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CLC Capstone Proposal

Kathryn Wan

John Oliver Secondary School

Career Life Connections 12

Ms. Sharma

December 6, 2020


This year has been a unique adventure, where there have been many changes to our
everyday life. School, work and families have been greatly affected by this pandemic and not
many people know anything about this virus other than that it is spread easily and can be deadly.
I thought it would be a good idea to learn more about this virus because it has been almost a
year, and I still know little to nothing about COVID and how it affects us humans. Since I
believe most people are in the same position as me, I would like to change that and allow others
to learn more about this virus along with me. As we are now stuck indoors, I think the best way
to spread the word about COVID would be to create a website, so everyone can access this
important information. My essential question would be how can I create an HTML website
that will help others learn about COVID and understand the dangers of this virus? My
goal with this project is to learn more about COVID myself and share my newfound knowledge
with others. I would also like to learn a new skill which is coding an HTML website and
improve my researching and time management skills.


I created 3 goals; to learn more about COVID myself, to share what I have learnt with
others, and to learn the basics of coding an HTML website. Setting goals is a essential part of
this project because it will motivate myself to completing this project by the deadline. Everyone
should know the important facts about this virus and how to stay safe during these hard times,
yet many people are still unaware. Though this research has already been done before, I hope
that with this website it will be easily accessible and will help everyone fully understand the
dangers and precautions taken to keep everyone safe.

Project Plan

My goal by the end of this Career Life Connections course is to create my own HTML
website, where I can share all the information that I have learnt from my research. To complete
this goal by the end of this course I set hard deadlines for what I must accomplish during this
short time. The first being by December 31, I will have finished learning the basics of coding
an HTML website and will have started the foundations of my own website. After that I gave
myself about 2 weeks to research all the information I will be adding to my website and will
be finished that by January 15. Finally, the last 2 weeks I will be creating my website and

making sure everything works, and by February my project should be fully complete. I have
already started the inquire process, right now I am currently on the interpretating information
step, as I must now learn the basics of HTML. But I know step 3 and 4 will be a challenge
because I will be going back and forth between them to accomplish my final product, which
will be my own HTML website with all my improved knowledge of COVID.

Core Competencies

Incorporating the core competencies in this project, I will be learning information about
COVID and sharing those important facts that I have learnt with others. To do that I must be
able to communicate well with myself and know when I must ask for help. The skills needed
for coding are creative thinking because coding can be done in many ways. Researching facts
and solving errors in codes involves critical thinking, and that will be an essential part of this
project. By learning a new skill, I am learning more about myself and my interests which
positively affects personal and cultural identity. Following and understanding my plan, as
well as accomplishing my goals will affect my personal awareness and responsibility to
complete the project to the best of my ability by the deadline. And finally, to accomplish the
social responsibility aspect, I wish to help others by sharing my knowledge with others and
teach them how to protect themselves from this virus.


Because of the pandemic I am unable to go out and find someone new who is in this
field of website design. But fortunately, I have cousin who in currently in the website design
field and my father who is into computer programming, when needed I could reach out to either
of them as a resource. Another resource I have already started to use was a website that I could
use to learn and teach myself how to code an HTML website


This pandemic has changed the world for everyone. Creating this website will benefit
me as well as others because I will be learning a new skills and teachings others how to stay
safe from this virus. New skills I will learning, using and improving will be my researching,
HTML coding and time-management skills. Right now, the COVID rate is still on the rise and
I believe it is very important that people understand the dangers of this virus and will take

precautions. I think I will enjoy creating the project because I will be learning a new skill as
well as including my passion about the sciences.

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