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6 UnIt 1a English test (B)




Listening /10 Reading /15
1 Listen. Answer these questions. From Hoffenheim to Hollywood …
By Kate Leeson
1) What kind of programme is this?
Jack Dagg is a successful film director. He
comes from Germany but now lives in the USa. He
2) What audience is the radio programme for? speaks five languages, including English, Italian and
Spanish, and has homes in Los angeles and new
York. His films include the number one hit Why I love
3) What nationality is the main speaker? this city, and Angels. GO Magazine went to his house
to speak to him:
Kate: You know a lot of stars, Jack. Who’s your
4) Which country does she describe? favourite actor and why?
Jack: I don’t have a favourite. But I think the best
actors today are robert de niro and Gwyneth
5) Which city does she describe? Paltrow. they’re incredible!
Kate: You’re a film-maker, what’s your favourite film
and why?
2 Listen. Answer the questions. Jack: I’m really into orson Welles’ films. I think A Touch
of Evil is wonderful. I find new things in it every
1) What is the name of the programme?
Kate: Where are you from in Germany?
2) What’s the girl’s name? Jack: a small town called Hoffenheim.
Kate: What things do you like and dislike about
living here in the USa?
3) Which part of the country is the city in? Jack: Well, the weather is the number one thing!
But I miss my family; they are Polish but live in
4) What is the population?

5) What kind of things can you visit in this


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1 Read the text. True or false? Correct the

false sentences.
2 Complete the definitions with a sport.
1) You need water.

1) the text is an email.

2) You use a small ball. there are two or four

2) Jack Dagg is an actor. players.

3) He lives in London. 3) You ride something. It’s got two wheels.

4) He is from a big city in Germany. 4) You use a ball. there are 22 players.

5) His family isn’t German. 5) You need an animal. It’s got four legs.

2 Read again. Answer the questions.

1) Does Jack live in a flat? Grammar /25

1 Complete the questions with the correct
2) Which films is he famous for? form of the verb To be.
1) Who your favourite actor?
3) Does he know lots of famous actors? 2) Where my glasses?
3) How old your cat?
4) Does he have a favourite actor? Who? 4) When your birthday?
5) What your favourite
5) Which film director and which film does he
really like, and why?
2 Rewrite the sentences. Correct the
questions or the answers.
1) are you from Valencia? Yes, I is.
Vocabulary /20
2) are your teacher from England? Yes, he/she is.
1 Order the letters. Complete the words for
favourite things.
3) Is he/she Spanish? no, he/she is.
1) c games (putmocer)
2) MP3 p (laerpy)
4) are you Maria McDonald? Yes, I’m.
3) games c (sconoel)
4) digital c (arecam)
5) Is he famous? Yes, is.
5) mountain b (kieb)

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6 3 Write the sentences in the negative. V

Writing /20
1) We’re swimmers.

1 Join the two sentences. Use and or but.

2) I’m French. 1) I’m from England. My friend’s from Italy.

3) He’s my friend. 2) Jack lives in a house. Sarah does too.

4) It’s a great film. 3) He likes tennis. It isn’t his favourite sport.

5) they’re fifteen. 4) He drinks water. I drink cola.

5) My name’s naomi. I’m fourteen.

4 Complete the questions with the correct
form of the verb To be.
1) he african? 2 You are Marianne. Use this information to
2) we late? write a letter to a pen friend, Marlon.

3) you a singer? From: Hong Kong

4) antonio Banderas a singer? Live: Madrid

5) they coming tonight? Location: in centre of Spain

Population: 5,000,000
5 Write questions to these answers. Good things about Good weather in summer
1) home city vs. bad vs. very cold in winter.
My name’s teresa. things about home near the mountains for
city: skiing vs. long way from
2) sea.

My number one thing is my camera.

Hi Marlon,
3) My name’s Marianne and I’m twelve…
My family is from Malaga.
My cat’s 3 years old.
My best friends are Sandra and Lucia.


Speaking /10

TOTAL /100

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