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Fatal Proventricular Dilatation Disease in Captive Native Psittacines in Brazil

Author(s): Rogério Venâncio Donatti , Maurício Resende , Francisco Carlos Ferreira Junior , Marcus
Vinícius Romero Marques , Roselene Ecco , H. L. Shivaprasad , José Sérgio de Resende , and Nelson
Rodrigo da Silva Martins
Source: Avian Diseases, 58(1):187-193. 2014.
Published By: American Association of Avian Pathologists

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AVIAN DISEASES 58:187–193, 2014

Case Report—
Fatal Proventricular Dilatation Disease in Captive Native Psittacines in Brazil
Rogério Venâncio Donatti,A Maurı́cio Resende,A Francisco Carlos Ferreira Junior,A Marcus Vinı́cius Romero Marques,A
Roselene Ecco,B H. L. Shivaprasad,C José Sérgio de Resende,A and Nelson Rodrigo da Silva MartinsAD
Departamento de Medicina Veterinária Preventiva, and
Departamento de Clı́nica e Cirurgia Veterinárias, Escola de Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Av. Antônio Carlos,
6627, 30.123-970, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil
California Animal Health and Food Safety Laboratory System–Tulare, University of California, Davis, 18830 Road 112, Tulare, CA 93274
Received 19 June 2013; Accepted 16 October 2013; Published ahead of print 16 October 2013

SUMMARY. An outbreak of proventricular dilatation disease (PDD), a fatal inflammatory disease of psittacines (Aves:
Psittaciformes), is described in native Brazilian psittacines. Twenty captive psittacines that died of suspected PDD were necropsied
and 10 were submitted to histopathology, reverse transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR), and immunohistochemistry (IHC) for avian
bornavirus (ABV). Examined species were one pileated parrot (Pionopsitta pileata), three vinaceous-breasted parrots (Amazona
vinacea), two blue-winged macaws (Primolius maracana), one scarlet macaw (Ara macao), one chestnut-fronted macaw (Ara severa),
one scaly-headed parrot (Pionus maximiliani), and one red-browed Amazon parrot (Amazona rhodocorytha). Gross examination and
histopathology revealed typical PDD lesions in all birds. The presence of ABV was confirmed in four psittacines including one red-
browed Amazon parrot, one blue-winged macaw, one scarlet macaw, and one chestnut-fronted macaw. In the red-browed Amazon
parrot and in one blue-winged macaw, IHC demonstrated ABV antigens in the nucleus and cytoplasm of cells in various organs.
This is the first description of PDD by ABV in Brazilian psittacines and indicates the necessity for adopting a strategic control plan
for reducing its impact in native birds.
RESUMEN. Reporte de Caso—Enfermedad de dilatación proventricular fatal en psitácidos nativos en cautiverio en Brasil.
Un brote de la enfermedad de dilatación proventricular (con las siglas en inglés PDD), que es una enfermedad inflamatoria fatal
de los psitácidos (Aves : Psittaciformes ), se describe en psitácidos nativos de Brasil. Se practicó la necropsia de veinte psitácidos
cautivos que se sospechó murieron de la enfermedad de dilatación proventricular y diez fueron sometidos a estudio histopatológico,
por transcripción reversa y PCR, inmunohistoquı́mica (IHC) para bornavirus aviar (ABV). Las especies examinadas fueron uno
lorito carirrojo (Pionopsitta pileata), tres loros vinosos (Amazona vinacea), dos guacamayos maracaná (Primolius maracana), un
guacamayo macao (Ara macao), un guacamayo severo (Ara severa), un loro de Maximilian (Pionus maximiliani), y una amazona de
frente roja (Amazona rhodocorytha). El examen macroscópico y la histopatologı́a revelaron lesiones tı́picas la enfermedad de la
dilatación proventricular en todas las aves. La presencia del bornavirus aviar se confirmó en cuatro psitácidos como en la amazona
de frente roja, un guacamayo maracaná, el guacamayo macao y el guacamayo severo. En la amazona de frente roja y en un
guacamayo maracaná, la inmunohistoquı́mica demostró antı́genos del bornavirus aviar en el núcleo y el citoplasma de las células en
diversos órganos. Esta es la primera descripción de la enfermedad de dilatación proventricular por bornavirus aviar en psitácidos
brasileños y también indica la necesidad de adoptar un plan de control estratégico para la reducción de su impacto en las aves
Key words: Amazona rhodocorytha, Ara macao, Ara severa, avian bornavirus, Brazil, immunohistochemistry, macaw,
proventricular dilatation disease, Primolius maracana, parrot, RT-PCR
Abbreviations: ABV 5 avian Bornavirus; BDV 5 bornavirus disease virus; DEPC 5 diethylpyrocarbonate; H&E 5 hematoxylin
and eosin; IHC 5 immunohistochemistry; M 5 matrix; N protein 5 nucleoprotein; PDD 5 proventricular dilatation disease; RT-
PCR 5 reverse transcriptase PCR; SPF 5 specific-pathogen-free

