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Find the area of the zeglon bounded by r*2 = a*Z cos 20 Evaluate the indefinize intagsal: fe ike 1=cosx a. e*2 can w/2 ex cot x/2 cs ex cot 3/2 @. -ere tan x/2 Bvaluate the indefinite integral: dx/Viar2 > x*2) a. ae cosh x/a bb. are tanh 3/8 eave sinh s/o 4. Not integrable Find the length of the arc of the curve 2txy = x4 - 43 from x = 2 tox = 4 ass be 2/8 e.39/3 ee ind che volune of the region bounded by x°2 = 4y and y = 1/2 x about the y axis; an ein boza/s m2 3a/2 The following methods in evalusting definice Lntegrale EXCEPT: a. Rectangslar Role b, Trapevoidal Rule c. Simpson's Rule. All can be used Pealvate che owing complex number: 71°36 a. ces (2101) + Sein(?ina) fe. cos (iat) + isinisieti Bl ees (Sin7} ~ tein(in3) So eee Gin) sauna A cpring Le stretched by a 2 lb weight. Let the weight be pushed up 3 in above the E and then veleaged, as “1/4 cos 16t be x 1/f cos 16tc. 4 cos 26t 4. 74 coe 16 between the outside medium and the body _ - a. charles" Law fe. Gay-tussac’# aw 1 Simple chemical conversion dl Noweon’ = Law of Coot ing Find the general solution of this Linear differential equation: (x™4 + 2y) dx — x dy - 0 Avcy eM tR2 | be ye eM Sow ce yo RM = OR" ds Dy = OME 4 OA Compute the inverse Laplace transform: 1/(#*2 + 28 + 10) ao a/se*t sin St Be T/Semrt sin Sec, Set san 3 4. tere sin ot An object moves along the x axis in such a way that ite position t > 0 a dx/dt 4 (t= tae = ea. if the object was at position x = 2 at time ¢ Se be at cine = = 37 an 2.915, ba. 3.085 a. 3.235, Find the magnitude of the vector 44 + 73 ~ Sie. a. 3487 wb. 10.377 fe. 11.637 a. ama the determinant of a matrix is _caloviated from a square natri. an vector wb. Baal fe. Sealar ‘4. Taaginary hat is the product AB of the following complex munbers in polar form? A= 3+ 41 B= 8+ Gi be devised the fundamentals of matrices. a. Avogadre be Baler 5. cauehy a cayley Given the following series: ae we sinx= x-%444.... a 8 ae cos k= ‘hat relation can you draw from these series? bi etix = cos x + isin x ds ietx = i EE bd Bal Bd ba Determine the absolute valse: 2 at 3 es a6 In the fourth principal of a complex nurber is equal to 1,49Scis 13.28" , what is the complex nunber in ay bs corm? Simplify the following determinant: a. 19s b. 270 e. 300 4. 2000 Compute the gradient given the function fixrye2) = xyz at (ytet) a? be o ena aa Sclve the initial value problem: y" + 3y = 0; y(0) = 3 and y"(0) = 6. ayes ey bey eb Ize eyes) mene dy = 5-20 SITUATION 1: Two perpendicslar vectors are given in cerma of sheir component by U = A} + 43 + 6k and = 22) ~ 3k Use the dot prodsct to determine the value of A ae B20 3 aon Find the magnitude of ¥, a. aa.e b.14.89 fe. 16.89 22a Determine the cross product of U and v, a 8a) + 3th best} + tae fe. 225 + 28k a. aay + 0% Find the vector from the point (1,-2) to the point (3,7) a. (atl b.i2,9) Be (2,11) a 2,091 Find the differential equations of a family of etveles through the origin an ae-ydy~ 0 beyde-edy=D cody ty de 0 dow ce ty dy =O Selve the aisterential equation using jarlable separable: dy/de ~ sx/y ayeeste2sC bey=S/PeT +O co ye= eae S| YT RES Determine the orthogonal trajectory of x°2 + yh2 = C ayn xy boys Sey ke ay nase Find the interval of convergence of the given power series x7n/n using ratic test method ae > 0 2 Tees caer) are SITUATION 2: Given tne equation (x + yi) (2 = 24) = 7 = Pind x. Pandy. These conaiate of the exponential davivatives that ie *y!, y//! * dn a difgerential equation a. Degree bb. Dependence fe. Radical ‘a. Order rind the differential equation of the family of curves of straight Lines through the origia. akae yey beydexdy=0 c.xdytyde= 0 dixde yay no Eliminate the arbiteary constant: ax*2 + mx +e! ays bey no ey per Pind the least square vector for the given systen (eC) as 23/5,77 be 13/5 7/51 ee (13,775) a 113,27) the Laplace transform of cos wt Ls: ao a/[ere + WZ be w/Is"2 + WZ] eis 8 afte ew SITUATION 2: A unit vector has direction cosines cos @ = -0.5 cos 8 = 0.2 Compute the 2 component of direction cosine. ao octas wove ae 4. 0,954 24 the magnstude of the unlt vector Le 250, uhat se the value of the unit vector? Bi thas 58s "aie Ihe a Siass "Soy sates Simplify the following complex musher: (6 + 74) + (6 ~ 3 ae aye sara Te Eads a. 0 - asus Bea ay tak P22 2s ty Po= "i 443 + 2k hat is the magnitude of the resultant force vector, R? a. is wb. 13.28 moneda 4. 16.26 Im an oi} refinery, a storage tank contains 2000 gallons of gasoline that initially has 100 lp of an Gallon is purped into the tane at a rare of 40 gal/min, The wel” mined solution is ponped ost at a rate Gf 45 gal/min. How mich of the additive ie in the tank 20 min after the pumping process begins? These axe curves that intersects each curve of the family perpendicularly. a. Projectile bb. drtnogons! =. Hlanogensous a. Intersecting that 1s the value of In (<1)? A cup of coftee at 180° is placed in 2 room whose tenperature ia 10%. After 5 minutes, the tenpersture of che coffee nas dropped to 160°F. How rany more minutes must elapse before the coffea’s texperature arops to 130°F? a. 3 mins bis oo 12 Obtain a general solution: 212°? + y*2)dx ~ xy dy = 0. Resume that equation ia homogenous. ae xa © tax"? + y"2) Gs oxté = (gunz = y"2) Bea tee = 2b al exe = (ez = 92) Selve for the particular solution: 2ayy’ = 1 + y°2 at (2,3) perenne besarte S ec sqrt se 2 a. aget sx 1 Given the determinant, find the minor of ~ 208 a @ | aa bot on -6 a6 Find the particular solution given (y"* - 2y" - 3)y = 0 at x= = 0, test x= 1 anas.s b. 23.8 eine Bvaluate sort (75) * cube rt of 7343. az be 21k ut a2 SITUATION 3: Given the colationship of the matrix: E316) €) selve fork. | a2 be eo aa selve for y. ae b. -6 23 an Calculate the dot product of the following vector paiva: A~ 2i+ 3), B= 5i- 2) a2 bo et als An array of mx m quantities which represent a single nurher system conposed of elements of rows and Column is known as as tranapose of matrix €. contactor of a matrix Bl asterminant a. eserie Solve the general solution of the following exact DE: (cos x cos y ~ cot wide — ain x sin y ey = 9. a. sin x cos x = Ile sin y) ‘B: sin x cos y= in le sin x B. eain y cos y= Inleoe yl Sosiny cos ean Te cos SITUATION 1: side: > four cornered lot has the following azimuth and distances with unknown ro: 23 126* ea zt a 260" Compute the missing side 4-1, 181.2 b. 116.79 fe. 192.83 a. 147.54 Compute the area of the lot in acres. a. 12.55 acres bs 3.38 5. 