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-----------BUSINESS PLAN OF POULTRY FARM----------

Business concept: Purpose of the venture: 2015 G.C. To meet the demand of
customer and built strong customer relationship, to create the employment
opportunity for others and to contribute the economy of the country.

Description of the firm: This is a partnership business

Purpose of the venture:

To meet the demand of customer and built strong customer relationship.
To create the employment opportunity for others.
To contribute the economy of the country.

Objective of the founders: The major objective of the founders is reducing poverty,
malnutrition and unemployment problem of our country. Besides, we want to
provide quality product to customer and maintain the supply sufficiently.

Description the farm: This is a partnership business where the main activity of the
firm is to provide quality product through the Addis Ababa city. We will collect
chicken and eggs from different producer near to Addis Ababa city especially from
Bishoftu is a town (Debre Zeyit). Chicken and eggs will be distributed to
restaurant, super shop, hotel, community center, and bakery and catering houses
around Addis Ababa city. Prolong the sufficient supply to the customer is one of
our most important purpose. We want to supply extend area of Addis Ababa city
with affordable price.

Product or service: The product is chickens and eggs. The farm will distribute
these products around the Addis Ababa city. Quality assurance is the main motto
of our business. We are not compromise in the question of quality. To ensure the
quality we always take high care of our hens and eggs. Now days, from chickens
and eggs harmful diseases are spread out. But we are supply our chickens and eggs
with ensuring that it is free from all kind of jorum, which can create harmful
diseases. Cost of poultry business is not so high. One can easily start a business
with a minimum amount of money. But our cost of business is high, because our
business is highly future oriented. The primary cost of our business is given below:
Particulars Cost (Birr) Total cost (Birr) Farm 30,000.00

We also provide some additional facility to ours customers and consumers that are
not provided by other suppliers:

We reached our product (chickens & eggs) to the customers by our own
transportation with a low transportation cost.

If any dreadful products are identified by the customers we always make it change.

 Processed meat are also supply if customer feel need.

We also supply product by credit to a limited amount. Poultry business is full with
competitors. But there have a great prospect of succeed, because most of the
suppliers are not able to adequately supply the product.

We also provide some additional facility to ours customers and consumers that are
not provided by other suppliers:

We reached our product (chickens & eggs) to the customers by our own
transportation with a low transportation cost.

If any dreadful products are identified by the customers we always make it change.

Processed meat are also supply if customer feel need.

We also supply product by credit to a limited amount. Poultry business is full with
competitors. But there have a great prospect of succeed, because most of the
suppliers are not able to adequately supply the product.

Market research and analysis

As we know, Bangladesh is an over populated country. So, there is no equilibrium
between demand and supply and more or less suppliers fail to satisfy the
customers. Most of all, in food business if it is daily product there is no loss. So
there is a great prospect being succeeded.
Each and every people need chickens and eggs. Eggs are the ingredients of cake,
bread, omelet etc. So restaurant, bakery, hotel, community centers needs eggs and
chickens every day. As the different customers has high demand of
c h i c k e n s a n d e g g s w e h a v e a h i g h
p r o s p e c t o f s u c c e s s , a n d f o r success we
need continuous market research by following
Customer scenario:
As we all know that, chicken and egg are very nutritious food items. Doctors
alwaysprescribe it as nutritious food. From
statistical data, each and everyday a familyneeds
at least four eggs in this country. Most of all
children are fond of egg. Sothere is a great
p r o s p e c t t o b e i n g succeeded as being act as distributor.
W e w i l l d i s t r i b u t e o u r p r o d u c t t o household customers, restaurant,
hotel, bakery, cookeryetc.
The farming company focus, first of all, operates on the regional market as well
a s o n t h e e x p o r t
m a r k e t . I n t h i s
s e c t o r , m a r k e t i s v e r  y
competitive. The keycompetitors are distributing chicken  a n d e g g s
a r e r e g i o n a l c o m p e t i t o r s .
T h e c o m p a n y h a s t o c o m p e t e w i t h
t h e m . T h e d e m a n d o f c h i c k e n a n d
e g g s i s verycomprehensive. As the demand
i s v e r y h i g h b u t t h e s u f f i c i e n t suppliers are notpresent
there. As a result, the price of chicken and eggs are increasing day by
day.So there is grate opportunity of earning high profit with less effort.
Analyze competitors:
It is essential for every business organization to
identify its existing competitorstheir skill,
s t r e n g t h a n d a s w e l l a s w e a k n e s s . W e h a v e huge
number of existingcompetitors but most of them have not high skill a n d
f u t ur e or i e n t a t i o n . T h e f u t u r e c o m p e t i t o r s c a n e a s i l y e n t r e t h e
business because of its low cost and its industrystructure is
very easy.
 P r i c i n g i s m o s t i m p o r t a n t f a c t o r i n a n y k i n d o f
b u s i n e s s . B u t i n f o o d business, itbecomes more crucial factor.
Most of our businesses fail to set proper pricing. W e w i l l
c o n s i d e r t h i s f a c t o r s e c u r e l y . O u r
f a r m w i l l p r o v i d e c h i c ken and eggs
withaffordable price.

