (takes a
J.B.: What is wrong with the word, African? pause, as E.M. bows with pride) a fool! Brilliant irony!
E.M.: What is the meaning of African? What a paradox! That is really the crux of the matter
J.B: Black race, people living in Africa. today. The National Flag, when, where and who
E.M.: African? designed it?
Which National Flag? Please be specific. J.B.: In the beginning there was no flag, the flag was not
J.B.: Which National Flag? Is there another one? with us, the flag is not with us and the flag cannot be
E.M.: Our National Flag or your National Flag? us.
J.B.: The National Flag? E.M.: In the beginning was the flag, the flag was with us, the
E.M.: Which National Flag? flag is still with us, and the flag is us.
J. B.: The National Flag. J. B.: In the beginning there was no flag, this flag was not
E.M.: Our National Flag or your National Flag? with us (shaking the pole) this flag is not with us and
J.B.: Your National Flag! this flag can never be us.
E.M.: Our National Flag! E.M.: (shaking the pole) This is our flag, our symbol among
J. B.: Your National Flag! committee of nations.
E.M.: Our National Flag! J. B.: Your flag, your symbol among committee of paupers.
J. B.: Okay, the old National Flag. E.M.: Our flag, our pride as humans.
E.M.: The National Flag. J.B.: Your expired flag!
J. B.: The old National Flag. E.M.: Expired flag?
E.M.: Or the old National anthem? J.B.: Your expired flag!
J.B.: The old National Flag, fool! E.M.: Expired flag?
E.M.: Which National Flag is old? J.B.: Like expired passport.
J. B.: (walks to the pole, stares at the flag) This old National E.M: Expired passport?
flag. J.B.: Expired flag. Like expired passport.
E.M.: Our National Flag! E.M.: Fool. Flag do not expire! Flag do not expire!
J.B.: This old National Flag. J.B.: Fool. Check your history book.
E.M.: In the beginning was the flag, the flag was with us, the E.M.: Flag do not expire!
flag is with us and the flag is us. J.B.: Check recent history of Africa.
E.M.: Our flag is forever. determination to be a part of this global village. Broom!
J.B.: Your flag. Broom! Broom!
E.M.: Our flag! E.M.: Broom! (to the audience) Isn't that also partial?
J.B.: Okay, our old flag. J.B.: Partial. What's partial about broom? Tell me!
E.M.: Which flag is new? Your flag with broom design? E.M.: Some people may read meanings to it.
J.B.: (picks the broom) Yes, our new flag with progressive J.B.: That is the essence of the use of broom. We are not
and contemporary colours with broom design. presenting real broom, the broom design is symbolical,
E.M.: What is the essence of the broom design? representing, fool, meanings should be attached to it.
J.B.: Broom is native to us. E.M.: People may read other meanings to the use of broom?
E.M.: There you go again. Which us? J. B.: Which people, which tribe is so interested in dirt that
J. B.: Us! I, you (to the audience) you, you and you! forbids the use of broom? Who abhors the presence of
E.M.: Your flag of broom design? broom in his house or compound?
J. B.: Yes! Broom to sweep away corruption, power failure, E.M.: Many. I meant what I am saying, if you want your
nepotism, rigging and stunted growth. Broom to cleanse people to accept your flag, you...
the land of evil and usher in good leadership qualities J. B.: Point of correction, our people, our flag.
and progressive ideas unstoppable by any cabal. E.M.: There you go again. You people, your flag.
E.M.: Broom! (claps in utter surprise) Broom! (to the J.B.: Our people, our flag.
audience) Broom? E.M.: Your people, your flag.
J. B.: (to the audience) Yes! Broom! Broom is universal to J. B.: Our people, our flag!
all human kind. This is a sign of our commitment to E.M.: Your people, your flag!
Fundamental Human Rights and willingness to identify J.B.: Which people? Whose people?
and work with committee of nations. Broom, our E.M.: Your people!
J. B.: Our people.
E.M.: Your people. J.B.: Your flag!
J. B.: Traitor! Secessionist! Our people! E.M.: Our flag!
E.M.: Your people! J. B.: Cowards! Show us your flag!
J. B.: Secessionist! Secessionist! E.M.: Our flag!
E.M.: Your own people. J. B.: Where are they? Where is it?
J. B.: Confusionist! Secessionist! E.M.: What?
E.M.: Your people, making your flag. J. B.: What, what?
