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Surname: Revilla Briones Name: Max Jefferson

Lessons 61–64

Write the correct letter, a, b, or c. in capital letter.

1 He isn’t going (a by b with c in) car. He’s taking the bus. __c__

2 ‘Is Andy helping you?’ ‘Yes, (a he is b he’s c he does).’ __c__

3 This (a motorbike b airport c taxi) has got great shops. __b__

4 We’re having a party (a to the b at the c at) weekend. Please come. __a__

5 ‘(a What are you doing b Where are you staying c How are you travelling)?’ ‘In a


6 I (a ’m sitting b sit c ’m sit) on a ferry, and I’m not feeling well. __c__

7 Hi, Ben. (a You fun are having b You are fun having c Are you having fun)?


8 ‘Where (a are you b you are c you’re) sitting?’ ‘Next to the door.’ __a__

9 (a Are you waiting b You wait c Are you waiting for) a tram? __c__

10 Our visitors are arriving (a tomorrow b to France c at next). __b__

11 We’re waiting (a for b – c to) our train. It’s late. __a__

12 You see a lot of buses at the bus (a rank b station c port). __b__

13 I’m (a on b in c with) a New York taxi at the moment. __b__

14 ‘(a You are what b What you are c What are you) eating?’ ‘Sushi.’ __b__

15 Elena’s meeting her new boss (a the b to c on) Monday. __a__

16 ‘Is Tatsuaki having a good time?’ ‘No, he (a doesn’t b isn’t c isn’t have).’ __a__

17 ‘(a What is she doing? b Where is she going? c Is she working?) ’ ‘To the café.’ __b__

18 I (a ’m going b ’m go c going) on holiday next week. __a__

19 ‘Are you watching TV?’ ‘No, I (a isn’t b aren’t c ’m not).’ __b__

20 The (a trams b plane c underground) in Montreal is great. __c__

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