Task Guide and Evaluation Rubric - Unit 2 - Task 4 - Speaking Task PDF

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Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Vice President for Academic Issues and Research

Curse: English III
Code: 90121
Activity guidelines and evaluation rubric – Task 4:
Speaking Task

1. Activity description
Type of the activty: Individual
Evaluation moment : Intermediate at Unit 2
Activity higher score: 90 points
Activity starting date: Activity deadline: lunes,
Jueves, 22 octubre de 2020 30 de noviembre de 2020
In this task, it is expected to achieve the following learning
To express ideas about past experiences and future plans
through a video and an interview integrating the information
developed in the writing task and focusing on the oral development of
the same linguistics elements within an academic context.
The task lies in:

Two different speaking exercises, one synchronous interview

through Skype and a video sent through the Speaking Forum.



In the first moment of the synchronous interview, the student and the
tutor will engage in a conversation about personal information in which
the student is expected to talk about general information such as:
Marital status, city of residence, family group, likes and dislikes and
professional/academic life. The tutor will ask different questions to
guide the conversation although spontaneity from the student will
be appreciated.


Students will then talk about

The most interesting place he/she has visited, how it has changed
over the years and how he/she thinks it will change in the future.

Talk about some of the activities you did in this place by focusing on
the environmental aspect of it (the weather, vegetation, natural
resources, among others).

Make sure your computer complies with all the technical requirements
and that you have a stable internet connection for a video call.

Choose a time frame, from the schedule established by your tutor to

carry out the interview.

A Google Drive shared document will be provided by your tutor

through mail.

Register on the schedule your ID number, full name, group number,

email and Skype username.
Login to the Skype at least 10 minutes before the interview.

Remember to have from 10 to 15 minutes and guarantee the proper

functioning of the headset, microphone and camera to carry out the


Students will record a video of themselves explaining why they chose

the company they did for the writing exercise (4-5 minutes long); how
does this company contribute to pollution in our world? what opinions
and demands did they express in the formal letter sent to them?
Additionally, students will provide an ecological solution to the
problem of this company and will express how this impacts the
environment in a positive way.

This video can be made by recording yourself in selfie mode. Once you
finish the video, upload it to YouTube (set the privacy to PUBLIC) and
share the link in the Speaking forum.
To develop this task, consider:
At initial information environment, you must:
• Study the E-book modules 9 -12.
• Check constantly the course agenda.
• Be aware of the News forum and General course forum
for information updated by the course director.
• Participate in the synchronic meeting via Web Conference
regarding Task 4 Speaking Task, or at least review the
recording that your tutor will eventually share.

At evaluation environment, you must:

• Upload the final product (PDF) file in the corresponding
space containing the video link.

At learning environment, you must:

• Read the task guide exhaustively.
• Post your contributions in the Discussion forum - Unit 1 Task 2 -
Speaking Task.
Individual work evidences:

1. Video link with the talking about the formal letter used in
the writing task and posted in the Speaking Forum.
2. Skype interview with the tutor.

Group work evidences

At this activity no evidences needed
1. General guidelines for the development of the evidence
to submit

For evidence developed Individual, consider the following


• Every member of the group must participate with

academic contributions in the task development.
• Before delivering the requested product, all the
requirements indicated in this task guide must be checked.
• Each student must develop the steps of the task and post
the evidence in the forum.
• The final product must be sent in the Speaking Forum as well.
• Each student must give feedback to one of his/her partners.
The comments should remark mistakes, aspects to improve
and contribute to the debate.
• Each student is responsible for his/her process.

Consider that all individual or group written work must fulfil with the
orthographic rules and presentation conditions that have been defined.
Concerning the use of references, consider that the requested work in
this task must fulfil with the standards APA
In any case, the standards of reference must be complied. Academic
plagiarism must be avoided. Students can support the written
products by using the Turnitin tool found on the virtual campus.

Consider that In the agreement 029 of December 13, 2013, article

99, it is considered as offenses that undermine the academic order,
among others, the following: literal e) “Plagiarism, that is, submitting
as of its own authorship the all or part of a work, document or
invention made by another person.

It also implies the use of quotes or false references, or proposing

quotes where there is no match between it and the reference ”and
literal f) “Reproducing or copying for profit, educational materials or
results of research products, which have intellectual rights reserved
for the University.
The academic sanctions the student will face are the following:

a) In cases of academic fraud demonstrated in the respective

academic work or evaluation, the grade that will be imposed will
be zero points without prejudice to the corresponding disciplinary

b) In cases related to plagiarism demonstrated in the academic work

whatever its nature, the qualification that will be imposed will be zero
points, without prejudice to the corresponding disciplinary sanction.
b) Evaluation rubric Format

Type of the task: Group - Collaborative

Evaluation moment: Intermediate at Unit 2
Task higher score: 90 points
High level:
The student uploads video link according to the requirements.

Up to 20 points

First evaluation
Medium level:
standard (Video
The student uploads the video, but it makes no reference to the
Up to 15 points

This standard
Low level
represents 20
The student does not upload the video or uploads it within the
score of the task
last three days to deadline. The video has no coherence in its

Up to 10 points

High level:
The student has a good pronunciation and although he/she
Second evaluation makes some mistakes, the student corrects himself/herself and
standard the message is understandable. The student uses frequent
(Recording vocabulary and expressions related to course contents
Up to 20 points

Medium level:
This standard
The student uploads the video on YouTube and shares the link
represents 20
within schedule. The student partially uses vocabulary and
score of the task suggested expressions in course contents. The student has
some pronunciation mistakes, but they do not affect.
Up to 15 points

Low level
The student does not upload the video or uploads it within the
last three days to deadline. The video has no coherence in its
Up to 10 points
High level:
The student has no pronunciation mistakes or are very minimal.
The student expresses ideas with good fluency and normal
Third evaluation
Up to 15 points
(Cohesion and
coherence): Medium level:
The student gives enough information to do the process. The
student improvises his discourse, lacking the proper

This standard Up to 8 points

represents 15
score of the task
Low level
The student does not participate in the task or participates
without following the guidelines for the exercise.

Up to 5 points
Fourth evaluation High level:
standard The student does not make pronunciation mistakes. We can
(Pronunciation notice task preparation. The student expresses ideas with a
and Fluency): good fluency level and normal pauses.

Up to 20 points
This standard
represents 20
score of the task Medium level:
The student has some pronunciation mistakes which interfere
with speech comprehension, nevertheless, he/she can self-
correct. The student makes long pauses on speech.
Up to 15 points

Low level
The student does not participate in the task. Pronunciation does
not allow speech comprehension.

Up to 10 points
High level:
The student uses appropriate lexical elements as proposed in
the course content and task guide.
Up to 15 points
Fifth evaluation
(Vocabulary): Medium level:
The student uses partially the appropriate vocabulary and
expressions to convey his/her message. Some words and
expressions are used incorrectly.
This standard Up to 8 points
represents 15
score of the task
Low level
The student does not participate in the task or does not use the
vocabulary as expected.
Up to 5 points

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