J. B.: Our people designing our flag. E.M.: Confusionist! What?
E.M.: Your people. J. B.: Secessionist! Your flag.
J.B.: Are you not one of us anymore? E.M.: (points at the flag) This is our flag.
E.M.: Which us? J. B.: Where is the Biafra flag?
J. B.: Us! The nation! E.M.: Biafra! (thinks) Ah Biafra!
E.M.: Us? The nation? J. B.: Yes, your Biafra flag!
J.B.: Us! E.M.: Biafra flag?
E.M.: Which us? J.B.: Biafra flag!
J. B.: I, you (to the audience) you, you and you! E.M.: Is there a Biafra flag?
E.M.: I am not one of us! J.B.: Oh, you think you can feign ignorance?
J. B.: Secessionist! Confusionist! E.M.: Biafra! Biafra! Does it exist?
E.M.: I am not one of us! Simple. J.B.: Ask me again.
J. B.: Secessionist! Nation-breaker, Secessionist! Traitor! E.M.: Biafra! Biafra! Does it exist?
E.M.: I am not one of us! Simple! J.B.: Ask me again.
J.B.: Bring out your flag. E.M.: Biafra! Biafra! Does it exist?
E.M.: My flag or our flag? J.B.: I am enjoying your style, go on.
E.M.: Biafra! Biafra's flag! Does it exist? J.B.: Yes, straight to the empty space!
J.B.: Go on. That is Grotowoski. Naked actor, the actor is the E.M.: Now, you are really mad (angry).
factor. Good acting style. J.B.: Empty space. Peter Brooks.
E.M.: I really meant it. E.M.: (completely enraged, grabs him) You must be really
J.B.: Yes, go on. You are almost there. mad! Now to Antonin Artaud!
E.M.: J.B. wait. I am serious. J.B.: I need a rope! This man is really mad! (grabs his neck)
J.B.: Almost, just a little effort. We are now witnessing Theatre of Cruelty!
E.M.: I am really serious. E.M.: Theatre of cruelty?
J.B.: Yes, the “magic if” Stanislavski. J.B.: Cruelty. Violence. Resulting to violence and...
E.M.: Biafra! Biafra flag! I have never seen it in my life. E.M.: (pushes him roughly away) You must be really mad.
J.B.: Good. Method Acting, Stanislavski, you are right there. J.B.: We shall soon see who is really mad between us (rises,
E.M.: Biafra flag! Is that your flag? walks to a corner and brings out flags in a bag. The
J.B.: You are dropping to another level. flags are different shades of green, white and green
E.M.: Your flag made of broom design? colours. As soon as E.M sees the flag, he runs excitedly
J.B.: You are alienating yourself. to him)
E.M.: Biafra flag, with broom design? E.M.: (snatches some of the flags from him) Give it to me.
J.B.: You are now crossing to the Alienation Technique. J.B.: Still on Theatre of Cruelty? Snatching flags violently
E.M.: Why broom? Why design your flag with broom? like ballot boxes!
J.B.: Brechtian Theory! Vefremdung Effekt! Good acting E.M.: Our flag! Our flag! Traitor. What are you doing with
style. You are a wonderful actor! our flag?
E.M.: Okay, forget make believe. This is not a play anymore. J.B.: (shows the flags to the audience. Examines the flags)
J.B.: Committed Brechtian! Wonderful! Our flag or our flags?
E.M.: You are going insane! E.M.: Buffoon! Our flag! Our flag!
J.B.: (still to the audience) Our flag or our flags? E.M.: Idiot! Our flag is green white green! Simple!
E.M.: You are really mad. Can't you see! This is our flag. J. B.: Not so simple, fool! Look at the flags very well. (He
J.B.: (to E.M.) Our flag or our flags? places the flags on the stage) Look at the flags
E.M.: Our flag! Our flag! critically. As a good citizen that you are, pick your flag.
J.B.: Our flag or our flags? (exaggerates the “s" sound) E.M.: Point of order! Our flag.
E.M.: (waits for a second, examines the flags) Our flag! Our J. B.: Your flag.
flag! E.M.: Our flag.
J.B.: Look very well. Our flag or our flags! J. B.: Your flag.
E.M.: If you are interested in grammar and if that is what you E.M.: Our flag!
meant. Our flags! J. B.: Your flag!
J.B.: Who is interested in grammar? I am only interested in E.M.: Our flag! (makes to leave but J. B. quickly draws him
the appearance of illusion and reality. Look very well, back)
our flag or our flags? J. B.: Okay, Agreed!