11.56 4.18.31 If the lot ia te be subdivided in to southeast portion, compte the dividing aaa wb, 479 SUIUATION 2: Answer the following terns two lots having & e. 198 4.252 in surveying. with greater accuracy than using the stadia method the amalier let being on the a. Intercept be Merits fe. Praciszon a. subeenss Normal Error bb. listakes ©, Most probable error d. Residual error a. Straining device b, Thermonster c. Stakes da Vernier SITUATION 3: The first branch of revere curve has a cadive of 700 m. Tf the distance Between che tangent points is 110 m assuming the reverse curves are in parallel, a. 174.89 eps 194,20 136.11 4. 158.04 Pind the length of the first curve, a. a4.s7 b, 90.16 a. 98.8 Find the total length of the crave. an nae wb. 119.59, ce. 126.57 4. 106.50 SITUATION 4: A Line of levels is run from BHI to BM2 which i¢ 12 km long. Elevation of BY was found our to be 100 m and that of the SUZ is 125.282 m, Sacksight and foresignt distances were 150 m and 100 = respectively. calculate the nunber of set-ups to be us! Determine the corsected elevation of BH2 considering the effect of curvature and refraction. as 123. b.2s.34 ee ilts83 4113.37 Af daring the levelling process the Lins of sight is inclined downward by 0.004 m in a distance of 10 = what would be the corrected elevation of BM2? an litss, be 123.15 fc: 126.96 a. 14,22 A survey line was measured on sloping ground ond recorded as 117.84 m. The disference between che ends was §.88 m. the tope used vas later found to be 30.66 m when compazed with a standard of 30.48 m. Calculate the horizontal Lengta of Line a. 118.38 m b. 158.79 fe. 136.48 a. 122.76 SITUATION $: The coordinates of two palate B and C with respect Co A are the following B- $36.22 9 449.95 mE C= 62.38 aw 1336.28 E calculate the bearing at A calculate the bearing at 3c. as ao" w b. N80" w e. 5 80" 4.x soe Find the stationing at PT if PC ia 14500. Assune that the radius of the ciecular curve is passing Shrowgh three pointe. a. 24170.7 b, 24670.7 fe. 2770.7 4. 2917.0 SITUATION 6: A circular cur Forward tangent equal to 262) having an azimith of back tangent equal to 2057 and the azimuth of the If the middie ordinate #5 5.8 my Compute the angle of intersection. aa" be si" a at Compute the radise of the curve a. 84.27 wb, S49 ce. 49.88 Compute the length of the tangent aaa bb. 22,883 ce. 58.19 4. 60.29 SUIUATION 7: A steel tape with coefficient of Linear oxapansion of 0,0000116 per ‘C is xnown to he 50m dong at 20°C. The tape was used to messure a line which wae found to be $42.28 m long and whes Tenperatire was 35°C Find the cenperature corssotion par tape Length a. 0.0035, wb. 9.0084 e. 0.0078 a. 0.0023 Find the temperature correction for the measured Line a. 0.0916 bb. 0.0926 =. 0.0718 4. 0.0619) Find the correct length of the Line. a. 532.62 b. 932.86 5. 932.29 4,992.37 A Line level was run from point 5 te 6 , 8 km apart. The average BS and algo FS distance wae 100 =. AL every turning point, the rod settles by J om. Find the tora, error sn the recorded elevation of point 6. alam Lad ce. 122 ada Using 50m tape that is 0.02 too long, the measured distance fron A to B is 160.42 m. What is the correct distance zon a to 8? which of the following is 2 common mistake in a. Pasity additions and subtractions ElVariation in temperature : Bubble sox exactly centared at the Lastant of sighting Ling? A 3* 30" simple curve connects two tangents that intersect at an angle of 38°. If the center of Curvature is moved 6 m away from tho vortex and she direction of the tangents ronain the sane, decernine the new radius of the curve. a 2nen m wb. 26.61 e. 346.22 4. 333.08 The following aze_— the observations made onthe. same— angle 472613" 472618" 472610" 472615" 472616" 472612" 472609" 472615" 4r2618" 472618" a. a7" 26" 08 26" 12" a. a7? 26" ee Determine the standard deviation. a2" b. 2.3" aa a. Lo" be ° e238" 42s" SITUATION 5: Answor the following sitvations in surveying. Accuracy ig the Lert which indicates the degree of conformity of measurement to ite a. most probable value fs. true value Bl mean valve ‘qo standard error theory of errors is applied to minimize a. gross errors bb. systematic ervors ¢. random error 4. all of these kysrographic surveys is an art of delineating the following EXCED: ar submarine levels b. dame fe. contours 4. features of seas two parallel railvay 200 = apart vere to be connected by equal turnouts, If the intermediate tangent is 400 mand the radius of the curve 12 1100 m, Determine the central angle of the reverse curve two tangenta having azimuths 240° and 262" are connected by an 40 a spiral curve with a 6° circular curve. ihe width of the roadway in If the design velocity is 60 kph, determine the super-olevation a= quarter points it 4s an imaginary Line passing through places having the sane nagnetic declination at Tactrepie bb. Teogente fe. Teogonte “d. Taeclinie the point of intersection of two tangents is at 1+080 and the angle between the back and forward tangents ie 220°. The sadius of « circular curve to be set cut ia $70 m, Determine the station PP using are basis an a2ea. oa b. 10327.81 e. 1297.58 a. ae3aa.72 ‘The DMD of the Line BC is equal to 426.20. che departure of the previous line AB is 117.56. What is then che departure of the Line 5c? a. 137.08 b. 700.56 fe. 171.82 4. 713.28 it ia the great clzele on the celestial ephere cu: by a plane through the earth's canter at right angles Horizon b, Beliptic o. Banith 4. Equinox SITUATION 10: A syrmetrical parabolic curve passes through point A whose elevation is 23.23 m at a Gistance of 54 m rom the PC. The elevation of the PC at station 4 ~ 100 is 22.6 m, che qrade of the back tangent {a #24 and the length of the curve ia 120 a. What is the grade of the back tangent? what 12 the distance feom FC locates the highest point? hat 1s the elevation of the highast point of the curve? SITUATION 11: From the given tract of Land having the following daca: Lanes LarrTuse DEPARTURE, as +40 “20 Be 0 wr os oho so DA =90 450 Compute ante e. +40 40 Compute the DMD of Line AB, aac beta e. -40 a. 440 Compute the double area of the lot. a aa0e wb. 2800 29600 4. 