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Rev Esp Sanid Penit 2013; 15: 66-75

D Salas, R Peiró
Evidence on the prevention of cancer

Evidence on the prevention of cancer

D. Salas, R Peiró
Dirección General de Salud Pública. Conselleria de Sanitat. Valencia.
(General Directorate for Public Health of the Health Department in Valencia)
Área de cáncer y salud pública CSISP-FISABIO
(Area on Cancer and Public Health)


Cancer is one of the main health problems. It includes a set of diseases with multi-causal origins. The tumours with the
greatest impact on the health of men are lung, prostate and colorectal cancers, while for women they are breast and colorectal
The best strategies for preventing cancer are ones based on primary prevention and early diagnosis. It is estimated that
about to 80-90% of cancers are preventable.
As regards primary prevention, there is considerable evidence to suggest that not smoking, regular physical exercise and a
diet rich in fruit and vegetables, along with the control of some environmental and occupational risk factors can reduce the inci-
dence of cancer. The early diagnosis of breast, colorectal and cervical cancer is recommended for some groups of the population
in a context of organised programs with adequate quality guarantees.

Keywords: Neoplasms; Cancer; Primary prevention; Early diagnosis; Straining; Spain; Prisons; Feeding.

Reception: 7-05-2013 Approval: 11-05-2013

INTRODUCTION which play a major role in the development of health

and disease. Therefore the best health promotion
Cancer is one of the leading causes of mortality strategies to improve the population well-being are
and morbidity and thus a priority within the health those based on prevention and in the development of
policies. In 2006 there were 98.000 deaths caused by intersectoral health policies. Diverse institutions such
cancer, 61.000 were men and 37.000 women. as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the
Cancer has been the second cause of death in European Union have promoted different initiatives
Spain in the last decades, only exceeded by cardiovas- to fight against cancer, such as “Europe Against Can-
cular diseases. Since 2005, tumors are the first cause cer”. These initiatives have considered prevention as
of death in men. As far as incidence is concerned, ac- the elective strategy to fight against cancer.
cording to the Spanish records concerning the 1998- Prevention strategies are based on reducing risk
2002 period, among men there were between 321 and factors (primary prevention) and in the early detec-
511 cases/100.000 men, and between 204 and 286 ca- tion of cancer (secondary prevention). We must also
ses/100.000 among women1-2. The most common tu- take into consideration that the exposure to all risk
mors found in men are lung, prostate and colorectal factors- both those which we, as individuals, can so-
cancer and in women breast and colorectal cancer, and mewhat modify, such as physical exercise; as well as
these forms of cancer are the leading causes of death those which we can not, such as environmental fac-
from cancer. tors- varies according to socio-economic, gender-ba-
Alike most chronic diseases, cancer has its ori- sed and other social aspects, and therefore this entails
gin in several causes, such as lifestyle, factors related inequalities in the development of cancer. Whenever
to working environments and social determinants, possible, primary prevention strategies should be

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34 Rev Esp Sanid Penit 2013; 15: 66-75
D Salas, R Peiró
Evidence on the prevention of cancer

prioritized and supported by secondary prevention PRIMARY PREVENTION

strategies. Also, strategies must be developed in or-
der to ensure that the whole population benefits from Primary prevention must enable the identification
prevention policies and that inequality in exposure and isolation of those factors, whose reduced exposu-
and disease development does not occur. re by individuals and by the general population, pre-
To revise the actions that could be promoted, vent the development of the disease, or if it ultimately
both from the public policies and from the population the disease does so, prevent its severity.
itself and individuals, in order to reduce and prevent There are three main risk factors: smoking,
inappropriate dietary habits and the lack of physical
this health problem, is a broad topic as cancer is not
exercise, that contribute to the appearance of chro-
just one disease but a term used to encompass several
nic diseases (cardiovascular diseases, diabetes type 2
diseases and thus the factors that are involved in its
and cancer) and that are responsible for 50% of the
causes are also numerous.
deaths worldwide. These three factors along with oc-
Within the European context, the guidelines to cupational exposure, that entails certain groups being
avoid cancer are gathered together in the “European exposed to higher concentrations of carcinogens than
Code Against Cancer”, that analyses the possibility to the general population, and environmental exposure-
influence its control by means of primary and secon- concentrations to which the general population is ex-
dary prevention strategies. A summary of the main posed and before which little or nothing can be done
points of the European Code Against Cancer, and the by individuals to control it- explain most of the cases
scientific evidence that supports them can be found of cancer within the population.
in this publication3-4. The guidelines are compiled in These damaging exposures are not randomly dis-
Table 1. tributed, but the social position is clearly related to