E.M.: If you are not interested in the rule of number like E.M.: Oh, at long last! Agreed!
plural and singular, this is our flag. J. B.: Agreed!
J.B.: Our flag or our flags? E.M.: Our flag!
E.M.: Confusionist! Secessionist! Our flag! J. B.: Agreed!
J.B.: Moron! These are flags with different colours! E.M.: Our flag!
E.M.: (stares at the flags) Different colours? Our flag! J. B.: Agreed!
Different colours? E.M.: Our flag! (makes to leave but J.B. again quickly draws
J.B.: Different shades of green white green. him back) Our flag!
E.M.: Our flag is green white green! J. B.: Yes!
J. B.: Different shades of green white green! Fool! E.M.: Our flag!
J. B: Yes! J.B.: Just give our flag to me. Let me have it in my hand.
E.M.: Our flag! (threatens to leave) E.M.: Don’t you have brain and hand to pick one?
J.B.: Yes! Agreed! J.B.: Which one?
E.M.: Say after me! Our flag! E.M.: Our flag is green white green.
J.B.: Agreed! Yes! J.B.: Any green white green flag is our flag?
E.M.: Our flag! (threatens to leave) E.M.: Our flag is green white green!
J.B.: (succumbs) Our flags! (exaggerates the "s" sound) J. B.: Any green white green flag is our flag!
E.M.: No! No! Our flag not our flags! E.M.: This is our flag! (points at the flags)
J. B.: Okay. Our flag! Terrorist! J. B.: These are our flags! (points at the flags)
E.M.: Our flag! (shouts) E.M.: (picks the flags and shows to the audience) Our flag is
J. B.: (shouts back) Our flag! green white green!
E.M.: Our flag! J.B.: (picks the flags and shows to the audience) Any green
J.B.: Our! white green flag is our flag!
E.M.: Good. E.M.: (pushes him roughly to a side and shows the flags to
J. B.: Show us our flag among these flags. the audience) This is our flag!
E.M.: Our flag is green white green. J. B.: (rises and pushes him roughly to a side) These are our
J. B.: Which one is our flag among these flags? flags! (E.M. rises. They both face the audience and
E.M.: Are you blind? Can't you see? screaming)
J. B.: Which one, show us. E.M.: Our flag is green white green! This is our flag!
E.M.: Are you blind? J. B.: Any green white green flag is our flag! These are our
J.B.: Yes! For now! I am colour-blind! Please, show us. flags. (The screaming continues for a while until E.M.
E.M.: How will you know... turns angrily to him and tries to snatch the flags from
E.M.: Give me our flag. E.M.: Our National Flag is green white green!
J.B.: Your flag or your flags? Confusionist!
E.M.: Give me our flag! J. B.: What shades of green white green are we handing over
J.B.: Your flag or your flags? (They struggle for a while and to generations to come?
J.B eventually leaves the flags for him and turns to the E. M.: Confusionist! Our colour is green white green!
audience) What particular green colour is our flag? J. B.: What shades or particular green white and green should
E.M.: (screams) Green white green! we hand over to the generations to come?
J.B.: What brand of green white green? E.M.: Green white green! Fool! Green white green!
E.M.: (screams) Green white green! J. B.: What colours of flags are we handing over to
J.B.: Fool! There are several shades of green white green. generations to come?
E.M.: Our flag is green white green! E.M.: Green white green!
J.B.: (to the audience) Have you ever cared to stand and stare J.B.: What brand or particular green white green?
at the flag? E.M.: Green white green!
E.M.: Our flag is green white green! J.B.: Any green white green?
J.B.: Have you ever noticed the shades of green white green E.M.: Green white green!
in our parastatals, ministries, government offices, J.B.: Any green white green?
government cars, public and private institutions, E.M.: Green white green!
schools... J.B.: They will not forgive us!
E.M.: (screaming] Traitor! Traitor! Our National Flag is E.M.: Who?
green white green! J.B.: They!
J. B.: Have you ever cared to stand and stare at the colours of E.M.: Who?
the flags on government uniforms, badges on J.B.: Fool! They!
government officials... E.M.: Idiot! Who?
J.B.: Moron! They! E.M.: Green white green!
E.M.: Buffon! Who? J.B.: These flags must be changed.
J.B.: Fool! Generations to come! E.M.: To flag with broom design?