 We use new processing options which can differentiate our product from theproductsof

 We ensure quality product with affordable price.

 W e a l w a y s s e a r c h f o r n e w
q u a l i t y f a c t o r s r e l a t e d t o
o u r p roducts thatcustomers wish to see in the product.

 P r o v i d e h y g i e n i c
a n d n u t r i t i o u s
f e e d i n g t h a t m a y  help
to attaindistinguishable quality factors like color
a n d t e s t o f meat.


Pricing is the most important factor for this business to compete w i t h

competitors to susta in in the market. Our pricing method is
simple. We only sale product with a limited profit

that means our 

Pests and predators can cause massive loss
Lack of support from the government
Taking a close look at Nigeria today, you will attest to the fact that the government
shows little or no interest in livestock farming; let alone poultry farming. The
government is more interested in the oil sector thereby not showing concern to
poultry farming and this brings discouragement to the poultry farmers. Even the
assumed agricultural loan the government provided cannot be accessed because of
the stringent conditions attached. The only visible effort of the government is the
recent ban on the importation of live or frozen poultry birds. So if you are
interested in starting a poultry farming business, then you must be prepared to go it
alone without looking to the government for help.
High start-up capital
  The very first factor you have to give serious consideration to is capital. Just like
every other business, poultry farming needs sufficient and proper funding.  This is
because the amount of capital you have to invest has a lot to do with the level of
success you would achieve in poultry farming. If you have enough capital, you
would be able to put facilities that would increase your productivity in place. You
cannot do well as a livestock farmer, especially poultry farming when you
don’t have enough fund. You need money to purchase a land
for the farm, to construct and equip the farm, to hire and pay staff/laborers and also
to feed and provide healthcare for your birds. Without proper funding, you will
struggle to keep your business afloat but with enough capital; business is made
easier. So it is advisable that you do your financial analysis very well and ensure
you have access to cash because nothing kills a business faster than lack of money.
Outbreak of diseases
When the environment is dirty, disease and infection is inevitable. Birds like
chicken are very sensitive to environmental changes. If the poultry environment is
not properly taken care of, the chickens will be exposed to diseases like bacteria
infection. So as a poultry farmer , you must ensure that the poultry environment is
kept clean and disinfected. You must avoid bringing in contaminated equipment,
vehicle,and foot wears. Also, visitors should not be allowed into the poultry
environment and ensure that you sterilize your hands before touching the birds.
Non availability and affordability of vaccines
In the agro-allied industry, especially poultry farming; this particular challenge
affects the small scale poultry farmers more because; unlike the industrial or
commercial poultry farmers who can afford the vaccines, the small scale
poultry farmers can’t afford the vaccines.
Adulteration and high cost of poultry food
 The price of poultry food is quite costly and birds consume a lot. So most poultry
farmers economize or ration the food given to the birds and this affects the output.
Also, adulterated poultry food flooding the market is another challenge for poultry
entrepreneurs. This is because the adulteration utters the necessary nutrients the
birds need in order to grow well, thus making them unhealthy and reduces their
immunity to diseases. As a final note, i believe you have gotten a clue on the
challenges you should expect as a poultry farmer and the best solutions to them. So
start now by creating a counter-strategy to tackle these challenges and success will
be  yours.
How to Be a Poultry Farmer
If you want to be a poultry farmer, you must decide what type. Another
consideration is where you live, as most poultry farms are in the eastern portion of
the U.S. and California. Poultry farmers typically raise a single type of poultry,
such as chickens, turkeys, geese or ducks. More than half of the poultry farming
industry raises chickens for broilers. The two other main types of poultry farming
produce chicken eggs and turkeys. Some poultry farmers raise chicks into egg-
laying hens or breeders. Once you have determined that type of poultry farmer you
want to be, you need to get a job working on that type of farm. Here's a description
of the job duties of each type of poultry farmer.

