All Over The World: Unit 0

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All over the world UNIT 0 THIS IS ME

 Question words
 Answering personal information questions
 Speaking: a dialogue

A. Who are you?

Complete the questions with a question word from the box. Then write the
answers (about you or your partner).

1. Hi! _________’s your name? ____________________________________

2. _________ are you today? ____________________________________
3. _________ are you from? ____________________________________
4. _________’s your nationality? ____________________________________
5. _________ are you? ____________________________________
6. _________’s your best friend? ____________________________________
7. _________ do you live? ____________________________________

B. A-Z dialogue: a new friend

Complete the words with the missing letters. Use each letter only once. Then
role-play the dialogue.

John __i! What’s yo__r name?

Betty Hel__o. My name’s __etty. And what’s __our name?
John I’m __ohn. __ice to meet you.
Betty __reat to meet you, too. __here __re you from?
John __’m fro__ New York.
Betty Cool! So you’re __rom the USA. I’m from __anada.
John Oh really? Whe__e do you live?
Betty I li__e on __ueen Street.
John Oh, I live on __ebra Street. So, how __ld are you?
Betty I’m nine but almost t__n. And how ol__ are you?
John I’m 11 year__ old. Who’s __hat over there?
Betty That’s my best friend __atie. She lives on Fo__ Street.
She’s from __ortugal.
Question words UNIT 0 THIS IS ME

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