E.M.: (picks the flags and shows to the audience) This is our J.B.: Yes. Flag with broom design.
flag! E.M.: Why broom? This is pure nepotism.
J.B.: (picks the flags and shows to the audience) Which of J.B.: Nepotism? Broom is universal.
these flags? E.M.: A flag of broom design is unprogressive!
E.M.: This is our flag! J.B.: Unprogressive?
J.B.: Which of these flags should be handed to generations to E.M.: Yes! Broom in this scientific age? Broom is back to the
come? Stone Age. The developed world doesn't use broom
E.M.: The National Flag is green white green. again. There are modem machines to sweep the floor,
J.B.: We must be specific. We must be clear. We must not faster and cleaner. Broom is retrogressive, archaic,
confuse generations to come. meant for the museum.
E.M.: Our National Flag is green white green! J.B.: Umbrella is unfriendly to nature and science.
J. B.: Our generation must not confuse them! E.M.: Broom is unscientific, archaic and unprogressive.
E.M.: We are unambiguous! Our National Flag is green white J.B.: Umbrella is unfriendly to nature. It will stunt the
green! growth of grains like corn.
J.B.: Our generation should not confuse them! E.M.: Broom is unscientific. Its plantation will stunt the
E.M.: We are unambiguous. Our National Flag is green white growth of grains like corn.
green! J.B.: These flags must be changed!
J.B.: What particular green white and green is our flag? E.M.: Our flag is our flag!
E.M.: Confusionist! Green white green! J.B.: Your flag!
J.B.: What green white Green? E.M.: Our flag!
J.B.: Your flag! E.M.: If you want more, nothing goes for nothing.
E.M.: Our flag! J. B.: Please. Please.
J. B.: These are not our flags! (throws the flags away and E.M.: I spent years courting the dictionary.
goes to sit). J.B.: Please. Please.
E.M.: This is our flag. (goes to meet him) J.B. what is wrong E.M.: Hmm (thinks) Okay.
with you? J.B.: Thank you.
J. B.: Do you know the meaning of a flag? E.M.: (looks at him) Double up.
E.M.: Yes, of course. J.B.: Double up?
J. B.: Okay! What is the meaning of a flag! E.M.: Double up. (makes to walk away)
E.M.: A flag is simply a piece of cloth with a special coloured J.B.: Okay. (obeys and starts a press-up while E.M. counts)
designed on it that may be the symbol of a particular E.M.: Okay. (J.B. stops) A flag is used to refer to a particular
country or organization, or may have a particular country or organization and its beliefs and values. .
meaning. Simple! J. B.: That is the point. The crux of the matter. We are now at
J. B.: Everything is simple to you. The truth and nothing but the crossroads and we must tread with caution so as not
the truth, where did you get that? to miss the real road. Come again please.
E.M.: What? E.M.: Come? Here? Before the audience? What...
J. B.: That a flag is a piece of cloth with a special coloured J. B.: E.M. Please, this is not time for joke. Okay, I want to
designed on it that may be the symbol of a particular hear that second definition again.
country or organization, or may have a particular E.M.: A flag is used to refer to a particular country or
meaning. organization and its beliefs and values.
E.M.: Trust me. You know that I sleep and wake with the J. B.: Good! (walk to the flags, picks them) Show me!
Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. E.M.: What?
J.B.: And that is all that the dictionary tells you about a flag? J.B.: Please, show, me!
E.M.: What? J.B.: Your beliefs and values!
J.B.: Show me! E.M.: Our beliefs and values!
E.M.: What? J.B.: (shows him the flags) Where are your beliefs and
J. B.: Ignoramus, show me! values?
E.M.: Don’t start again. What? E.M.: Our beliefs and values...
J. B.: Show me our beliefs and values in these flags. J. B.: Where are your shades of beliefs and values?
E.M.: Our flag? E.M.: Our beliefs and values.
J. B.: Your flag! J.B.: I put it to you that these flags must be changed.
E.M.: Our flag! E.M.: This flag.
J. B.: Your flag! J.B.: These flags!
E.M.: Are you blind? E.M.: This flag!
J.B.: Show me. J.B.: These flags!
E.M.: Green white green. E.M.: Our flag!
J. B.: Is that our beliefs and values? J.B.: These flags!
E.M.: Green white green. E.M.: Our flag!
J.B.: Is that our beliefs and values? J.B.: Your flag!
E.M.: Green for agriculture, white for peace and... E.M.: Our flag!
J.B.: Is that our beliefs and values? J.B.: Must be changed!