Proventricular dilatation disease (PDD) was first recognized in long-wattled umbrellabird (Cephalopterus penduliger), bearded barbet
psittacines in the late 1970s (16) and its occurrence has been (Lybius dubius), and roseate spoonbill (Platalea ajaja) (11,14,16,24).
reported in various parts of the world including North America, Clinical signs of PDD include anorexia, regurgitation, passing of
Europe, Australia, and South Africa (11,14,16,24). PDD is one of undigested seeds in the feces, diarrhea, lethargy, loss of weight, and
the most common and often fatal diseases of psittacines. It has been neurologic signs as well as sudden death (2,11,12,14). PDD is
observed in more than 80 species of birds, including psittacine and characterized by dilation of the proventriculus, in most cases, with
nonpsittacine species such as canary (Serinus canaria), Canada goose associated microscopic changes such as lymphoplasmacytic gang-
(Branta canadensis), trumpeter swan (Cygnus buccinator), toucan lioneuritis involving the gastrointestinal tract, nonsuppurative
(Ramphastos toco), finches (Carduelis chloris), peregrine falcon (Falco encephalomyelitis, peripheral neuritis, and ganglionitis, myocarditis,
peregrinus), red-tailed hawk (Buteo jamaicensis), golden eagle (Aquila adrenalitis, and lesions in the eye and skin (2,12,27,30,31,40). PDD
chrysaetos), mouse bird (Colius spp.), honey creeper (Cyanerpes spp.), involves mainly the autonomic nervous system of the digestive tract
including the esophagus, crop, proventriculus, ventriculus, and
duodenum. The clinical signs are a result of gastrointestinal
dysfunction such as dysphagia, regurgitation, weight loss, and the
Corresponding author. E-mail: presence of undigested food in stools (12,27). Intracytoplasmic and

188 R. V. Donatti et al.

Table 1. PDD-affected psittacine species included in the avian bornavirus detection study.A
Scientific name (common name) No. sampled Conservation status Geographic range Estimated population Reference
Amazona rhodocorytha (red- 1 Endangered Atlantic forest fragments of 2295 (2004–2006) (3)
browed Amazon parrot) eastern Brazil
Amazona vinacea 3 Endangered Brazil (South and Southeast), 1500–2000 (Brazil) (4)
(vinaceous-breasted parrots) Paraguay Argentina
Ara macao (scarlet macaw) 1 Least concern From Mexico to the Amazon Brazil (Amazon Forest): (5)
forest 20,000–50,000
Ara severa (chestnut-fronted 1 Not assessed by IUCN From Panama to Peru Unknown; (6)
macaw) (Pacific coast), Brazil (Amazon
basin, Atlantic forest)
Pionopsitta pileata 1 Least concern South and Southeast Brazil Unknown (uncommon) (7)
(pileated parrot) (Atlantic forest), Paraguay,
Pionus maximiliani 1 Least concern Brazil Northeast, Midwest, Unknown; fairly (8)
(scaly-headed parrot) Southeast, and South common
Primolius maracana 2 Near-threatened Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina Unknown; abrupt (9)
(blue-winged macaws) decline
Source: International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) Red List. (

