Answer Key Chapter 3 - Review-2

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Discrete Math Name_______________________________

Review – Chapter 3

Multiple Choice – Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

Angela and Ben want to divide fairly the chocolate-strawberry cake shown below using the divider-chooser
method. The total cost of the cake was $6.00. Angela values strawberry three times as much as she values
chocolate, while Ben values chocolate twice as much as he values strawberry.

__a___ 1. In Ben’s eyes, the piece shown to the right is worth

A. $5.00
B. $4.00
C. $4.50
D. $4.75
E. none of the above

__c___ 2. In Angela’s eyes, the piece shown to the right is worth

A. $4.50
B. $5.00
C. $3.75
D. $2.25
E. none of the above

__a___ 3. In Ben’s eyes, the piece shown to the right is worth

A. $3.50
B. $3.00
C. $4.00
D. $2.50
E. none of the above

__d___ 4. In Angela’s eyes, the piece show to the right is worth

A. $3.75
B. $3.00
C. $3.50
D. $2.25
E. none of the above
Four heirs (A, B, C, and D) must fairly divide an estate consisting of two items – a house and a cabin – using
the method of sealed bids. The players’ bids (in dollars) are:

House 195,000 212,000 201,000 182,000
Cabin 45,000 36,000 35,000 42,000

__d___ 5. The original fair share of player A is worth

A. $1210,000
B. $240,000
C. $80,000
D. $60,000
E. none of the above

__c___ 6. In the initial allocation, player A

A. gets the house and an additional $55,000 from the estate

B. gets the cabin and pays the estate $15,000
C. gets the cabin and an additional $15,000 from the estate
D. gets the house and pays the estate $135,000
E. none of the above

__a___ 7. In the initial allocation, player B

A. gets the house and pays the estate $150,000

B. gets $62,000 from the estate
C. gets the house and the cabin and pays the estate $186,000
D. gets the house and pays the estate $274,000
E. none of the above

__d___ 8. After the initial allocation to each player is made, there is a surplus of

A. $150,000
B. $0
C. $32,000
D. $20,000
E. none of the above

_c____ 9. After all is said and done, the final allocation to player A is

A. $65,000 in cash
B. the cabin plus $5,000 in cash
C. the cabin plus $20,000 in cash
D. the cabin plus $10,000 in cash
E. none of the above
Four players (A, B, C, and D) agree to divide the 12 items below using the method of markers. The players’
bids are as indicated.

A1 C1D1 B1 B2 A2C2 D2 B3 C3 A3 D3

_e__ 10. Item 5

A. goes to C
B. goes to A
C. goes to D
D. is left over
E. goes to B

__c__ 11. Item 8

A. goes to A
B. goes to B
C. goes to C
D. goes to D
E. is left over

_e____ 12. Item 11

A. goes to A
B. goes to B
C. goes to C
D. goes to D
E. is left over

Free Response: Show all work for credit

13. Molly buys a chocolate – strawberry – vanilla cake for $11.20. Molly values strawberry twice as much as
chocolate and values chocolate twice as much as vanilla.

a) Find the value of each flavor.

V: $1.60 C: $3.20 S: $6.40

b) If the cake is cut into six 600 wedges shown in the picture, find the value of each piece.

P1: $0.80 P2: $2 P3: $3.20 P4: $2.4 P5: $1.6 P6: $1.20
14. Three players (Minnie, Mickey, Donald) must divide a cake among themselves. Suppose the cake is
divided into three slices: ( s1 s2 s3). The following table shows the percentage of value of the entire cake that
each slice represents to each player.

whole cake s1 s2 s3
Minnie $12.00 $3.00 $5.00 $4.00
Mickey $15.00 $4.00 $4.50 $6.50
Donald $13.50 $4.50 $4.50 $4.50

Minnie – S2, S3

Mickey – S3 S1 – Donald S2 – Minnie S3 – Mickey

Donald – S1, S2, S3

15. Three players (Alex, Betty, and Cindy) must divide a cake among themselves. Suppose the cake is divided
into three slices: ( s1 s2 s3). The following table shows the percentage of value of the entire cake that each
slice represents to each player.

