Winning With The Torre Attack

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OPENINGS TORRE ATTACK EDUARD GUFELD OLEG STETSKO CaissalReagaee Hola todas! Hello everybody We area group of chess fans who are producing new chess material, We have members fiom all around the world, belonging to different cultures and speaking different languages, all of us joined by our common love far chess! We hope you will enjoy our work! Somos un grupo de faniticos del ajedrez, que estamos tratando de producir nueve material como este, desarvollando diferenies proyectos ¢ ideas, Tenemos miembros de ntes partes del mundo, provenientes de diferentes cultura hablando dif Jenguas, unides por nuestra pasion por of ajedrez! Esjperamos que disfruten de esta muestra de nuestro trabajo! Ifyou are interested in joining us, or send any comments drop us an email at caissa_lovers@, Si alguien estuvieseiateresado en unirse al grupo nos pueden escribir a Best regards!! Caisse Lovers Fst published 1993, Repent 1994 (© Eduard Gull, Ole Seo 1993 ISDN 071347168 4 Bash Libary Cataloging is Paitin Dats ‘A catalogue recor for ibook avast from the Betis Lite [ilight esrved No pt of hiebook may be eprodvce, by ay mens, without ro permission ofthe pole ‘Typeset by Joba Nuns GM nd printed in Great Brin by Rediood Books, Towteige, Wik forthe publishes, B.T-Basfoed Lid, ‘Fitehardnge Stet, London WIHOAH. [ABATSFORD CHESS BOOK Edo Panel Mask Dros, lb Napa, Jon Speciman (General Adviser: Raymond Keene O0E. Manoging Eater: Gram Burgess Contents Inroduction {Gane 1 Tore Simich, Mosow 1923, Game 2 ToneLarker, Moscow 1935 Game 3. Petrxian-Lyabinky, Moscow 1949 Game 4 Spassy-Petosian, World Ch, Moscow 1966 Game 5 Takmatny Gufeld, Moscow 1966 Part t: Systems with 206 1 Flank Costa ‘Game 6 Betjami- Yavin, New York 190 Game 7 Vaganian Rarovaey, Moscow 1983 Gane 8 1Sokolow-KieGeogiey, Palade Mallorca 1989 Game 9 Tananow Gili Tlinn 1980 Game 10 Lstron Kerchnc Bie 1984 Gane IL Todorvie Drapomaretsky. Bela Cokea 1989 Cental System {Game 2.1 Sokolo-tvanchuk Biel 1989 Game 13. Tukmatow-Sehdee Helinkl 1983, Game 14 Dree-Pavov. roino 1988 Game 15 BisguierLeaov,Plaephi 1986 Game 16. Prakhis Tisakow, Moscow 1989 Game 17 Morse Kaidanoy, Cleat 1988 Syste with an Early bs Gain 18Yoxpov- Kapow, London C6) 1989 Sue 19. Kavalek-Brone, Solingen 1986, Gure 20 Kochiev Veingold, Tan 1985. Game 21 _Mikh Tait Popo, USSR 1582 ‘Clase System ‘Game22_TPetrosan-Timanov, Leningrad 1960 Game 23. Spasiky Anderson, lemon Ferand 1989 ‘Game 2 Seirnwan- Anderson, Sklleed 1999 Game 25. Baber Schicler, Pama de Malls 1989 ‘Game 26 Timman-Andemsen, Bruel 1988 Gane 27 Yusopov Karpov, London C1(8) 1989, Game 2% Balachov-Lerer, Kiew 1986 Game 29 HulkSeiraan, New York 1989 Game30 1 Sokolow Ki Gorey, Hala 1988 ‘5 Modem System Gane3 Game32 Game 33 Gane 4 Gane 38 [Lerner Yudasin, Nklay 1983 Plasken Ward ating» 198980 sath Makayeey, talon 1989 Hiageon-Eingom, Reykjavik 1989 Spy Miles, Ns 1988 Part 2 Systems with 2-66 6 Cental System Gane 36 Gane37 Game 38 Game39 Gane 40 Gane 1 Game 42 Gane 3 Game 44 Game 45 Gane 46 Gane 7 Konacow Si, Bak 1988 Smysen Vag, USSR Ch (Moscow) 1988 rece Klan, Moscow 1985 Schicler ogo, Tali 1983 Gout Soko, led 1991 Salov-Vapaio, Sacelona 1989 “Tone Kaspron,Thesalonki OL 1988 (@xenstad Basin, Tae 1989 Ye Ramggusng Teshkowky, Belgrade 1988 Kavale-Browne, USA Cb 985 Machalky Getid Moscow 1991 Milne Chektor, Wasa 188 7 King’ nin System Gane ai Games9 Game 50 Gane 51 Gane 52 Gane 33 Game3e Game 35 Kiselev Tamoshchenko,Novosibisk 189 “TPewonan Jana Br 1980, Smyslw- Nona, Tibor 1982 ree KeGeariey, Moscow 1988 Brontsin Gufeld, Tallinn 1981 ‘Chernin. Gavrkow, Match, Moscow 1985 Pass Zileri, butik 1988 $alow-Smii, USSR Ch Moscow) 1988 18 Flak Anack Game 36 Gane 37 Gamest Game 39 Game 6d Smyshv Emit London (Loy Ban) 1988 ‘Wovens Siean, Zgie 1972 Vyzhmana¥a Lana, Novos 1986 Balahov Lanka, Naberezhaye Cel 1988 Rozen: Ge, Odea 1589 Index of Variations 100 10s tos no 03 us 9 m1 m m Ls na 6 i ua Pa mW 1 131 153 136 156 139 13 165 es m 1B 7 "7 1 2 as 187 190 Introduction “The Tore Atack, 1842462 018.8 most popu fs Poon Oper Ing Ice it Being in Noverber 1935, when Be young” Mexican hes star Carlo Tore lest ie ‘pening ap leven the impertnt intematinal’toomament in Mow The opening moves inwoduce a harmonious syst of development si which Whit pins the 6 baht nd then erect the pa wedge 3 aes This viewaly impeegble trocar, while enabling Whe 10 develop ‘his pieces. harmmioasly ‘sound it bs reat lexi, wih the real that White postion pos esse elt pena rey 10 we Tea il aa sabe moment “Tore opponents were acu toyed to the else! rye of pay ‘Prevalent atthe ane ands ound it iat to ore themseves 0 the rw station, so hat Tore was Ble to yap ich haves of tee ctorie inthe Moscow even The fst vetin ws the strong Geran master Simisch Moscow 1923 Coote based on hose by Bogoljtow) 1a as 2B Dass sa Bee 5S Dba 86 6a abr 7 has ed Sot Ber 9 Bett Now on 9-45 follows. 10 ‘owt arn eat proceeds with an obvi — wer * sai eno hry t cae feng ths weld pee fetfora publ atack This hain. Seale te cen nolo ‘ree eapuince oben 9.00 ee wer im hor 2 Wa Bet Lana ie more eaten 13 BIG 86 it Des Det? Ce bt ‘bance as 415 1505 aeS when 6 nroduction there sone hope) 15 We bs TOES 05 17de Oxe8 (17 deisde- svely met by 18 R61) 18 Ores fe 19 res 20 WHI" (A moe ‘frre Beaty! On 20-6 he only {etence tien mate the reply 21 Eph dveatenng Lets, idee) 1-0 Janwski Sanich, Mriate Lane 1935 wo Warnes 100 ie Rat 46 13 tet Das Ba Ms 15 gs 00. as Alter 161-817 Bab “Tre intend 18 We6! Qed 19, 46 p3 (alter 19.9520 Wd ENT 21.3 Black is feyond salvation) 20 Whs 7 21-Leg5 16 when he outcome remain oleae. tie {ely posible dat Tees woul ave oon wening chanezs bore iris der? ‘Tre oly defence was 17gh 18 wanes, 18 Sues Ones Diss de 20 Dane However. the pres seston wae caved by To's brian fqeey ece in 4 cembinaton ‘homdsye oniar all experienced ehesspliersas"The Wid Ue ‘beth miller grindstone wa woe tthe than he great Eman! Lasker ‘ne of the whereof the tours Moeow 1925 (wots tase en thse by Bopatjotom) ra as 2a 3 gs At Be eight of the tent tour rset bale the youn Mexican maser, who was tailing Bo elbow and Laskey lf pin throws down a challenge to Bs owed opponent by developing 8 Iv own patented fash oe s aa ‘The silo hand of Lasker wae the fst to proce hic inove, which bs since Become one ofthe na replenothe Tore Atack However, in Adkins opinion hss an wt. ely comprehensible exchange [Bek limite is ow option while opening ingot ines fr bis op ponent Nevereless, this very move widely ared nowadays. ‘Sed ae? 6 Pb 6 Tea Bhar Khas 16 9 Bet “Tere viewed thi move apt of hiesyrtem, Inoue dy Bootsion’s recsmmenton 9 We? 17 1009, In preered > an we Wer oo 00 Mer Ble 1B Beat me 14 det The kph regrouping 14 Dei more Topica. Heeping an eye co the een 145 canbe et by 15 Qld Bad 16 ae? Bre? 17 et, while goo reply 1014.26 is 5 ha aha to Ban Gas 17 dS ad 12 ne? Bee7 19 et, In both estes White's poon e rater the more ei 1 as 1s gs ast 6 Os ch xh ie Was fags 19 ngs 19 ig5 deserve considerasion, tomeet19-fOxa? with 202, at Iroc 7 witout the seco appearance ofthe ‘ishopom gh chess werd woul Inve been deprived ofthe grandiose ‘combination Which ha entered so the golden trenory of thes ver ‘Se beading "The Wind 1 ‘ds as Noten wath ook tester, bar alo the win ofthe hop wih W7-N8 Now if 21. then 22 ‘Baa Ws 23 Be yet aceon a tack on both nk, bu sharper and net dangerote ithe combat Ba Hel Was 28 Det Wt 248407 1840725 Dad Wo 25 wT Gk ITM x6 28 R16 629 Boe (by 30534, 7m ‘as Songer ie 21.815, She the test efence may wel be 23.13 abs 27 B44 HS! 24 We 05 25 ‘Aided 26 es 5 27 Hee. sd 23 Bett Has? 5 trtcion The decisive mise, Bick had 36 The to be content with eguliy in the «37 BBY gs eration Bbgt 4 @xd6 W528 Mass eps Oag6 260.07 eA OeS ba aad 0 Seta ame Ber 2 Diese tS op Perhaps Laser hal is ge in rnin when the venerable ex Word ‘Champion wrote "To's fst steps in the chess word ae exactly thse ‘of potential WorkdChanpion Une fomintely the chese fe of the young Meaian master was cuthort that ey year when athe age of 22 he gave op ches fever Now White's wind is st in "Brief though ie carer tp operation. Hovever, 2418444 ao level hes was, Tor lftbebind nt fletosave We gane: 25241 Wet only some beatiful gares, bat alo 26 ahé Gy6 27 gS dveatening ths hannouious syste of develop Ths, andi¢25,.Uxbs, then 26.8661 nent, which har since become 6 29 ep6 Up 28 Wap wis a Known asthe "Toe tack’ = “Alte same he Tne ack was 25 461 aks ———_inraded at tne when tention 26 Ingle ths twas focmedon nore clastic oper. mate ph Ing scemes ad 0 fond itl 23 Tye ths the shen the postwar yeas T 29 Tx ran Petron recognised poten Teerook wekslikescyelone. talandendusiaicaly adopted tin Dan een bis own games Let wt conider bis So Tyr ahs swords “At the end of the 140s, Sms a7 ‘when I began to face masters ep Sms oy Tay. I was fed by the question SK axe howto build a opening reper 3 Tune ys wie? anor toon sms Tas ment ates with mee experianced Inroduction 9 master, aed with atnowledge of Here are a couple of examples from publted opeingthecy backed up contemporary practic by my own analysis however, tha) 887M 9 F186 100035 11 proved of litle Benelt in thew es EQ 6 12 ed! Hick 13 EOD e6 ‘omstances. What could be done? 14 Wel 24 18 Wh witha sony Dispited with my reve with attack for” White, Poivonade: Whe thought ever what play, Hund, Rio e ani 1979. and came tthe conclsion tht he _B)8.H69 REGO als Daf 10 Sequence of moves 14416205 £8)9.c410ed QueS It de a 12 f3.RpSmightbeareal gtkend. In DISH6 1300 Bes 1d Be? Has 15 ths way ot oly ithe Ninzofo. Rel A 164 RO7 17 Wet S18 ian avoided, Sut Blick eas des ef Wyf6 19 eS and Whites Bock led the pouty of playing the ae ofthe cena squares gives hie. ‘Qucen's Indian, The int game in the advantage, AverkinPigusoy, So thick T suceeded in applying my — chi 1982 rove" was agains the tong 9 de bat maser Lye 1 ts 4) onan-L ably : “Moscow 1949 (ote by Pevosian) 1a a pon «6 3 ass Ss fa Ber 5b ds 6a Ghar 72a 00. Exchanging on e7 weld make no Anlnaceuacy allowing White ssaxe. The pao on eS craps secure anactveameby invaingon Black's poston. andesch exchange, 5 with the Knight. 