Table 1. European Code against cancer (third revision)

Many aspects of general health can be improved and many cancer deaths prevented, if we adopt healthier

1. Do not smoke; if you smoke, stop doing so. If you fail to quit, do not smoke in the presence of non-smokers.
2. Avoid obesity.
3. Undertake some brisk, physical activity every day.
4. Increase your daily intake and variety of vegetables and fruits: eat at least five servings daily. Limit your intake
of foods containing fats from animal sources.
5. If you drink alcohol, whether beer, wine or spirits, moderate your consumption to two drinks per day if you
are a man or one drink per day if you are a woman.
6. Care must be taken to avoid excessive sun exposure. It is specifically important to protect children and ado-
lescents. For individuals who have a tendency to burn in the sun, active protective measures must be taken
throughout life.
7. Apply strictly regulations aimed at preventing any exposure to known cancer-causing substances. Follow all
health and safety instructions on substances which may cause cancer. Follow advice of national radiation pro-
tection offices.
8. There are Public Health programmes which could prevent cancers developing or increase the probability that
a cancer may be cured:
9. Women from 25 years of age should participate in cervical screening. This should be within programmes with
quality control procedures in compliance with “European Guidelines for Quality Assurance in Cervical Scree-
10. Women from 50 years of age should participate in breast screening. This should be within programmes with
quality control procedures in compliance with “European Guidelines for Quality Assurance in Mammogra-
phy Screening”.
11. Men and women from 50 years of age should participate in colorectal screening. This should be within progra-
mmes with built-in quality assurance procedures.
12. Participate in vaccination programmes against hepatitis B virus infection.
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Rev Esp Sanid Penit 2013; 15: 66-75 35
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Evidence on the prevention of cancer

