Example Cover Letter - 1

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Maeve Matheson

1119 High Street

Bradford, PA 16701 
October 23, 2020
Chloe Cramer 
Cozy Cramer Cafe
97 Cramer Ave.  
Bradford, PA 16701 
Dear Mrs. Cramer:
I am interested in becoming a cashier at your local café. I saw on your post that you were looking for
help and I thought it sounded like a good opportunity to bring my skills to your workplace.
I have experience running cash registers from my previous jobs and feel it would be useful in this
position. With this, I have also acquired the quick and accurate math skills required to be a good cashier,
along with my already high skill level in math. In addition to this experience, I also have great customer
service skills, as I have had to work and interact with many people for my other jobs. Another skill I
obtained is the ability to remember policies to be able to help customers with any questions they may
have. This is also a good skill to have when remembering what needs to be done jobwise throughout
shifts. I believe these abilities would be beneficial if you were to hire me as your cashier. I hope you will
consider me for the position. I can be contacted through phone or email at any point in the upcoming

Maeve Matheson

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