intranuclear eosinophilic inclusion bodies in nerve cells in the celiac collectively, such as the red-browed Amazon. The conservation
ganglion and myenteric plexus were described in parrots with facility housed 34 psittacine species with more than 400 individuals
neuropathic gastric dilatation (2,25,30,31,40). in total. Dead birds were submitted to necropsy and preliminary
The etiology of PDD remained unknown until 2008, although laboratory analysis at the Avian Diseases Laboratory of the
virus was suggested (13). Two independent studies described a novel Veterinary College of the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
bornavirus from birds with PDD (18,23), which consists of an RNA (UFMG).
virus member of Bornaviridae. Avian bornavirus (ABV) shared only Prostration, weight loss, and poor body condition were observed
65% nucleotide sequence with the known bornavirus disease virus in all birds. The birds in the study were submitted to the clinic for
(BDV) of mammals (18,19,20,23,36). Based on nucleotide sequence special care such as heating and force feeding. The fatalities most
analysis of numerous ABV isolates from psittacines, five distinct suggestive of PDD were necropsied and sampled for histopathology
genotypes, designated ABV1, ABV2, ABV3, ABV4, and ABV5, have and molecular analysis. Although all necropsied birds had a history
been identified (23). A sixth ABV genotype has been described from of prostration, weight loss, and food regurgitation, neurologic signs
a canary with typical PDD lesions (39). ABV has also been detected were rare. Occurrences extended for 15 mo (February 2010 to May
in clinically healthy parrots (25). 2011) and did not appear to peak; but in contrast, appeared to cease
The diagnosis of PDD has relied on suggestive signs and lesions in for a period of time, from April to November 2010, before resuming
tissues by histopathology and immunohistochemistry, the confir- the long outbreak. Subsequent clinical and pathologic follow-up
matory tests for demonstrating ABV (11,24,25,30,38,39,40), and by informed the re-emergence of PDD-like disease in the conservation
PCR (18,23,38). The objective of this report is to describe facility in 2013, including a new host species, golden parakeet
pathologic and molecular findings of natural PDD cases in native (Guaruba guarouba), and in blue and yellow macaw (Ara ararauna)
captive psittacines at a conservation center in Brazil. of another conservation unit, neither studied here.
Differential diagnosis. In order to investigate Newcastle disease
and influenza viruses, chicken embryo inoculation was performed in
CASE REPORT 9–11-day-old specific-pathogen-free (SPF) embryos via the allantoic
Birds and history. The psittacine species included in this study cavity with brain tissue from affected birds treated with antibiotics
(Table 1) were one pileated parrot (Pionopsitta pileata), three and antimycotic (1000 units/ml penicillin G, 1 mg/ml streptomycin
vinaceous-breasted parrots (Amazona vinacea), two blue-winged sulfate and 2.5 mg/mL amphotericin B). Routine bacteriology was
macaws (Primolius maracana), one scarlet macaw (Ara macao), one performed on the liver for aerobic bacteria using McConkey and
chestnut-fronted macaw (Ara severa), one scaly-headed parrot blood agar.
(Pionus maximiliani), and one red-browed Amazon parrot (Amazona Pathology. Necropsies were carried out in 20 birds to determine
rhodocorytha) (10). These birds represented the most-typical PDD cause of death and 10 birds with lesions typical for PDD were
lesions from a total of 20 birds evaluated in a triage. Birds were from selected for further studies. Portions of brain, brachial nerve, trachea,
one collection of an authorized conservation breeder in Minas Gerais lung, liver, spleen, crop, ventriculus, proventriculus, intestine,
state, Brazil, originally confiscated by the environmental police and kidney, ovary, testis, and adrenal gland were collected and conserved
after triage for rehabilitation in the Center for Triage of Wild frozen (280 C) or fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin. Fixed
Animals–Belo Horizonte, Brazilian Institute of Environment and tissues were processed for histopathology by routine methods,
Natural Renewable Resources (CETAS–BH, IBAMA). embedded in paraffin, sectioned at 5 mm, and stained with
All psittacines of the present report were maintained in captivity hematoxylin and eosin.
in two large aviaries and managed with adequate food (balanced Immunohistochemistry. Selected sections from paraffin-embedded
parrot ration, fruits), potable water (chlorinated), and other needs tissues were cut at three micrometers of thickness and deparaffinized.
accordingly. The aviaries are well adapted for housing most common Immunohistochemistry (IHC) using monoclonal antibodies against
species, such as the scaly-headed parrot, or when birds are not the nucleoprotein (N protein) of ABV was performed on brain,
intended for reproduction or are species known to reproduce proventriculus, peripheral nerves, adrenal gland, liver, skeletal muscles,
Proventricular dilatation disease in Brazilian psittacines 189
and testes based on a previously published protocol (38). Tissues were (1,28). Clustal W version 1.6 implemented in Molecular Evolutionary
selected from parrots (n 5 5) submitted to necropsy showing the most Genetics Analysis (MEGA 5.0/ (36) version
typical gross lesions. 5.0 for Windows was used for alignment of nucleotide or deduced
Molecular techniques. Total RNA of the PDD-affected amino acid sequences.
psittacines was extracted from frozen (280 C) brain tissue. Samples The phylogenetic analyses of nucleotide and deduced amino acids
were homogenized and RNA was isolated from 400 ml of lysed sequences were performed by neighbor-joining (MEGA 5.0 software).
sample using phenol-chloroform (TrizolH, Invitrogen, Carlsbad, Topology confidence tests (bootstrap) with 1000 oversampling were
CA). Total RNA was subjected to reverse transcription (M-MLV performed using nucleotide substitution by Kimura 2 (22) or amino
Reverse Transcriptase, Promega, Madison, WI) into cDNA. Primers acid JTT substitution (21).
and reaction protocols were previously described (23,38) for RT-
