Hooke's Law Lab-Part B: Correct Use Significant Digits Mandatory For Each Question

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Hooke’s Law Lab—Part B

Student Name:__________________________ Date:_________________

Correct use significant digits mandatory for each question.

1. Use the apparatus at the front of the room and the two 50.00 g masses to determine the force constant
for the unknown spring. (Use g=9.81 m/s2)

(5 marks)

2. Use the force constant determined in Step 1 to find the combined mass of the two erasers. This is the
experimental value for the mass of the erasers.

(5 marks)

3. Use the electronic balance to find the combined mass of the erasers. This is the accepted value for the
mass of the erasers. Find the percent error between accepted and experimental mass values.

(5 marks)

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