6000 SITUATION 12: In the two pey test of a dunpy level using alternate method, the follaving observations bf line AS ang 79.27 m from 8 Red reading on A 9.296 = a.se2 Rod reading on 8 0.910 = 2.190 » Find the true ifference in elevation bet, A and 8, a.0.991 wb, 0-785 er 0.862 a. 0.614 Find the error in the rod reading at 8 w/the instrument stall at P. a.'0.208 wb. 0.076 e. 0.055, ‘4. 0.038 Find the correct geading cod on B for a hogizontal Line of sight with the instrument still at P an 2.218 wb, 2-186 e214? parc SITUATION 12; Gvo straights AB and AC falling to the ight at gradients 108 and 58 sespsctively, are to be connected by # parabolic curva 200 = lang. Design the vertical curve for chainage and reduce Level of Boas 7527.00 m ard 56.46 m respectively. Tako pog interva! as 70: Find the number of stations at 20 m interval, as bee co aon Find the elevation at the ead of the spiral curve: a. 59.93 m be S146 e807 a. 48,92 Find the elevation at the beginning of the spiral curve a. 82.01 m b. 4.33 co. 70.57 a. 66.46 SITUATION 1: The heel spread of 9 frog of a turnous ie 220 mm long with a frog nummer 10, If a length of toe 1s 1840 mn, Find the heel Length, a. 340 am b. 1000 e. 30 2200 Find the total length of the railroad track. a. Tes0 me ib, S049 ce. 2460 4. 2280 this refers to the vertical distance of the wave crest and che wave trough. an exvest be trougs fe. noah ao dengea For Phil. National roads, the maximum grade permitted on curves 30 ae bse en 6 am the following points of view in analyzing inpact of any highway projects EXCEPT fa. Transportation system fe. Social ana econonte BL besigh speci sications A) Pnvironmensat It 4a the number of parked vehicles in a study aren at any specified tine a, Parking accumslation ©, Parking duracion Eo parkang tornover a. parking “oad Jin tree planting along highways, bracing stakes of the rough wood shall be an Sox 15 mm eis 75 e280 x 50 “4. 100 x 75 SITUATION 21 The data Pelow shows the reauit of the Flow of traffic av a certain part of a highway by ebaerving the areival tines for four vehicles at two sections A and B that are 150 m apart. The total 7 a Te 138 2 nea ri 3e 3 rl6 Be idae a Tei pa Determine the mean speed in kph a. ais wb, 80.56 e. Tan PeereT] Determine the space mean speed. Compute the flow at section A in vehicles per nour. 5 860 wb. 1009, en 1050 4. 120 For sampling purposes of preparation of thermoplastic materials, the minimum weight should be Given the following cross section notes for = road grading work: a2 he road hed ie 9 m wide and the side slope for cut is cut of the section St, Determine the area of a. asi m2 fe. 9.788 the guide siga carry not more than Linge of Legend. as be a3 aa the design apeed of a vertical sag parabolic curve ia 100 kph. The tangent geades of the curve are -2.2% and 2.84 respectively. Determine the length of the curve a. 126.58 m ib. 130.16 fe. 148.37 a. 164.29 he average spacing of vehicles in a singie highway is 50 m center to center. The volune of traffic is 400 vehicles per hour. Determine the density of traffic in shat highway. A highway curve having a radius of 121.95 m 4a banked 20 that there will no lateral pressure on cat's Whee! at a speed of 48 kph. What Is the angle of elevation ef the embankment ?\ a 5.78 be 6.66" eas a 3ot" hich of the Following messages when painted on pavenent ts noz allowed? nein case of enecgency turn Left S. Mo Fight Guen bikeep clear a. Stop SITUATION 3: The width of the expansion joint gap is 24 mm in a concrete pavenent. If the laying tenperacure ie 12% and the waximin slab tenperature 40 50°C , Calculate the expansion in concrete betwoen the expansion joints in en assuming the gaps are vxice che Allowable expansion in concrete. ne bee e. 10 12 Calculate the spacing between jolnts using K ~ 0.0000095/°C a 23.60 be 33.2 5. 38.18 a ag.2n It raters to the increase in volume of earth work after excav: a. Borrow pitting b. Svaline S. Shrinking ae butking From station 0 | 040 with canter height of 2.2m in Fill , the ground line makes uniform slope of 6.5% to station 0 + 100, whose center height in cut is 3.5 m- Pind che grade of the finished roadway aL 0.888 be 133 e188 a. 2.158 A mass hat] diagran incicates fill if the curve arises bb. salle constant 4. none SITUATION 41 the dosign speed of a sag parabolic curve is 100 kph, he downware tangent grade is -28. The length of the curve 12 126 m. Compute the upward tangent grade of the parabolic sag curve. age bat ea it am Compute the length of the sight distance, a. 115.22 be 131-55) fe. 147.86 4. 186.23 At what distance from the PC is the lowest point of che curve? a, $0,608 we. 55.18 e. 60.28 4. $6.23 For protection of untreated timber trestile piles, the saved aurface shall be coated with: a. Macadam oll bb. Aatispest ott fe. Pack costange ‘da Cresscte oil Centerline shall be established from instrument control points. The maximum spacing betwean centreline pointa shall be meters when the centreline horizontal curve radius ta less then or equal to 150 nas bao e. 20 4.20 If 2349 vehicles pass 2 certain lane of road with an average speed of 52 xphy determine the appropriate spacing of the vebicles, an 19.88 #/ven, b. 26.54 SITUATION 5: an old dilapidsted road having a curve portion is to be improved to accommodate a dasign speed of 80 kph. Super elevation is to pe 0.08 and skid resistance s¢ 0.10. Compute the radive curve to accommodate the design speed of 90 xpn. a 307.20 be 35433 =. 388.86 8029.97 Detezmine the degree of curve as 3.23" be 581" 5. 6.09" a anait Determine the impact factor due to this speed a o35 be 0.47 5. 