Bombay Psychological Association (BPA) : Congress Meeting Held in New Delhi

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Indian Psychiatric Society.

The Indian Psychiatric Society, the national organization of psychiatrists

in India, was founded on 7th January 1947 during the Indian Science
Congress meeting held in New Delhi.
The organization holds its origins in 1929 when Col Berkley
Hill founded The Indian Association of Mental Hygiene affiliated to the
National Council for Mental Hygiene in Great Britain which ceased to
function after a few years.

The IPS began in 1947 with 15 founder members and has now grown to a membership of above
7000 specialists. The IPS currently represents the largest society of mental health professionals
in India & works on health advocacy, social activism, policy formulation & medical research in the
field of mental health

Years of social activism: 73years

Zones & branches: 33

IPS Membership: 7210+

Bombay Psychological Association

The Bombay Psychological Association (BPA) was founded in 1945 as a
quasi academic organisation with a main objective to unify psychologists,
psychiatrists and share and exchange their view on the subject of psychology.

Under the leadership of Dr. K.A.J. Lalkaka, the association was founded and
he conducted the first conference of BPA on 7th and 8th Feb, 1948 at Wilson
College, Chowpatty. It was an attempt to bring all the fraternity of
psychologists in India together on a joint platform. The then secretary Prof.
A.A. Khatri was full of initiatives and interest to make a mark in the field of

Stated Vision:
 To spearhead, co-ordinate & come to a memorandum of understanding
between policy-makers, government organisations, NGOs &
psychologists (practicing & academicians) regarding employment &
service conditions for the Psychologists.
 To cater to the psychological needs of the people living in the
 To cooperate & coordinate interdisciplinary research with other scientific
 To facilitate the members to publish books brochures & periodicals in
the various fields of psychology.
 To conduct study circles & organise study tours, field trips to the
organisations that have a bearing on the science of psychology.
 To hold National, International conferences & conventions to
furtherance the above-mentioned objectives
Stated Mission:
 To pursue & promote the study of Psychology as a science.
 To disseminate knowledge of psychology through lectures, symposia,
discussions debates & such other means appropriate for the purpose.
 To hold Annual conventions in order to have an annual meet of B.P.A.
Members to exchange & share experiences & expertise in psychological
research & practice.
 To publish a biannual journal ‘Bombay Psychologist’.
 To mobilize & co-ordinate out-reach programs to help the community at
large who need psychological interventions
‘The Bombay Psychologist’ Journal:
The Bombay Psychologist is the official Bi-annual journal published by the
BPA with the no. ISSN 0975-0738.
The first journal was published on 28th October, 1978 and its first editor was
Dr. M.D GHORPADE. It has now completed 18 years. It has a membership of
600 subscribers. The journal has been on the U.G.C. list of recognized
psychology journals. Its articles and abstracts are regularly documented since
1982. Many eminent Indian as well as some internationally known
psychologists have contributed their articles to the journal. To encourage
research and dissemination of the knowledge of psychology in Indian
languages “Bombay Psychologists” now publishes research papers and
articles in Marathi, Gujarati and Hindi. The journal is being published bi-
annually in March/April and October/November each year. The journal articles

 Research articles
 Review articles
 Book reviews
 News bulletin
 Letters
Indian Association for Geriatric
Mental Health

In view of rapid growth in the population of older adults aged 60 years and above and
enormous mental health morbidity in them and the fact that Geriatric Mental
Health/Psychogeriatrics/Geriatric Psychiatry is a well developed super-specialty medical
subject in developed countries and non-existent in India, professionals involved and working
for the mental health problems of the older adults and like minded people gathered during
the 56th Annual Conference of Indian Psychiatric Society in Mysore on 9th January, 2004
and conceived of an association to serve the Indian older adults suffering with mental health
problems. This association was called as Indian Association for Geriatric Mental Health. The
accepted sole motto of the Association is “Committed to Quality Mental Health Care for the


Over the years medical care has evolved in India with more than 75 % of the population
being catered to by the private sector. This is a sizable number, given the population of
our country is the second largest in the world. Thus the need of a professional
organization to take care of the professional and academic interests of the private sector
was born. Some felt that their specific needs require special emphasis, which is not
possible in a mainstream organization.
In Jan 2000 during a symposium in Kochi some colleagues highlighted the imperative
need for such an organization. Thus began a series of consultations by Dr. Kala, founder
president of the IAPP with various psychiatrists across the country. Many had similar
ideas and were keenly supported the idea. Thus in April 2000 the IAPP was formally
formed with the 1st conference in Delhi . It was inaugurated by the then Health Minister
of India.

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