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Chapter 4: Structure of Atom

Chemistry Worksheet 3

Q.1: Write the electronic configuration and valencies of the following elements:
a) He - ……………… f) N-……………………..
b) B- ………………… g) Be- …………………
c) Ca - ……………… h) C- …………………
d) S - ………………… i) Ne- …………………
e) O- ………………… j) Al- …………………

Q.2: Draw the schematic diagrams of the following elements:

S.No Element Symbol S.No Element Symbol

1 Hydrogen 6. Fluorine

2 Lithium 7 Sodium

3 Chlorine 8 Argon

4 Phosphorus 9 Sulphur

5. Silicon 10 Magnesium

Q.3: Na + has completely filled K and L shell. Comment.


Q.4: Calculate the atomic number of the element whose atomic nucleus has mass number 23 and
number of neutrons are 12. What is the symbol of this element?

Q.5: Both He and Be have 2 electrons in the valence shell. Helium is a noble gas while beryllium is a
metal. Why?

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