Name: Olabamiji Saheed Olalekan Matric No: 15/69/0001 Project Proposal Topic: Drugs Information Management System

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NO: 15/69/0001 



Drugs information management system is a management system that is designed to improve

accuracy and to enhance safety and efficiency in the pharmaceutical store. It is a computer-based
system which helps the Pharmacist to improve inventory management, cost, medical safety etc.
The system allows the user to enter a manufacturing and expiry date for a particular product or
drug during opening stock and sales transaction. The system will also give report showing the list
of products expiries after a specified date before the product eventually expires. It also involves
manual entry upon arrival of new batches of drugs and upon drug movement out of the pharmacy
for a certain period, e.g. every month, the pharmacist may want to generate report for the
movement of drugs in and out of the pharmacy, getting information about the drugs e.g. expiry
date, date purchased, number of drug type left, location of a drug in the pharmacy. At present,
manual system is being utilized in the pharmacy. It requires the pharmacist to manually monitor
each drug that is available in the pharmacy. This usually leads to mistakes as the workload of the
pharmacist increases.


Drugs information management has kept paper record in filing cabinets. Managing a very large
pharmacy with records on papers will be tedious and difficult to keep track of inventories with
regards to the drugs in the store, expiry date, quantity of drugs available based on the categories
and their functions. The pharmacist has to order drugs to replenish the already diminishing stock.
In addition, ordering of drugs is being carried out manually. Significant amount of time is
allocated for writing the order as the pharmacist needs to go through the stock balance and make
rough estimate of the amount to order based on Figures. Drugs are not supposed to be used after
they have expired. This project work will prompt the pharmacist about drugs that are close to
expiry, preventing those drugs from being sold and also providing solution to the earlier stated


The aim of this project is to develop a software for the effective management of a pharmaceutical
store that will be able to achieve the following objectives:
i. Ensuring effective policing by providing statistics of the drugs in stock.
ii. Maintaining correct database by providing an option to update the drugs in stock.
iii. Improving the efficiency of the system by ensuring effective monitoring of services and
iv. To provide optimal drug inventory management by monitoring the drug movement in the
v. To ensure that there exists a level of restricted access based on functionality and role.
vi. To ensure that the system is user friendly.


The tools use for developing the timetable Management system includes:

FRONT END: XML, HTML, CSS, JAVA SCRIPT are utilized to implement the frontend. 
 XML: Extensible markup Language (XML) is used to describe data. The XML standard
is a flexible way to create information formats and electronically share structured data via
the public internet, as well as via corporate networks.
 HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language): HTML is a syntax used to format a text
document on the web. 
 CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): CSS is a style sheet language used for describing the
look and formatting of a document written in a markup language. 
 Java Script: JS is a dynamic computer programming language. It is most commonly
used as part of web browsers; whose implementations allow client-side scripts to interact
with the user and control the browser. BACK END

The back end is implemented using MySQL which is used to design the databases. 
 MySQL is the world's second most widely used open-source relational database
management system (RDBMS). The SQL phrase stands for Structured Query Language.


Chin J., et al (2009). Design a system to investigate the importance of management support and
cultural development in all-sides hospital pharmaceutical services. Methods: A series of effective
measures were taken to improve management support and cultural development. All professional
and technical personnel were asked to live up to certain standards of behavior. Under the action
of a formal management system, such as strict rules, material incentive and psychic reward, a
harmonious team culture developed. 

Guo DH, et al (2008) design a system to Implement and management for full time clinical
pharmacist recruit in our hospital. To Recruiting and training full Time Clinical Pharmacist,
raising the level of pharmaceutical care of our hospital. Those applied for position of Full Time
Clinical Pharmacist were tested. The best ones were admitted and estimated according to the
previous target.

Zhu M, et al. (2008). The application and evaluation of electronic medication record
management system in PLA general hospital. We try to use electronic medication record
management system based on hospital information system and evaluate the assistant role in
clinical pharmacists' work. Methods: Electronic medication record management system based on
hospital information system was developed with C++ Builder and Oracle database. In practical
work, clinical pharmacist implemented medication record in the help of this management system
and provided advices to research team in order to improve the management system.

Chen C., et al (2008) Research and development of PLA adverse drug reaction electronic reports
management system. To improve the quality and efficiency of monitoring and reevaluate the
drug safety. Considering the characteristics of military information system, we widely
used computer technology such as network, database, information communication and
data extraction. Results: We developed the PLA adverse drug reaction electronic
reports management system based on intranet of PLA hospitals, which achieved the following
goals: optimizing the electronic reports structure and simplifying the re-porting process

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