0.66 4 SITUATION 6: Determine the following movements by ships caused by sea waves The horizontal eotion of the ship along its longitudinal axis of the boat, which is caused by seawater a. Yawning b, Bitoning 2 Surging 4. Heaving The motion of the ship, which tends to rotate che ship shout its traverse axis caused by scawator waves ie known as a. Yawning be Pitching 2. Suaying |. Having the motion of the ship, which tends to move horizontally on its sides caused by seanater waves an vawaing ‘o."Pitening 2 Seayang a. weaving These shall be used Zor field riveting excluding hand tools re be permizzed by the engineer. Determine the chickness of 2 rigid pavement of proposed highway to carry a max. wheel load of 60. XN. Fe, ” a. dso b. 380 en 390 4. a0 A highway curve has radius of 122 m. Find the angle of super elevation in degrees so that there will be he lateral pressure betwean the tises and the cosdway ata apeed of 20 aph. ae b, 10.95" s. 6.58" aids + SIX vehicles are observed in a 200 = section of a highway. Average tine headway is 4 =. Determine the density in vehicles per kn. a. 50 B30, e. 40 4. 60 Detezmine the traffic flow in vehicles var ne. 2. 300 wb. 1159 &. 1060 4. a0 Determine the space mean speed, a. 58 kph b. 60 KDA 2 50 ih 4.15 ph this is similar to passenger planning in that both may be used to satisfy policy goals in transportation a. Logistic planning ‘e. Freight planning Bl environmental planning So Recesstbr ity planning bata on a traffic accident recorded on a certain intersection for che past & years has an accident race ef $200 per million entering vehicles, If the total number cf accidenta 12 802, £ind the average dally a. 85.25 wb. 59.71 co. 66.87 a. a1.75 The following data af a particular asphalt concrete mixture. Conpute the voids in the laboratory melded specinen Limestone eet, 2000 b Sana 2160 23 Asphalt coment toe 10 A sylindrie follows: We of dry specimen in air = 110 grans We of Saturated surface dey specimen in alr = 114 grans ht of saturaves specimen in wacer~ 69 grams) specimen of the mixture wea molded in the laboratory and wighed in aie and water aa Determine the pavement thickness in cn using an expansion pressure of 0.15 kg/en"2 and a pave Bensity of 0.0025 ke/en*3. Use expansion presmure method. aa bp. 100 ca) a SITUATION 4: Ieentity the following parts in raliroads: it refers to the fixed rall in a railway track which is part of a awitch as stock cai be wing rail 5. check ait ‘4. tongue rail These members laid Leansversely under Une rails for supporting ches are called: a. Fish plate by Ballast ©. Baring places di Sisepers the fittings used to fix the rails to the wooden sleeper te called: a. Fish plates b Clip 2 Spikes 4. chai SITUATION 9: The superhighway ia designed to have 4 coadway capacity of 160 vem. But due to some resurfacing portion of the highway , the roadway capacity is reduced to 30 vpm. The traffic arrival rate as 60 vpm and then resune after 40 mins. Compute the maximsn length of the queue, a. 1150 1.1200 ce. 1800 4. 1000 resurfacing of the portion of the highway. What is the average delay per vehicle due to sore a8 ‘ans ar as mane ae Compute the number of tons that the multinational ice plant compary must be able to sell per year to break even based on the ‘allowing dats Gost of electricity = P 20,000.00 Tax to be paid per ton ~ P 3,000 Salaries and wages - P 25 million Other expenses = P 12 million Selling price of ico ~ P55 por ke. a. 1228 b. 1149 e. 986 4. 120 A certain water works eystem in Singapore cost P 600 million and in 20 years it will have deprectated 2 400 million in value. T¢ the annual interest on bond ie $4 and the local inverest 4a fixed at #4 yearly and if che annual oporating expenses anounted to P 80 million, what must be the charge per rillion cum per year. The sinking fund is deposived annually and the capacity of water supply in Singapore 18.3.5 as? 33.93 b, P 34,45 5. 38.20 4. 31.70 Find the nominal rate which 1¢ compounded quarterly Le equivalent co €.5% compeunded semi annually. a 4358 be 6.4408 o S.alt 1.888 An engineer promised to pay P $6,000 at the end sf 90 days. Ke was offered 10% discount Lf he pays tn 30 Gays, find the rate of interest aad es aat e. $1.68 a. 66.68 The pensionnaire will receive P 5,000 per week at the rest of his/her life. If che social security agency nasa contribution of 6.5% per year and compounded weekly, what is the present worth of that a. Pl million b. Pd million fc. P10 mation 4. P 6.5 million An turban bank has a mortgage offers of 12% compounded continuously. What is the effective annval Sneerest? an 12.364 b. 12.558 fe. 12.758 4. 12.684 hich of the following is not described by the bond vaiue? 2. agrees to lend the bond issuer money. eaxinizes the economic well-being 1. receives periodic interest paymonts ‘So provides swenlient commercial value SITUATION 1: For a nominal rate of 6F compounded seni-quarterly for # years in an ordinary annuity, Compute the sinking fund factor Compute the present worth factor. Compute the capital recovery factor. a 0.0155, be 0.0197 =. 0.0216 4. 0.0316 Aparent on the day of the child Le porn wishes te determine what lump sun would nave to be paid into an account annually, in order to withdeaw P 20,000.00 each on the ‘child's 18%, 29%, 20% and Zi" Eurchdays? a P 35,941.73 b. P 33,981.75 2 30,960.03 4. P 25,941.73 the peofit on a product selling for ? 82.00 is 108 of the selling price. What percentage increase in Production cost will reduce tne profit by 604? a. 6.678 b. 6.768 5. 7.668 a. 1.768 an engineering firm purchased a second hand truck for P $30,000 and paid P 25,000 for freight and taxes to the job site, the equipront has 2 poral life of 10 years with a crade in value of F 50,000 agains: the purchase of a new equipment at che end of the 1ife, Deteiine the annval depreciation ‘cost by a. P 50,500 b, P 61 300 e243 500 4. 