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Practice 7: Controlled Rectifier Single Phase Full Wave .

Control circuit by cosine crossing

David Alexander villan, yeison Alexis Ascanio

Students of Electromechanical Engineering

Códigos. 1090661, 1090314


SUMMARY : The following laboratory report phase bridge rectifier full-wave controlled by
will be released the steps taken for the design the ramp method (linear or cosine) .
and implementation of a control circuit of a
single-phase bridge full-wave rectifier type . SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES:
Once the circuit is mounted perform the
appropriate tests to verify proper operation by 1. Design the control circuit conduction angle of
comparing their performance with SCR controlled single-phase full-wave rectifier .
theoretically calculated .
2. Check the load voltage Vc voltage control
KEYWORDS: circuit , control, single-phase range of positive and negative excursion.
rectifier .
3. Simulate the control circuit and power and
ABSTRACT: in the next papper it will be get the graphics load voltage driving at different
told to known the steps accomplished for the angles .
desing and implementation of a circuit of a
single phase rectifier full wave. Once the 4. Compare the performance of the rectifier
circuit was mounted it will be tested to verify once implemented with theoretical calculations
his correct functioning companing the results performed .
wiht the calculated theretically.
KEY WORDS: circuit, control, monofasic

In figure 1 the circuit of a full wave controlled

I. INTRODUCTION rectifier , which uses two diodes and two
thyristors occurs . The burden presented is
In most industrial applications require control completely resistive . In the positive half cycle,
voltage is supplied to a load. Thanks to power the T1 thyristor is forward biased and is
electronics is possible to control and convert the triggered when it applies a pulse to the gate of
voltage and current levels that are required , thyristor ωt = α , the load is connected to the
using as a tool of power semiconductor devices input through T1 and D2 during α period ≤ ω t
and thyristors . ≤π . Later in the negative cycle output signal is
kept at zero until T2 is applied to a pulse in the
In the following report the phase controlled gate ωt = α + π , the load being connected to the
rectifier circuit which full-wave rectified and is input through T2 and the period D1
able to control the voltage level reaches cargo ,
using SCR 's as switching switches be π+α ≤ ω t ≤ 2π.
analyzed , the control circuit be designed by
cosine crossing..


GOAL : To design and implement a control

circuit for conduction angle of SCR, a single-
1. From the proposed attached block diagram ,
are asked to design a control circuit , using the
straight-line method or cosine , using discrete
analog components

V (t) : cosine signal source reduced or

synchronized ramp AC power source value.

Vc : control DC signal variable between 0 and


V , for the driving theoretical angle varies

between 0 and 180 degrees .
Figure 1 controlled phase full-wave rectifier
When there is a resistive load, as in this case ,
the voltage and current have a similar behavior ,
as can be seen in Figure 2
Step-down transformer 120 / 12.5 was used to
derive the input signal to the control circuit in
addition to this divider retaining be conducted
to reduce the peak voltage to 10v . This is done
because in the step of comparing the control
voltage will range from -10V to 10V

Figure 2. Waveform output voltage controlled


Then in Figure 3. The output voltage signals,

voltage is Input and input current. For each of
the two positions.

Fig . 4 divider circuit voltage at the input


The 90 ° phase shifter circuit is performed by an

operational amplifier which is composed of a
follower and an RC circuit .

Vo (wt) = Vi ( wt- φ )

φ = 2 tan ^ (- 1) 〖 ⁡( 2πfoR3C1 )
Figure 3 waveforms of the input voltage , output
voltage and input current The value of C1 = 0.1 uF is assumed. Knowing
that fo = 60 Hz and φ = 90 ° , then:

R 3=
tan ( ϕ2 ) =26.53 K Ω ≅ 27 KΩ V 1 +V 2
2 πfoC 1 V 1+¿V
→ V +¿ ¿ 2

2 2

V −¿ V +¿ V −¿
1 1
R 3 Rf

R V 1+¿ V 2
= ¿
1 1 2
Figure 5. shifter input waveform 90 ° R R

Vo V 1+¿V

( 1R + R1 ) ¿
Vo=R ¿ ¿¿

Investor calculations adder.

i1+i 2=i3

V 1−Vx V 2−Vx Vx−Vo

+ =
Figure 6. Wave phase shift of 90 ° with respect V 1 V 2 −Vo
to the input Vx=0 + =

Vo=−(V 1+V 2)

Two adders are used to obtain the required level


Calculation of the non-inverting adder.