7-WET is cor. by redcing the number of pecs on reat ‘he board alleviates this problem. 8 Dest Dae After 10 ne? Whe 11 For IT Fgvoring he strane centralised 3, Black begs a mane a nig is dangerous since ie able tack’ an White's pawn wedge with tofermihebaisofakingsidearack 1116 10 traduction 1 now 10.6, then 11 WAS i sey pleasant for Bick, a8 Ht 1s forced since 1.6 met by the vin sacrifice 12 Sixes hg 13 eg6+ EE Lt Bd when Vnie' heats ca hardly be pte. Forex timp Mfe 15 BS Bek 16836 1EI5 17 EA8. Therefore, Bick nao rally wishes op an relive end to posible thea om the BIA? de penal. i s nia A vital blockading move! Now the tafety ofthe bishop on i = sel: next on Whit’ age the Aras ne 11MeT seems better, €. 12 es Boat 1 et fe 14 eS nes 1S hy 6 16 Wag DreS 17 ed (Garg SPedenen, Caer 1992) Svhen 17.88 18 We} ES would Fs ef shins une te bs InPetrosion Bink, USSR 1951, Black plied 12.-2es, wheres ithecame clear that White ecbnees slonoastlie in aking snack: 13 O65 Ba 14 Oat WG 15-350? [E1716 Rae? Ee 17 Wo! Bod 8 ‘Seb 19a a 2049821 ao? 1622 4 ote 73 Let fe (White's ‘owerfel knight 3 agsinst the bad bishop on a, pls bis mobile Kings. pawns, predetermine the cutee of the bal: i enough for White's mor pieces to begin fonction i anion with the big and Black's weaknesses willbe Plainly vsbl ike overpe apts fnawee)24 Waa We? 25 het abs 26 Was HAT? 27 WDA N38 Bel! Wes 29 Bact gh 3045 WaT 31 {Eh p62 52 Bh2 Hee8 38 Bel We? 34 do! (he end of the sory i Familie oe; the bight and the detive rook on 6 wl sweep aay Bink’ potion) 341d 38 ed et 3650537 fe xeS 38 ph eh 39 ys Hes 40 Behr e741 es 10.47, 18 etm 0 that afer 13.04 16 ‘Be5 Block fves seins problems, 114, 5, then 3 Wh bs 16 Wes, hilar. eS 15 hg We the Snndardsacifce 16 Exh? gives eng sek, se demoratrted by the sorinten 16.8307 17 Whse Sek TW 266 19 WA2!(Gterhan De 1120s Wg) Wes 201 Wp 621 Tedeag? 22 heS+ 728 Aah Be bes a) 15 gf “There wis need to hay, 1S ‘Dat isbeter, since White's postion is song enough for a poston tres to be ellie, The ight fn prpecom after the ex ‘hange BX ex Black will ave Isekwad and potently weak prwron d, is « 16 Ses 6 Black does ot want to et be seen nth but overloks ater ‘vie thes. Aer 15.6 17 WS ise 18 dl ed 19 Ws ng he Wek 21 Wy7+ G47 22h the game woul have ten fr fr clear 17 BS [Now the hele is forced open, sioce alee 17xgS 18 eeS Begs 19 WedSe es 20 Was ‘White’ pein is Beyond ques w base 1® Py » he 2 be a sixes n aes 23 hie Lek Wat en 25 eo Bus 26 tas 10 ‘The seventh. Weed. Champion ‘rofounily mastered the stele fetes of the postions ariing fin thi system, plying it with i ‘voy ith both elo aa Spassy-Pelrodan Word Ch Moscow 1955 (pote by Petia? ras aa ron 6 3s as Oba er Invoduetion 11 se ghar 6a os 73 fe ‘The appvent contraction be tween hit pove ad ny ecomanes don ithe nes tthe pe Perosin-Lyinky i pret il sen) Provide Black bat ete. Ha he hat 'ebjegtion 10 the igh intron 5, 800 ar Das res de oa na ‘Ax in the previous game, the bishop preserves el for future ba he, ere thee sa major abe: tin, Black ha pt ye eae, nd thi in fat, deprives White of bis hanes ie thee paw ea at {acking implement. On he conta White farslvanced fot eedier becomes subject to aac wae vse det he game along let ‘hamels, by exchateng bebop on followed by 4, though ie ‘means eneneing ambitions plans, in Wer ie 12 Be BS more exo nos Me 13 eis as hough White is aknow edging that he fe onkspy ith the ours ofthe bale ad wits 1 thang the character of the phy. ‘There eno sence in Black eoned- ing the nitive to he oppenent by 12 Irauctin scceptng the pata scifice. Ale Decbldeb Babs 15 @ittheexta Dac pow will ot pay seriou role far along ine, while White's stacking chances, Based on queen Sly 06th, the rok’ craps ion ofthe fie an powsibiliin of ‘sacking the pan every tal indeed Be s ip fs 15 Aether 13, White will sconer oe ater be snail hl to the eS pawn in view of the Dawn's ineiuble vance, Afr te fort, however, the variation 15g 164g5 QneS 17 LDS sme ale ing for Black. 1s 16 its boars) 17 ast Apparently Spasky did no 9p- preci the subtie ofthe po fin: oterwise he would. have exchanged one, opening the ble in te eveot of the reese wih ie baw ; 1 ot 1m playing this Black aes into account thatthe aight has no te Prospect of proceed 4 sna {heft place ners nse with thesafty of ining. nih long, thetirestafmanoenting the bishop to 7, asking not the pide, but in {ac the main weakss of White's prio, the Span, canot be pe 18 2? ‘Ax Whie’s disposal wat the ex cellent wove 18 BIS! 1 Black is temp by the bait 1oef 19 6 ‘6 20 ads Wad 21 eas Bat 22 Git, rus out tat ahough Bloc has two extra pans, White is no way worse afer 22 Qu Spscky sa this move, bat decided saint watering tbe bishop 1Ob3, ‘there it wool not be very aesthe. ally paced = a Sty speaking hisincomspcu custtone esa the eat of Backs plat Now inthe eeu of White ad ‘ancing ita e Spava, lines 00 the queenide il ot be fread pen the sinicanc of this x at the Pay wil now only ake place“ Front of nego wethl Tags 20 Tit a W2 Dhgs nas ts 2 Fr 25 xg 2% a 28 axas » 0 a at ana o Ges Tas Baz a0 Dees he a6 bar was s ca Marginal beer was 31 f 1S 32 WD, br tener 32.88 fo lowed by 33_22h, Black has 2 won er atcking poston. x » a es Biss 5 i M6 as A piquant vrai is 34 6 Gree 3S de Des thestening Boxe and 37-3 te 3s a6 a » a 2 % Gor Eel an h gt ant hes eS Bs Ehs sian att of ‘Bet 6 er Eventually Tone’s system cane to be used against the nia’ fi cheto defences 2.86 and 266 (ne ofthe sutors of hese ince a stalwart supper of the King's an, was one the Fit tobe set he Iroaucion 1 tak ffining a slton tthe ese problems axing from the soggle isthe fie resistant pr a ae Cc “Talmanov- Gul Moscow 1956 ras 2o8 6 3 aes gr 4 eben as “White achieves the fst mora ico Fora Kings nian player ‘nivance his queen's pawn” two ‘uate means renouncing is ba ‘il midlepae fommation” (a= smanov) ats ‘axa s oo. ons Wiiteotendeo begin annoy smack (2-D485) On 9-6 thee ‘Wool follow 10 x6 2306 1 bt wh ithe gs 1 appt Boa 4 ons gs he Ga nr Tae yes Wie has si nor ees any these onthe ernie, Meanwhile Black preparing the advance of bis 14 Irion pawn flowed by 0.0.87 1 aac the enemy King i et AS Dt In accordance with normal chess steep, 2 Mak atack Ie met by sconterply in the et, Dw “gst 19.20 ede (20-046 then 21 ed Weds 22 Hes) 21 Weed g7 2265 ico Whites advange, AKO nfo for Blick 19.20 (de 34 gf Ao 22 Ba Wer 2 Wots Be) 40, ‘Thetext isan nitive pawns See ster 20ed 32087 debe, Blak ‘ean reckon on adequate compen a0 ott A comerserfice Black ic blige decline, see 20, xd 2 ef Hae feo 2 Wot 2. 6 gis aaee now a0 23 as Apc reply wo 23. ic 20,.WR6 Followed ye Bn abs ME obs 25 e5 6) For the sarc pawn, White as developed song preston the ‘queens: What shoul Black pay ow? 1625, e526 52 Oa. he 2761 xeS 28x be OF. be 29 cP) 29 xa? Heeb 30 WS and ‘Wit as he naive as ast 26 Bes ns 7 Dat ‘Te cotination 27 gh 5 gives Blacks son atack. Ror example, after 28 g3 18 29 OS B20 eS Begs 31 hg 47 White most sy dom bi as 2 Ext 28 oe The oly way not jst 0 aod Ages, ot alo tothe the i tive Tian), Tne event 2 gh £429 £315 30 Wah dbxbd 31. ght Wabt 32 ‘gor BN 39 Wa ack can Force dewey plying 33.03 (Garee a7, Be 6 wihs 4 “he only movel Afr 29-206 30 WD84 4731 Wad White wins, since he hat come ft i the race fo attck the enemy King” Tima om) se Wass aT St ak) "White reaises eredht he nt. ral 31 WT i no geal in view of the sy tke reply 318 32 Wied hy 39 ag? Whe MT Bhs. Thesore White steals up on the oppsing king by ther means, deca the black quen frm the Ssquae (Taman. 3 eens ies ast No god ix 32-26 33 Waers gb 34 Meso BAT in view of 35, Wahos Wah 36 437 eM HDA when White cuit 6 wi, ‘33 Babe 33.o7 xg) 34 Whe a a5 be e736 We7s HOT 37 Mey ‘B57 38 fp Wap lade ae. Bo *b 34 fare Sp 35 Ham oe we “Uaforuately he temping er ation 36 Wado Hho 37 Wes ee Jems dna 39 Bree oh? Waise he AL Wek NT AD Wishoe Webs 43 Hel does ot ead Invade 15 fo vcr dato 48.-Mdnt 443 dtl 457 Wats 45 2 dl and Black esces bine. aor’ Not: While typeseing thistook, John None sete ht in ‘hetine White boul Beale o win by 37 Ware be 38 Weds 7 39 Wars Hs (Black's hing enone move tf or 26 40 Wes Wave Sed Were @478 We HR 48 Wis HT 45 aS 46 Wie he 47 rae SH? AB Warr Mans 49 Ret W250 et Wait 51 23 (ot 81 Des athe allow the bck queen move fom UStnet te Wi. WhS S207 Wes 53 SDM ala wins) 52 2 ot 5) xdt Wade S467 WaS6 35801 ‘Hose 56 del Wott Ghere i no Met) 57 p2 followed by e8 ‘Now though fer the text it ap- er that Whit’ atack as become ‘ree Forexample: 36-8637 Bibs, 36 hae 97 Waere oF tolly Moding) 7 «8D Cais 0) 4 xg 37 Gy att 3 Our a 39 Ones Bees 0 Hare 8 he (0n 416 may flow 41.Basty a2 gd WaDe 43 aes eS, ecking om he sues 25,6 ond intherentof 1 WET, Black would ply 42.8. 