Sarah Melton Creating Assignment

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TPACK Creating Assignment Template

Content Knowledge

Subject Science

Grade Level Grade 4

Learning Objective 4.7 The student will investigate and understand

the organization of the solar system. Key concepts
a) the planets in the solar system;
b) the order of the planets in the solar
system; and
c) the relative sizes of the planets.
Pedagogy Planning

In this activity, my students are going to use Adobe Spark to create a slide show of the
solar system.

 The learning activity will be to create a slide
show using Adobe Spark. The slide show will
be on the planets in our solar system.   
 The teacher will introduce the planets on
Monday. During the introduction the teacher
and the students will discuss the order of the
planets and several facts about each of the
 On Wednesday the teacher will show the
students the Adobe Spark video the teacher
created.  The teacher will discuss with the
students how to create an Adobe Spark
account (It is free to create an account.
Students need to enter their Gmail to create an
 After viewing the video, the teacher will talk
about the requirements for the
video.  Requirements are that the planets must
be in order and there must be at least 1 fact
presented for each planet.  
 When the students get on the Adobe Spark
Web 2.0 Technology The Web 2.0 Technology being used is Adobe Spark.
Adobe Spark is available through the website:
Link to the example product you
made pretending to be a student
Mobile App Option
1. The Adobe Spark app is available to
download in the play store for android users
and in the apple store for free.

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