HRM Section A and C Case HHUPD-1-3

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Case Study Martin N. Davidson is an associate professor

of business administration at the University of
Virginia’s Darden School of Business.

A bank’s chief diversity recruiter wonders

whether to penalize managers who promote
only white men. by Martin N. Davidson

How Hard
Should You
Push Diversity?
The Experts

Steve Reinemund, dean

of business at Wake
Forest University and
former CEO of PepsiCo

George Borst, president

and CEO of Toyota
Financial Services
D id you see this?” Kumkum Bhat-
nagar asked incredulously. She held
up a printout of an article by Will
Sonenberg, the CEO of GlobeBank. It had
appeared in a special online supplement
The line in Will’s article made it sound
as if Charles and his team had been sitting
around doing nothing for the past four
years. Hadn’t the CEO just the month
before sent out an official recognition of
of Bloomberg Businessweek on the subject their achievements? Hadn’t he cited their
of diversity, and it concerned the compa- “unprecedented progress” in filling Globe-
ny’s efforts to increase female and minority Bank’s executive pipeline with minority
representation in management. Charles candidates?
Begley, GlobeBank’s managing director of “Why would he take a swipe at us like
diversity recruiting, was already reading it this—and in public?” Charles asked.
John B. Veihmeyer,
on-screen, dumbfounded. “I don’t know,” Kumkum said. “But of
chairman and CEO of KPMG
“We worked with him on every draft,” course, when it comes to the executive
he sputtered. “Where did this line come committee, we both know he’s right.”
from? ‘A glance at the photos of our execu- With Kumkum standing over him,
tive committee on our website is all it takes Charles opened the executive committee
to see how little headway we’ve made on page in the “About Us” section of Globe-
HBR’s fictionalized case studies present diversity.’ Who wrote that?” Bank’s website. Pictured among the 67
dilemmas faced by leaders in real
companies and offer solutions from experts. This “He must have written it himself, after photos were eight white women, one black

one is based on the Darden School of Business we signed off,” Kumkum, Charles’s deputy man (Charles himself), and one Hispanic
case study “Diversity at JPMorgan Chase: Right Is director, said with a note of despair. (Hugo Suarez, of GlobeBank International).
Good Enough for Me (B)” (product no. UV3276-
PDF-ENG), by Martin N. Davidson and Gerry “He had no business doing that,” Charles “Probably what happened,” Kumkum
Yemen. It is available at said. said, “was that the web team had finished