18 Inratucron “The copsratvely lnlestuied system pay nvodced by Cason ore ch teresting ess ad hes extensive scope for creatiy ‘ile permiting oe wai nee Ininble theoreti) dsussione in the clases! systems of the closed openings ‘A evidence for he ve peti Jenin he Toe tack, wesee hat ith fou its way io the reper tires of ex Work" Champions Spacky and Smyslow. tn recent times the Torre Attack as Ben fegulay employed by its eign fers maenke, te Philippine GGranmaster Eugenio Tore. Ii also frequently used by Grandmas ters Taman, Yasupoy, Seana, Sal and othe fxinoay cheep rs ia eri toorsament eno tere Thi book ie feed as an ‘temp in some measure o explain ‘he theory f this oping Part 1: Systems with 2...c6 “The 19204 were carter bys aaherenee w elasial methods of development, in he Quee's Pas (Openings no ese than in ther. Whites system of. devlopnent woke out by Cros To as Principally ducted gan cass I pan of cootoling the conve. ‘eheeby Black estabies agp co the et square, sn places his bing’s bishop om 7, someties after the liminary schet ofthe queens Eishop lt was only Tater thatthe Tore setup ako cane 10 be em ployed againethe King’ Indian or. “The cassia sequence of moves int Toe Atack is 134 015200 53.855 6) “The acipal continuation for Black iv emsidred wo be he stack cone pron with, Reve before the ndermiing 7-3, i as become poli for Block © lan the inetions ofthe Bishop ‘on gS by playing 3.1. ‘Wit aeranges is pass ia the viangulr pate cSdt3,saily (Ending ite spewbead, he & psn, and BrinB out his izes 0 ‘cma positions, fom where they ameniously cooperate and ae aly fe seton on ether fla, a cog tthe developnent of the ack feces. The ative deployment ofthe tisop on g5 dies avant couly fram the analogous ste fue inthe Ce Sytem (14 2162 £513 0633) an resets Blak ss Pirtion in various ways ‘Alter 325 40, Blick’ prince pal plas ascitl wih nk ack by 4.006 (cher 1) he “oncucion of apn ete with 44245 (ehaper 2), the Ques To sian scheme conan thecente by deploying he bishops on 87 and Tale the move 48 (chapter fy, 4st (chapter): and the eli ‘ary 416, pushing Back he bishop Chapter, 1 Flank Counterattack The counteracking thant MJB the most eniclretort {the Tome Atak positon ba fie is thatthe development of the daesquace bishop has Tet the 2 pwn tndefended, Moreover, te ‘een pts peste on the 3 pwn, Sich may be reinoreed by playing {he Engh on of However by a lacking o the queen Black de lays casting and has 16 take io consideration the repercsions of thie, Whiter mow een reply the pavn serie 5 QDI2 BY a tacking the faradvanced_gicen, ‘White win several tempi fr devel oping his pieces and generates a anger inttive, whieh peer tly eres fie compenes thon for the sacrificed aera ‘There arces a shrp balck in content and demanding concrete de- ‘ns, the elo wien aorlly ‘pend on thesis of thea tack andthe resourcefulness of the steve. — Benjamin Vedas ‘New Yor 1950 to aM 20p 6 Sass se te 5 Dhar Whitemay insted ee defend the pawn Ge the games Lebron. Kewchaot and. Toorovil-Drage mares) So ixbe Back can of course decline the paw (ce the game Taimanoy-Gip- sin. 6 aay Waite sever her meas of Flank Comeratck 19 esrching fr competaton for the ps 15 1264 go 15 3 a 14 EOL 1 The prciminary exchange on WaS 15 We2 £05 16 ef eT 17 15. 6Aa0t eh so encountered Def3 0.0, Now 18 Riel?! Wed a in practice. 7d} would then towed Blick exchange goes ‘eanspose tothe main Tite, bot be Malank-OM, Novosti 1986; coninoton 7 Be? (10) ba ade: beter 18 5 wih afte ti. pendent sgnifience, and leads to se othe ace pawn ay of a specie character which a3) 7.68 0-0 cd" romper in Aeverves examination 8,.Mb6)9 Got Wot IO! Wer edd5 12D} RNG 1Se4de 14 Bvct Ee] CaN wom eR Sth Shak] Ge eke 7s Ose Al res 19 a5 when Blck ee the pan, bat his positon ie Shae tered) 17 £05 Axe0 18 Wed. The seek da egies in Black's pos tin fly compensate oe he mis ing pron Hug-Tore ich 198, 1) Sperificing second pawn wih 711) Neds very shar lay. a) Yuet # RMI Wed (afer x 8,.Wra29 Det the queen isin dan Herat ¥] fet we ao ky Bo 9 ‘Baas Oes 10-085 Was Tia us Dt as edad Md debe 15 20 wih advange foe White. shee Bik i unesloped and amo ‘se pice fr his King) 900 We? (end srengis Bet 10Det with 3 dangers stack fr White Gaerne US 1988. Ou Ie follows 1 Bid the pawn ie secerted vith Was 12.060 sds 13 edo Wed “BI 7kat ef, Whi dane H4Wp hentning IS WaT. prolonged. intiaine,Shamkove 12) 7.WY6 800 Rel 9 ot Be6 ferment bet WS 94510610 1045 (a commital move, 10 FBI Hat Wed OOS 12 ksbS 247 20, link Comeranick 132d) with acear ply, where Whie har ste cenit forthe pv. Alo teresting be ‘Bel tveaening Wo wap the queen iho at. Then afer Was 905! S110 Wads Wes 11 Wh Blacks poston eshatered sth game Ye Roagguong Chandles, Manila 12 1990 coninued Hat 9 JS BS! i is impart thatthe active Kaight canbe driven back; 1OZS sta ourble dae to 10-6 11 2 (Get 123 Baas) 10. 9611 ul Wo 124 £07 13 ef £47 14 ZEb1 Was 13 £03 with an inteate Poston, That game contin 1S..We7 1600 bt 17 bt a5 18 Bed ins 19 as Wes 20 ae? Gt ‘woul ow be sky rab the piece ‘with 20,12 de to 21 Wh 00 2a) Hew 3 B/S 29724 Blot Wes 25 nS eatening HO3g3) 20. 21 WhSe du 29 OA 208 (re essen i 22.298 23 Eb) eT 26 Wes ret) 28 Dhl! set 24 {GIT a7 25 p3 W626 Waes Lao. 27 Of Hel 28 Wel bg 29 Ws ‘Gel 30 Re Hak 31 Ghd 13 32 Was £1833 Oats Was 4 D6 (10,58), ‘Ate We} White may cow tinue the amb sayy. tyne tract mann benefit fom te Insect position ofthe Back King? Bat6 of § 3 19 OD de 10 Dek ff 11BuI2 Wet 12 Det, butalo ood is 7 B88 Was 8 BRS” Now in theevent of a8 94 RT White eps thepawn with 10x06 bas 1x5 Rhky 8. ha, forer ample: 9 x6 pf 10 Get 6 11 Bees! dacs 12de Was BAD 14 Qader Se? 15 WHS Wale 16 Be? BS (16, 6 i well met by 17 det daewening 18 Bt) 17 Wxt7s us 18 Obs Wed 19 Gat Be620 3 eT (owe resin is 20.b4 21 hed Odd 22 ‘W523 6 e724 Wad Was ce 22.f0l4e 29 of Wad 24 Zl ‘Bes) 21 srbst BAG 77 kro BAS Deb Wabse 142 Wore 25960 ‘rcs? 26 Bos BOI 27 081 WH 28 We7 9529 EDI 1-0 Kopee De Fis, USA 1986, 6 = we ‘This manoeuvre may as be em ployed afer isertng 6-cd 7 el. Homever this open ies, giving the sacking side ational chances. ‘Mer Tae 8 0.0 dS events may ‘Sevelop inthe following ways: 12)9 Het Be? 10 Hes We 11 D5 046 (11.0.0 sinfeasible due (12 8x6 2416 13 Bab7o) 12d ut (12-Bes 13 dea 18.8387 Bee 15 WHS! fvours Whie) 13 ‘xe? eS 14 de Dre 15 We 65 16 of a? 17 WyS! wih uncle ain whic White's inv fly onpenstes othe sacifced pawn Marsnie Maco Mata OL 1980, 1) 9 bl e7 10 Bos We? 11 {BeS01(Shamkovch conser this ust premature and recommends 11 od e612 of with happy) 11.86 12 a0, Now 12a? 13 Gaus Wes 14 Ase See 1S Bd Bet ef Blick ith to exta was a defense potion Tis Shankovih, Esbjerg 1982 "Arai Hess ae considered inthe panes. Vagaian Rauvaew thd I Sckolow Kr Georgi Too as 8 dats Eel, preparing open the os tion with ee, als to ltresting ply, Than Bot ie met by 9 {Be6 10 Rf gf II of when White tas song teats, Aebseov-Bals ‘how, USSR 1972. Afr Bed, 9 |Eat6 pf 10 of deserves ttion, stile 9 xd is so possible. Fer ‘rample: 9-36 10 D476 1 et Be 12ed Gus 13 B04 WS toed e315 Wa? Ded 16 ret ter 16.0.0 17 We2l Bs 18 x67 ‘Dee? 19 eSitiot sey for Black a ‘compete his quetnide develop” tment) 17 (0 18 Rod! gt (atta, ef? 19 Bre6¢ be 20 ‘Was doesnot appeal to Black) 19, He} WeS 20-0650 (20.0 is ret by 21 Lat bat 2 047" ror energetic) 21 We2iS 2 Bde GMB 23 Bae Wich 24 hes 235 Sxl6 Wat 26 Bel (4 27 23 ‘hh Solow Pui Teak 1986. s et 9 ae “To maintain the iiiative White anustopenthe pune. After be ene inte, Black ea phy impede Flonk Couneanack 21 the tempo of White's atch: 9.04 10 Be? eT 11 Bet x6 12 ed ed td White hat to resort to violent Imebod: 13 Rell apiece serie Inert aca the pinon theerfile) 13-e 4 Bot Was 155 Be5 (12) ad wow fk aees ey par gaia. Ea lat is 2) 16 Ores fe 17.8 2 18 idl 7 19 hs Zs 20 Wh? ed 21 Wh pT 22 6 £8 73 Weis and Woie's nitive bar ached an impasse, xo there toting for White todo pat om Tove daw, Bashow OD, See low 1987 1) 16 6 ok 17 Bes fe (17.8408? Toes he queen to 18 ale) 18 de Baa? 19 D6 OS 20x47 We7 21 WEI 2 Deas Raxd8 23 Wee 6 26 Wher es 25 Wele 16-26 Whte 6.27 Wsse hh Shatsow OM, Visi 198, By exchaygng Ws central pawn, White strives o open te game as smoch i posite 22. Flank Couneratock om 90103) A very unclear poion has ise, which isi ates ‘rately. Black ue mainte an texan, bere lack of heir for Iie King ents sufi om penton for White Black mart row bury fo complete hie develop ‘After 9.-WeS 10 4 White tweaks open the ele a eeaes dangerous teat 10.247 11d ‘Wad5 12 We2 Oeo 13 Hab WAT 4 Def 6 15 BIA. The atack along the die, on which Black bak the weak squared, isratber ulema, ORRedguer-De Frmisn, New York 1988, Als interesting i plan witb he She © Gee pg, Bek sels a inate Fring sive ofthe cue por Sino of th. white hing. Teh. Scherer. Pape 1981 ‘Blackean prope anexchage of isos with A Bec, AC 090.9 RGB rospects ire not won) 6s (G.33 swe ery 10 de SET pas ee ado Lpahaltamagevo Wie) Frew JOEL (46) White can pre uc 30h pani increase Bis pucealeaiigeretile ts nt ey for Blick Pn the nebeS rf . Pass Cit ea Ui as etn rnp) 2 Bel wot ease Rew inadtrcs 1s Ga et 3S 15 Wel opening te pos te Wi a ows, su Baiitietoattietesenat ig come wi 1S Wed 16 64 whe 16.68 flew 17 and IS e4cd Need B68 1703 with ‘ome advanige. in Both ease) ASL (15.26 is wll nt by 15 Do ss ‘we. essuV fee reso 17-29) 18s Bed 12. 