E.M.: Green for agriculture, white for peace and... E.M.: Why?
J.B.: Is that our beliefs and values? J.B.: Our beliefs and values have changed!
E.M.: What are our beliefs and values? E.M.: Why?
J.B.: Your beliefs and values! J.B.: Our dreams have changed!
E.M.: Our beliefs and values! E.M.: Why?
J.B.: The people have changed! E.M.: J.B! Blue on black?
E.M.: When? J. B.: Blue on black!
J.B.: Since the introduction of G.S.M. E.M.: Why blue on black?
E.M.: Why? J.B.: (thinks) Blue on black!
J.B.: The people now use G.S.M. E.M.: Why blue on black?
E.M.: Why? J.B.: Why, what?
J.B.: Because the nation is changing. E.M.: Why blue on black?
E.M.: Why J.B.: Why, why?
J.B.: Have you seen the new police uniform? E.M.: Blue on black!
E.M.: Which police uniform is new? J.B.: Must everything have a why?
J. B.: The police uniform. E.M.: Without, why, the alphabets are not complete.
E.M.: Has been changed too? J.B.: Must everything have a why?
J.B.: The police uniform! E.M.: Without why the colours are meaningless.
E.M.: Our police uniform? J. B.: Like your National Flags?
J.B.: Our police uniform! E.M.: Oh God! This man is insane!
E.M.: Our police uniform? J.B.: Why?
J.B.: Several years ago. E.M.: Blasphemer! Our National Flag has colours with
E.M.: Our police uniform? inspiring meanings.
J.B.: Several years ago. J.B.: Your National Flags.
E.M.: Several years ago? E.M.: Our National Flag!
J.B.: Several years ago! J.B.: Your national Flags!
E.M.: Several years ago? E.M.: Our National Flag!
J.B.: Blue on black!
J.B.: Our national flag has shades of colours with shades of J.B.: Will that save my soul?
meaning. E.M.: In fact, till judgment day!
E.M.: May the Lord save your soul (goes to sit down) J.B.: Judgment day?
J.B.: Save my soul? (walks to him and sit close to him) E.M.: Judgment day!
E.M.: May the Lord save your soul! J. B.: Is that the only day set aside for the payment of interest
J.B.: Save my soul? on souls?
E.M.: Yes, save your soul! E.M.: Judgment day!
J.B.: Which bank keeps souls? J.B.: Is that the only day set aside for the payment of interest
E.M.: Graveyard Bank. for saving my soul with the bank?
J.B.: Is that a new generation bank? E.M.: All souls will get their rewards on judgment day.
E.M.: Graveyard Bank. J.B.: All souls in a single day?
J.B.: The Lord to save my soul? E.M.: All souls in a single day.
E.M.: Graveyard Bank. J.B.: Can the bank reward all souls on a single day?
J.B.: Is he a shareholder there? E.M.: All souls on a single day.
E.M.: Graveyard Bank. J.B.: All souls shall be rewarded on a single day?
J.B.: Is he in the sales unit? E.M.: All souls shall be rewarded on a single day!
E.M.: Are you mad? J.B.: E.M. I smell a rat!
J.B.: What unit does he work? E.M.: Where! (looks around)
E.M.: Marketing unit. J.B.: Your bank.
J.B.: Wining souls for the bank? E.M.: Graveyard bank?
E.M.: Wining souls for the bank. J.B.: Rewarding all souls on a single day?
J.B.: E.M. I wants my soul to be saved. E.M.: All souls shall be rewarded on a single day
E.M.: Visit the Graveyard Bank. J.B.: E.M. Do you have any special interest in this bank?
E.M.: Yes, of course! J.B.: I have seen the police.
J.B.: What is the bank’s workforce? E.M.: With blue and black uniform?
E.M.: Workforce? J.B.: Blue and black uniform.
J.B.: Yes workforce. E.M.: Blue and black colours?
E.M.: Workforce? J.B.: Blue and black uniform.
J.B.: To be able to reward all souls on a single day. E.M.: Blue and black colours?
E.M.: Are you a believer? J.B.: Blue on black!
J.B.: I believe in reality. E.M.: Why blue on black?
E.M.: What about the unseen? J.B.: The police have blue blood in their veins.
J.B.: Seeing is believing. E.M.: And black?
E.M.: Believing is seeing. J.B.: To topple the dark spots of life.
J.B.: Seeing is believing. E.M.: Blue and black!
