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a Put each verb in brackets into an appropriate tense. 2 Rewriteeach sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays thesame. Unit 5 Progress Test (Units 1, 2, 3, 4) Farmers, a5 We al (1) onnnee(KMOW), (2) .~-(have)a hard time of it in Britain lately, and (3). (turn) to new ways of earning income from their land. This ($) (involve) not only planting new kinds of crops, but some strange ways of making money, the most unusual of which has got to be sheep racing. Yes, you (5)... (hear) me correctly! A farmer in the ‘West of England now (6) .. (hold) sheep races on a regular basis, and during the past year over 100.000 people (7) _.. (turn up) to watch the proceedings. ‘I (8) .u:.nmun« (pass) the farm on my way to the sea fora holiday,’ one punter told me, ‘and } (9)... (think) I'd have a look. I (19) (not believe) it was serious, to tell you the truth.” According to a regular visitor, betting on sheep is more interesting than betting on horses. ‘At proper horse races everyone(11) w. (already study) the form of the horses in advance, and there are clear favourites. But nobody (12)... (hear) anything about these sheep! Most people (13) neme-mem. (find) it difficult to tell one from another in any case.” (14) (stay) to watch the races, and I must admit that I (15) (find) it quite exciting. Ina typical race, halfa dozen sheep (16).. . (race) downhill over a course of about half a mile. Food (17)... (wait) for them at the other end of the track, loughttoadd! The sheep (18).. (run) surprisingly fast, although presumably they (19)... {not eat) for a while just to give them some motivation. At any rate, the crowd around me (20) .. (obviously enjoy) heir day oucacthe races, judging by their happy faces aud dhe sense of excitement. a) This matter isnone of your business. This matter does b) This bridge will ake us three years to complete. In three yearstime we ©) Patsy wasn’telways so unfriendly. Patsy didn’t 4) We'llbe at your house soon. Iewon’t ¢) Thaven't seen Anne for years. les years . {) Thedog keeps stealing my socks! The dogis... . ) Aer tahing che pills, I began vo feel much better. Since taking. _ hh) We'll have to leave immediately at the end of the film. The moment ... Advanced Language Practice 3 Rewrite each sentence so thatit contains the ‘word in capitals, and so that the meaning stays the same. 4 Complete each sentence with an appropriate word or phrase. 5 Choose the most appropriate word or phrase. i) Harry left before we reached the hotel. By the time j) Isthere such a place as Eldorado? Does .. a) Whenis the train due to arrive? GET b) Ishouldn’t think Paul knows the answer. “pout ©) T'vehad to waitall afternoon. "BEEN 4) To get to work ontime I have to getup 16.00. "MEANS ¢) Today is Liz and John’s thirtieth wedding anniversa FOR f) By the end of the week, Harry was well again Gor g) Whose watchisthis? ~ "BELONG hh) Cathy hasn’t been on holiday with her sister before. FIRST i) My dentist's appointments for next Wednesday. To i) Brenda had no idea of her next move. WHAT a) Can you remember what you b) Thisis the first jazz concert I. ©) Don'teat any more ice cream, you 4d) Thave hated this place ever . ¢) Thope that by theend of the month I _.all the decorating. ) Sheila and Ken to cach other since their quarrel last week! 8) Do {going to the cricket match tomorrow? hh) We can’t go skiing because i enough yet. i) Penny. . to going on holiday, but she ended up very disappointed. j) Tegan to recover my strength later, once I good meal a). we getto the theatre, the play will have started. A)Assoonas B)Until _c) By the time 0) Whenever b) What's the matter? Haven't you started ... ? a)akealy —s)yet—C)bynow sou ©) The trouble with you is that you'r complaining. A)forever —B)often _C)still ) each time d) Can yon remember what you were doing, > A)thetime —B)usually c)everyday D)atthetime 26 6 Puteach verb in brackets into a suitable tense, in cither continuous or simple form, according to the context. 7 Puteach verb in brackets into an appropriate tense. Unit 5 Progress Test (Units 1, 2, 3, 4) ¢) The new school opens A)now B)atonce C)nextweek D) day by day £) Lhaven'tbeen feeling very wel A)oflate —B)notlongago C)currentlyD)by now 8) -- we get to the top of this hill, we'll be all right. A)Eventually 8) Once ©)Now —_) Atthetime h) Ie’sages sw [ last saw a decent comedy film on television. A) that B)ago c)since b) when i) Idon’t go swimming very much .. A)nowadays B)inthosedays C)recently —_D) nowand again we haven't managed to find what we are looking for. b)Onandoff Cc) Formerly _D)So far i) 4) To now a) Thisis my new car. What (you think) of it? b) -Whoare you? What do you mean? I ©) Lean’t find the car keys. What 4) Sorry [haven't fixed the plug. just haven’t found the time. e) What (you do) on Saturdays? £) [don’t know what time we'll eat. It here. g) Tsupported you at the time because fsnrnnnav (feel) that you were right. bh) Peter couldn’t understand what had been decided because too many people = ..