0 (19.05 20°48 21 Get BB stving fr counter Bly worth cose 20 eS Trane Whites shantge comnts of ‘hesuperoty ofthe aight ove the Soy 2838 897, dwurearrtasarere. apis ng strat Fe encsasibsap 365) feel Oe) 400 LITE Sis ad Pad 37 Le San ‘enh censderng aod hire too “oe cee eters, de 14 Wes * TET ighing Tes 14 00013 Bu ON 16 ss Lona Whie Taste aatge, Cifvenes Pads (Gea Zaza, Buenos Aes 1951, 8 Wat Whit’ im ith his move i to srpe the corinaton of Black’ evelopment, bat ik ding 80 he keene et Irae £579 0-0 0-0 10 Fad} We Trince: aie oh hy Tevel chances, Leciysky Mart owt, Vinucka Banja 988) LAGS (oo LL.B47, 12 O86 we Peasant since afer [2 ee 13. Black does not fave the move AB 12 hts Wi et us Seer feria “iy a Be Le BL dP Ha8 20 Bede Wi 21 3 ‘The weak pa on 5 eves White leuly the bet ening, TPeto- ‘Gombe Sexton 1982 ‘aa? diate wan Ber noo 00 Ras Dads 1B Bret et Meo Bb) 18S Whi may wel conser 1 Boel, gd (15.205 16 Lae WaeT 17 5s5 18 at leaves Whe beter 16 |eeT Woe] 1713 O46 18 ab on ine Se athe game, White's play 5000 pated out 15 -Os5 16 Wo! Det 17 gs a 18 xd Weg 19 83 Central Sytem 53 246 2005 Gu 214 Hes Rated Dod Bed 24 Rel Bacts 25 Wet 1626 Oud7 Bed? 27 WR? Bed 28 Bel e129 $1261 3047 We? 31H ka WQS BBO in — [cane Trae Calera 1588 1a awe 228 as 3 bess) Black signa is wingness to etn a Queen's Gat bt Whit may bere to” employ the eharae- rie plan of development of the fore Ack ‘Whites stacking he aight, an cquvoclly thestening the ex ‘ange 6, piling Black's pave svete. Can Black clmly cow tine developing, igowing thie ‘eet Practice soggeste at nis case Black can expect some prob lem, For exanpe 54 Cerra Sytem ing ot his pawns wth he nara sey dee AeA gh HATS Ot, (43) White can pin playing for conta ofthe key ae. 0sig ds e6White EASETET he pontton tis svcende in enabling bi ight ‘nage in Enmolnky Kloyan, om 5 ,and_ gtnertes dangerous ‘Moscow 1983) 15 Who dS 16 5 tensed Obifanr bate tia DIS 1) WS Gs impernt o fa BaeS OCW TT whe TP onal the 8 square) COLE Saeanotge iar Weare Soe asjo wis Ou Msg SSICE ives Wheat Lab Eaf 20 Ea 96.20 WHS Wey Sactoe poston Tina Cele, 1, Ano in th cae ofthe pase pawn, and hs canes a ViLAN7 RcSaien pay to be pened, Yorsev-Klovn, demanded from Blick, frost, Gongl 13. | Mer E.OAS eT Wie? 10 Ded obsasshe at et ‘DEGLLAS White ha few ip ot LeADSSHDSA THO EDTA ate oS square, and can ogase 9 GD Rse5 pe RAT ID WES del] danger stack: MON) 12 ED Pega Ce hawe eS (tpitrnapisees Septem Devscome ke Tad Be powerful pawn on dS give em 199990. Black shou eraser Wiite the advantage, Poatlenok- 8.487, inenling®. et Andes Pook te seem safer to pce the «5 ss oe sae ender inmedite crn Bue TT TTT Ie dow. 5h] AIS TODA ROS 8372545, Whiecancren® (hep e30.09 Wat Det! 10 Bxe7 ‘Mee7 11 Ball Bde 12 861 Oo EidDc$ Black equleeeslyin , Thessloadi OL 1984) bs Toao Rag seCeCites the wah do Wee Spent oe ep oF WHS “Trout rote Back iy mea ay REDST THe Nw ‘ead Bn, Osh 1990 contin eee Paradies ‘Shen Bick, planing te eachans ing mancewe ada the 13 {0 sable the poron, coal be sell sated. An alernive move ‘uder for White nf when ter 42847 they exit the ena posTty Sel when Se Dae tataposes toate of he French. Ses in Hoda net 1985, Whi rere posal iamched a poverl stack “Advancing the bight oo he ost eel comission, soiling the weakening of Blak’ pawn tracey ginngs emp on the bishop Black hopes 1 seize thei ise, We sould nein pasing sess Recs Coral siten (hare manoeuse 3..Bed ca ae beempoyed afer 2.96393 and 2.86 3 B95, conse below, bat ee this thst ae 3 moe aan {i postion basis ince the Knight seizes a central sie alealy sp ported by thedS pv an Black eon Imedielyatack the cen wih TELS without wising time FE Ing ichop in Gch. Thus the expediency ofthe ey development ofthe queen's bishop afer 28 de pends on the acenement of this ooneatack be he igh eal : On ERT remaige a active posible, and cools the: 5 oe, Aber popu conination is BAG since ahough he leave the bishop omales active suse, White ope twill nerfere with Black's somal development. However. the tis loses ouch withthe quer Fie, which lloms Blick to pepe peste against the b2 pan by a cing ep. 451 (50) (by pking the conve Blac ake a ‘tage mont effetvly of he = equent nid by he queen, The more modest 6 is also posible, bet ‘Whites secre potion nthe cee slow him t ake the naive: $ {yan Wes 6 BOL Gud 7 Wes AGS BF W59 Ze2S 1968 Ws "316 12 bs Ws SWI AT 14 Ba Gi 5 Had Wes 16 03. Despite the closed chirater of the 56 Canaral Sem ition, Wins haces se some hur boteg,HodgowGKeamn, Loo 195) 1) $63 ibe mot eatral move) Sao (a sell prelimiaay ex ‘ange bth immediate. Dba stnofeouble. Alors Wel 06 7 de ‘WSs 422 Apa Black ean fight the inne By atacking on the wing. Fo example: 9.00 51 10, Bel ns 11 of! he at Wael 13 Baer he Mae gft 1511 De3e! 16 Gxt Gued HT ob HO 18 ert 1Hsb1 19 Bxe2 847 ith AZainev- Anton, Rostov 1971) Ge Bis 7 We (7d would be met by 7.42 since § Beds and 8 5 cam bth be sepulbed by B-De3) ‘Teg # SagS (8 hg} met by pf, and 8 gS ip etavourable de te pin 81869 WE hen, after 9.4610 Gh an3 11 Behs ‘x6 12 gh Set! 13 af Bx02 Ta Eat ads White les materi) 8.f00g5 9 Wags ater 9 Ore5, at is 9 NG! 1014 Bag 10 fy wut 12 ur S90 9.0102 10 ‘Ws ey (grabbing he ook with Waal Me bbs Ll 12 00 sors sy. uty paying 12.6 Block appears to msiaty chances ‘of weaning White's inne) 1 $206 12 Bet 497 DHS WHA! (Bags 16 Ghd Oeste 15 Wiot ane 16 a0! Wrat 17 Slaves White Bee) 14 Wed Bate 15 Bast Wadd 16 Beds Sxdt 1763 87 ond Black, tanks 12 bishop pair and Bs suptie ‘om src, has an endgame a "age, Hare Kall, Gyoe 1986, 158 Ws (themancevee sd Ged B5e! TOM Rpt 8351 de serves asention,wheteupon 9 de? fa fo Sat 10 gf Odd 11 ‘Sian bd when Black wins) ¢ et (6'WRS i sey met by 6.081) 67 a pS 89 Ded ‘Axed 102 £6 1118 OAT IDot Bg) 3 A OM 14 £3 Te and ‘hack sceues theme promising pot Flo Bakar, Luceme OL 198, ©) 3d (sree the cent allows Black ative ply) Sg (CHansoorsase: 5. Wa8+ 6B812 Bes) ch Wacs Bel BSD RED eS 100.046 gave Black god positon {in Berg Danie, Danish Ch 192) 6 tad Dues 7 AI Gxds 8 3 “pT 95 cb 1063 00 11 Bed 6 120063 set gh 1484513 1S Be? 16 el fe 17 de Wall Te Hadt O45 19 Sets dav 20 06 Central Sytem 57 x6 21 nebo 22-8415 He 23 A A617 Rad ALIA Ws ‘aSwih chances fortoc sides in GeT [2b4 EulR 20 p12) > the ending, TinmanHlelen, Am: 24622 63 Eod8 23 Wed WI6 26 aS steam 1989 (4.25 of 6 26 de Huds 77 Baas ro s Wace 28 on Baad resol stack onthe et in 5 8365) the syle of te Queens Gambit, 5.3 is entely logic teing “ES! Geer stewions 5. worouerS-tbeihe Wd Aer oniDeG6ed Ade actin deo” 6-el7 Sule sak Din imemivethegane Paik ufo fia 147 wastenpedby oe doy ib? precede vey ee evasetiog op ap enue ad ‘ing fashion. G45" 7 Dia5 _avidingthemichange of queens bat Sasane z (alan on sna PW 83 ‘and now 10..e5!7 11 Bxe5 %5 12gf 9 RbS+ @17 10 Re7! Wc PAT CMs SIT Wer eth, Watsees 2 Wiese OD w6 “nfatiomabiecuspictons)7 Ret 14 (4 x6 15 Oot Wes 164 We S98 Gia gals a DEAL (7 act e Ancedos 9 ast Hp (10 Ze is move proven) 1-0. te _ Teas 1 bees 12do Al aap oye inch Blas chances peer tbl, Pete Bremner A Sera 1988 Developing in te styl of the Gustetd Defence gaa neresing AnpoSehks16Gbbon7 i. pert Gretel Botes ie Ges 15 Gaok Such with chances for bob se, Own ate ero, Moscow 1983, ‘MRK. Tellin Popo ssR 1982 1a 6 pon fs ‘Systems with an Early 6 69 3 as Det Black pit a conta et with two amino paces The advatce by the nigh gaining a tempo. on the ‘shop well ound butte gaa ‘of tempo tay be rege ae 3 danie sce White abo. guns tempo when he develope hie que Sanigh By elder exchanging the Sigh or forcing the revear of Ble mot active pce. aah ‘he moat cl espnse, maa ‘uining potential pins against the (queen ad practi foring Black to adopt a dole fanchet. After the aleve reveat 4-204 Black ‘enilyconpletestis development by feinocing. be night’ posion wih 8 (69). “The stnegy of ensuring contol of te of squae is he most pial Plan since afer 4.06 8 id? 807 ‘White succeeds in cbaning pre- dominance inthe centre: 6 es Qaet Ted Be? #203 Bat 9 {Gx} 00 10 6805 110-066 124 216 13 Bac, Motil Res, Hs on 1976. ‘Now however afer 53 Blackean rosin Re pion in the ete Su (aso good is 5-267 6 DD ‘Bu. Pity rosapeter, Soci 1984 eutived T Det de 8 Bes OxeS9 EieS 0610 £0506 11 Rot Wes 12011 Bas 134 We7 14.6505 15 e216 16 hg3 16 17 We? wid use ‘explain wich lacks ences 70 Sate with an Early 16 were not wore) 62 RANT as BRT #3009 WeDIS 10M GUT ‘ud ed 12 Oe Hern the sme Paakhie-Beliavky, Lov 1984 thee {ollomed the mite 12,06" 1 £5 p38 HRS DMs 150.00 and Waite obtied 3 clear advantage, since Blak caval bas et 6 ‘way 12. was far stooge, ond i613, then 13-6, hile 13 Bedi lo met by 138 when Wihitehasno vibe way tocany out an. 4 as Black can hay manage without this move, sce afer 4 p63 B12 the Highexquare Bishop's inuence fon he cent emote effective Fee trample 5x02 6 Wad? 267 7 (0.001 Ag7 Bef and afer 0.09 5 White seizes pace nthe cent, Taman Sunye Neto, “Amstern 1985 since S104! 9 Bet d5 10 Ba8 511 gs 6 12-8 trent ring f2-Fie ba for Blick (analysis ty Taman, or 5-807 6 Dred Beet Td BY78 04,79 630.0 10 Bes (ater inerexng plane 10949611 WHF 6 12 ed Oa 13 Oe 14 a5 e815 Ieaing wa Benowispeprstion with some ie ive x White 10051 ed ds 120046 13 Hel Bred 4 Gncd, White is ighly beer, Tatas Boltochay, Mar del las 1950, ‘Whitson the nia after theenended anche $267 5 3 b66 Odd g5. For insane: 7 Bgh Dng3 Bh—c69 3 5 10 ate ‘611 Be (Laser ecomended 1 Pt ntening tbe mancesre a2 eb ghhS) Hog 12 Oh OM 13 0.00 ps Wet d5 15 Bes Bo- olvbow Alekhine, 13h mate [ane Mich 1934,0r7 ed gh 8 dS 059 Des 6 (9.67 ows 10 Whs Wer 1! Dx! WATT 12 Saar and 13 96) 19 WHS ed 11.000 He? (I1.8¢7 is move logis) 12 Qed! daa 13 aed 14 ise Weg 15 2650 dus 16 Deh sf5 17 Raf Sg? 18-847 with 2 rmaeial slvantige for Whit, Epis Skin, Toit 1985 Js wer emileing the more mod 05. g66 2:25. Then nthe it ‘leknown game Pale Pyanoy — Bhonene, Moscow 1920, tere followed? Oxol fe 0245 9 hed (ransiagr'sote: 90819887 10 0.0.00 31 6 Oa7 12 fe Bhs 13 Bute Wath 16 2 de when Black's pton was bet, After “21-5 his bishop will generate ‘rem avi. 5 bp 14529 00, Whites nite com. ‘The cotiuation $3 487 6 — pense othe missing pow, -2Is12 amounts oa transpsition of Hawever 6c? the met ener moves, bt the atempe wo bate for gte- Now 6. 72 Wt? the inave with 5-6 (6S) de> ed Qc} 9 Wel Wael 10 Heel seven steno {4d5 11 eb nde to White ado tage wile ler 6.067 Bed xed Bhs 391 Lu ©, are by the spe 10 ci) 10 eel IT “03 96 12 0.0 00 13 e8, Whi, vio ied the cee, be. tee: Zlatan, USSR T986 Sm ‘807 & oa 6.96 ha alco Been te, when ltebestestinaionie 205168 AG (5). obliging Black to dee. tine theft che night, Raaee zl “a haw Aceck i thestene on bf 633 isinet by 6h! ben Black kes er the iit, For examples 7 G3 (7a Fale o 195 8d de dxg5 Hg6) 7-958 243 Ong3 9p? 10e3. 661100009. pers dat White can rid Rimel iemain wens. thee paw, by playig II ef 4 12.