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TPACK Template


Subject Math

Grade Level 1st grade

Learning Objective 1.1 The student will

a) count forward orally by ones to 110, starting at
any number between 0 and 110;
b) write the numerals 0 to 110 in sequence and
Pedagogy Planning

Complete the sentence below:

In this interactive white board activity, the children will touch the board to fill in the
missing numbers on the number line and learn about counting by ones between 0 and

Activity 1. The lesson will begin by showing the students a hundred

board. The students and the teacher will discuss the hundred
2. The teacher will count with the students 1-20 and then pick
another 10 numbers to count. Such as 70-80. This should be
repeated a few times to give the students a warm up with
3. The teacher will then show the students a number line with
numbers missing from it on the smart board. The teacher will
ask for 3 students to come up and fill in the missing numbers.
4. After the students fill in the numbers the class will count the
numbers that were on the number line.
5. For the next activity the teacher will show the students a
hundred board with missing numbers. The teacher will call on
students to fill in the number board. Each student can fill in 2
6. Before beginning the last activity the teacher will let the
students know that the next activity will be challenging because
there are 2 number lines that count backwards and they are
high numbers.
7. Ask for students to raise their hand to come and fill in the
number line (try to call on students that haven’t done it yet).
Students might struggle with the two number lines that count
backwards. Assist the students as need with the number line.
8. After the number lines are completed the teacher will review
Technology the number lines with the students.

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