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OVERALL APPEARANCE - target audience represented - target audience given some - target audience inconsistent - target audience forgotten
always thought - theme inconsistent - no theme evident
- theme consistent - theme consistent - font adequate - font inadequate
- font superior and consistent - font good and consistent - generally adequate - poorly done
- generally inviting - generally good - somewhat creative (0.7 points) - shows little creativity
-high degree of creativity (1 point) - creative (0.9 points) (0.6 points)
COVER - highly creative - creative - somewhat creative - shows little creativity
- excellent title - good title - adequate title - poor choice of title
- effective image included - good choice of image - image included - poor choice of image
- fits theme of magazine very - fits theme of magazine well - adequately suited to theme - theme unclear
well - inviting of magazine - poorly done
- very attractive - Most students have contributed to the - adequate - Few students have contributed to the
- all students have contributed to the project (0.9 points) - Some students have contributed to the project (0.6 points)
project (1 point) project (0.7 points)
CONTENT - included minimum of five - included minimum of five - included minimum of five - fewer than minimum of five
components. components components. components.
- all components are - most components completed as - did not include one of each - some articles completed as
completed as assigned assigned as assigned. assigned.
- excellent variety of topics - good variety of topics - adequate variety of topics - some illustrations
- an illustration included with - most components are - most components are - writing adequate
each component illustrated. illustrated - Not bibliography included
- well written - well written - writing adequate (0.6 points)
- all biblography included (1 point) - fewer than minimum of five - Poor bibliography included (0.7 points)
- Partial bibliography included
(0.9 points)
ILLUSTRATIONS - included a minimum of four. - included a minimum of four - included a minimum of four - less than four
- all graphics are connected to - most graphics connected to - artwork not always - seldom connected to theme
theme. theme connected to theme - mostly reproductions
- highly creative - very creative - lacks originality - few or no graphic elements.
- excellent colour and - good colour and composition - some colour and graphics (0.6 points)
composition. (1 point) (0.9 points) elements used. (0.7 points)
PRESENTATION - use of writing process - use of writing process evident - careless use of writing - first draft is only draft.
evident - minor spelling errors process. - major spelling errors.
- correct spelling - minor grammatical errors - minor spelling errors - major grammatical errors.
- correct grammar - minor errors in construction - minor grammatical errors - lacks organization, disjoint,
-correct sentence, paragraph of sentences, paragraphs and - written work lacks and lacks unity.
and essay structure essays. organization - some headlines included.
- inviting headlines (1 point) -good headlines (0.9 points) - headlines included (0.7 points) (0.6 points)

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