48 990 ‘The paper currency issued by the Centval Bank which forms part of the county's money supply. a. Treasury bills’ b. Sank note ‘er check 4, ‘Coupon An ites is purchased for P 100,000. Annual cost a P 18,000, Using interest rate of Bt, what is the capitalized cost of the perpetval service? a. P 310,000 bb. P 315,009, 2. P20, 000 4. P 228,000 SITUATION 2: A German dentist bought 2 machine 10 years ago for P 9 million with an expected Life of 20 years. The new assistant anticipated how that the machine will serve well for anolner 6 years only and Purchase a now apparatus at P 12 million with an expected life of 16 years. The ola machine ts Gepreciated 42 anticipated and can be sold naw at P 6 million, Operating cost of the old machine is P machines regardless of length of the time to be used, If money is worth 108 to the company, a. Pl million befiadmillion 0, & 2.1 miilion 4, P 3,0 million a. 136 million be Pls) million co, P 2.88 million — , P 2.12 million a. P 126,777 bP 131,384 ec. B 241,256 P 150,539 SITUATION 3: Define the following terns in engineering economics These axe the additional costs of producing one more unit of 9 product. a Marginal cost B, Sunk cost S. Increment cose a. Fixed cost These snvelve with the values for all a every economic alternative, Au taxation scale, Compensatory models. Dimensional model 4. reSbutes muat be converted into a comon messurenent scales in ‘ash flow It refers to the period of time in yoars that results in the minimum equivalent anneal cost a. Omership lize b. Physical lite es Useful site id. Eeononie 118 A bank loan of P 2,000 was mado at 8 % simple interest. How tong would take in yaers for che amount of the loan and interest equal to P 3,260.007 Aman pald P 110,000 for a ? 100,000 bond that pays P 4000 per year. In 20 years, the bond will be Fedecned for P 105,000. that net rate of interest will the man obtain on his investment? aaa i 3a 3.868 4. 3.408 a. Capacity utilization fc, Rate of recurn Bl annual revenue and expenses dL. taeerese rates SITUATION 4: the original cost of a certain machine is P 150,000 has a Life of 8 years with a salvage Determine the declining balance factor x. peat be o.212 0.2965 4. 0.3976 How mich is the depreciation on the 5! year , if the constant percentage of declining value used? A-machine costing P 45,000 29 estimated to have 2 salvage value of P 4,350 when retired at the ond of 6 years. Depreciation cost is computed using s constant percentage of the declining book value. Whats the annual rate of depreciation in percent? an ans 32.258 fe. 35.258 4. 21st A loan of P 2,000 is mado for a period of 13 months, from July 1 to July 31 the following year, at a Simple interest of 208, What Le the suture amount se due at che end of the loan period? a? 2216 be P2889 fe. 2 2433 a pan A Lelecons Clem purchased infrared agulpuent for ® 6 aillion. Freight and installation charges amounted fo 3 of the purchased price, If the equipment shall be depreciated over # poriod of @ yours with = salvage value of 54, determine the depreciation using sun of years digit method. Pieiy25 wb Poo), 423 fe. P64, 70 oP 652,533 Mow ong will it take money to quadruple if it earns 78 conpounded semi-annually? a. 26.55 years be 20.15 e. 33.16 ange SIUTATION 3: A utility company is considering the following plans to provide a certain service required by resent demand ard the respective growth af desand for the couing 18 yeare Plan & requires an immediate invescren: of 500,000 in property that has an estimated life of 18 yoars fand with 20¢ texninal salvage value. annval disbursements for operazion and maintenance vill be $0,090. Annual property taxes Will be 24 of the firet cost, Plan § requires an immediate investnont of 300,000 in property that has an estimated life of 18 yoars with 200 terminal salvage value, Annual dispuracnente for sta operation and maintenance during the fre © years will be 40,000. After 6 years, an additional investment of 400,000 will be required having an estimated life of 12 years with 40% terminal salvage value. After this additional proparty 1s instaiied, fSnnual disbucsemente for operation and maintenance of the conbined property will be 60,000. Annual Property tawes will be 2} of the fizst cost of property in service at any come. Money is worts 12%) a. Pade SST BSS ° cP 66ie 4. P 99k an P9228 bef l.2mmillion o, P 875k a. P 916K as P13, 900 by P 164.790 © e, & 212,300 4. 300,100 An android phone costs P 2,000 today. Tf inflation i 6% per year and interest ss 10% per year, what wall be che appropriate fatgre valve of the machine adjusted for anflation in 9 years? 2. P3620 b. P 4,200 fe. P2850 a Pa 3u0 An asset was purchased for P 100,000 and retired az the end of 15 years with a salvage value pf P 4,000. The annual operating cost wae P 18,000, Determine the capitalized Cost of the asset gaged on an interest rate of 8. as P 369,195 b. P 380,230 eo. Patt, a2 4. P 370,452 the official currency of the following countries is “pesos” EXCEED: a. Philippines: bb, Spain o, Mextco 4. Argentina The cost to equip 2 condo unit with CCTV cameras is P 50,000, If the interest rate is 188 per year and at has a lite of 6 years, tind the equivalent annual cost hich of the following products Ls not considered as sales sax? fn oil refinery has decided to purchase new driiiing equipment for P 350,000. The equipment will be xept for 10 years before being sold, The entinated SY for depreciation purposes is to be $75,000. Tf Seraight Line depreciation is used and the equipment is sold for P 25,000 at the end of 10 years, the taxable gain on the disposal of the equipment 1s a. P 35,000 b. 25,900 =. P 15,000 4. P 10,000 The fixed coste incurred by | amall genetics research lab are P 200,000 per year. Variable costs are 608 of tho annual revenue, If annual revenue is P 300,000, the annual’ profit/loss is most nearly which answer below! a. P 66,000 profit, —b. P 66,900 Loss fe. P 80,000 profit. P a0, 060 Lose A nominal interest of 34 compounded continuously ie given on the account. What is the accumulated amount ef P'10,000 after 10 years? a. P 13,458.60 bb. P 13,620.10, fe. P 13,500.20 4. P 13,439.16 A firm i considering a capital Lnvestrent. The risk premium is 0.04, and it ia considered to be Constant througa tine, Rigkiess investments may now he purcnased to yield 0.06 (68). If the project’s Beta (s) 18 1.5, what is the expected return for this snvesrnent? a d.15, be 0.19 = 0.08 a. 0.024 A fund for replacement of a machinery in a plant must have P 3 million at the end of 9 years. An egual Beposit of P7396, 500 was wade on the fund at che ond of each 6 month for 4 years only. How such is the rate of the ond invested if it is compounded seni-annual2y? an 338 be aoe en 5.58 4. 