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Dr. Egbert, Professor of Education Ph.D.; Ed. Specialist; & SPED Dir.

Date: __27 August 2020_________

Dr. Egbert
Name:_____Mailea Huber________ Plan of Action Assignment

CSI Major: Elementary & Special Education EDUC 290

Indicate University/College (transfer institution):____Idaho State University_________

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is for you to begin to address the graduation
requirements for your major and to address the entrance requirements for your chosen four-year
institution. Please address the questions below. Please type your responses.

1. What courses are you currently taking this semester?

This semester I am taking EDUA 231, EDUA 248, EDUC 204, EDUC 290, and MATH

2. What courses do you need to graduate with your AA degree? (Please see Lena Paxton to get a
copy of your Degree Audit, if you have problems. Lena is located in the Matrix in the Taylor Administration
Building on the CSI campus; you can also email her at Otherwise, go to MyCSI under
your grades option.

In order to graduate, I need to complete MATH 257 as well as EDUC 211. These courses
will be completed next semester along side courses taken from ISU.

3. Have you applied for CSI graduation?


I have already for CSI graduation.

4. What are the entrance requirements for your chosen four-year institution? What are
the application deadlines? If you plan to apply for scholarships, what are the
scholarship application deadlines? Have you applied for financial aid?

I have already applied for ISU, however, I have yet to apply to the Education Program at
ISU. The program application is a compilation of documents needed in order for the
admission office to understand where I am at in regards to my education. The general
admissions application was December 2, 2020. There is no program application deadline.
The deadline for scholarship applications are November 1, 2020. I have not applied for
financial aid. I haven’t used or applied for financial aid since being in college, but upon
transferring to ISU it is something I would like to look into.

732-6890; FAX: 732-6797 John C. Hepworth Higher Education Center, 315 Falls Avenue West, Twin Falls, ID 83303-1238
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Dr. Egbert, Professor of Education Ph.D.; Ed. Specialist; & SPED Dir.

5. Does your chosen four-year institution require Praxis 1 (or other tests)? What scores
are needed? What are the dates for Praxis 1 (or other tests)? Do these tests have to be
completed before the application deadline? If so, how long does it take to process test

ISU does require that all candidates meet qualifying scores on the Praxis II Subject Area
Test(s). The minimum scores needed to pass the Praxis exam are: Math 162, reading 168, and
writing 165. The official scores will be mailed within 3-4 weeks and it is something that
needs to be completed in order for program entry and career success, but I am unsure of the
dates. To my understanding, one can register and set the date in which to take the exam.

 Praxis Website:

732-6890; FAX: 732-6797 John C. Hepworth Higher Education Center, 315 Falls Avenue West, Twin Falls, ID 83303-1238
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