Fig 7. Adder adder inverter and non-inverte

V1 V2
R 1 R2
V +¿
1 1
R1 R2

R 1=R 2=R 3=RF=10 K

Figure 10. Output Stage comparison
Figure 8. Adder inverter and non-inverter level

g ) Optical Coupler


The comparison voltage is -10V to 10V for this To isolate the control circuit and power be used
power sources of the operational amplifiers 14 K3010P optocouplers. Optocoupler will output
and -14 will be used and a voltage divider to a series resistor and a diode in parallel to protect
obtain the required levels. the SCR .


Two comparator circuits , one for the cosine

inverted signal and the other signal to be used
cosine not reversed, shot each of them will be
wt = wt = α and α + π .

Figure 11. Attach control stage with power, by


h ) Power amp

The power stage will consist of a set of 4 SCRs

so that the topology for that of a single-phase
full-wave rectifier

Figura 9. Voltage comparator circuit,

comparison voltage range of -10V to 10V.
Figure 15. for α = 0 degrees controlled rectifier
Fig. 12. Step opto coupler and power amplifier

2. Draw a block diagram that includes all stages

of the control circuit and power circuit

igure 16. for α = 30 degrees controlled rectifier

Figure 13. Block Diagram

4. Graphics operating power circuit

Figure 17. for α = 60 degrees controlled rectifier

Figure 14. for α = 90 degrees controlled


Figure 18. V for α = 120 degrees controlled


Draw the following graphs:

1. Shooting Angle vs Control Voltage

TABLE 1. angle shot VS Voltage Control Data

Angle shot

Figura 20. Voltaje eficaz en la carga


Figure 15. Signal input voltage rectifier

When the full-wave controlled rectifier a firing

angle α equals zero degrees is implemented , the
output voltage signal is exactly equal to the
signal that would be obtained a full-wave
Figure 19 . Shooting Angulo vs Control Voltage rectifier with diodes formed only at the stage of
rectification, for comparison that such a signal
is shown in the figure, and then be compared
with the signal obtained when the firing angle α
2. Effective load voltage control voltage vs to 90 degrees varies.

TABLE 2. Control Voltage vs average value in

the load

average value in the load

Fig 16. Output voltage of the rectifier α firing

angle of zero degrees.
In the design proposed firing angle α of 90 current and voltage specifications for the
degrees , whereby the output voltage signal SCR has a stable pulse for driving.
corresponding to the trap shown in Figure used
 It is recommended to analyze the design
considering the losses of the various
components to thereby the results obtained
in the laboratory are closest to the design


 1. Muhammad H, Rashid.
figure 17 . output voltage of the rectifier α firing “Electrónica de potencia: Circuitos,
angle of 90 degrees. dispositivos y aplicaciones”, 2da.
edición, Prentice Hall Hispanoamérica,
S.A. México, 1995.
 Octavio Cruz Rodríguez. “Validación
as can be corroborated in the figure the output De Circuitos del Laboratorio De
voltage corresponds to a half wave of each Electrónica de Potencia”. Proyecto de
positive and negative cycle comes from the Graduación. Universidad de Costa
input voltage signal . Rica. Junio del 2006.

 Gólcher Luis A “Notas del curso de

electrónica de potencia”.Universidad
de Costa Rica, 2006.

 James, Glyn y colaboradores.

“Matemáticas avanzadas para
ingeniería”, 2da edición, Pearson
Educación, México, 2002.

figure 18. output voltage vo and input voltage



 the minimum angle at which the scr is

conducts from 0 , since the scr need wave
current flowing through the i reaches the
value of this power for driving , therefore
the minimum angle is about 148 degrees .

 is very important check in vacuum that is

not load the control circuit is operating
correctamnete , this order to avoid
accidents when connecting the load and
also to check polarities supply , both
control those listed power to avoid risks
and electrical damage when measuring be

 You must choose either the optocouplers to

be used in the circuit , as these must meet

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