the level of exposure, being the lower social positio- also related to the risk of primary liver cancer, proba-
ned groups the ones that are mainly exposed to health bly because of the development of hepatic cirrhosis.
damaging exposures. The increase of colorectal cancer risk is also related
to the amount of alcohol consumed, independently of
Smoking the type of drink. As breast cancer is concerned, an
increase of the risk has also been perceived, although
Smoking can be blamed for causing 87% of the
not significantly strong. The risk of esophageal cancer
deaths attributable to lung cancer. In all the individual
is reduced by 60% after 10 years or more since stop-
models used to predict lung cancer risk, smoking is
ping drinking8-10. The use of alcohol combined with
found to be the main factor. Furthermore it is also
smoking multiplies the harmful effects of both, and
an essential factor in the development of esophageal,
an important increase in the risk of suffering respi-
laryngeal and oral cancer, as about 80 to 90% of the
ratory and upper digestive tract cancers. The World
cases are caused by smoking or by the combination of
Cancer Research Fund 10 and the American Institute
smoking and drinking. Around 25 to 30 % of all can-
for Cancer Research (2007)9advise to reduce the pro-
cer cases are related to smoking3-4. Spain is one of the
portion of population that surpasses the alcohol con-
European countries where the prevalence of smoking
sumption limits by a third every 10 years, in order to
is higher. It has been observed that throughout the
fight against chronic diseases. The recommendations
last 15-20 years the consumption has been reduced:
are not to drink over two units a day for men, and one
in 1987 38% of the population smoked while in 2011
for women (about/around 10-15 ethanol grams).3-4
31.6% did6. The smoking rates for men have dropped
since 1987 from 55% to 39.1% in 2011. For women
the rate has climbed from 23% in 1987 to 27.2% in
2001 and in 2003 the tendency changed and 24.6% of It is estimated that around 30% of the deaths
women smoked in 20116. caused by cancer are related to diet and nutrition 3-4.
As far as social groups are concerned, in 1987 over Several epidemiologic studies point out a protective
half of the male population smoked, and prevalence effect of consuming more fruits and vegetables for an
was higher among lower income groups (manual wor- important number of cancers, specially for esopha-
kers); among women, the habit was more extended geal, stomach, colon, rectal and pancreatic cancer3-4, 10.
among higher income groups (non-manual workers). Red meat and specially processed meats (meat that has
Progressively, the smoking habit rates have dropped been salt-cured, cured or smoked, or with additives or
among men, especially in the higher income groups preservatives) are probable causes of certain cancers.
(non-manual workers), which entails growing so- High- fiber cereals and whole-grain have been related
cial inequality. Women from more privileged groups to lower risk of colorectal and digestive tract cancers.
increased substantially smoking until 1997, and af- Vegetables and fruits have a great number of potential
terwards they started to quit smoking quicker than anti-cancer agents, with complementary and overla-
other less privileged groups. Hence, in the 2006 sur- pped mechanisms of action. Therefore the intake of
vey the group with a higher prevalence for smoking these products prevents and holds up the develop-
was men from underprivileged groups, and followed ment of some types of cancer9-10.
by women from underprivileged groups.7 Another factor that is directly related with nutri-
According to the European Code3-4, it has been tion, due to excessive intake, is obesity, one of the lea-
proven that the biggest impact on the modification ding preventable causes of morbidity and mortality11.
of smoking can be obtained when acting on social as- In particular, it increases the risk of diabetes, cardio-
pects rather than on individuals: forbidding all kind vascular diseases and cancer. It is related to a higher
of direct and indirect advertising, banning smoking risk of colon, breast (after menopause), endometrial,
in public or closed places, placing effective warning kidney and esophageal (adenocarcinoma) cancer9-11.
labels on the packets, controlling the maximum ni- Overweight is also related to other types of cancer but
cotine and tar content of cigarettes, along with other its effect on the risk is smaller9-11.
measures for informing and discouraging smoking. From 1987 to 2010, the prevalence of obesity has
been doubled within the Spanish population. There
Alcohol are social inequalities not only among men but also
among women. Among men, group inequalities have
Alcohol consumption has been related to an in-
not been significantly increased; in 2006 16% of the
creased risk of oral, pharyngeal, laryngeal, esophageal,
men that came from lower-income groups were obe-
liver, colorectal and breast cancer 3, 4, 8. Alcohol use is
se, as opposed to 14% of men from more privileged
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36 Rev Esp Sanid Penit 2013; 15: 66-75
D Salas, R Peiró
Evidence on the prevention of cancer