E.M.: Believing is seeing. J.B.: Blue for royalty and black for the commoners.
J.B.: Seeing is believing. E.M.: Blue for celestial and black for terrestrial.
E.M.: Did you have a great grand father? J.B.: The sky is blue and the earth is black.
J.B.: Yes, of course. E.M.: Different rules of engagement for different classes.
E.M.: Did you see him? J.B.: Different laws and punishments for the classes.
J.B.: No! E.M.: Blue on black for the upper class!
E.M.: Indeed, seeing his believing. J.B.: Black on black for the lower class!
J.B.: What are you up to? E.M.: Blue on black for the upper class!
E.M.: Did you see the Lord? J.B.: Black on black for the lower class!
J.B.: No. E.M.: (to the audience) All animals are equal.
E.M.: Indeed, seeing is believing! J. B.: Some are more equal than the others.
E.M.: Just as fingers are not equal! E.M.: A flag day?
J.B.: Like shades of green white green. J.B.: A day for the living and future heroes.
E.M.: Fingers are not equal. E.M.: A flag day!
J.B.: Like shades of green white green. J.B.: A day to reward defenders of the flag.
E.M.: Green white green? E.M.: A flag day!
J.B.: Shades of green white green. J.B.: A day for charity, a joyful day for the rich and poor, for
E.M.: Green white green! the flora and fauna, for re-branding of the nation.
J.B.: (walks to the pole, admires the flag) E.M. I think we E.M.: A flag day?
need a flag day. J.B.: Yes, a flag day.
E.M.: A flag day? E.M.: A flag day?
J.B.: A flag day. J.B.: Yes, a flag day!
E.M.: A flag day? E.M.: A day to reappraise and review our destiny?
J.B.: A day to stand and stare at the flag. J. B.: A flag day. . .
E.M.: A day set aside to think about the flag? E.M.: A day to renew our destiny?
J.B.: A day set aside to ruminate on the flag. J.B.: Our destiny?
E.M.: A day set aside to celebrate the flag? E.M.: Yes, our destiny.
J.B.: A flag day! J.B.: Your destiny.
E.M.: A flag day? E.M.: Our destiny.
J.B.: A flag day! J.B.: Your destiny.
E.M.: A flag day? E.M.: Our destiny.
J.B.: A day set aside to renew our commitment to the nation. J.B.: Destiny?
E.M.: A flag day? . E.M.: Destiny!
J.B.: A day for the nation's founders and falling heroes. J.B.: Destiny?
E.M.: Destiny! J.B.: Fool! Man proposes, man disposes!
J. B.: What is destiny? E.M.: (faces the audience) Man proposes, God disposes.
E.M.: Destiny! J.B.: (picks the cane on the floor and flogs E.M.) Man
J.B.: Is there destiny? proposes man disposes. (E.M. screams and runs)
E.M.: Destiny! E.M.: Man proposes, God disposes! (running while J.B.
J.B.: Do you believe in destiny? chases him)
E.M.: Like the destiny of our flag! J.B.: Wait, it's your destiny! Wait! (they run round the stage)
J.B.: We can change our destiny. E.M.: God determines all things!
E.M.: With God all things are possible. J.B.: Man determines his existence and the existence of
J.B.: What the mind can conceive it can achieve. others!
E.M.: Like the destiny of our flag? E.M.: (still running) Sinner! Save your soul!
J.B.: Like the destiny of our flag. J.B.: In your Graveyard Bank? Wait for me (chases him)
E.M.: Like our collective destiny? E.M.: Man proposes, God disposes!
J.B.: Like our destiny collectively. J.B.: Man proposes, man disposes!
E.M.: Our collective destiny! E.M.: Man proposes, God disposes!
J.B.: Our destiny collectively! J.B.: Wait for your destiny. Your destiny is to be flogged
E.M.: With God all things are possible. throughout today!
J.B.: Man is the fate of man. E.M.: My destiny is known only to God. Only God knows
E.M.: Man proposes, God disposes! what will happen next!
J.B.: Man proposes, man disposes! J.B.: Wait and let’s see! Practice what you preach! Wait for
E.M.: Man proposes, God disposes! your destiny!
J.B.: Man proposes, God disposes! E.M.: My destiny is known to God. Only God knows what
E.M.: Blasphemer! Man proposes, God disposes! will happen next!