@8 a6 13 2 Wade 1d daa? aes 15 de <4 at here no Blacks psn de serves preference) 11-09 12 $64 Bisetigl4eS QuN 13 One Giving vp te Hh fr ef ith Wt 16 Ho DeS 17 Wer hS and 8,.Oxd29 Wd? ke7 190.0003 Blac takes complete chute ofthe lows White, with et de 12 xe, inate, Koeiev-Lyreo, Belisy 10 obtain the fer position ar 198. ee posible that TH chest tveaten presse the Sem-open ‘6dkdD epesblernce ti dif efi ‘ult for Black 10 develop afer" Inthe game Shwannerge Kan GMb 7 Ob Gul? 8 Gad? ber, Lop 1988, Bleck west 72: Systems wih an Barly 06 the Kg with 8. 6 and afer 9 fof de 10 @xot 97 11'883 0012 0.0 Gxct 13 Bret Ba? 14 Ops (Wes 15 146 16 acl 651745 gf 18 ef Bxdth 19 HI NS 20 ef be 21 ‘Bags cae under aston stack nly by reinfecing the ef uae an Black expect adequate conte ply. 8-15 9.e4 247 10 Was 96 11 clos 12903 086 1300.97 oe 9 e5 Qa 10s Oa. 7 Air 7B Qué 8.00 06 9 205166 10-83 i611 eS Bed 121800013 e4 5 Black has good counter Pe bate sae ded Uxas 9. 6 unpleasunly met by 10 wats co 11 Hacst WaT 2 2S dveatening Best 0x? aaa M1 Bxdz 246,67) Black has not managed to ease sd fils under a strong tack, wate 2 1B est By exploiting the overeating of the queen, which defending the a] awe 2 ‘hop on B7, White caries out 2 ‘beaut combination onthe theme Be Det 14 ee that Is Daret oe 16 O° xb, 700 bes ‘Air 17 Bul, White wine with ‘he contnanon 18 Bade 19 BUT ‘2020 Was, 18 xcs! Oxe6 vw b7 ts Wt Wad 21 Ta ixkae nme 2d es 26 Mgrs tT 25 Baie 10 4. Classical System “This variation i considered 1 be ‘ack's most catia expense 19 the Tone Avuck. Black's main plan inte subsequent pay ested ‘wth picing Bishop on and {organizing pie pres on the entre, The “Queens nit Bishop fom 7 aes contol of the important ese ef dering one of White's Insin sttepic eta the eet a ‘once at suppring the opaise ‘on of piece outpost oe Tn recent tet Black bat fe quely lmeed the preliminary 4.06 $B, diving back he ‘bisop and opening a sieve in ‘he eased positon while il lan ning pay along the oes of the Cased System. However tary advance of be pawn alo bat [aa "TerasanTaimanow Leningrad 1950 1a oe 2a 6 3a os ae bee At fis sight is active move Seems a mtr resctin toe Tee tack. However, it smenbat pe ‘matrly determines Black's plans, ‘Su to finite is posites. The snore natural 4 te i considered Inthe nen Sour games, whilst 4.96 SRR (or 3.64 Bh e853) ‘olde ater in hice S Ohd2 Anotee ides is 5 de, which is ccomideed inthe game Yosupov 63 ae 74 Clasico Syaem 7 as 00 Usvaly Black iat completes hie evelopment with 7.-RBTVS) BER ey A (ai 260 ao Having examined the substi this postion, Persian pointed ut the deficiencies of the ove 8 He?, ‘which allow Black to eay out Be ‘ofiable mancewee 8-251, a6 Fist demonsiaed by Copabancs. Potosi’ aheae’ ofthe pos tin ang intestng: “Ater the xchange of dk quae bichops it tome oot cat alough, att peaking he Knight om 8 occpie fh nec posi (i can be a ‘eke by pos oh both se) 10 ‘xpot his into cay, Thereston {or tis is that afer the avance of ‘ec pn theknght will witha 10 16, when in spite of bis apparent vantage in thecene, ics ele ow White shoul ben ane hse pwn, On the otber fan if i fiver avay by te pen, the Sight can jon no 4 wih pan of tempo. this which evel then catizly frious positon of the (geen? The game Marshall Cy abla, Kisingen 1928, contin fei dxe7 Wee? 10000011 Ras bea 12 Was Qe 13 Wed d5 14 ‘hed 15 cl de 16 ses QS 17 Bact Hacd 18 3 WES 19 Be2 ce? 20'Blet Wg6! and Black solved al! bie problems. The tack onthe en tried queen proves general x changes ofthe major nese, ater Uhichibe igh eng finshed fra on the 9% move Alle his tas pune be manoeuvre 6 45 becane perceived n+ universal remedy to Black's pos i his Boot 9d as Grandmsstersf the oder geera tion were well acquainted withthe clase heritage, and 50 Taimanow fotos Capablanca’ advice. The modem preference ke complete ‘development with 97 tat fer 10 Bel, Black best resource re maine the mstocunre 10,5, AE ter oterconinations Blsck ine Int een dices ‘Thos opening an ‘seven forthe ing with 10.6 11 St a5 a Tews White ithe wishes, avoid tbe xchange of hi duke meae bike ‘vith 123, transfering it to on ‘ter np agonal white aho ‘ute good ie 12 S367 Bere? 13 At 26 14 Des Ges 15 Bes Wed Zio Plcbeta, Vnjacka Banja 1985. Here by playing 16 a siming for eS, Whe ep he eer chases, ‘Alter 10.6 11 ab the exchang Ingmanceoweby the ight edo Whiter advange: 11-235 12 aed ete (Leeping contol of 3 ity 12, M67 followed by 816 Aservesateton) 15 251ba 14 Wat ya ts dest (70) Clases Sytem 25 wich i ar fom clew-ct beter hance were fferedby 36 de ine 37) 36.98 37 Qed Bor 38 {EE Dede 39 dee ne 40 Beas ts 41 of B02 2 Brahe hep Eas Eb 44 eS et a5 be} 546 Bia? Bucs (it, $6) Spay Be Tivsky. Montpelier C1198. 4a ket (71) 15.8 (Black does not wish 17 ‘exchange the bishop whih i de fending bir qunprde weskneses, fut now the lgheaqaare Bishop in ocean White en ack fon the Rngsle) 16 1 06 17 ‘Wergs 18 23 HHH 195 £820 1Wa2 DS 21 222722 G62 Ins We7 24 405255 np 26 hg 5 27-245 af 28 Os Rape 29 Oxg6hg 30 8sg6+ dg 31 a2 e732 hiv EAD 33 ahr Wok? 34 Waloe Wale 35 Begre ag? 136 247 Pwhie's sack ha primed i pwn, Bat tis bering Imanoeowe leas 1 4 roek ening Me exe? 10.7 can lead to problems Ae tote penton of een a pr ove th Black wil gneay = capare on eT with bie ees [eight The reason tht he ihe ‘ondSis ely paced snd should re sain where i ite hiked by hee itean move to 18 pen Ing the kng digo Wael abr 12 ation, Witenes bishop ahead of neces. Aempts by eontemp- racy prndmsters o achieve ive ‘hy have not had move nace 75 Classical Sse Prerecued ak 15 Gees 6 16 03 Des 17 Won aah 18 Re fo wheal play, Bisse Adorn, New York 1986. 2) 12a a6 13 p3 (his weakening tthe long digona ater une: essay) TAG 14 Wed Wed 15 ‘Det Quel 16 vot QuS 17 Des {046 and Black has fly equated, Kovatevié Lai, Sarje 1988 While king como of 4 Bak eons bis ingle and allows ite develo a iniatve onthe ueenide, 12.867 be aronger Bos Wo Met Das Bet a6 ems as 17 bets Ds wes Aus 9 Hs ae Bde Oh 2 Det fe “This atemptto ws te Fle does ro ace nd the pm Becomes Inbjettoatck one 21x04 22 ]e8 LAS, planing 26-3, Ron aM Bes he 2s tes WIS sta Os 26 Wes 26 Qed set by he vpleasnt in 26,86 ie ats nia an 2 Ix Oe? 29 09073) Whi’ postion is eter, He ean ‘extean oui passed pen the ‘qvesie, while Black bas prob le defending the of pwn Here it was mecemay 10 state the rok With 29, 8 of 29.8 Homer, ack ited Bandas away the pawn » es? o Bi tus Bee Ot Ba gs The theate 34 Deb aes 35 ae6 (5.46? 36 ot) and M ‘BA now cost Baca second pan. ‘The game. Mhished 33.015 34 ‘Dees Hes 35 xg? aed 36 045+ (Bfh 37 Des Was 38 Wr 247 39 15 Obs 4033 Oud 41 Qe Wize ON HMOLES 10 (canes 3 Spassky-Andersson Clermont Fea 1989 ras as on Sass rrr 5 Spa Trasltor's note: the move order Sed 6 encouraged Blk, ia ‘amsky-Hubner, Dorin 1992, to play for a» ealy exchange of Tigheoyirebishope6..017ed B36 Haas as 92 00 10 M4 De 1 in 2612p ain tis sharp pono, draw was agreed “The immediate $ 23 com ere len scape inthe pane « se 6 kis worth mentioning that this system Black's decision when 10 castle as great sigueace; itis best carat out afer Whit hs es thd. Inthe event of 50-06 a ws (79) White’ gins exeacpions ait Clesial Sytem 77 Ie ecesuy for Blak wo eckon wid the possiblity of 2 divet atack ‘ceo the thrust A2-M, in ad ‘ont waitin plans of deveop- 2)7 Wed whe prevents he ox- change of lighesqowe Bishops) Toed8ed DAS" Ge motivationbe- hind this move is thar fier 9 xe {Wie7 100.0441 Bos ed, 12 Wisk? fail o 12.006 13 es tepping the quen. Th atenpe 0 xchange he dak square bishops teforecating allows Whitestone reply, ap 8-67 900.610 Bie} Bod is me relale) 9 hal 15 (0-60 i 0 good since 10 of Qt ULB hy P2hy 6 13 6 snes Whitea decisive ack) 1Oet ngs 11g G44 121871 Bes 130.0005 145 Bas 15 3 Quad 16 Waas 18a 17 Wot TBM Wa 19 {abt 7 20S! GB (20,4007 maybe met by 2 61 de 22) 21 (60 Heb 22 de 23 Bah) ed 24 Beh G07 25 p66 26 Blah gh 78 Classical Sytem 27 xb7 14282521529 D4 1.0 Lemer-Chetbow, Lor 1984 ') 7 e8 (by sopping the dt pwn, White prepares the 4 a Nance, not fering the Bishop ex change 78368 Baa6 23369 2 Sihich gives ree 0.4 postion di assed below) 78D? 8 Mal? ‘Wed ako worth considering when Bets is met by an atack on the wing: 9h ed 10 ed ee 11 Lat ‘BxIG 12 gt with dangers teas for White) 8369 At (Whitemay Also ny plan with ong eating: 9 {Wop Gi) 100-00 Wel 11 et a5 12 xt Gt6 135 wih an tack, ut afer th premature 12 Blk can already take oer he arack with Taf 1b BI a 14 B37 of 1S od WGS when Blick wins, Geisen Salmiseh, comes. 1988) 9.15 1OBeted 11 cles 122445 6 13, 23.27 14 ah! doh ISHS pk TohedS 17 WHS 18 @H74 E719. Ei witha trong tack forthe se rifced ince, ZNiboié PNiole, Borovo 18 ea By providing ditional support focthe dt pan, White maint the psibiliy after e540 of choos Ing buen opening thee fle othe fil, ada the same ine prevents the exchange bishops posible af ter 6.) 6, wich inthis it ton involves aloes ime. Burst cess to ai thi ehange? ‘Thos afer 7 of ed 8 uit 8079 0.00.0 10 Wer 46 11 Bact Dba? 12 Edt 6 Bek achieves egal chances, Belinvsy- Delmon, Ki 1986, More critica 7 a6? a6 8 ©3009 Her! (aer9 00 Black has Time to defend his qeensfe weak reser with the mance 9. 10 e1QU5 1 Bye) Dee 12 Wad OE 13 Hset Des 14 et Wes 15 Was eB 16 Wad Zt ad Whites pos: ‘on sony slight preferable, Ep ‘hin Ratan. Tih 198) 9-048 0 eit (10.46 26 10.06 howl be comsired) 11 Sx! (izes cota! of 6, since ster 11.206 12 @xe6de 130.00 White av the iiave on the Kings) 6 (aller T1812 Bal 6 05 Bel 14 (4 White has a space vtage) 12.4 B47 13 208 96, 1400 dhapS 15 Ops We (ater 15.6 Black would Have wtechon ih 16 pre) 16 05 aT 17 WS 2618 WHS 5 19 Wp wih atone dvock for White, Spas Alb, Fatlywood 198 ‘Aso ae the peliminry ex: ‘change 6.87 ed a6 Black set Sih problems: 8 xf 5 9 Dot ‘ed 0 dSted Ih Baa Oras 12 ‘W457 13 ase ds 4 Ws Were 15 Where due? with small sshatage for Whiten theending in ‘ew ofthe esse aginst Black Slated pawn om 7, Slow Cabal, Leningrad 1984, ‘eo aw (0 7 the bith has maxima, svt, supporting the manceavte AIG I-A appropiate. 