groups. Among women inequalities have grown, es- Environmental and occupational exposure
pecially because of the obesity increase among non-
Currently, many carcinogenic natural and arti-
manual workers compared to the rest of the popu-
ficial sources have been identified. The exposure to
lation. In 1987, 5.8% of women from lower income
occupational or environmental carcinogens, could
groups were obese while this percentage has grown to
influence the development of cancers. The control of
17.9% in 2006. In 1987 5.7% of women from higher
the prevalence and the level of exposure to occupa-
income groups were obese while this percentage has
tional and environmental carcinogens -by means of
grown to 9.7% in 2006. Women of underprivileged
groups (manual workers) present the higher prevalen- general prevention measures- has historically played a
ce of obesity12. more important role in cancer prevention than perso-
nal protection measures.
Physical exercise The types of cancer that have been most com-
monly related, with increasing evidence, to occu-
There is evidence that doing some exercise regu- pational exposures are lung cancer, bladder cancer,
larly is related to reducing the risk of colon, breast, en- mesothelioma, laryngeal cancer, leukemia, liver angio-
dometrial and prostate cancer3-4.The protective effect sarcoma, nose and nasal cavity cancer and skin cancer
of physical exercise over the risk of cancer grows (not melanoma)3-4.
with the level of exercise – the more, the better- but Most of the occupational carcinogens have been
such recommendation should be modified for people assessed by the International Agency for Research on
with cardiovascular diseases3-4.For some types of can- Cancer (IARC Lyon, France). It has been estimated
cer, the preventive effect of regular physical exercise that in the 90’s around 32 million workers (23%) of
seems to be independent of the body mass index3-4,
the European Union had been exposed to levels of
. Physical activity can be done as leisure taking part
carcinogens above the upper limits.
in different outdoor activities or in specialized indoor
Environmental exposures refer to exposures of
facilities, but it can also be done during everyday life,
the general population that cannot be directly contro-
for instance by not using motor vehicles, changing
lled by individuals3-4. Air pollution, drinking water
our transport habits for walking or cycling or combi-
contaminants, passive smoking, indoor radon, expo-
ning one of them with the use of public transport3, 13.
sure to sunlight, contaminants in the food as pestici-
However, physical exercise depends on the avai-
des, dioxins and environmental estrogens, chemical
lability of parks or recreational areas near the primary
products from industrial emissions among other, are
residence and this contributes to the differences that
can be found in the level of activity from one group all included. Exposure can affect the general popu-
to another14. Many studies have found that in poo- lation, as in the case of environmental air pollution,
rer areas there is a significantly lower number of re- or could be more specific and only affect groups that
creational areas, parks, sport facilities, rail trails, cycle for example lived around a polluting industry. These
lanes than in wealthier areas. Furthermore in lower types of exposure have been related to certain types
income neighborhoods there is more traffic of heavy of cancer, including lung cancer, bladder cancer, leu-
goods vehicles, less street light, sidewalks and there kemia and skin cancer. The impact of several types of
are no traffic calming measures, all of them, barriers carcinogenic environmental exposure such as exposu-
that complicate doing exercise. Moreover, it has also re to arsenic present in drinking water has not been
been remarked that even when there are nearby faci- quantified, although exposure to arsenic only affects
lities, the cost, the distance to them and the transpor- certain populations. Air pollutants such as fine parti-
tation availability affects the access and use of these cles have been related in several studies to a slightly
services by the lower-income population. It has been increased risk of lung cancer, even in urban areas whe-
proven that neighborhood planning contributes to be re currently exposure has been reduced. Evidence of
more physically active when there is good access to the effect of exposure to widespread agents such as
parks, availability of gyms, local shops in the neigh- the subproducts of the water disinfection, are not yet
borhood, nearby working places, schools, and leisure concluding. Common environmental agents, to which
centers14. many people are exposed during long periods of time,
Since 1987 physical exercise has suffered an in- such as passive smoking or air pollution, even if we
crease in Spain, both among men and women. Women consider that they have a small effect on an increased
do less physical activity, and in many cases, there is risk for certain types of cancer, could be behind the
still a high rate, over 30% that declare themselves as origin of many thousands of cases every year in Spain
sedentary15. and in the European Union.
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Rev Esp Sanid Penit 2013; 15: 66-75 37
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Evidence on the prevention of cancer