Impact Summary
 Poultry play a vital role in the livelihood of poor rural households in developing
countries and are particularly important to those (often landless) people who do not
other livestock and to women, who often own and manage the chickens and control
cash from sales. Income from poultry production is often used to support education
of children. However, low genetic potential and poor levels of husbandry mean
that most indigenous breeds grow slowly and are poor producers of small eggs.
Furthermore, infectious diseases prevent even this limited genetic potential from
being realized, with villagers citing disease as the major limitation to production.
In addition to endemic disease, outbreaks occur annually and may kill entire
flocks. Ethiopian farmers often sell their flocks in anticipation of, or in the face of,
such epidemics, only to later buy them back at a loss. Hence, poorly defined
endemic and epidemic diseases are major impediments to productivity and impact
markedly on livelihoods. This project will address these issues on several fronts in
order to enable distribution of improved local poultry ecotypes with enhanced
productivity and production traits as well as improved genetic resistance to
important infectious diseases. Newcastle Disease has a worldwide distribution and
is of enormous economic impact; Fowl Typhoid and Fowl Cholera
remain important diseases of developing poultry systems, whilst coccidiosis,
Disease and IBDV also remain important in developed poultry industries. Further,
many ecto- and haemoparasites exploit their hosts without provoking overt disease,
yet co-infection with these agents may increase susceptibility to other diseases.
Improvements in the control of these infectious diseases and of productivity of
village poultry will improve the livelihoods of farmers and increase food security
in Ethiopia and throughout Sub-Saharan Africa and Southern Asia. Genetic
resistance to major pathogens may also have direct application to developed
countries; e.g. parasitic and bacterial infections in free-range and organic poultry
production are an increasing challenge and resistant breeds of poultry may provide
the key to disease control. The availability of genetic information from Ethiopian
poultry has considerable academic impact as a resource for study of animal
genetics and evolutionary biology in particular and will be a resource available to
other scientists through the Domestic Animal Genetic Resources Information
System at ILRI and the Frozen Ark project at University of Nottingham. To our
knowledge this is the first survey simultaneously assessing the frequency of
exposure to many major pathogens and investigating the cause of major outbreaks.
This will enable targeting of genetic improvement and development of strategies
for disease control that utilise improved birds but also incorporate other control
strategies (including Technology-based strategies, such as vaccination). The role of
co-infection on disease susceptibility and prevalence has been little studied in a
low input production setting. This multi-pathogen approach has the potential for
substantial impact in terms of knowledge and in application to disease control
strategies. The socio-economic surveys enable a targeted approach to genetic
improvement (based on factors important to the local communities) and to
development of strategies for disease control that utilise improved birds but also
recognise other (indigenous) control strategies. Crucially, this ensures that
developed strategies are socially acceptable. The human and material capacity built
into the proposal will have considerable impact. Two doctorate-trained researchers
(plus technicians) and a laboratory equipped and skilled in diagnosis of infectious
disease will play a key role in underpinning studies and disease surveillance.
Through the international collaboration already built by this proposal, UK and
local scientists can forge networks in Africa, the UK and the wider community that
will lead to future research in genetics and infectious disease control, and in wider
areas influencing animal and public health policy and strategy.

sales price is our cost plus limited profit. We also provide

p r i c e d i s c o u n t on a bulk amount of product. We also offer different types of
price and product discount in different types of festival.
  To know the people about business every company need promotion. Big
c o m p a n i e s s p e n d a l a r g e
p r o p o r t i o n o f t h e i r b u d g e t f o r
p r o m otion. We also have somepromotional
s t r a t e g y - a d v e r t i s i n g , b a n n e r , billboard, leaflet, poster etc. we
will give advertising in different newspaper and m a g a z i n e i n o u r c o u n t r y .
We give billboard in some important hub o f D h a k a
c i t y . W e w i l l a l s o p r o v i d e l e a f l e t ,
p o s t e r , a n d b a n n e r s o that people can easily know about
our business.
Distribution channel:
 We are not going to use any distribution channel at first. We will use personal
sales representative for selling our product. Our sales representatives will
directly go to our customers and c o l l e c t t h e
o r d e r . A s p e r t h e i r o r d e r w e w i l l
d i r e c t l y s u p p l y c h i c k ens and eggs to the customers by
our own transportation.
Manufacturing and operations: Facilities and location:
 W e a l w a y s t r y t o g i v e h i g h
f a c i l i t y t o o u r c u s t o m e r s . F o r
q u i c k l y s e r v e t h e c u s t o m e r s w e
h a v e a f a r m ManufacturerCustomers

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