7 aa as Thedevlopmentof thsi co {87 has aso been tie: 7.00800 {5 (on 8.5 White eizes contd of ct with 9 Wed, and afer 9.7 {shes the inate by cenalsing ‘sige with 10 De), For exam ple: 9 eater 9 ef Blak an oan Ine covntrpay by preparing the see st 9.07 10 We2 WS TTB eh 12 od eS 13 de OAS 14 Bed de 1S 43 Ns with el ‘hance, Drobyshev-Klotan,”Po- elk 1990) 9. (afer 10 ‘Wed Oba 1 Zed 6 12 BA Das 15 gh th 3 follow, White sceesflly states hi ces) 11 bd 11 Bot no 12.254 BOS 13 et ak 141 (geematte netion Inte cente with 14006 15 5 de 16 tees WAS or 1465 de 15 CyeeS eS 16 Recs Oa leaves Black's pices sufiinty seve) M.Oe8 15 gS O16 16045 OA? 7 bt, Whitecreses pase pawn sad mains the intiaive, Das FjmoviesAmbroz, Biel 1985, "The cental exchange 7d is considered in the game Bubero Scheer 8 00 Also posible isthe prophylactic 8.3, whlch Is considered in the [Ese Seiriwan Andersson, * 00 Cansica vse 79 9 Be ‘As metioed aban, this move init the manoewre 645 fom where the Haight veens 2 fork on {4 There 9 el seem more tel, making rom for the op. 9° is premature, since afer 9rd White face by the choi betuen allowing the move -e6- bt ater 10 and ensenting 010 Ban ath eases ranting Black inal psa Wet NG 1 BxfS? Be 12.5 eT 138.46 14 Be (on 4 We sould flow 14d 1S de 38) 14481 15 Wea Wh 16263 de 17 de Bs 1p Zit BseB and Black achieves ed pay, thanks to his fosseson ofthe dle al poss Bes of atscking onthe een ‘ie, Barlow Adejan New” York TORS. Afler the shop retest IL BA White has wo reckon with the Imnoesvee H-bt 12 8B a6 1 Bel as 14 Hes Gf with nex pred posites is worth men Moning at (3.08 ea makes Ud sto 6 15 Wat de (15.807 (6 2385 17 Wo Dc Je Wed bringe no reli) 16 bse Le 17 ast {81 Whit secaresa mae nvan tape, Gein Moclon, Moscow 198 In Yospow Hina, Tunis 1Z 1985, White eferred 10 Gnd, bat after 10.8 11 De6 Bxe6 1265 ek 13 eT Wre? 14 08 (6 15 0, Clasico yee 1We2 407 16 ef a6 17 at (abi (nin IT Lxotde 1842 BySaer Sich Black Ratios coun. Ply based oo 0) 17-Bal8 18 "YC (aer general exchange on ed Black's took can peneyate “White's second Fak) 18.026 19 Eel EA Blak obtained wit counsel 3 a In ain 1 hs ele sonuve, iis posable to cee 4 paw eee with 9.96 10 4 dS. Foe example: 1) Hail Set?” 12 ‘eT Dred 13.17! Garonger i Doh 13.Wek 14 Dret de 3D B96 1541817 Bef 18 Ox6 19 Brut eS und Black's postion Prefenble, Timanov Belsky, Sokbuni 1972 Wed Gas M1 fneT— BeneT 75) BWAAR (mew ne ‘Te theatre 12.204 practi cally forces White 10 weaken be Tong eign. Apter the sppaenly active move 12 Let?! we bight estes ic fetfon 4 fonsing the bse ofa fosk on the ing 129 13 {aler13 We3 Ded8 Whi soit toenchagehis unpre bsho 1 Sau aus) 1387 1 Bel! (ic cagh tres he poblem of the dangerous igh by plying Mp red 13 Qxet BOT Sea? Bae 17 be? Ops 18 Wed Sa thoogh Black's chanes are abo Defrae here, while 188 ist Sein view f 1-23 19 WS Wer inating ASE) 18.15 15 x87 8307 16 Got (he conte {ack in he centre wih 14 doesnot breakthrough ae ae 1685017 5 54 18 QM Begs Black hs a dan [eroucanack theking, wile after 16 43 fellows 16..0h¢ 17 2 DS 18 Wed when Blak has the infu) 1606 17 Bees 95 with 2 dangeroos stick fr Black, who Slrenly testers Bop 19 Dht he, Veliko Ta, Beri 1988. a ‘M6 Black fives the nowy weakened eo digo for posible ation by the bishop. while reweting he night betore being fered, by 3 cf Prophylais apsina the eapare ofthe eS square, with 12. 26 fal to schiewe is goal ia view of 13 (De5t Des 14 Uses aT 15 Kael £516, when White has hemoce ac te positon, Piet Manors ‘Gund 1986, We should note hat he acne 134 BMG 14 el Ee 13 Bact ieprematte here in view of Blas action the ong agonal Dasedon 13.907 With the masoeu sre Sao follow 1 das A blink cate; Heer is he is sete 13 34 3 we 1 wes 1s 26 6 ts 17 Oss as ab ob 19 Obi Baas wea Dabs 3 Os HH oom Sarawan- Anderson ‘Stele 1989 tas ae 2 On Sass Seeker son 6a ti 7a bes as ‘This propiylcie move as the” sim of oping a pawn offensive ‘nthe cent, While defends aint the move .@e6D4 which s pos We inthe event of Bett ce. ‘fer #00 in abition to the ta ‘onl ..0 fensleed in the pee ‘is game, ie woh eanierng Ctasiel System 81 themefalmove 8 eB wben aferd “Wed the manoewte 9d 10 ed {505 gains inset, For example: 11 Bed WoT 12 d3e7 Ose 13d igs 18 D2 0.015 Bes Ore 16 Wires Woo 17 eb wih enclear Py. Andsno Kopp, Samarkand 1988, ‘ oo 8.0455 7 WT iealores sonable here. oe Wit erectsa pawn cee. Af 900 ack cat tian goodeoue pay by exchanging the dak agtare tise: 12) Dual 10 ed dS and White ‘amar void the exchange of ish ope 11 se? QexeT 12 et £513 oh tk 14 RET 6 15 WHS 16 Bast £576) 1745 (17 ag fale 17.296 186 3s, bs now Tad ean ‘eatvaageouly met by 18 Digs Hp 19 Wes) 17.247 (Black ovghe ‘opepuethismote wih 17-.Bep6, 95 Classical Sytem sides, fet] Gomes, Ema 1991 fontived 13.07 14 Bet 26 15 ‘Begs 96 16 bt Db (16.MaT is ‘comet 17 6 a White won 12) 10.0096 12405 13 et etds 15 Defoe Wu 1665 Des 17 Wes ick 18 Bhet 38 19.265 e820 g4 6.2135 WI 22 Bad 6523 aeS Ores 24 Waes WIS 1S Wb 25B6 and White won, Sok lov Moti, Bla 1991 1-26 should be viewed with spin in view of the plata Imanoeine 9 Ded iedoced by Carte Tere biel ns pane sith Simich discussed inthe r= sdtetion 9 02 “Tis move tends 10 be played tema tt alan wih queen _ie earings dereves attention ‘9 sexi? Bxf6 19°Wed 611 es Wes 120.00 S47 13 Dhet tS 14 Bab WHb7 15 d5te5 16 Det 0.0 (ee 16-27 17 Qa) 17 et and Wii's tack is very geo. Bar lov WKovatevi, Switz 1989. “ranlator's rete: inthe pi _gume’ Seiawa Kercheo, Roge ‘rane 1992, Whitesooghttoguicken ‘he pace of his py ith he oil 10 "Bet! (tend of 10. We2) 10.xet (Korchnoh feels that 10°45 11 Ba aT gives mererp otis fr bo sides) Tt Ded 5 12 Qulor gf (Wee D ‘Wote) 13 2 0.018 ga a dna 160.0098 17 45 He8 18 dot Wer 19 bgt Ze? 20 wee Begh 21 ZpSa5 and wow 22 Bde! (eect) weld have cemented Waite adentge a OM w Ea Ghar non 1 as requ played, plan ning 0 aack the pv, o wich Black wally replies withthe pro- Phyl Ta6 aso wer consid. fying 11. We? 12 et Bled 13 gS Bes 14 a2 bs 1S eI Ox 164651717 BS 18 Lact fe 19 AS ghe20:buh2aSe 21 05 shen the active Bishops consitue Akfite compenation forthe x ‘hmge, Remon Us, Gens 1926) ‘when after 121 atranspsition the manne below is ely. Intend 12 Bet allows the possi of pawn sacrifice 120513 aba Bea8 Wra8 15 Qa3 bs 160617 ‘AG D6 18 15 Bel 19 We2 Wat when the atvtyof Blac’ paces folly compensate for the all motel etc, Zo PogarPeturs son, Rey 1988 father sloggish is 123 Bed 13, r4 R08 142 G6 1504 WoT 16 De8 Gas 17 Wed D7G when apo: Sion of dyeamie equality bat ‘sien, in whch Bae’s pawn pl. sade svccesfily opposes White's Pieces, Knefevic Machulhy, Mos cow DL 1 . es 2 Bs 46 Carine Tomes opponents cove ‘CT (81) a ale, for exam 2) Tere Grafld, Moscow 1925: 15 er Os 14 WA ach 15 Zac DAS 16 GS Dot 17 cb Bre? 18 ‘xe? Wadd 19 Had Bee? 20 45, ‘qs? (20-te2) 21 de Hees 2 ell Lx 25 pf M424 841 OS 25 pd Qegde 26 hg BuB 77 Zl, ($46 28 (614729 Hebe Los 10h "i Toe Ron, Leningrad 1925: 1326 16 eS as 15 Qs! 5 (ihe pct 15.4316 can be met by 16 Dost Dsek 17 Bed Ore 1 red aot 19 Bret when White a every possiblity of tacking on the Lingle 115.2323, thn er 16 Bred White sands exelent, hestenig gS and Wp 16.5 fast0 1714) 16 3 oer 16 hs fh 17 Bros p5 18 dass Ot White is obliged to exchange queens, depriving him of his tach) TG. ERB. In thie positon White Close System 87 cou have site the inate swith he energetic 17K. Shotd Bick then dei 1 win he picce, there could follow 172x618 Bx e5 19 WET Teadng wo White's Seatage I seems hat 17 14 ‘ght be met by 17, ith ‘hanes for both ses Fx exanpe 18 GadS frd8 19 of 6 20 dS tT Cones analysis) when the essen! cepenta discos, Aer 21 de Bae6 22 M3, thestening 4a, ato eb for equa os ahead of Black at ae lac eves fo coaterplay on the queen tt hecold aero the waiting rae wih 13.1814 1202 WAT 15 OS W616 3 Wes 17 RUT 182 RH 19 Died Wer 29 We2 O47 21 7 OH 22 WE 6523 Had Spay Por sch, Rega Elia 1986 wk ts 1s as ers) 86 Chusistsncon The queesile may only be de fee by atari the hight (8 (with the shops en 8 sal I), texts requis too much ne “the game celal 29.28 30 peIRHS) AP £532 Oot ST 33 Db fe M fo e735 by? UT Yat eT 37 Deg Rres 38d s9,Sbid0 Baad Queda Oras 2.6 ox Tarberoschaslee Patna de Matra 1989 ra as OB Sass ae ae 5 apn 6 6a aM 7 has ed aed The slematvecaptae 8 el as slay ean ted. Wt which White hopes to ae ae eile, bat isa Tee Bes ight develop to 28 sete use: hc ae fellow the, praliinay erchange 8.05 9 Rac7 Wee? 100.05 7 Hel 00 12 04 Ot 13.24 fe ‘Det Gast 15 gis 16 4g? Hrd 17 a3 6 wit fl equally, Ta mao Andernon, Indonesia” 198), threteing bd and so siging ‘White play 93 (8 Blac is planing the mance se 65, then it Best 0 do this before cating, siee ater 9.0.0 White can event it with 10 4 611 00, aiming to develop 30 iaive in he cone ad on he ‘ces 250 Polps Dniuox Ade- ide 1988 coniued 11-8 12 BeLb6 13 ed Det 14 Wer Bred 15 Wed e516 003 £46 1745 G18 20S WT 192¢ and, due w be Useatned advance aS, White ‘haces were peferbl Inthe eve {F100 5ti dubious fix the x fre wit 10.48, after which White can ae the exchange of he dk ute isops by mea of 1 bas 12 Bet a £14 bs 14 Os be 15 G5 x05 16 de a 17 at when What's advantage is ob- ws de to his pif active ish ‘ops an aacking peospects on the ‘queeaide, DreeeVan der Wed. ‘Amer 198889. However by ex chaugig bishops wih 10, 0s ck aaas a sound postion: 11 x27 ae) (afer Ihe fete? 12 Het Met 13 We? scl 14 duel Wes 15 Ges OU6 16 et Orgs 7 Weed S18 Ups Was? 1D hg Whites pinion is preferable, Ester Leredo, Cubs 1961) 12 ‘Wed (aso possible ie 12 Hel 513 Eel Qe 14 Af i715 Bes gs With chances fr both sides, Cota Brunner, Biel 1990) 12.dlacb 13 Huet Obs 14 Bll 6 1S Wi BIS 16 Eek Hct Hor-Lanen, Linares 1085, Here Hort recommends 1724 vith some nitive s a6 ‘With is move Blac opts fo the pln of deploying his force accord. Ing to he "Hadgehog’ system, after Sich there ares a postion of dy ane equality. Wht ean yt oF nie pawn offemive cn the “tense where the BS paw cont fst convenient gt, Black has seve countepay with hs pieces, Dssed around fre poof ow of ps. a, 6, J ad eb "The rlevng manoesve 8. als also deserves stenton, Forex pe "2.9 Sse? Wae7 10 3 a6 11 Ata Dra 12 Wed BacT 13 Oe ae 14 sb 00 15 Hes 160.08N7 17 Bet Wes with equal ply, Kar sky Sax, Manila 121956, ')9 Get 00 10 Be? Wie7 IL WD 1 12.3 Bas (Black sees conol of fs ees over the in Hate) 13 Bes 6 14 Gt (14 ‘Dre ie smplee and more solid) 14.7 15 Be? BIS and Dack's chances are preferable, Klwit Rashkovsy, chi 1977, Casio Sytem 85 ©) 9 Get (ates serve seaey 9. AbxgS? 