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Maurice Jebb B.

Agustin 2POL3

Allen Dave B. Arboleda November 26, 2020

Politics and Literature

Politics has always been a part of literature. Many literary works are heavily
influenced by politics. Movies like V for Vendetta which is about the oppression under
the police controlled fascist government to its citizens. Same as The Hunger Games in
which, the Central Government maintain their hold to its districts by forcing its districts
into a deathmatch. Both films ended up calling out their government's abuses and later
overthrowing it. A lighter example is The Dictator which is a political satire comedy that
was inspired by real-life dictators like Kim Jong-Il and Muammar Gaddafi. Movies like
this and other literary works help us to be aware of politics, not just local but on
international scenes. These issues are easy to understand if they are portrayed in a
relatable or comedic way rather than learning political theories or other technicalities.
For me, Politics and Literature is like a shock and awe combination, you will be amazed
by the grace of the literary work and at the same time, it will overwhelm its readers and
viewers with truth and information. Literature has many usages. It can be used as an
illustration, as I said earlier, you do not need any context on politics or literature
whatsoever to understand the literary piece. The piece will connect to the reader or
viewer. It can be used as moral education. Literature gives the audience insight into the
society that they are living in. It focuses on teaching the audience how to cope with
political dilemmas and how to live a good life. The only problem here is that today’s
hard-pressed political science students are not interested in fiction anymore. Students
are more dependent on reasoning and rationality. Society is so dystopic that students
have more insights on injustices rather than relying on examples of fiction. Society
nowadays is so chaotic, it's like a reality tv show.

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