6.08 A sun of 21,000.00 is Invested now and left for 8 years, at which tine the principal is withdrayn. ‘the will be the withdrawn amount at the end of the 16 yoar? a. P 665.80 be P70! 2 ‘o. 819.57 4. 655.49 If a sur of money triples in a certain period of tine at a given rate of interest, compute the value of the single payment present worth factor A bank 1s advertising 9.5% accounts that yield 9.84 annually. How often ie the interest compounded? &. monthly iB. biewonthiy se quartersy daily P 500 1s deposited cach year into a savings bank account that pays SY noninal interest, compounded a. P 2765.53, b, P 2448.64 ce. P 2809.65 a, P 2347.96 SITUATION 4: An oit company Le belng offered a special coating for the gasoline underground tank 15 years. The cost of the special coating will increase the cost of the 40,000-tank to 58,000. Cost of installation for either of the tanks is 724,000. If the calvage value for both is zero, and interest rate in 26%, ‘Machine wo coating Machine _w) special coating Fin Coat 40,000 58,000 Tastallation 24,000 24,000 Salvage Value 2 a Estimated Life Oyen yar compute the depreciation for machine withowt coating. a. P 1556.22 wb, lasts e. 2630.16 4. 2077.59 Compute the depreciation for machine with coating. oP 387-80 wb. 827.23 2 687.08 4. 752.24 Conpute the rate of return on additional Snvestment on machine with apecial coating. a eta be 475% =. 3.368 areas HYDRAULICS AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING SITUATION 1; A Follow cylinder 1.0 m in diameter and 2.8 m long weighs 3.84 XN, Determine the woight of 1ead (unit weight ~ 10 N/n/must be fastened to the outside bottom to make the cylinder float vertically with 2.3 m submerged in fresh wacer. ar aass b. 15.25 fe. 12.70 4.27.4 Determine the weignt of lead mist be placed inside the cylinder to make the cylinder float vertically with 2.3m submerged in fresh water. a. 17.36 b. 12.79 2 4.154 Calculate the additional load assuming the lead Ls placed inside the cylinder to make the top of the cylinder flushed with the water surface? ae b, 5.70 e. 8.36 4.7.33 SITUATION 2: An open cylindrical tank having a radius of 0.30 m and a height of 1.20 m is filled wich water at a depth of 0.90 m How fast will it be rotated shout its vertical axis if half of Sts volume ia spilled out? ac rpm be 176.34 2. 156.21 4. 145.84 ‘ind the speed of rotation ahowt its vertical axis so that no water willl be spilled out? a. aa2.88 rpm be 121.70 es 135.86 4108.23 Determine the speed of rotation abou center of the tank 207.22 rpm b, 222.78 5. 198.56 a. 22.45 its vertical axis to produce zero pressure with 0.20 m from the SITUATION 3: 1 12 w°2 of nitragen at 30° C and 225 KPa absolute pressure ie expanded isothermally te 30 3, ure k= 1,40 ard constant = pU"k for an isentropic condition Pind the resulting pressure. a. TS kPa bso carr) 4.30 Find the pressure in an isentropic condition, a. 34.7 KPa b. aed 2. 50 4a 624 Find the tomperatsce in an iseatropie condition. Use 12/2 = (p2/pth> (2) /e a. 20°C b. 30°e on -6a"c a ere If K = 2.2 GPa is the bulk modulus of elasticity of wate by 0.6 percent? ar abt wea B12 14s 4.13.2 what pressure is required to reduce a volure These are the Liguids that vaporizes easily. an taeal wb. Newtonian e.Volatite 4. Bingham SITUATION 4: In the figure shown below after question 24, Find the draft of the cylinder, a. 0.633 m , O-48s ce. 1.032 a. 0.929 "ind the center of buoyancy from the bottom of the cylinder. a.0.650 wb. 0-375 20,466 4. 0.500 Determine the metacenter helwow the canter of bycyaney. a. 0.1548 wb, 0-128 en 024d 4. 0.286 ones =085 wen es 4. 9.07 0.8 ana water: 2.274 b, 1.087 ce. 1.499 4. 2.047 Find the rise in free eurface of the water in contact with air? ain mn paren] fe 157 4. 10.6 SITUATION 7; A tark contains ofl (= = 0-80), gasoline (s = 0.90) and sea water (s = 1.03). If the depths Sf the liguids are 0.5m ,0.8 and 1 for oll, gasoling, and gea waver respectively. Determine the pressure at a depth of 1.2m a. 1de2 Wea pe do.1 ce. 18.7% 4.18.33 Determine the pressure at the depth of 1.8 m ar 2038 b. 18.0? e. 19.32 4. 36.01 Determine the pressate throughout the bottom. a. 20.77 b, 29.12 6. 22.49 4. 21.09 SITUATION @: The buoy in figure shown has @0 8 of steel weight attached, The buoy has lodged against = rock 2 m deep, Assume the weignt of water is 45.62 §, Determine the length 1 of the submerged buoy: a 233m bed es a2 Determine che angie with the horizontal at which the buoy will lean assuming the rock exerts no nenent on the booy. an as b. 53" e. 35° 4.59" SITUATION 8: If the specific weight of a Liquid is 8.1 KN/n*3, Calculate the specitic gravity of the Liquid. ar 0.73 pn o.88 <. 0.60 4. 0.92 Caleviate the density, aL 870 kg/m" be 830 e. 600 4. 920 What substance is most likely for that Liquid? ae sea water b, Molasses fo: O42 4. Mescury SITUATION 9: A space 16 mm wide botwoon two large plane surfaces is filled with SAE 30 Western lubricating oll at 38°C. Assume p= 0.18 M.s/m"2 What force is required to drag a very thin plate 0.4 sqm area hetwoen the surfaces v = 0.25 m/s if chis plate is equally spaced betwaon the vo surfaces? what force 1s requized to drag aw plate thickness is 5 ma? a eaT w 4.87 5.28 44.79 y thin plate 0.4 sg m area between the surfaces v= 0.25 s/s if this SITUATION 10: Aa open tank 3m By 3 = in horizoncal section weighs 3.6 kN and containe water to a depth of 1m, Jt 4g acted ay an unbalanced force of 16 KN parallel vo a paiz of aides. Determine the acceleration of the tank. ait m/s"? be 2.76 3.58 4.1.59 Determine the heloht of the tank so that no water will sp If the acceleration is increased by 4 m/s*2, how much water will be spilled out? a. 1.25 03 bbls e492 ar 3.25 A ship floating in seavater 1s table Lf the metac bi above the certer of gravity er coincides with the center of gravity were height se A davice used to measure pressure heads in pipes where the Liquid i in motion. aU tube b, Barometer E. Plezoneter 4. Manonecer It raters