Infections clinical stage when screening can be implemented for

some diseases.
Currently, around 10% of cancer cases in Euro-
The benefits of screening are obtained because of
pe are attributable to persistent infections caused
an early diagnosis, which together with the corres-
by virus, bacteria or parasites. These infections are
pondent appropriate actions, will allow an improved
mainly implied in the development of four types of
prognosis for those patients diagnosed with the di-
cancer: cervical cancer, kidney cancer, stomach cancer
sease. In the population were screening is carried out
and hemo-lymphopoietic tumors3-4. In the European
mortality will be reduced because of this reason16-20.
Union, around 25.000 women develop cervical can-
Furthermore, treatment alternatives can be less ag-
cer every year and 30.000 new kidney cancer cases are
gressive and people that take part in it feel more con-
diagnosed. Helicobacter pylori (HP) is related to a
risk 6 times higher of suffering non-cardia gastric can- fident about that particular disease.
cer, which means that of the 78.000 new gastric cancer Screening also entails a series of disadvantages and
cases discovered every year 65% are attributable to risks. Part of the diagnosed lesions could never turn
HP. The fourth group is that of hemo-lymphopoietic into an aggressive type, therefore an overdiagnosis
tumors (Non-Hodgkin lymphoma, different types of and overtreatment effect can occur because of scree-
leukemia, etc.). There are 104.000 new cases reported ning. Sometimes false positive21 and false negative re-
yearly and it is suspected that some infectious agents, sults can occur and people will feel falsely reassured,
such as Epstein Barr virus, HIV or Human herpesvi- therefore delaying the diagnosis of cancer or implying
rus 8, may play a very important role in their develo- the appearance of cancer between two tests22. Mo-
pment. reover, false positive results may give rise to unneces-
Throughout the last 30 years the knowledge of sary diagnosis tests.
how some infectious agents play a role in the etiolo- Because of all this it is fundamental to fulfill a se-
gy of several types of cancer has been spread, espe- rious of requirements which will grant a positive re-
cially after the major improvements achieved in the lationship between benefits and adverse reactions23-24.
detection of markers of chronic infection. Therefore, (Table 2)
antiviral and antibacterial treatments as well as vacci- Screening must be a continuous process and not
nation programs represent an important tool against a punctual test25.The result of a single screening test
cancer3-4. only allows the differentiation between individuals at
a higher risk of suffering the problem and, therefo-
re, it will always need a diagnostic confirmation. The
SECONDARY PREVENTION WHO considers that cancer control policies must be
applied in all countries and that screening should be
Many factors that may influence the develop- framed in disease control programmes.
ment of cancer are still unknown, and others that are Screening tests must be carried out always within
broadly known such as age or a family history of can- the frame of organized programmes that ensure a qua-
cer, are unavoidable. Hence the need arises to early lity assurance at all levels, and easing the appropriate
detect cancer, when it is in an early stage and it is pos- information of the benefits and risks26.
sible to treat it by relatively easy means. A population screening program is framed within
Secondary prevention or screening is most impor- a institutional policy, and must be systematically offe-
tant during subclinical stages, entailing an earlier de- red to all the target population, with a clearly defined
tection of cancer, even more so as screening methods methodology and an adequate continuous assessment
grow more sensitive. Screening is an effective method of the quality and of its results 27-28. Screening must
for controlling cancer. Overall, the development of not be recommended because of individual requests,
cancer is slow, with a direct effect of already discussed because quality, methodology and frequency can-
external factors on people at risk of having modified not be guaranteed and the previously discussed side
cells that could become cancer cells that grow with effects could arise.
an unregulated, quickened pace. During the develo- One of the principles on which population scree-
pment of a tumor after the latency period (from the ning programmes are based is equity, and avoiding
first exposure to the development of the cancer muta- socio-economic inequalities. Sometimes that princi-
tion), a more or less long preclinical stage (asympto- ple needs to be approached in a complex way mainly
matic) is identified and it can last from a few months if specific population groups, such as the imprisoned
to several years, before the clinical stage, where the population, want to be included. This requires the
cancer finally reveals its symptoms. It is in this pre- combination of population criteria (inviting a target
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38 Rev Esp Sanid Penit 2013; 15: 66-75
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Evidence on the prevention of cancer

