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6A - Sampling

- simple random​: every possible sample has equal chance of being chosen
- convenience​: respondents are chosen based on their availability
- systematic​: participants are taken at regular intervals
- stratified​: participants split into groups and then a random sample is chosen in same
proportion to each group
- quota​: participants split into groups, and then a convenience sample is chosen until a
required number is reached

6B - Summarizing data
- mean​: the average of all the data
- median​: the middle value after arranging data in order
- mode​: value that occurs the most often
- bimodal: two modes
- range​: the difference between the maximum and minimum values of the data set

- lower​ ​quartile​ (Q1): the value one quarter of the way through the data
- upper​ ​quartile​ (Q3): the value three quarters of the way through the data
- interquartile​ ​range​ (IQR): difference between upper and lower quartiles
- IQR = Q3 - Q1

- standard​ ​deviation​ (σ): the measure of how spread out the data is from the mean
- variance​ (σ​2​): the square of the standard deviation

- outlier​: values that are very high or low compared to the rest of the data
- x < Q1 - (1.5) IQR
- x > Q3 + (1.5) IQR

raw data raw data with frequency grouped data with frequency
- stat - stat - follow the same steps as raw
- edit - edit data with frequency
- enter data under L1 - enter data under L1 - enter ​midpoint​ of data
- stat - stat under L1
- calc - calc
- 1-var stats - 1-var stats
- calculate - place cursor on
- enter FreqList
- 2​nd​ 2 (L2)
- calculate
- enter
6C - Presenting Data
- histograms​: a type of bar graph where the height of each bar represents the frequency of
each group
- cumulative frequency graph​: a plot of cumulative frequency vs data values
- box and whisker​: a way to display data through their quartiles

histogram cumulative frequency curve box and whisker diagram

- stat - stat - stat
- edit - edit - edit
- under L1 enter first - under L1 enter last - under L1 enter data
number in range number in range - 2​nd​ Y=
- under L2 enter the - under L2 enter - enter, enter
frequency cumulative - arrow to type, then
- 2​nd​ Y= frequency choose boxplot (5th)
- enter, enter - 2​nd​ Y= - window
- arrow to type, then - enter, enter - change window
choose ​histogram - arrow to type, then - graph
- arrow to freq, then choose ​curve​ (2nd) - trace
type 2​nd​ 2 - window
- window - change window and
- change window and Xscl = 1
Xscl = data class - graph
- graph

6D - Correlation and Regression

- mean point: can be found by calculation the mean of the x-values and the man of the
y-values separately
- the r value is a number such that -1 ≤ r ≤ 1
- r = 1 strong positive linear correlation
- r = 0 no linear correlation
- r = -1 strong negative linear correlation

0 < r ≤ 0.25 very weak (no) correlation

0.25 < r ≤ 0.5 weak correlation

0.5 < r ≤ 0.75 moderate correlation

0.75 < r ≤ 1 strong correlation

scatter plo​t regression line
- 2​nd​ 0 - stat
- arrow down to DiagnosticOn - calc
- enter, enter - 4. LinReg (ax+b)
- stat - arrow down to Store RegEQ
- edit - vars
- under L1 enter x value - Y-vars
- under L2 enter y value - enter, enter
- 2​nd​ Y= - arrow down to calculate
- enter, enter - enter
- arrow to type, choose scatter plot (1st) - graph
- window
- change window
- graph

find y-value find x-value

- graph - graph
- 2​nd​ trace - Y=
- 1. Value - arrow down to Y​2
- enter x-value - enter y-value
- enter - graph
- 2​nd​ trace
- 5. Intersect
- enter, enter, enter

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