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Julián Bustamante Castro

Luisa Fernanda García

Juan Pablo Zapata Z


If the number of gyms in offices rose, people would be more fitness.

If electricity bills for companies were slashed, companies would have more profits
to invest.

If the government banned cigarettes/ tobaco, people would be healthier

If taking career breaks, unemployment would increase

If the age of retirement were earlier, people would plan a retirement plan.


If the gonoverment scrapped income tax, society wouldn’t be secure.

If the number of women working rocketed, children wouldn’t have mom’s at home.

If people were more honest, the competition between companies wouldn't be so


If world supply of oil decreased, there wouldn’t be more contamination.

If the people were more conscious, recycling wouldn't be a problem.


If the world’s population reduces, would you be happy?

If people learned about sexuality, would birth rate decrease?

If United States leaves off the market, Would the economy get down?

If people bought electric cars, would pollution start to decrease?

If the government increased the age of retirement, would the age of workers be

Information Question

If the city continues growing, where owning cars would be prohibited?

If restructuring of companies increased rapidly, what area would be restructured?

If working from home, what would be your performance?

If Colombia got into the new markets, how much would inflation go down?

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