group that periodically lives in a territory), with the cancer programmes. Most Autonomous Communi-
mobility of this group. Nevertheless, it is one of the ties also include programmes for the early detection
implicit objectives of the screening programs, to en- of cervical cancer. More recently, colorectal cancer32-33
sure the access of all the population. screening programmes, for men and women aged bet-
Few tumors are currently considered firm candi- ween 50 and 69, are being introduced.
dates to be included in a population screening pro- There is no evidence for recommending screening
gram, because it is not only important that the tumor for the early detection of other tumors. Nevertheless,
is relevant and common, but it is necessary to have there are being several studies conducted for stu-
appropriate tests that detect them in early stages so dying the benefit to the general population of scree-
that it will have an impact in mortality rates. ning certain frequent types of cancer such as prostate
Currently only three types of cancer clearly ful- cancer and lung cancer, but no conclusions have been
fill the appropriate requirements to recommend po- brought out yet. (Table 3)
pulation screening. Both in the European Union29
and in Spain, cancer strategies of the National Health What is being done within the penitentiary
System (NHS) 30 have established clear indications for context to prevent cancer?
the early diagnosis of these tumors.
Breast cancer screening should only be done in Different types of interventions to prevent can-
women between the ages of 50 and 69, by means of cer are being carried out in the penitentiary facilities
a mammography, every two years. Currently digital in our country, as several publications can give proof
mammography is being included in this kind of pro- of.
grams. In a study that assessed the mortality in Spanish
Screening for colorectal cancer is recommended prisons between 1994 and 2009, it was pointed out
for men and women over the age of 50. Nowadays, that the epidemiologic patterns seem to be changing.
there are several tests that have proved to be appro- During the first period of the study HIV was the ma-
priate diagnosis techniques. In Spain the most com- jor cause of death, while during the second part of the
mon test is the fecal occult blood test every two years. period , cardiovascular diseases lead the causes of dea-
Screening for cervical cancer is also recommen- th34. Cancer is not an outstanding health problem in
ded. The most widespread test is the cervical and va- prisons, although its prevention is important at any
ginal cytology. Currently there are on-going studies point.
that propose different tests based on the relation of A thorough bibliographic search was performed
cervical cancer with persistent infections with high with the aim of knowing the situation of the preventi-
viral load of human papillomavirus. ve actions focused on cancer carried out in the Spanish
In Europe, cancer screening programs have been correctional facilities. A free search was done in Me-
introduced following the European recommendations dline using the key words “prisons AND Spain AND
. In Spain healthcare authorities from the different (prevention OR cancer OR”). With “prevention” 26
Autonomous Communities offer population breast publications were found related to tuberculosis, HIV

Table 2. Criteria for implementing a screening program.

Target disease • It must be common and severe, in order to be considered a social problem by part of the
population and thus the program will be well tolerated.
• Its clinical course must be well known and its pre-symptomatic stage must be clearly
• Treatment in an early pre-symptomatic stage must reduce mortality or serious complications
(if any) in a more noticeable way than treatment after the appearance of symptoms.

Target Population • High prevalence of the disease among the population.

• There must be inclination to involvement.
• There must be demographic information of the population in order to correctly schedule
the necessary resources to carry out the screening program.

Diagnostic tests to be used • Well tolerated by general population, even if it could endanger participation.
• It must be reproducible and valid.

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Rev Esp Sanid Penit 2013; 15: 66-75 39
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Evidence on the prevention of cancer