PCR of ABV. Frozen brain tissue was evaluated according to a
protocol previously described (23) using primers ABV-F, GGR- RESULTS
All birds presented severe proventricular dilatation, with the
proventriculus filled with undigested food, compatible with PDD.
with genomic location 2242–2263, for amplifying a 360-bp sequence
The first two birds (pileated parrot and two vinaceous-breasted
within positions 1905–2263 of the matrix protein. The paraffin-
parrots) were studied from February 2010 to May 2011. Gross
embedded tissue block of multiple 10-mm recuts from a red-browed
changes were characterized by cachexia indicated by loss of pectoral
parrot were subjected to RNA extraction followed by ABV RT-PCR
muscle mass (Fig. 1), crop distended with food, hepatomegaly,
using primers ABV F Weissenböck, CAAGGTAATYGTYCCTG-
splenomegaly, a proventriculus and ventriculus distended and with
GATGG with genomic location 1908–1929, and ABV-R Weissen- undigested food (Fig. 2), lungs congested and edematous, intestinal
böck, ACCAATGTTCCGAAGMCGAWAY with genomic location and brain congestion, enlarged adrenal glands, and air sac opacity. In
2237–2259, with a 352-bp product (38). Sequencing of the putative March 2010, one blue-winged macaw was received with similar
matrix (M) gene region was performed as previously described (35). lesions except for a ventriculus with erosions and ulcers. By April
This primer pair would amplify a sequence which corresponds to (2010), a similarly affected scarlet macaw (not shown) was received,
nucleotide positions 1908–2259 of the complete genome of ABV presenting all previously described lesions and hepatomegaly with
strain ‘‘bil’’ (GenBank accession no. EU781967). white-yellowish foci (1 cm), enlarged adrenal gland, and presenting a
One microliter of diethylpyrocarbonate (DEPC) water was added high infection by adult nematodes of Trichuridae (possibly genus
to the 2-ml samples, which were heated to 95 C for 2 min and then Capillaria) and eggs in the small intestine. For a period of 6 mo
1.5 ml of each primer was added. An additional 6 ml of DEPC water afterwards, no new cases were received from this breeder, who
were added for a total of 12 ml. Cycles for cDNA preparation were of informed us of no further deaths. However, disease and deaths re-
70 C for 5 min with an additional 5 ml of buffer, 1 ml of DNTP mix, emerged by November 2010, with one vinaceous-breasted parrot
and 1.5 ml of M-MLV, and a final extension at 42 C for 5 min. For presenting all previously described lesions and opacity of air sacs. In
each PCR reaction, 8.15 ml of DEPC water, 1.6 ml of MgCl2 December 2010, one blue-winged macaw was received with similar
(25mM), 2.0 ml DNTP mix (20 mM), 1.0 ml of forward and 1.0 ml lesions and, after 11 days, an Amazon parrot was necropsied, also
of reverse primer oligonucleotide, 0.25 ml GOTAC-FLEX (Pro- with similar poor body condition and lesions. By May 2011, one
mega), 4 ml 103 buffer, and 2.0 ml of cDNA were used. After chestnut-fronted macaw and one scaly-headed parrot were examined,
denaturation at 95 C for 2 min, the 30 cycles consisted of 95 C for both with the previously described lesions, with the proventriculus
20 sec, 55 C for 30 sec, 72 C for 1 min, and a final extension at 72 C distended and filled with a large quantity of undigested food,
for 5 min. hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, focal ulcerative areas on ventriculus
Following the routine laboratory diagnosis, further PCR investi- koilin, and small intestines with coccidian oocysts revealed by fresh
gations on total DNA were performed according to previously direct intestinal mucosa smears microscopy.
described protocols for beak and feather disease virus-BFDV (41) Attempts of virus isolation of the central nervous tissues were
and Chlamydophila psittaci (34). negative for Newcastle disease virus and avian influenza, after three
Sequencing by the dideoxynucleotide method (35) was performed passages with 7 days of incubation each, in 8–11-day-old SPF
in an automated capillary sequencer (ABI 310, Applied Biosystems, chicken embryos inoculated via the allantoic membrane. Except for
Foster City, CA). PCR reactions with a BigDyeH Terminator v3.1 one coliform isolate, no other relevant bacterium or fungi was
Cycle Sequencing Kit (Applied Biosystems) were performed isolated from the sampled livers.
according to the manufacturer recommendation using 1 ml of PCR On histopathology, ganglion neuritis, neuritis, or both were
product in a thermocycler (PTC-100, MJ Research Inc., Waltham, observed in most organs of the digestive tract and also in the brachial
MA). Products were purified with isopropanol and ethanol, and digestive peripheral nerves. These lesions are summarized in
homogenized in formamide, denatured at 95 C for 2 min, and the Table 2. All birds presented mild or moderate infiltration of
microtube was placed in flaked ice. The software employed was lymphocytes and plasma cells in different organs. Three birds
Sequencing Analyses version 5.2 (Applied Biosystems). showed thickened ventriculus serosa and moderate multifocal to
Analyses of sequences. Electropherogram analyses of sense and coalescing infiltration of lymphocytes and plasma cells in the nerves
anti-sense sequences were performed with BioEdit software (15) and ganglia, with loss of neurons and axons (Fig. 3). In two birds the
version 7.0.9 for evaluation of nucleotide bases quality. Sequences inflammation was mild. The lymphocyte and plasma cell infiltra-
were obtained at the National Center for Biotechnology Information tions were also observed in the ventriculus muscular layer and
database (NCBI, (28) and aligned submucosa, associated with the nerves and perivascular space.
with GenBank sequences using Clustal W or X (37). The algorithms Similar lesions associated with nerves and ganglia were observed in
for similarity of nucleotides or deduced amino acids were evaluated, the crop and proventriculus (Fig. 4) of all birds. In one bird the
respectively, using BLAST 2.0 (Basic Local Alignment Search esophagus was also involved. Another three birds showed multifocal
Tool, BLASTn) or BLASTx ( lesions similar to those observed in the ventriculus. Focal or
190 R. V. Donatti et al.