J.B.: Wait and let’s see! Practice what you preach! Wait and J.B.: Because, I do not want to. I propose not to.
see what will happen next! E.M.: Because God has destined that you will not, you
E.M.: Man proposes, God disposes! (still running) proposed, God disposed.
J.B.: Man proposes, man disposes! (As he raises the cane to J.B.: If I did not propose to beat you, I cannot be in this state.
flog E.M. he steps on a pin and yells out in pain) God! E.M.: This state is your destiny.
My leg! (He falls, trying to remove the pin) My leg! J.B.: This state is the consequence of my proposition.
E.M.: (Initially afraid, surprised and mocking, and faces the E.M.: Your destiny!
audience) Man proposes, God disposes or man. J.B.: My proposition!
proposes, man disposes? (J.B. groans in pain. E.M. E.M.: Your destiny!
points to him) Man proposes, God disposes? J.B.: My proposition!
J.B.: Help me! Stop this fooling and give a helping hand. E.M.: Your destiny!
E.M.: God determines the fate of man. J.B.: Fool! Come and help me up! (He is obviously in pain)
J.B.: Man determines his fate through his actions and E.M.: Your destiny!
inactions. J.B.: We shall soon see!
E.M.: Man’s actions and inactions are products of his fate. E.M.: See what?
J.B.: Man makes his fate. J.B.: That man is the architect of his destiny.
E.M.: Man proposes, God disposes? E.M.: Pathological sinner!
J.B.: Man proposes, man disposes! J.B.: We shall soon see.
E.M.: Unrepentant sinner! Man proposes, God disposes! E.M.: See what?
J.B.: (still in pain) Man proposes, man disposes! J.B.: That man is the architect of his fortune and misfortune.
E.M.: Then complete your proposition. E.M.: Like your present misfortune?
J.B.: I will. I will someday, may be not now. J. B.: Like my present fortune.
E.M.: Why not now? E.M.: Then help yourself.
J. B.: Please help me. J.B.: You, my God!
E.M.: Man proposes, God disposes! E.M.: Your God?
J. B.: Man proposes, man disposes! J.B.: My God!
E.M.: Then help yourself. E.M.: Your God?
J.B.: Please help me. J.B.: I am making you my God! (He turns to the audience)
E.M.: Die-hard sinner! Every one, see, I create my God! (points to E.M.)
J.B.: We shall soon see. E.M.: (dodging) Who is your God?
E.M.: See what? J.B.: (bowing and prostrating, though still in pain) My God!
J. B.: That man determines his destiny and the destiny of My God! My God!
others. E.M.: Who is your God?
E.M.: Blasphemer, that man is God? J.B.: My God! My God! My God!
J.B.: That man creates God! E.M.: Me, your God?
E.M.: Oh, my God! My God, My God! J.B.: You, my God!
J. B.: Oh, my God. (to E.M.) My God, why has thou forsake E.M.: Your God?
me! J.B.: (to the audience) I create my God! Man creates God!
E.M.: Hell-bound. This cup shall not pass over you. It is your E.M.: Blasphemer! God creates man!
destiny. Repent quick and God will help you. J.B.: Man creates God!
J.B.: My God, my God, my God, why has thou forsake me! E.M.: God creates man! (covering his ears)
E.M.: Who? J.B.: Man creates God!
J.B.: My God, my God, my God! E.M.: God creates man!
E.M.: Me, your God? J.B.: (Turns to E.M. prostrating and touching the ground
J.B.: You, my God! with his forehead) I pray unto you, my God. Please help
E.M.: Me, your God? me!
E.M.: You must be totally mad! E.M.: Save you!
J.B.: Oh my God, please cure me of this madness. Please J.B.: Save me?
help me, God! E.M.: Save you!
E.M.: You are completely mad! Absolutely mad! J.B.: At Graveyard Bank?
J.B.: Help me God! E.M.: Your fate is sealed.
E.M.: Okay, I will help you but... J.B.: (beckons to him to raise him up) Please help me!
J.B.: (to the audience) My God finally answered my prayer! E.M.: Heaven helps those who help themselves.
E.M.: Please, this is more than a joke. Stop playing with.... J.B.: Help me, please.
J. B.: Perseverance, patience and prayer… E.M.: Man proposes, God disposes!
E.M.: Please, stop this joke! J.B.: We shall soon see.
J.B.: Joke? Can’t I joke with my God? E.M.: Man proposes, God disposes!
E.M.: Joking with God? J.B.: Man proposes, man disposes!
