Rubric Solo 1

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Rubric for the Government Poster

Criterion Below Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations

(Score 0 if element is absent) (1) (2) (3)
Student did not show a clear Student showed some Student showed a clear
Student showed a clear
understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the 2
understanding of the assignment.
assignment. assignment. assignment.
Student utilized technology
Student did not use technology Student used technology for the
Student utilized technology to well in order to complete the
well to complete their assignment, but did the bare 2
complete this assignment. assignment while going above
assignment. minimum to meet expectations.
the requirements.
Student utilized technology
Student used technology to
Student used technology to Students did not use technology well in order to demonstrate
prove their understanding of
demonstrate their understanding of to demonstrate that they understanding of the lesson 2
the material, but did the bare
the material understood the lesson. while going above the
minimum to meet expectations.

Center for University Teaching, Learning, & Assessment

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