or drugs. With “cancer”, 2 publications were found 22% of the women that participated continued wi-
that studied the prevalence of Human Papillomavi- thout smoking one year later.37
rus; one of this publications adverted that 27.1% of If the word alcohol was introduced in the search
women inmates had positive testing and that the rela- tool, 65 publications were found, albeit there were
ted factors were to be young and smoking. It was also no specific group interventions for reducing its con-
found that it was closely related to being infected with sumption, but more general interventions38. As far as
HIV35. The other publication revealed a prevalence of nutrition is concerned, two publications were found
HPV infection of 46%36. A more specific search was that show campaigns for enhancing the inmates’ diet,
done in the Spanish journal of prison health (Revis- reducing the ingestion of fat in order to have more
ta de Sanidad Penitencia) using the key word cancer, heart- healthy 39 diets and adapting them to convicted
and 21 publications were found. Amore in-depth eva- people with diabetes40. Regarding physical activity a
luation showed that only 6 of them were related with publication reveals an intervention in a prison where
vaccine-preventable diseases whose impaired mana- a positive adherence to the program was observed and
gement can lead to the development of cancer such as the participants were satisfied41. Summarizing, some
hepatitis C, B or HPV as well as their current status experiences demonstrate that it is possible to intro-
and clinical management. duce changes focused on enhancing the general health
A search has been done for each risk factor; for and with positive results as far as satisfaction of parti-
smoking only one intervention was found, which cipants is concerned. Even though we cannot conclu-
focused on helping female inmates to quit smoking. de if these measures are widespread within prisons,
81.2% of women who answered to a previous ques- we can think that many of these interventions are
tionnaire were smokers and had increased the number scarcely documented or its results published. Hence
of cigarettes smoked since their imprisonment. 65% these programs could improve if more publications
reported that they had previously stopped smoking. were made, because of a larger number of professio-

Table 3. Recommendations on cancer screening

European Union Cancer Strategy of the National Health System

Breast Mammography screening for — Continue with population breast cancer screening programmes
Cancer breast cancer in women aged 50- with the following principles:
Screening 69 in accordance with «European • Target population: age between 50 and 69.
guidelines on quality assurance in • Screening test: mammography.
mammography». • Frequency of screening: every 2 years.
— Familial risk assessment will be promoted, including the genetic
study in people with features suggestive of hereditary cancer.

Colorectal Fecal occult blood screening for — Implement colorectal cancer screening programmes for mid-
Cancer colorectal cancer in men and low risk population:
Screening women age 50-74 • Target population: age between 50 and 69, in an initial stage.
• Screening test: fecal occult blood testing (FOBT).
• Frequency of screening: Every 2 years.
— Specific/dedicated programmes for people with high risk will
be implemented.

Cervical Pap smear screening for cervical — Optimize the way of conducting cytological tests in mid-low
Cancer abnormalities starting at the latest cancer risk women based on the following criteria:
Screening by the age of 30 and definitely not • Target population: Women with no symptoms that are or
before the age of 20. have been sexually active, aged between 25 and 65.
• Screening test: cervical cytology.
• Screening intervals: The first two cytological tests will be
done with a difference of one year. In case of negative results,
the frequency will be of one cytological test every 3 - 5 years.
— Guaranteeing a specific follow-up for women with high risk of
suffering cervical cancer.

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40 Rev Esp Sanid Penit 2013; 15: 66-75
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Evidence on the prevention of cancer

nals contributing to the results. However, and as it can Working Group. Cancer incidence and mortali-
be seen in some programs and health promotion rela- ty in Spain: estimates and projections for the pe-
ted publications, it is not necessary to carry out highly riod 1981-2012. Ann Oncol. 2010; 21 Suppl. 3:
fragmented interventions regarding risk factors. The iii30-6.
most successful interventions are those with a more 3. Boyle P, Autier P, Bartelink H, Baselga J, Boffetta
comprehensive approach, with participative discus- P, Burn J, et al. European Code Against Cancer
sions about the objectives to pursue, and that include and scientific justification: third version (2003).
not only behavioral changes but also an appropriate Annals of Oncology 2003; 14: 973-1005.
environment for these changes to happen, such as en- 4. Martín-Moreno JM. El código europeo contra
hanced diets or smoke-free environments42. el cáncer. Tercera revisión (2003): Insistiendo y
avanzando en la prevención del cáncer. Rev esp
salud pública 2003; 77: 673-9.
CONCLUSION 5. Etzel CJ, Bach PB. Estimating individual risk for
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The reduction of certain risk factors such as smo- 3-9.
king, drinking, as well as controlling the risks of en- 6. Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e
vironmental and occupational carcinogens, together Igualdad [Internet]. Madrid: Ministerio de
with a healthy balanced diet along with physical exer- Sanidad; c2011-2013 [actualizado 2013; cita-
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