Fig. 1. Amazona rhodocorytha in poor body condition, as evidenced by the pectoral muscle atrophy (insert). This is a large parrot (about 40 cm
total length), almost entirely green except for the forehead, ranging from red to orange and yellow between the beak and eyes.
Fig. 2. Amazona rhodocorytha. Proventriculus and ventriculus markedly distended. Insert: the lumen of both viscera can be seen filled with a
large quantity of undigested food.

multifocal erosions and ulcerations were occasionally observed on infiltration of lymphocytes and lack of spermatogenesis. In these
the esophageal, crop, and proventricular mucosae. In the adrenal birds, an intense differentiation of lymphocytes to plasma cells was
gland (Fig. 5), there was mild to intense multifocal to coalescing observed in the spleen. In one bird, an infiltration of lymphocytes
lymphocyte infiltration in the medullary regions, obscuring its and plasma cells was observed in the brachial nerve; this bird also
normal architecture. Three birds showed testes with mild multifocal had several elongated cysts suggestive of Sarcocystis observed within
Proventricular dilatation disease in Brazilian psittacines 191
Table 2. Histologic lesions of selected PDD-affected psittacines.
Primolius maracana ++ 2 + ++ ++ ++ + + 2
Ara macao + 2 NE 2 ++ ++ ++ ++ 2
Amazona vinacea ++ ++ ++ NE ++ + ++ + Testis +
Primolius maracana + ++ ++ NE ++ ++ ++ NE 2
Amazona rhodocorytha ++ + +++ NE ++ +++ + ++ 2
BR 5 brain; PN 5 peripheral nerves; ADR 5 adrenal gland; HRT 5 heart; PROV 5 proventriculus; VENTR 5 ventriculus; INT 5 intestine;
CR/ESO 5 crop/esophagus. Other organs: Lung, liver, spleen, kidney, gonads, or skeletal muscle. (+) mild; (++) moderate; (+++) marked; (2) no
lesions; (NE) not examined.