J.B.: Is it a sin? Oh God, let me know if it’s a sin joking with E.M.: Man proposes, God disposes
you. J.B.: We shall soon see!
E.M.: (angry) J.B. please stop this! E.M.: See what?
J.B.: Oh, my God is angry with me! J.B.: That man determines his life and the life of others.
E.M.: You really need deliverance. E.M.: Like the life of our National Flag?
J.B.: Yes, please deliver me. J.B.: Like the fate of the National Flag.
E.M.: Me, deliver you? E.M.: Like the destiny of our National Flag?
J.B.: My God, deliver me! J.B.: Like the colours of the National Flag.
E.M.: (shakes his head) Your fate is sealed. Only God can E.M.: Like the design of our National Flag?
save you. J.B.: Like what our National Flag inspires.
J.B.: Save me? E.M.: Like what our National Flag stirs in us?
J.B.: Like the satisfaction derived from seeing the National J.B.: What shades of green white green is the National Flag?
Flag . E.M.: Green white green!
E.M.: Like the respect our National Flag command? J.B.: Green white green?
J.B.: Like knowing the exact colours of the National Flag! E.M.: Green white green!
E.M.: The exact colours of the National Flag? J.B.: Green white green?
J.B.: Of course, knowing the exact colours of the National E.M.: Green white green!
Flag. J.B.: Where is the designer of this flag!
E.M.: The exact colours of our National Flag? E.M.: Why?
J.B.: What are the exact colours of the National Flag? J.B.: We need to ask him questions.
E.M.: Our National Flag? E.M.: Why him and not her?
J. B.: Your National Flag. J.B.: Is he still alive or dead?
E.M.: Our National Flag? E.M.: Why he and not her?
J.B.: Your National Flag. J.B.: We need to ask whoever is the designer of this flag
E.M.: The exact colours of our National Flag... (thinks) some questions.
J.B.: Yes, the exact colours of the National Flag. J.B.: Like the exact colours of the flag.
E.M.: Green white green! E.M.: Like when he designed the flag?
J.B.: Green white green? J.B.: Like his original design of the flag.
E.M.: (walk to the flag, inspects it for a while) Yes, green E.M.: Like?
white green! J.B.: How he designed the flag.
J.B.: (inspects the flags on the floor) Green white green? E.M.: Like?
E.M.: Green white green! J.B.: Where he designed the flag.
J.B.: What particular green white green is the National Flag? E.M.: Like?
E.M.: Green white green!
J.B.: His thoughts, feelings and vision while designing the E.M.: (walks to him, as he tries raising him up, J.B. picks the
flag cane and flogs him. E.M. drops him immediately,
E.M.: Like? screams and moves away from him) Are you mad?
J.B.: His remuneration, honorarium and royalty for designing J. B.: Man proposes!
the flag. E.M.: God disposes!
E.M.: Like? J.B.: (stands, pursues him with the cane) Man proposes!
J.B.: Who awarded the contract for the flag? E.M.: God disposes!
E.M.: Like? J.B.: Man proposes, man disposes!
J.B.: How he was contacted and contracted to design the E.M.: Man proposes, God disposes!
flag? J.B.: (He stops by the flagpole, throws the cane away and
E.M.: Like? observes the flag) The National Flag must inspire
J.B.: Whether he will be interested to join others in order to positive thoughts, stirs patriotic zeal and be in touch
design another flag? with modern realities!
E.M.: Why another flag? E.M.: Our National Flag?
J.B.: We need to know the exact colours of our flag. J.B.: The National Flag!
E.M.: Green white green! E.M.: (walks to the flagpole, observes the flag) This flag
J.B.: Generations to come must not be confused. inspires. Why change our National Flag?
E.M.: Do you want me to help you up? J.B.: Your National Flag!
J.B.: Our National Flag must blend with contemporary E.M.: Our National Flag!
thoughts. J.B.: Your National Flag! (They observe the flag)
E.M.: Shall I he1p you? (gives him a helping hand) E.M.: Our beautiful National Flag!
J.B.: Please help me. J.B.: (mockingly) The expired National Flag.
E.M.: Why change our National Flag.
J.B.: Change we can.
E.M.: All movements are not forward.
J.B: Movement is a sign of life. Change we can.
E.M.: (admires the flag for a while) I am moving. (J.B.
draws him back)
J.B.: Is that the end!

E.M.: (looks at the flag again and stares at him) Yes. That is
the end. (As they turn to the audience and bow, light
gradually fades to a total blackout)


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