November 2012 Harvard Business Review 139


redesigning this page and asked Will to searched worldwide for the right people decisions they know how to make. Besides,
approve it just as he was about to send the and went to great lengths to bring them in. Will would never go for it.”
final version of his article to the editor at Now GlobeBank had a large pool of high- “This is a business—true,” Kumkum
Businessweek. He must have noticed the potential minority candidates, the envy of replied. “But it’s a business that has made
disconnect between the pictures and the the industry. But because they hadn’t yet promoting women and minorities one of
wording we’d all agreed on. So at the last made it into the executive ranks, Will was its priorities. And Will has just reiterated
minute he made a few changes.” calling the effort a failure—calling Charles that priority in the clearest possible way.”
“Whose idea was it to put those pictures a failure.
up there anyway?” Charles growled. Charles stared at the article on his Life in the Pipeline
“You know Will likes to go off script,” screen. How little headway we’ve made. Charles had previously scheduled back-
Kumkum said. “Remember that headline “This is a gauntlet,” he said. “And I’m going to-back meetings later that day with two
in the Journal a few years ago? ‘CEO Says to pick it up.” young executives in GlobeBank’s talent
Lack of Diversity Disgraceful’? But you “If you ask me,” Kumkum said, “this gets pipeline: Anthony Taylor and Trey Sugar-
have to hand it to him—he does care about back to my old point: Executive diversity man, African-American MBAs with Ivy
the issue. You can’t take it personally.” isn’t just about the pipeline.” League pedigrees whom Charles had been
“I do take it personally.” “Of course it is.” instrumental in recruiting. Anthony had
Four years before, Will had approached “It’s partly about the pipeline—you have made his appointment just to “check in,”
Charles, arguing that GlobeBank’s lack of to have good people to promote. But we’ve he said. But as he updated Charles on what
diversity was preventing it from attracting he’d been doing, the real reason for the
the best talent in the marketplace. Charles
had been running U.S. equity sales at the
“I’ve told my son there meeting became clear: He was bored and
felt underutilized.
time—he was one of the highest-ranking are no limits to what “I’ve spent the past month doing
African-American executives in the com- he can achieve in this pitchbooks for a pulp-and-paper IPO that’s
pany—but Will wanted him to give up that never going to happen,” Anthony said.
position and become the bank’s first head
world. Am I telling him “There are big deals being made—just like
of diversity recruiting, reporting directly to a lie?” you promised—but I’m not getting staffed
the CEO. Charles had been wary; his ulti- on them, which means no exposure, no
mate aspiration was to be the bank’s global recognition, nothing.”
head of sales, and an HR role could prove always neglected the ‘pull’ part. We need Afterward, when Charles met with
to be a disastrous sidetrack. to make sure that everyone in the upper Trey, he heard almost exactly the same
But he’d gone for the job because deep echelons of this company is pulling folks complaint.
down he did want to turn GlobeBank into up into management positions. I think we— Charles had found Taylor and Sugar-
the kind of company where someone like you—have done a great job of nurturing man at a competing bank and had been
his son, Jason, now a high school senior, diversity. But too many of the business- given permission to recruit them into
could move up through the ranks without unit heads are still blockers.” GlobeBank’s investment banking division
having to jump all the hurdles Charles “You know we can’t tell them specifi- at the VP level. He had wooed them with
had faced. In fact, he’d talked about Jason cally who to promote.” assurances that they would be working on
when he formally interviewed for the “No—but as I’ve always said, the the most important mergers, acquisitions,
diversity job with representatives of the company could rewrite its scorecards so and IPOs in the world, and that they would
executive committee. “I’ve told my son that executives are evaluated not just quickly rise to the director level. But nearly
there are no limits to what he can achieve on whether they’re good bankers but on 18 months (and two promotion rounds)
in this world,” he’d said to the group. “Am whether they’re hitting diversity goals.” later, that hadn’t happened. And two
I telling him a lie?” People squirmed, as Charles shook his head. He wasn’t intelligent, hardworking young men were
he had hoped they would. “GlobeBank’s going to go there with Kumkum. “I don’t wasting their time on insignificant deals.
numbers say I am. So should I stop telling want this company to be telling the head That night, Charles kept thinking about
him that?” of investment banking, or trading, or risk Taylor and Sugarman as he watched the
That’s how Charles had got the job. management, that he has to promote a end of a basketball game with Jason.
His strategy since then had been to focus black woman if he thinks a white man is a “I’ve created a bench, and no one’s get-
on filling the pipeline with top women better candidate,” he said. “This is a busi- ting off it,” Charles said, more to himself
and African-Americans, Hispanics, and ness. The unit heads should have the free- than to Jason. But Jason asked his father to
other candidates of color. He and his staff dom to make the best talent-management explain.