For each player, indicate which of the slices are fair shares.

s1 s2 s3
Alex 30% 40% 30%
Betty 35% 25% 40%
Cindy 33 1/3 % 50% 16 2/3%

Alex – S2 S1- Cindy, S2 – Alex, S3 - Betty

Betty – S1, S3

Cindy – S1, S2

16. Five players (Addie, Ben, Callie, Dave, and Erin) must divide a cake among themselves. Suppose the
cake is divided into 5 slices (s1, s2, s3, s4, s5). The value of the entire cake and of each of the five slices in the
eyes of the players is shown in the table below.

For each player, indicate which of the slices are fair shares.

whole cake s1 s2 s3 s4 s5
Addie $15.00 $3.25 $2.50 $3.50 $2.50 $3.25
Ben $18.00 $4.00 $4.25 $3.25 $3.75 $2.75
Callie $12.00 $2.40 $2.40 $2.40 $2.40 $2.40
Dave $10.00 $2.50 $1.75 $1.50 $2.25 $2.00
Erin $20.00 $3.50 $3.75 $5.00 $4.90 $2.85

Addie – S1, S3, S5

Ben – S1, S2, S4

Callie – S1, S2, S3, S4, S5

Dave – S1, S4, S5

Erin – S3, S4
17. Determine a fair allocation of assets

Cailey Ryan Jason Priscilla

Coffee Maker 45 25 35 20
Waffle Iron 60 70 65 50
Quesadilla Maker 50 55 65 30
Total: 155 150 165 100
Fair Share: 38.75 37.50 41.25 25

a) Determine a fair initial allocation of the items

Cailey – coffee maker owe 6.25
Ryan – Waffle maker owe 32.50
Jason – Quesadilla maker owe 23. 75
Priscilla - receive 25

b) Determine the surplus funds

37. 50 is surplus everybody receive extra $9.38

c) Determine the final allocation of assets

Cailey – coffee maker receive 2.76
Ryan – Waffle maker owe 23.12
Jason – Quesadilla maker owe 14.37
Priscilla - receive 34.38

18. Ana, Billy, and Cara are dividing four pieces of furniture using the method of sealed bids. Their bids on
each of the items are given in the following table.

Ana Billy Cara

Dresser $150 $300 $275
Desk $180 $150 $165
Vanity $170 $200 $260
Tapestry $400 $250 $500

a) Determine a fair initial allocation of the items

Ana – desk receive 120

Billy – dresser
Cara – vanity and tapestry owe 360

b) Determine the surplus funds

240 and everybody receives an extra 80

c) Determine the final allocation of assets

Ana – desk receive 20

Billy – dresser receive 80
Cara – vanity and tapestry owe 280
19. Determine a fair allocation of assets

Johnathan Joe Billy Jeremy

Car 25,000 32,000 41,000 27,000
House 150,000 220,000 190,000 200,000
Painting 1,000 950 800 980
Total: 176000 252950 231800 227980
Fair Share: 44000 63237.50 57950 56995

a) Determine a fair initial allocation of the items

Johnathan – painting receive 43000

Joe – house owe 156762.50
Billy – car receive 16950
Jeremy - receive 56995

b) Determine the surplus funds

39817.50 everybody receives 9954.38

c) Determine the final allocation of assets

Johnathan – painting receive 52954.38

Joe – house owe 146808.13
Billy – car receive 26904.38
Jeremy - receive 66949.38


Determine the allocation of candy to each player:

A: __12-16________________________ Which items are left over? 5, 6, 10, 11

B: ___1-4_______________________
C: ___7-9 _______________________
D: ____17-10______________________

Three children (A, B, and C) are dividing the array of 12 candy pieces show in the following figure using the
method of markers. The players’ bids are indicated in the figure.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

A1 C1 A2 B2
a. Describe the allocation of candy to each child. B1
A – 1, 2 B – 10 -12 C–4–9

b. Which items are left over? 3 , 8, 9

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