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The aim of this research was to find out new expansion opportunity for Shoe Planet and fulfil a
gap in market, which would help increase in customer base and ultimately profitability for the
brand. Shoe planet will provide footwear to an untapped market of pre-teens which will meet
customers standards of quality, comfort and style. For this project, extensive primary and
secondary research was conducted in order to get better insight of the current and potential
market for which interviews, focus group, observations and questionnaires were conducted.
Samples were selected on basis of convenience and judgment. To give the research more
authenticity online research was also carried out. Through this research it was clear that pre-teen
market is not catered by brands as this should be and holds great protentional in terms of
spending power. Kids know what they want and parents are willing to pay for it. This project
will help the brand better understand their consumers in terms of what they need and want and
also how will they be able to market them in a more effective way. This way brand will be able
create more expansion in footwear range for kids to explore.

Key Words: pre-teen, quality, style, comfort, footwear.

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