140 Harvard Business Review November 2012

Tell us what you’d do.
Go to

Charles sighed. “I’ve created a little “So we should be giving them more ex-
ghetto in my own company, for people just “We brought them in perience, more exposure, at least a fighting
like the kind of guy you’re going to turn to work on big deals. chance to be a director. If they’re not given
into,” he said. Jason muted the TV—the those opportunities, they’re going to leave.
game was a blowout anyway—and Charles
Why are they getting And what is Will going to say about that?”
told him the whole story: the CEO’s article, staffed on dead-end “Don’t threaten me. Those guys will get
the conversations with Taylor and Sugar-
man, Kumkum’s philosophy. “I’m starting
pitches?” their deals. They’ll get their promotions.”
“You’re not being straight with me.”
to think she’s right about the pay-for- “You want me to be straight with you?”
diversity thing,” he said. to be reminded that “diversity is their day Bernie said. “I saw Will’s article yesterday.
“We did the Bakke case in Mock Trial,” job, too.” It was brutal. Will does that sometimes—
Jason said. “This has got ‘quotas’ written all over he cuts your feet right out from under
“The what?” it,” Charles said with exasperation. “When you.” He looked at Charles for a response,
“Affirmative action,” Jason said. you impose quotas, you always get a but Charles said nothing. “If I were you,”
“Quotas.” backlash—not to mention unintended con- Bernie continued, “I’d think very seriously
“Oh, that.” sequences. Managing directors will start about what this job is doing to your career.
“And we learned about the quotas they promoting every nonwhite face they can Stay in it too long, and you never know—
have in Norway now to get more women find, and those people won’t be equipped you could get tainted. You were such a
on corporate boards,” Jason said. to survive.” great sales guy.”
“Yeah, but I’m not talking about quotas. “OK,” Kumkum said, “then we’ll include The unsolicited advice irked Charles.
Can you put the sound back on?” something about retention—they’ll be “There’s a lot more value in diversity than
“Sure you are,” Jason said. “You’d be compensated not only for head count on you—or the rest of the executive commit-
telling your executives, ‘You have to hire day one but also for whether those people tee—realize,” he said.
X number of black people or your pay will are still in place 18 months or two years “I’m sure you’re right,” Bernie said, giv-
be docked’—even if they’re not the best later.” ing him a pat on the back. “I’m sure you’re
candidates.” She just didn’t understand the sort right.”
“It would never be as simple as that.” of uproar this would generate, Charles
“Personally, I wouldn’t want to work for thought. In frustration, he went looking CHARLES STOPPED in the hallway to read a
a company that did that,” Jason said, put- for Bernie Regan, the head of investment reply from Will. It had clearly been texted
ting the sound back on. “Not ever.” banking. Bernie’s booming voice signaled from Will’s car—it was ragged and full of
Charles felt confused. Before going to his whereabouts. typos—but the passion in it was clear.
bed, he forced himself to write an e-mail “Charlie, good to see you, man,” Bernie “sry to blindside you. that web page
to Will. It wasn’t the angry response he said. ticked me off. all white and male. were not
had contemplated earlier. His tone was Charles told Bernie he wanted to talk to making progress and i promised we wld.
neutral. He simply said that he’d seen the him about Taylor and Sugarman. you knw about this stuff. tell me what to do
revised article on the Businessweek site and “Oh, yeah—good guys,” Bernie said. and ill do it.”
he’d like to have a meeting with Will to talk “So? We brought them in to work on Tell me what to do, and I’ll do it. What
about its ramifications. big deals. Why are they getting staffed on would Kumkum say if she saw that? Here
dead-end pitches? Why aren’t you putting was their opening to really shake things
Stonewalling them in a position to get promoted?” up. But would he be turning GlobeBank
The next day, Kumkum was far from neu- Bernie put his arm around Charles into exactly the kind of company his son
tral. She was as animated as Charles had and walked him toward a quiet corner. wouldn’t want to work for?

ever seen her. She handed him a two-page Lowering his voice, he said, “You know
memo to Will that she’d drafted to outline I’m not involved in all those decisions. Should Charles
her proposed incentive plan. If women and
minorities were to crack the upper ech-
The MDs pick who they want on their
deals. And then everyone votes on
advocate for financial
elons of GlobeBank, she’d written, “senior promotions. Don’t get me wrong—you incentives to increase
executives’ evaluations and subsequent
compensation must reflect their diversity
did a great job recruiting those guys. But
maybe it’s a seniority thing. They’ve got—
the number of diversity
promotions and hires.” She’d included a what? Eight years of experience between promotions?
memorable line about executives’ needing the two of them?” See commentaries on the next page.

November 2012 Harvard Business Review 141

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