10 Giloe 08 A Oa favours White, while the knight takes contl of some dak shares) 9.090 10 a (ater 10 a6? ngs 1 Qab? Ge7 12 Gags Wags 13 1819 We the seaying night in Ahnge) 10.18 17 33 16 12 Wed ‘BAS 13 et Ged ld Be? Wre? 15 3 Ge6 wih equal chances, Spasky Porch, Geneva 1977 "Anoersmon move ae moving te paw tension i 8.0.0, Swaighuvay we should meaton ‘hat White canna eay ot plan wit ong eating since the move 9 1Gerr consutesaypial mistake, a in slr scheme of deel. ‘et with he exchange of paves, and afer 9. 5 Black, by stark ing the £4 square wi bis Sales, forces White o weaken the long i agonal 10 dine? Wie? 1 gh a6 12 (010 46 13 Des 4614 Devs We! (the et posting forthe queen nthe system af develope!) 18.3 ‘Boa 16 ot Wes 17 Bact Zak 18 il eS undobisexeeeneplay in the cente and on the Hngide, Shapto D Gurevich, New = York 198, However, lak must reckon with the posi of teexchange of the igh 9 at6 Baf6 10 We? do, ‘shen White can easing om eter ie 2) 1100 Be? 12.8 36 13 Bet ‘nite is prepared fr ply on both 95 Cessical System side, Teta 1.Gemee, Eemus 1991 ented 13.7 14 at O16 15 ‘Begs 96.16 hs BS (16.87 is comet) 176 and White won. 9)110.0096 1248S 13 Det ot 146465 15 nfs aes 155 De 17 Wed Beet 18 Ebel a5 19 265 Hoch 20g. 96295 WES 22 Bot (523 aes Be 24 Bes W225 1S Wh 256 and White won, (Sok: lov Mohr, Bled 191. "8-46 thoold be viewed with rucpicion in view ofthe unplesrant ranoetwre 9 ©! introduced by Carlos Tore hms in is gine wit Sich lacus athe ine oction 9 00 ‘This move tends to be pliyed autmatealy bt plan with een Se esting so deserves atetion: 9 ats? BG 10 Wed 611 Les Wes 12000 a7 13 Ebel bs 14 xb? Wxb7 15 d81 0516 Det 0.0 (er 16.te7 17 &at6 17 a ad ‘Whe’ rack ivr dangers, Bir low. Kovatevi,Swizrand 1988 ‘Transltors note: in the pit gameSeiruan Korchai, Rode trae 1952, White ought oguicken the pace f hi ay with the opel 10 "Best Gnstead of 10 We2) To. aet Koren feels that 10748 11. Be ives mare op- portnies for both sides) 11 Ded 5 12 Qos ef (2.86 1 Wate) 13 Wo2 0.014 ga Oa 15 ‘be Ehe 160-0098 17 g5 BoB 18 EOL Wer 19 Bhpt p7 20 wet ‘Hey8 21 3g3 a and now 22 Bae! (Kereinoi) would have cemented White's advantage rae 00 wo Ea Gna non Ua i fequely played plan sing to atack the bs patent which Black wstlly replies with the pro pyc 1196 (aso worth consi feng fe HT 12 Be Bes 13 eh La 14 DDB 13.Ax6 Dx 164 e519 1 ADS 18 aeB fg 19 oS phe 20 dniad8+ 21 Bp 5 ‘when the ative bishops conte {sie compensation or tbe x ‘hang, Remon-Utas, Gratin 1986) Svea afer 121 aranepoiion 12 Cheman ine below is ely. Instead 12 Get slows the possiblity of & pawn sacrifice 12.0513 aba 1 Beas Waa8 15 a3 b4 160617 ‘BIG Bs 1815 Het 19 We2 Wat wen the atity of Bac’ pieces folly compensates for the all material etc, Zo Pogar Petar on, Rey 1988 Rather siggish is 123 Hed 13 14 408 1482 661504 eT 16 De3 OAs 17 Wed DH when apo- Sion of dyeamie equality has ‘sien, fn which Blue's pawn pl sade succesfully oposes White's teces, Koefeie Mashulty, Mos om 19H ne 12 Bg CCutoe Tone's apport chase 12.WeF (51) a atl, for exam pe ai Pam Ete he 2) Tere Grfld Moscow 1925: 13 et 06 14 WA ack 15 al 55 16 GS Qh 17 eb We? 18 ‘xe7 Wad 19 Bud} Bue? 20 dS ‘gsr (20.282) 21. de Haes 22 Bell x6 23 gf M4 24 811 O65 25 Ops Oepse 26 hy Has 27 Bel (B48 28 6414729 Hebe e830 ot Tore Rolin Leningrad 1925: 13 QDs 14 hed i 15 DAS115 (ie placid 15,2716 ea be met by 16 Get! Qxot 17 Rael One) 18 Bre} aot 19 Eel when White has every possibility of tacking oo the Ringe 115.3, then er 16 Exes White sands excel thresening Zp and Wes. 16.85 fas to 17) 1603 afer 16 hs gh 17 Tre pS 18 ats 08 White is obliged w exchange eens, deriving in af hi tack) Té.dhh8. In th postion White tase Stem 87 ‘oat have siti the nitive ‘withthe energetic 17. Shosld Black then decile to win the ice, there could follow” 17-2818 BaleS 19 WO! ending to White's vaio. He seems that 17 td upht o be met by 17.8, with hanes for oth ies, For exainge: Ue OudS ads 19 ch 6.20 dS Cet's analysis) when teas: sesimentn pent dacueson. Aer 21 de red 22 DE, theneing ‘Data dite igh or equality hes shea of Black at aes Bock strives for coutepay on ‘he queen, buthe could aber to ‘the waling step with 13.8 14 2 aT 15 Ops 6 16 Bs Wes 17 6 OAaT 18 OP BAH 19 Dee WoT 20 We2 A721 BA OG 22 I 6523 Dal ‘hh Spaceky or sch Reggio Bila 198657, WM bs 15 55 Wer) 88 Clarice Sytem An intresting uci of a pawn forthe inaaiveon te kings 16 = ans 17 Gas xt 18 Gath ags Wg Bho “Tis scent best. Alter 19-215 Blick must eckon with thesis on the fle, Byreveting the Bishop tn outwardly unatractve positon Black retains the possibilty of in ‘ing the queen nthe defence by ‘mesuof the manccawe We, ao es a6 nom Bas mim aw 23 ase) White sciices a second pawn, Inowdersokep is inate ave. 2 “a? eis tempting to soplement the mae gain bt his nore tus oo to be a mitate, since White wine back the dS pawn a ie abl oe telah a blockading pies chi sate Cena tise tad 1 beter soliton in ec a cept fated poston for intance aller 2s. ds5 2 de fe 25 Ret Ba 2614, the anack coins, bot afer 25.6 2 de Bac6 95 G14 eS ce the simpler 235 White's tack rns out of ees a as 6 u as » » a 2 ‘ors fa was abs an Oxas xas as bt es M6 gr wer Ze Dxas wer Eker Despite the pawn defi, White tas the advange sine he der ice in poweral the opposite colour Dishops evident tothe defence of te F pan. Now White waers the. play 10 te ‘quremide, where he ean crete ‘ved pawn. Maye twas ead ‘worth yng tease he defence wit ‘shexchange seifce:2_2ed8 33 Bus Bred 2 3 7 3s a x » w a a c ‘et was a3 rat as hs xis Tes Ih ed Blok el warn he a a7 nar an he es Tas is? Casiel Sytem 89 ‘lack ought once the bishop ine play wih 42. tying too ise a Blockade of the pve, ‘which posible for instance. ne ‘teat 43 Wabs 49 Babs dt “The pune conclaed: 4 96 BS HOW ANE 6 EO 47 2 Bie 48 E07 Wo Bb WoT 50 Ret as SI Beds eS Hu? Buf) 53 Batis 47 56 37 a7 55 Wha Was 6 Susy hs SiWeseyst-0 e213 Rill inemting 14 de Be Soe (eae) Hwerratertn pomechange “Tian ketanae Tne Sel Beekchnge ef bhops "p98 ‘fale #059) We 10 Bet 0.0 11 Af (or 11 Ret a5 12 ras as fl O46 13-287 Web 4 WD ron es 1-016 124361394 Eos 3s 14 Bese? with roughly egal se ker chances, Kase A, Podoe Shas b6 1990 600 ahr Blick generally phys 8.00 9 le Eel df. Now 10 amount to 4 ‘ter? Dhua (84) ere aes 2 tampon of moves, bat White posto in which Whit en ty 10. can ty 1 cove saving a emp ven tempoinibeadvancetthec. for she bate forthe ent by re Powe, pring 2-4, or example: “Thos, for examples White bar") 10 Hel oT 11 of Het 12 rot played 23, the simplifying 4? Heb 1912. uefa move a rmannesvre 718118 Bae? Wre? th Dabop can now be wunered 0 {spremarc in view of he possibil-the active ngoal 2 U8) 13-00% yDetl@bt(or9.t 1e4d6 1114 AF WUT 15.2 De 16 et a 3 QUT 12 De and White ens 17 05 WUB 18 Ob Qa. Notwith Tshes conteof te ene 10 te? staring White's space advantage, 0011s OAe6andnereinGereben- Black's position hes defensive po. Pye, Nice OL 1974, White cond teal, "Bispuer Weber. New Ive obioined he eter play wit 12 ork 1986, 90 Classical System 8) 10 Bf (White preseres the benefit fom the opposition of he "ats AS aa > KaCag | hme By 3 2 Hs et Bip on Pa is tus do Sota Eat bas Te de beaoug. The 2 Bette) ani a ago te Beg as Ss) Wals wocs ab on Ate “Tie is the comequence of 41nd £c7 4283 ph.3 Wins Hot Black's Heh move, Hsd6 8 uae 44'WgSe G17 4S Ge He 46 Da easly me by 14 Wed tventen. W687 Wht Axes 48 Were Des fog to altack aloog the weakened 49.216» 1. 5 Modern System AMAR WAL Taniwe ain Tn recent times Black ba fe quenily employed the move 3.6, Sith which heme to clay the po ‘hon ofthe Dshop before deter ing bis om pln I does na ie White fllokng he reveat 4, to reach lines from the prevous flapter after 4, c¢ fice a tack onthe wing with 45, ton he ‘mow resonable continuation the rchanged ext White ger Back the bishop pi, taal space Usbanage. The advan of the © pawn is ako often xvid oUt in omtinaion with a preparatory $ 43e3 or 5 Bhd, allowing White ‘vay his plan of developent ‘Aer the erection of 3 mobile pwn conte the alvaned poniton fhe back quees becomes a get for the forter advance of the 1a ow 28 6 3 aes he ax ‘The moe ctl reply, widh which White denna is nen hom of creting «pawn cen. ‘After the eteat 4 Black rete tothe eran plan 4.23 (en 5 es cnsiered in the ast tire pane the previous ciple, but ao has ais disposal be sharp planof exchanging the bishop: 4.95 5 Bg) Get (atacking on the wing ‘wid. 7 6 e367 of Bhs ie lho postible, Fogel Romanishin, Kern 1989, coninusd € 2 105, Madern Sytem 6.9 RDS a6 10 BacGs be IL 90000 12OgI Bere ee {ep} 15g WIG when Black had an sctve postion andthe tangible a. ‘antag e the wo shop) 6 D2 Dagh The 7 (109). luck hata sufiety atve po sion and ean expect god counter ‘lay witha kngsie pawn lfene: 2) $23 5963 Ges ©. 