to the pressures that are above of below the atmosphere and can be measured by presaure gages 3. Atmospheric pressure c. Baronetric pressure el absolute pressure al Relative pressure A gage pressure at elevation 6 m at the side of a tank containing a Ligeia vesds 60 kPS. Another gage at a. 1.02 ob. 1.04 ce L2l as ald than piston A by 1.7m. If the sntervening passages are filled with oil whose specific gravity Sa 0.8, what le the difference In pressure between A and 3? SITUATION 12: A vertical plate shown Le subserged in vinegar 9.78 kN/ee = 0.80). Assume unit weignt of water Je Find the depth of the center of pressure of section AI from she Liquid surface a. s,m b. 6.24 e479 aaa Find the magnitude of the hydrostatic force on one side of she plate. a. 1248 Ke be 173 eer) aaa Find the depth of the center of prossure of the whole section fron the Liguid surface an t22 ald e. 6.59 4. $38 SUTUATION 13: A concrete dam retaining water is shown. unit weignt of concrete is 23.5 N/a my Calculate the hydrostatic force a. 14.75 b. 176.20 ce. 185.26 4. 194.37 calculate the factor of safety against overturning. Use an 3.42 b. 2.78, er Lae 4. asa Calculate the minimam pressure intensity a. 56.9 He bt? 18k a ane SITUATION 14: A cylindrical container 6 m long high and 3m in diameter is reinforced with two hoops 1 = Determine the hydrostatic force Determine the tension at the upper and. Determine the tension at the lover and. a, 875.55 bb. 340.08 5. 796.66 4. 493.37 For the configuration shown, celoulate the weight of the platen if the pressure gage reading 1s 10 KPa Calculate the density of nitrogen at an aneolute pressure of 1 MPa a. 15.55 kg/m“ b. 13.38 5. 12.05, tore. A block af Wood requires @ force of 40M to keep Lt immersed In water and force of 100M te keep Le imersed in glycerin (s = 1.3). Find the weight of the wood. anda Bw wb, 160 135 4. 120 SITUATION 1: A aiverging tubs discharges water from a reservoir at a depth of 10 m below the water Surface. The dianerer of the tube graduslly increases fram 250 mm at the throat to 225 mn at che outlet Neglecting friction, determine the maximum possible rate of discharge through this tube, ao d.T1s 3/8 wb. 0-618 s.0,557 04a Determine the corresponding pressure st the throst. a. 614.08 kPa ib =338.75 fe. 188.25 4. 91.26 SITUATION 2: For the pamp shown in the figure, che total fricticn head loss is 6 m. If the pump delivers 40 RH of power to the water, Dome, _D,=0mm + Determine the exit velocity of the water: an age wa be aid e. 66.8 41a Determine the Slow sate. a. aad t/a be 48.5 e. 69.6 a. 64.2 Benzene flows through a 100 mm pips at a mean velocity of 3 a/s. find the volume flow cate. SITUATION 2: A 25 mm long smooth brass pipe 200 m long drains an open 1.2 m cylindrical tank xnich Contains oil having density ~ 950 xg/s"3 and dynamic viscosity of 0.03 N.s/e*2. The pipe discharges at Slevation 30m, The liquid surface of oil is at elevation of 36 a, 888 be 86.1 c. 112.7 a. 148.8 a, 0.1174 m/s by 0.1488, o.1213 4. 0.1459) Determine the Line soquized in hours for the ofl Level to drop from elevation 36 to elevation 32.5 m a, 29,6 hoses b. 20.4 o. 22.3 420 a. Sudden contraction b. sends cc. Valves 4. changes in water flow dn orifice hag a coefficient of discharge of 0.62 and @ coefficient of contraction of 0.63. Pine the coefficient oF velecity for the discharge a. 0.884 bb. 0.984 e. 0.655 4. 0.800 this formula in pipes is mast commonly used in waterworks: a. Dazey-ieishach b. Manning Sallazen |. chezy This refers to the overflowing stroam in a weir. 2. Suppreasea bs Nappe Stead 4. contracted SITUATION 4: che head loss in 74 m of 150 am diamater pipe ie known Co be 9 = when oll [a = 0.90) flows at 0,057 °3/s, Assume viscosity of ofl is 0.0389 Pa.s aizie be i310 15140 4. 13830 a. 0.015 . b. 0.034 ce. 0.088 4. 0.078 “ind the shoar stress at the wall of pipe. a. 39.91 wim? wb, 48.19 96.23 a. 60.18 The aros shown in the figure is composed of a square plus an equilateral triangular plot of side 10 kn. qhe annual precipications at the rain gauge stations vocaved at the four corners and center of the Square plot and apex of the teiangulay plot ave indicated in the figure. Find the mean precipitation over the area using Thiessen polygon nothod. Inence areas 2 3 od a. 88.21 ow b. 76.18 5. 70.59 a. 66.7 SITUATION 5: A 600 me pipe connects two reservolz whose difference in water surface elevation 48 a. The pipe is 3500 m long and has tho following pipe fittings: 2 globe valves, 4 short radius elbows, 2 long Fadiue elbows, and one gate valve half open. she values of loas factors for pipe fittings aza given (see Gillesania's Flsid Mechanics and Hydrssiies) Using the equivalent Length method, assuming £ - 0.015, catculate the actual length of the pipe a. 4483 be a0 =. 4199 asi Determine the head loss of the pipe. aso be ot a8 aa Calculate the flow of the entire pipe systen a. 861 Le b. S18 =. 648 ama SITUATION 6: A rectangular Ireigation canal § m wide containa water 1 m deep. Tt has a nydraulie slope Sf 0,001 and a roughness coefficient of 0.013, Evaluate the mean velocity of the water in the canal in n/a a 6.11 wa be 2.01 S466 a. 1.99 a is95 Wve b, 18,34 ce. 14.15 4. 12.06 Same discharge and slope . “ " a.1.89 be 1.55 e: 4.67 aa Water from a reservoir through a non-rigid 600 mm pipe with a velocity of 2.5 m/s is completely stopped by a closure of a valve situated 200 m fvom the reservoir, Assume that the pressure increases at a uniform rate and that there s# no damping of the pressure wave, The pipe has a thickness of 20 nny Bulk modulus of water 15 2.2 x 10°9 Pa and modulus of elasticity of steel is 1.4 x 20°11 Pa, Compute the Celerity of pressure wave a. 1985 m/s b. 1544 =. 1618 a. 1223 Water flows through an ozifice at the vertical side of a lagge tank under a constant head of 2.4 m. How a, 3.88 “bk es ds 3.08 . seconds, 28,800 liters of water wore collected. What is the weir faccor, C.? preety] b. Tste pain a. 2.055, SITUATION 7: In che figure and the table shown, it is desired to pump 3,411,000 L/day of water from a strean to a pool. I the combined pump and aatar afficlency 12 708 y Determine the total pumping head in meters, aga 69.8 e. 8.6 4. 