the skeletal muscle fibers. Lesions in the brain were absent or central and peripheral nervous system signs were discarded,
minimal in most birds. considering that central nervous system-inoculated embryos and
IHC revealed ABV antigen in various organs in two out of five the bacteriology-mycology of livers did not result in relevant
birds tested. The N protein-specific monoclonal antibody labeled the isolation. None of the birds presented DNA sequences of beak and
nucleus and cytoplasm of neurons and glial cells throughout the feather disease virus or Chlamydophila psittaci, although a few birds
medullary cells of the adrenal gland (Fig. 6), in the axis cylinders of of the aviaries have previously shown to be positive for sequences of
the peripheral nerves, in the brain (Fig. 7), and in the myenteric each DNA separately or in coinfection.
ganglion and glial cells of the proventriculus. The liver, skeletal The dysfunction of the digestive tract was associated with
muscles, testis, and a few peripheral nerves were negative. inflammation, necrosis, and loss of neurons in muscular and serosal
RT-PCR confirmed ABV-specific RNA in four out ten of ganglia, as observed in PDD cases reported previously (2,12,18,
psittacines tested including one red-browed Amazon parrot, one 23,24,27,29,30,31,38,40), and affected the crop, proventriculus,
blue-winged macaw, one scarlet macaw, and one chestnut-fronted ventriculus, and intestinal functions. Peripheral neuritis has been
macaw. In the red-browed Amazon parrot and in one blue-winged previously reported in sciatic, brachial, and vagal nerves
macaw, IHC revealed ABV antigens in the nucleus and cytoplasm of (2,11,27,29,30,31,33,40) with local nervous tissue damage resulting
cells in various organs. in crop and gastrointestinal tract stasis, lack of glandular secretions,
The ABV sequence (accession no. KF704677) recovered from a regurgitation, inappetence, undigested food in feces, and functional
red-browed Amazon parrot was submitted to BLAST search against malnutrition, leading to starvation and death.
GenBank sequences, and confirmed as ABV genotype 4 (not shown), The definitive diagnosis of PDD can be made based on gross and
being up to 91% similar to sequences described in psittacine histologic lesions (14). Molecular biological techniques, however,
species from Israel and Canada, respectively (GenBank accession represent an option for ante mortem diagnosis and allow the
numbers FJ002341, GQ496351, FJ0023331, FJ002330, FJ002340, implementation of a monitoring program for adopting preventive
and FJ002342). Further studies are under way for obtaining ABV measures aiming to reducing transmission to susceptible birds (11).
sequences for phylogenetic analysis of local compared to worldwide The IHC is a useful tool for the direct demonstration of virus antigens
strains. associated with lesions in tissues affected by ABV, supporting the
concept of a viral etiology for PDD and allowing a better
understanding of the pathogenesis (12,14,18,23,24,27,30,31,38). In
DISCUSSION the PDD tissues the cellular response observed histologically, along
with the IHC response, possibly indicates the role of autoimmunity in
Clinical history and gross and histologic lesions were indicative of the pathogenesis of this disease. Autoimmunity, as previously
PDD in all psittacines investigated. ABV-specific RNA was detected suggested on the pathogenesis of Borna disease (32), represents a
by RT-PCR and antigens by IHC, indicating ABV’s involvement novel perspective for understanding the disease in birds.
with this condition. The extended outbreak was in agreement with From lesions here described, PDD must be considered a
reports previously described (26,36). Similarly long outbreaks, in condition for concern in native Brazilian psittacines in captivity.
crowded aviaries with birds affected during several weeks, have been Our findings have indicated avian bornavirus as the potential
previously described (2,18,24,25,27,30,38). etiology. Samples here studied were originally from a large psittacine
PDD was preliminarily diagnosed based on clinical, pathologic, collection which contained more than 400 individuals of 34
and histopathologic findings in all 20 birds examined. In 10 birds, different species.
additional IHC and PCR tests were implemented, confirming ABV Although the epidemiology of ABV, as suggested for mammals,
in four. ABV infection is possibly disseminated in the investigated describes virus shed by shrews (17) or taken from infected insects in
conservation facility, considering the proximity of aviaries. The pastures (33), birds here examined did not have contact with shrews,
infection has been previously considered widespread in aviaries a species not present in Brazil, nor had they access to consumption of
(30,38), and possibly maintained by apparently healthy psittacines, pasture. Also, due to hygiene, aviaries did not enable the important
as detected in fecal swabs. Transmission was previously described to development of insect populations, as premises were routinely
occur by fecal-oral route in mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) and cleaned and birds were maintained on wire-net floor cages-aviaries
determined that ABV PCR-positive, apparently healthy birds ranged suspended above the ground. However, regarding potential risks of
from 20% to 80% of flocks (24). introducing the infection into the facility here studied, the proximity
The apparent lack of detection of ABV by IHC in three out of five of aviaries, enabling airborne and mechanical transmissions of
birds, possibly false-negatives, may have resulted from denatured feathers, feces, and secretions, and the absence of biosecurity or
ABV key antigens for IHC due to excessive cross-linking of proteins quarantine were here considered determinants for risk of infection by
(prolonged fixation in formaldehyde) or other etiologies for PDD- ABV as well as other etiologies. A preliminary control strategy was
like disease in our region (14,16). Other diseases which would cause proposed for the conservation facility, including pretesting birds in
192 R. V. Donatti et al.

