PDF International Corporate Strategy M2 EEM D1 To D3

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International Corporate Strategy D1 to D3 M2

EEM – Poitiers 2020/2021 sebastien.dathane@univ-poitiers.fr | Office B225

1. Introduction

1.1. Rules
1.1.1. A mix of concepts / theories and case studies
1.1.2. Lectures (20h) : Sébastien Dathané (agrifood) and Franck Delpal (Fashion industry)
1.1.3. Professional lectures : Jean Carrère (former student). Visit of La Débauche, Angoulême
(craft beer)
1.1.4. Workshops (10h) : Sébastien Dathané
1.1.5. Timetable : 55 minutes of lecture / 10 minutes breaks
1.1.6. Computer : it's up to you but...

1.2. Evaluation
1.2.1. Workgroup : 50%
1.2.2. QCM + short question : 50 %

1.3. Sources / références

1.3.1. Books ressources Exploring strategy Blue ocean strategy Good Strategy/Bad Strategy
Organizational Bevahior The Personal MBA Harvard Business Review US and French
Version Video (Youtube) David Kryscynski Bowman's Strategic Clock Understanding
The Blue Ocean Strategy Start with why Your strategy needs a strategy Strategy as Choice
Movies The Founder Moneyball

2. International Corporate Strategy ?


2.2. Agrifood / Wine and Spirits

2.2.1. International
2.2.2. Low cost to high end product
2.2.3. SME's to big group
2.2.4. Innovation / marketing

2.3. International
2.3.1. Criteria
· More than one area
· Différents langage, culture, organisation
2.3.2. What is the more critical aspect of an international business
· Adpat to the consumer / culture / climate
· Understand the regulation
· Logistics

· Distance between head office and subsidiary company

2.4. Corporate
2.4.1. Définition
· Relating to a large company or group.

2.4.2. Relation between large group and strategy

2.4.3. Life in company

2.5. Strategy
2.5.1. Historic Definition

2.5.2. Models / canvas
· McKinsey BCG
· 5 Forces of Porter
· Chain of value
· Business Model Canvas

2.5.3. Two questions to answer

· What's your position about competition ?
· What could my competive advantage be ?
· Before define it

· "Raison d'être" / "Reason of being" / DNA

· Mission, vision, value and objectives

· Examples
· Moët Hennessy

La Martiniquaise
· How to manage it?
· Moneyball ! (the movie)
· Goals vs System
· Goals is dangerous

· Hard to reach (so many deception at the end of the road)
· What to do after reaching it?
· Depend of external parameters
· System is healthy
· Easy to follow
· Not rigid
· No limited goals
· To go further
· https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4S7w0wDSiyw

2.5.4. Definition
· The strategy is to make difficult bets and choices. The objective is not to eliminate risks,
But to increase the chances of success in the long run
· The only way a man can remain consistent amid changing circumstances is to change with
them while preserving the same dominating purpose - Sir Winston Chruchill
· A strategy is not a plan, it is a framework for decision-making - Stephen Burgay

2.6. Purpose
2.6.1. Define strategics approaches between corporation and SME's
2.6.2. Unverstand strategies, with a focus on the marketing strategy

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