102.9 Determine the power required by the pump. 2 38.614 be 41.584 56.212 a. 61.002 If the electricity ie P 6.00 per Kichr, and operating for 28 hr , assuning 1 month ‘the sonthly power cost 30 days, conpuce SITUATION 8: Answer the following terns in Hydraulics and Water Resources Engineering, tn precipitation , these consist of tiny Liquid droplets, usually with diameters between 0.1 and 0.5 sm, with such slow settling rates that they occasionally appear to fleat. a. Rain b, Hail fo. Snow a. orizete These are the sections which the parsneter of channel flow will give maximun discharge: ‘a. Normal Depth fg. Most Efficion: Section B. Critical flow ‘ao myarausse Grade Line the first "8" in MSS stands For a. system bb. Sewerage e. Stock 4. society SITUATION 91 to pipes are connected in parallel between two reservoirs I = 2600 m, DI = 1,3 my C= 90 #12 = 240m, 02" "0.9m, C= 100. For a difference in elevarion of 3.8 ay Determine the velocity in pipe 1 a. 1218 me Patera e. 2.209 a. 2213 Determine the velocity in pipe 2 a. 1.020 m br fais e. 1.30 4. 2.064 Determine the total Zlow of water, a acl w/a wb. 3.64 fe. 2.92 4.2.22 SITUATION 10: In the venture meter shown in the figure, C = 0.957, the recorded flow in the meter is 1.5 a, 0.001814 m°3/s i, 0.001567 fc. 0.00216 4, 0.001956 a. 0.045 m b, 9.068 fe. 0.096 4. 0.201 chroat? = a. 635 am b. 475 en 554 ane There are four commonly ssed methods for the base Flow separacion EXCEPT a. Sraight Line b. Fixed base length ¢. Chow's id. Constant slope SITUATION 11: A Jet of water 250 mm in disreter impinges normally on a flat steel plate. If the Sischarge 12 0.491 ca w/e, ‘ind the force exerted hy the Jet on the stationary plate. ao e38 kt be aah e366 a 2.99 2 the flat plate ie moving st 2 m/9 in the sane direction as that of the Jet, find o the jet on the plate. force exerted by a 3.142 b. 2.216 fs. 1.977 a. 1.425, plate per second Be 1525 Wana b. seis ex 7068 a. 669 SITUATION 12: Reservoir 5 shows in the figure receives 0.06 m*3/s of Flow. a 0.219 cu m/s b. 0.203 co. 0.233 4. 0.173 Determine the flow in Line oC a. 0.143 ce m/s bb. 0.113 e: 0.159 a. 0.279 Find the elevation of reservoir 8. a. 92.16 m ib. 90,07 e. 91.06 a. 89.09 SITUATION 13: waver in the igure. lows from an upper reservoir co lower one while passing through # turbine as shown 8.1973 Find the velocity of water. Find the head lose due to friction Find the power generated by the turbine a. 2u1 ka b, 264 33 4.27 A sewage pipe carries: a. ston water b, potable water eg, fatal materiale 4. sewage A 20 cm dianeter pipe length of 100 m with 2 60 =, f - 0.02 m and loss of head due to entrance allasms be 10.2 veo. 15.55. 4.18.79 A discharge of 750 L/s flows through a pipe having diareter of 400 a, 85 m long. Using Hazen-Willians formila, compute the head loss. asm Bet 13 ae SITUATION 1: A uniform sofl ceposit has a dry unit weight of 15.6 kN/n? and a saturated unit weight of L12 kim’, ‘The ground water table ie at a distance of @m below the ground surface, Point A la st depth Compute the effective stress at A. If the vater table goes up by 3.5 @ find the effective stress at A, as 6as98 Pa b, &1.02 5. 67.66 4. 482 3a comparison to i and 2, what will happen te the effective stresses at A Lf the ground water eurface Will tise up the ground surface? a. increase b, Remain ce. Decrease 4. cannot be determined SITUATION 2: A soil sample was determined in the laboratory to have 2 liquid Limit of 41% and a plastic Limit of 21.14, 12 the water conten= te 0%, Determine the plasticity index. ar did 13.5 29.9 aaa Determine the Liquidity index a. 0.307 we. 0.608 ce. 0.396 a. 0.447 what ig the characteristic of soil? ar Britele be Ligsia e Dense 4. Plastic SITUATION 31 A consolidated desined tricarial test wag conchicted on a normally consolidated clay, The geaulte ae follows: nai” tga ab ma Find the vertical stress increase at polnt A due to first Line lead a. 1.75 ka b. 1.6L =. 153 a aaa “ind the vertical stzess increase at paint A dus Uo the second tine Lead. 13.73 Pa b. Tid c. 16.78 41290 a. 15.54 ea b, 18.38 fe: 15.32 13.75 SITUATION §: A certain soll deposit has 4 Liquid Limit of 47% and @ plastic limit of 24% Compute the coefficient of earth pressure at rest of this soil deposit. Hint: Ko = 0.19 + 0.2231egiP1) a 0.507 be 0.407 5. 0.239 40.318 Compute the total stress at reat lateral earth pressure a depth of § m. in a dense sand deposit where tis soil was oblained. Unit weight of sand ie 18.6 KN/=? a. 45.23 ka b. 46.64 e. 48.93 4. $0.02, Compute the total stress at rest lateral earth pressure at a depth of $m in the sane sand deposit but a Mater table is located at a ground surface. Saturated unit weight of sand ia 20-5 XN/m. SITUATION 6: specifications on a Job required a £111 using borrowed soit to be compacted at 954 of ize Standard Proctor maximum cry censity. Tests indicate that the maximur ig 29.5 kN/m? wich 12% mo‘sture the borrow macerial has a void ratio of 0.60 and a solid epecafac gravity of 2.65 a. 17.216 kvm be 18.525 e. 15.132 4. 13.781 a 2i2 kW/m. 20,7 e. 1.6 aoaas Find the required minimon volume of borrow soil required to F411 one cubic meter: aloe be 165 41.23 STTUATION 7: The Laboratory apparatue shown in the figure maintains = constant head in both the wpper and lower regervoira. ‘The soi: sample is 2 silty sand with nydraulic conductivity of K = 5 x 10°~3 en/a and a moisture content of 18.5%. The specific gravity of the gait as 2.70 sem Meee | Compute the void ratio a. 0.80 bb. 0.59 o. 0.65 4. 0.90 Compute the seepage velocity. a. 0.011 ens wb, 0.007 c. 0.026 4. 0.094 a. 0.399 m/s 5, 0.218. o. 0.267 a. 0.287 Rocks can be classified in three basle categories EXCEPZ: a. atmospheric b. sedimentary fc. metamorphic 4. igneous Tt is a Ling along which a water particle «ill Leavel feom upstream to the downstcean aide in the a. Stress Line bb, equipotentia fe: impervious lined. flow Line SITUATION 9: Results from Liquid and plastic Limit tests conducted on a soil are given in the table. ember of blows, Molstare sntant 6) 6 33 20 a1 » no

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