(talk)at once. i) Jean, I'm so glad you've got here at last. live) here (you do) with them? (mean) to get round toit, but I (depends) when Helen gets (expect) you all day. j) Please don’t let m: down this time! 1. (depend) on you. _-(not receive) the parcel the last time T - (speak) (consider) buying a house but now I... - (change) ©) When you (feel) hungry later, room service . (bring) you whatever you .» (want). al (find) it difficult to convince the ticket inspector that I lose) my ticker. ¢) Since I (pay) for our lunch, I. (try) toateract the waiter's attention, f) Assoonast. have) a good look at the designs, (send) them back 0 you. al. (hope) to meet you ever since | . (read) your first novel. h) Whatever... (happen), (meet) you herein a week's time. 2 Advanced Language Practice 8 Put each verb in brackets into an appropriate tense. 9 Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same. i) By thetime you .. finish) getting ready, we (miss) the train! j) Sally! 1. in New York? (youdo) ‘not expect) to see you here! What ‘Ask hundreds of people what they (1) August next year, or the year after, and there (2) aw (be) only one reply. Provided of course that the people you (3)... (ask) (4) (belong) to the Elvis Presley Fan Club Although the King of Rock and Roll 6) jc) nearly two decades ago, his fans (6). meet) every year since then outside his home in Memphis, Tennessee, to show respect for the singer they (7) love) so much. Fans like Jean Thomas, from Catford in South London. Jean (8) sit) Gracelards, the house where Elvis (9) (suffer) his fatal heart attack, twice in the past five years. “The first time I (10) .. (borrow) the money from my Mum, as ray ..(not work) then. But two years ago 112)... (ger) married and sincethen I (13) (work) in my husband Chris's garage. Chris and I (14) (go) together last year, and we (15 (chink) of spending two or three months in the USA next year. I(16) (always want) to visit some of the places where Elvis (17) . (perform). Like Las Vegas for example.’ Jean says that Elvis (18)... = (be) her obsession ever since she (19) (be) ten years old, and she (20) (own) every single one of his records, good and bad, . (do) ona certain day in a) The last time I was in Prague was in 1986, Thaven’t .. bb) This will be the team’s first match outside England. This will be the first time ¢) Terry will get over his illness. Then his work will improve. Once 4) There will be someone to meet you on arrival. When ©) The number of people who attended the fair exceeded our expectations. More people ) Ididn’t receive the results of my test for a month. Ttwas i) Ididn’t know about John’s departure. Ididn’t know that j) Quite a few books are missing from the class library. Several members of the class have not 28 10 Pureach verb in brackets into an appropriate tense. a Complete each sentence with one appropriate word. 12 Decide whether cach underlined phrase is appropriate, and rewnte the phrase more appropriately where necessary. Unit 5 Progress Test (Units 1, 2,3, 4) (wait) for. (leave) ithere somewhere. (know) he ..(not understand) what you (anyone see) my pencil? (notarrive) by 6.00, 1 (miss) the bus. (you go away) this weekend? Or .-(yourun out) of, {you think) yor do) in ten years’ time? really enjoy) myself at the moment, 8) (you let) me know the minute yo thear)any news? h) Something. (tell) me that you (not listen) to a single word I. (say) in the past ten minutes! i) What's the matter? nn ‘ou hurt) your ankle? How (you do) i j) That's definitely the last time that. lend) you any money! a) We ince I last had a good Chinese meal. b) Funnily enough I saw Bob quic .»at the sports club. ¢) T'veloved you ever the first day [set eyes on you! 4) How long was itthat you lived in Inverness? ©) I've. tosee anyone who can dance as well as Diana, £) Could youphonemethe . youarriveatthehotelsol don’t worry? g) [promise to get everything ready cight o'clock at the latest. h) Have you finished.. 2 Wow, you area fast worker, aren’t you! i) I’msorry you've been waiting so long, but it will be some time Brian gets back. j) Justsit here, would you? The doctor will be with you 2) Will vou be seeing Rob Jones tomorrow? I wonder if you could give hima message from Sally Gordon? b) Thad a great time in the Greek Islands. We would own a small boatand go fishing every day. ) Julie, hit 've been hoping I'd see you. I've got some good news! d) We had a terrible time looking after your dog. It was constantly chasing the cats next door. €) We hada lovely time in Madrid. Every day we were exploring the city, and in the evening we were going to exciting bars. ) The steam engine is usually thought of as a relatively modern invention, but the Greeks had built a kind of steam engine in ancient times. 8) [felt rather worried. [twas growing darker and colder, and there was still no sign of the rescue helicopter. h) Don’t worey! All we have to do is wait here until someone will find us. i) This meats really tasting awful! Are you quite sure it was fresh? j) The radiator in my room has burst, and there is water all over the floor! You're the manager, what will you do about it? 29

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