10 Red 6 i alo ood: 11.00 We? 12e40.015 Rad 14 We2 £0715 i 6 16 AS 287 17 6s ‘ho Selewvan Eaves, Shelleieh 1989) 10.8 We 11 We2 Sar “a7 12 96 WH 1300-0000 14 Bot GE 15 of Del 15 Bed White's chances ae peferabe thanks to is predominance in the ‘cere, Medan Panis, Eze 1988) 12 of B47 13.000 fe 14 of 0.0.0 with cea pay, Hot Browne, England 1979 0) Re3 (eile move, beeping the posi ofecapying the en tae with eet) B69 et! We ID £3 26 1118396 1200-085 13 hel 247 14! eS (weaker 14.5 15 WS Qb7 te fewhen ‘Whites bener 15 One de 1641! Wes (16.00!) 17 ed Wie postion iy pefeale, Mich Tuc Tin Stempin, Polina Za) 1989, 7 ‘axle sate Black's main continations ae ‘omsdeed tbe S85 with the pln fof fixing the cone with e623 {considered by wanepositon, i he femes Plaske-Ward and Pati Mataryhes), and 8.96 (considered in the game. Hodgzon-Eingom). ‘Wah te fanchetto of the queen's bishop, Blick sets hie sights onthe ct pan, and indcecl hindes se Alevelopmentfhe ight ons3. de tothe possible pin BIB 4 6 tas a7 The bishop exchange 6.617 aa na8 #00 eT 9 Wed Ob 1050.0 11 Kad c6 1205 Wes 12 Get allows Whie to obtain space advange, ks Tima tm Seen 198, 7 haz ‘The alernve knight develop. nen, 7 Bes, conidered (839 slemative move eee inthe game phy Miles, Tae was A. prope: rest, with hich Bink planet tack White's Pawn, sheul it advance 0 «5. An ‘ter posible continuation fs 76 100, iteting 40 wire the Wing othe queens after 5 <7 bot White ean dienorage thi 2) 8 e206 9 00.0 047 1065 (oy advancing the epawn, White lear theo sgare fora piece prac Weal fering 6-45 bm reply 10 ‘EL ean Deimet by 10.5, where tpen Kerebot K 197172 contined Dek 0.013 hed Bes 14 d5 5 15 De8 A 16 g4 WEB 7 SHS 18 56 ‘wih dangerous stack fe Whi) To..MeT 11 ha BS 12 €b1 313 Dh eS 1 de DaeS 15 BAU 0.09 16 BS We7 17 F4 Gounding he charge) 17-68 18 eS Bxe5 19 {D9 Bb 29 pt Wer 21 D2 a7 22 Bit Ra 73 Os Res 24 Wa e125 65 5 26 5 bg 27 Dag bt 2816 W08 29 O87 Whe 30 ¢ Weg 531 Wp (his ewes Black's detece 31 Wee seems soager, intending 15.86) 31 eg5 32 DagS HB 33 h7 £3634 016 Red EN Beck Moder Sytem 107 36 Og ads 37 cde 38 Ba Eh7 39 at 06 40 ho Rk Dect A Soke, Nikole 198. 1D) ¥e3 279 at 96 100.0.From this poston, the game Dreew Kengis, Baral 198, contied TO. 11 Bet e371 (ih-p6 1264 pT is i he spt ofthe system, ‘when after 13 Black wot beck ‘hekingsde wih 3. 425) 12 Wpted 13 edes 1 (446 15 W231 (this pron sactifice is bse en ps: ilies of atacking om the {le 13.088 16 WO Oxf 17 hI! Wed TR et and nom 18.De6? fale 19 Bade) 5 el 162 1S 17 €5 Ops 18.6 witha decisive sitack foe White, 8 We2(105) ‘With tnove White matin the porblity of eating om ether fide, Sometimes White enforces the cente with 8 3, preparing for Black's TS, which 8 possible fer development with = AMR<7 fd 7-6 For example: 8 279 0.0 (he atemptiecomersin Ble’ postion with 9 We? J6 105 ame ulin coontesplay: 10.417 11 ‘et Wes 120000131 08 14 Endl de 15 Qxe5 ueS 16 xb? W677 WreS 5 Jong-Tal Mos- ow 1990)9. 10346 11 Bel eS 12.02 el 13 0.014 6 (having Aebieved a rmeile pawn conte ‘White organises a trng attack on the kingsde) 14.0? 15 2h1 Ea? TG We2 M6 17 Bed Red 185 Ds 108 Matern Sytem 19Gp42b420 8015219 ns 22 Bg yh 23 Ged AS 26 Zh ‘ih 25 B3 xoh 25 be de 77 Wes 1.0 Yompor Keng, Moscow 1983 sider common contin ation, 8.65, difel for Black 'ofind seq couterpay: 13) 900 Le? 10 a (Alekhine recommended a tore erg plan "oergansenatackintbe cent: 10 8 OM Delt aod then 26, ‘SelB and Bat et) 10.000 113 S112 de be and hee ia he pane Marsal Alekhine, New York 1927, White kept the beter chances by ex: changing bishops with 13 a6. 18) 9 at a6 100.0 Be? 11 dS ed {lie I 12.45 0013 ab ob It ‘bt White fr been 12 ed Beds 13 Bled 6 (13.0008 14 ket Brot 15 ‘act g6 16 Hal san alters) 14 Gta an hers inthe game ‘Vagaian Kevgis, Yaslavt 1982, 13 013 8 16 to le to Whie's Abatage 39000047 10e5 We7 11 Bas 0.00 12.461 a5 13 xbrs 307 of 6 15 Hel Os 16 Ob3 WUT 1768, White has 3 Ire spsce a vantage, Ennantow Stekey, Pa pero 1982 D9 e326 10et OAT bs Be 1203 6 13 Wed 14d be 15 Sde 16Qxe5 0.0 170.00 We) 18 ‘Died Gus 19 4. Whi, with his ected on cera egonre, hae the beiter chances, Wiheneohn Keeve, Dour 1978 90.00 ‘The moat energetipan, allowing Wit organise an atack on te ese 3 a wi S606) Also posible isthe inineite 10.07 11 gt 6 12 g3 (me Suaned 12 gl deserves atennon) 12,05 18 Wed! and White, tees: ning the advance 45:26, keeps he ter chance. However the ane hate 3 6 i amit: 13g 14 £50013 hg! Grd 16 Wed Web 17 pt WET and Blac, having ected threats onthe Fle, obs lew vantage, Pali Tana, Ki Towed 1982, 1 Det Be nos 26 nes White fat the inte, Now 13.204 wou ate wih It Sed 15 Gud Sd Ye xe, se ‘esnfully opening the psn Matern sytem 109 20 gs White tet piece pressre against he pawn I tempt extabliah the 20 ed W821 Des, Bsc ca play the proniog exchange sacifice 21 HieS 2 de Bred, 20 he a Beas ca nes may Bg a7 2s rte Ber 15 Bras has as Te de 15 Bet wide kes 15 cf! more resol, keeping 27 a3 a saadviingesfierbot ISX 1828 Tal Watds 17 od Was W Res, nd = 2D aka 13,Rb7 165 0 17 6. wea Ber 15 a BI tss es Ws dangerous to Hix the cent The fist wave of anak has ean by 15,04 16 W304 45, because pid. Bot how mary mare eah be 17 Wgl00 18Eb3 shes Whiteas endured? Black resolves free Bn stack, sat 16 orbs zoo os Webs Be gt me Eas 34 Bese Gar 19 Bagh 0s 107) 3 Mit Wee 305 36 Hig eS was. tr hie defence, 36 wa Tks BI bgs Wes MIM der ous nT {0 O83 Wert Retest with #0.M6 wat neces an: 40 mas ant 2 Mest ay 110. Modern yom 42sec et by 4 Brih Ch (Eastbourne) 1961: 7 wash Bes 4 Daas Wa2 a7 8 0.000009 48 G7 Baas 10 @..2e5iemety 1024) 10 On Ad. Hot there follows 44 SURTL eS Wy6(H nde T2De4 Wet ms 13 Wald ef 18 dee 5 Bes eee sive) 12 ed (12 £3) 12-ed de fe 14 Baas! Qi5 15 Bx Bd 16 Plaket- Ward eS ant Black's postion wae al dasings 19050 realy ini. 7 waa 1a oe eis to exly to determine be 2 aes es characer of the positon with te seks pwn push 74S ahi allows Blak Sane xs {obtain counterplay again the ad san a6 vanced pawn: Toa (ae3 alo 6 8a Seothconidering) 8 ads Wa 9 The prematue 6 eS makes Zid (9 Wid e610 028 mere en White's pron conte very vuln egeti) 9.6 10 Bes WaSe 11 bE ables 6.UB7 AUS Bde WaSe 9 Wa 12 GecTo (Makarychev cow (3 Wr 10 ed iad6 11 DhiD We7 sidered 120i T+ mre setae and 120e4.£e7130.00M7 14200 gavethebeatfl vasison 12.7 13 DeeS U6 with fll epaly, 13 @xi8 Weds 14 he? Oath 1S Ghaoa-Dimitov,Provino B89.” Das Des 16 6 Osta 17 SE “The akerative Knight deelop- ac? (Ret Weds 19-3 We ment, 6 2s considered nthe wthadraw) 12-808 1S BOL! od 14 sme Pah Masaryebev Eos Git 15 ob e716 Wid and en ‘a7 ere, by developing the Bishop with 6. i sky, a8 t weakens he 16.-Be7 ack obtuine the sopeie ingstde. King Summermater,Lo- position, Lemer Makaryehev, USSR cere 1989,cominocd 7e5 eT tt 1982. BED ADNS IO gC 11 2xE3 Ges Ater7 Li 6 8 Wed eS White ‘RES a7 13 ed de 14 ves loser contr of, and Blakes or Aix 15Dae5 WDA? (amisakes af ganze pressare on the gla diago- ter 15.7 Bick can defend) 16 nal afer 48 Be7 100.00 848 snd 000447 17 2x07 withacearad. then 206 vantage to White Tm Tranlator's noe: 60:6 war A fandaevtal move inte plan trotly ested Fodgeon Flew, of locking the cere ith ee, Black weakens the 6 aque, bt ‘White ay also experience prob. lem with "The prophylactic 7-6 ese times wed with he an of defend ing heb square. Then 8 8437! can be met Dy 8ucS. Marin Heber, Hasings 198485, cotinoel 95 de 10 ges WHat de Wade 12d BS 13 of B67 1483 000 15 ded i616 Bhet (51 with a stomp in itive for Black. Far stonger i 80.0.0, maintain ing aacking chances. Fr example 69 05 de? (0. WaT bs conch ven Black en play 6-85 ee ‘asary) 10 de We7 11 ot hg? 12 HS O63 x64 hI 14 ed with a cea avarag fe Whi, Hod fon Wat, Englnd 198or 8 We? 9° g6 10 hel Ag? 11 M00 (ine eset ie 1517 28 dS 13 de OxeS, alboogh, White's cance ate aio beter here) 124545 13G2265 Ide eb 15 Dexa eS 16 bl a7 17 ns 5 18 Hes Hes (Wistert sctvate the geet ih 18.g8 18 On2 ys) 19 Dn2b5 20 Wa2'g4? (allows he demalition of the hing pawn cover, 20.88 is more resien) 21 apt WeS 22 Bes Bxt628 003 Wy? 24 WIS 25 Des 08 26 DfT de] 27 OS ‘$4528 War 6629 Beds 7 30ed Dad 31 Sed G08 37 Bes O1633, Wat 1.0 Yospov Bich. Monch wa, § 80a es(10%) Modem System 110 ‘Thieme ihe played imine ‘vey. Black plave to develop is stp e ad if White allows it the dike Ssh wl place “elfen the gla? dngonon which Ties the insti defended quae. After the proeratinang ius 98s WP 10'go1e5 12S e712 BAS DUG 13 Lach Beek 1 5 White obtain the beter chances is Lendentergoe Toi, Begs 9 de In the gene HodonRogers, ‘Wik an Zee 1989, White payed 9 1, planing to atack wih pg, ‘on which followed 9.7 10 Wed DAI 1 ed (1 a5 dangerously ‘weakesthe ps7 diagonal and pre Seon the oS quate tthe koh, ‘which “comes. tock again with 11.2 11.06 12 Bos a 13 Bob hte 14 ge de 1540016 ‘EOL pt 17 BO (a mistake ins ‘a postion comet wae 17 Wed BS TRS 17-BS1RDES RNG 19k 2 Mader Sytem erm oLaeetia® Biba) Whe nieces be 8 Atedesidel Obi 10-O8 das bas Gnsli good ending fObe6. 10 —-20-HES— 16100) ‘amit though, tosurender the ene: 11 add Des 126 Bou 1s 6S a8 14 as! ob 1S Babs dT 16 dxdTs dT 17 Geo Bist 18 Bann Wes 19 BO. 4 20}os0 Wet 21 Hal eT ‘Bus 1 0odgson Zan Pole Haifa 199, om aes Weak i? 10 BS an ele mr dip sari, stacking he steak sare) 10-28 (ater 10d “Ans Wes 12 Dues a second Now afer 2 ef x16 or 21 6 5 pavmis tos) 1xa7 Be5 12Oxe8 Black has ah enbring iniiive Encl 13 bt and Whie woo apiee, However White has ma nena of Klinger, Lacere 1989 compromising 10, Byes MN Dit att ‘Ager 10 Qik there aes aye Dc eS ruancally eqeal posi where 23 Taf GR Black ean rpms deere. 2 thas 10 “nes White as two pans and an 40, spain fs 1011 85. tne positon for he exchange, but ni Was Blak find an ate defence 2 fet et Me ‘Bad Bam 4s 2s Gas Teas 4 2h Woe ae Wet te Black bas god stacking prot ute Ze pect othe quem as Ta ak 1s Te 00 2 a7 te? wes as Black has epuled tbe nmediae 17 Bas sheets, bu he oulecane ofthe bale ‘Thehghtforthelntaveisin fll ought tobe cea, Sespite the res ‘wing: Whi sheslens the pawn ence of oppost-

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