Fig. 3. Ventriculus subserosal ganglia. Amazona rhodocorytha. Moderate lymphocyte and plasma cell infiltration associated with loss of neurons
and axons. H&E.
Fig. 4. Proventricular subserosal ganglion. Amazona rhodocorytha. Mild lymphoplasmacitic infiltration associated with loss of neurons. H&E.
Fig. 5. Adrenal gland. Amazona rhodocorytha. There are many lymphocytes and a few plasma cells infiltrating the medullary chords. H&E.
Fig. 6. Adrenal gland. Amazona rhodocorytha. Nucleus and cytoplasm of the cells of the medullary chords cells positive for avian bornavirus
antigen. IHC.
Fig. 7. Brain, cerebrum. Amazona rhodocorytha. Nucleus and cytoplasm of neurons and a few glial cells positive for avian bornavirus
antigen. IHC.

quarantine for absence of ABV (by PCR) and development of 2. Berhane, Y., D. A. Smith, S. Newman, M. Taylor, É. Nagy, B.
negative flocks in isolation. A concern has arisen from the Binnington, and B. Hunter. Peripheral neuritis in psittacine birds with
information, indicating a history of purchasing a macaw (Ara severa) proventricular dilatation disease. Avian Pathol. 30:563–570. 2001.
that was housed with potentially infected exotic psittacines, enabling 3. BirdLife International 2008. Amazona rhodocorytha. In: IUCN 2012.
fecal-oral transmission (14,16) and suggesting an exotic origin for IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.2. [cited 2013 Mar
14]. Available from:
the described ABV outbreak. It remains of ultimate importance to
4. BirdLife International 2009. Amazona vinacea. In: IUCN 2012.
perform ABV testing for separation according to ABV health status IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.2. [cited 2013 Mar
of all psittacines in conservation facilities. Of particular concern is 14]. Available from: http://www.iucnredlist.org3.
the lack of biosecurity represented by maintaining exotic and native 5. BirdLife International 2009. Ara macao. In: IUCN 2012. IUCN Red
psittacines in the same premises. The description of PDD and List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.2. [cited 2013 Mar 14]. Available
detection of ABV in Brazilian psittacines indicates the necessity of from:
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