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Appendix 2: MCT/MST Observation Feedback Form (template)

Course Code: EPC 4909

Maitha Alkaabi Almesk KG

Trainee Name: School:

Naema Alkaabi 5st November 2020

MCT/MST Name: Date:

The MCT and MST will use this form to formally observe the trainee’s performance and to give feedback
based on the selected teaching competencies.
NOTE: Refer to the course-specific, teaching competencies-based rubric included in section D of the TP Booklet

Commitment to the Profession F D C B A


Maitha follows school rules and MOE regulation , punctual to classes on time, Punctual in
conducting lessons and attending all meetings. Always support students’ academic support
and search for ways of improvement ,She .Very cooperative. Maitha has good relations with
all parents and students. Has great respect dealing with everyone around in learning process.
Planning for Learning F D C B A

Maitha regularly reviews the outcomes, theme plans and plans a head suitable interesting slides ,
activities and home works. Supports the lesson with educational videos, songs, and live worksheets.
Searches for helpful websites. She attends planning meetings and gives valuable suggestions.

Managing Learning F D C B A

Maitha uses rewarding strategies to encourage students. Always Review the online classes rules at
the beginning of the lesson. Has excellent commands and control on student’ behaviour and learning.
She prepares appropriate materials and always manage the suitable time. Deals with situations

Implementing Learning F D C B A

Maitha uses effective and varied strategies to implement learning in teaching English , Math and
Science. Always implement new interesting methods to encourage students learning and

Assessment F D C B A

Maitha always varies levels of questions, prepares interesting games and competitions , searches and
finds variety of tasks for the outcome to meet students needs.

Plans challenging assessment tools and tasks for the high achievers and ask critical thinking

She also takes into consideration the lower ability students and supports them With interesting
appropriate activities.

Reflection on Practice F D C B A

Maitha always reflects after conducting the lesson, reviews the successful practices , measures the
impact on students learning, discusses with Teacher the teaching practices that needs improvements
and plans accordingly, she always decides the next steps after every lesson.

I would like to express my sincere thanks to Maitha for supporting Almesk students in , you are a great
help in our distanced learning circumstances , your impact is visible and noticeable on students
academic and behaviour progress. It was my pleasure to cooperate with you and with HCT respected

I wish you a bright successful career.

EMT: Naema Alkaabi

Appendix 3: MST Final TP Assessment Form (template)

Course Code & EPC 4909 (Practicum 4b)


Trainee Name & Maitha Saeed Alkaabi Placement Almesk KG


Naema Mohammed 19 November 2020

MCT/MST Name: Date:

The MCT and MST will use this form to assess the trainee’s overall performance on teaching
practicum and to give feedback based on the selected teaching competencies.
NOTE: Refer to the course-specific, teaching competencies-based rubric included in section D of the TP Booklet

F D D+ C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A

% 0-59 60-63 64-66 67-69 70-73 74-76 77-79 80-83 84-86 87-89

Commitment to the Profession (15%) F D C B A

*Put the corresponding % under the grade letter given for each competency, +
according to the above grading system. Add ‘+’, ‘-‘ to the letter grade as required


Maitha has a very active participation in Teaching process, shows high understanding of
Teaching ethics and responsibility. Collaborate and contribute to students, classroom and
school events .shows respect and good relation in the school community and parents as
well. Maitha understands rules and regulation of MOE and Kindergarten, Health and safety
conditions. Always Demonstrates consistent attendance and punctuality . Builds positive
relationships . lessons are prepared & ready for each lesson.

Planning for Learning (15%) F D C B A

% +

Uses the planning time to discuss theme and outcomes, students’ abilities as well, then
suggested activities and resources needed to implement successfully. Lesson plans have
sufficient detail to secure satisfactory delivery and include testable learning objectives and
appropriate. Lesson plans have sufficient detail to secure effective delivery and include
learning objectives and some assessments. Produces lesson plans which engage students
and encourage maximum student participation.

Managing Learning (15%) F D C B A

% +

Shows understanding of students different abilities and choices ,manages their behaviour.
Has reward system to manage and encourage learning. Puts appropriate rules and reminds
students about it at the beginning of each lesson. Establishes and manages classroom
routines and transitions smoothly.

Implementing Learning (20%) F D C B A

% +

Is able to implement the outcomes and produce interesting activities that engage all
students. She takes students different choices and learning styles also in consideration.
Accurate, meaningful and accessible to support student engagement and learning includes
differentiation. Lessons are usually paced to ensure students are appropriately engaged.
Maitha implements planned strategies and activities independently.

Assessment (15%) F D C B A
% +

Maitha prepares variety of assessment tools to ensure the effective impact on students
learning. Implement the on going assessment and the closing she gives small quizzes also.
Encourages students to share their learning and feel proud to speak in front of friends and
adults. Assessment data is generally used to inform planning and instruction.
She helped in conducting the skills task and assessed individual students .

Reflection on Practice (20%) F D C B A

% +

Always Reflects on their own practice leading to improvement independently. Always

encourages students ,reward them and display their work to make them proud .
She reflects and ask for feedback after lessons for further improvement.

Overall Assessment (100%) F D C B A

% +
*Overall assessment needs to be the weighted average of the above – competency-
based components

MST signature and school stamp:

Naema Mohammed Helal

Almesk KG


NOTE TO EMPLOYERS: Please complete Parts 1 to 5 of the form for all students. Thank you for your cooperation.

Student Name: Maitha Saeed Alkaabi Program & Level: ……………………………

Student ID:H00292353 WP Employer: …………………………………

Start & End Dates of WP: HCT Mentor: …………………………………

Assessor: Naema Alkaabi Assessor’s Position: EMT

Date: 19 November 2020

Assessor’s Signature:

PART 1: Personal Skills

Please rate the student on the following aspects. Please tick appropriate boxes.

Excellent Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Attendance     

Punctuality     

Interest/Motivation in work     

Co-operation/     
Interpersonal behaviour

Accept/Follow instructions     

Accept/Learn from     

Adherence to safe working     


Demonstrate appropriate     
level of initiative
PART 2: Attendance and Punctuality

Number of days absent: 0 days

Number of times late: 0 times

Reasons for absences and lateness:

PART 3: Communication Skills

Please rate the student on their level of Arabic/English communication.

Please tick the appropriate boxes.

Minimally Not
Excellent Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Acceptable Applicable

Arabic (Written)      

Arabic (Spoken)      

English (Written)      

English (Spoken)      

PART 4: Areas of strength and areas for development

Planning , Independency
Areas of Strength: , initiatives , understanding of
Areas of strength: students needs, the ability to create a variety of
interesting activities. Technology skills, art and
physical education touch .Grouping , Giving students
individual attention ,
Areas for Development:

Can encourage talented students with creativity.

Helpful comments for the HCT College on the students’ performance
PART 5: Job Competencies

Please rate the student on their level of the teaching competencies listed below.
Please tick the appropriate boxes.
Excellent Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Commitment to     

Planning for Learning     

Managing Learning     

Implementing Learning     

Assessment     

Reflection on Practice     

PART 6: Note: your answer to the following question will not affect the student’s grade

Does this person have the skills your institution requires to fill a position? Y/N
Yes it would be our pleasure to have Maitha Saeed Alkaabi as a colleague in our school.

If the answer to the above question is NO, please explain:

School Stamp:

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