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Have you ever wondered what Mother Earth will look like 10, 20, or 50 years from now?

As what
is shown in the video, My Predictions is that 50 years from now mother earth will be very Lonely and
maybe Catastrophic if we will going to continue what we are doing right now which is destroying it.
Mother earth will be totally overpopulated and it will be causing too much pollution. The earth will be
too much warmer, because of scarcity of trees and she will received a lot of damage as a consequence
of what we are doing right now.

The video simply shows how Life without water is impossible. Water is the most valuable
resource on the Earth and the essential component of the ecosystem because all living beings (animals,
plants and even human body) needs it to support their living process. Water is our lifeline that bathes
us and feeds us. As you look at the earth you see that Water covers about 70% of earths surface and
with that we humans tend to take it for granted. The video wants us to be aware of how earth will be in
the future if we will not going to consume with care and conserve water.

With that, it is of great importance that we humans should play our part in protecting our mother
earth through variety of ways. It could be through Planting more trees, reducing the use of plastic,
proper solid waste management and many more. Also through conservation of water. Water
conservation means using water wisely and not contributing to unnecessary wastage. As human we
should unite and do our very best in saving our mother earth for our future generations.

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