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'The World Of Sports Podcast' is designed to
give our audience, an insight into the major
sports all around the world. We will be
discussing major topics that relate to sports and
athletes, whilst interviewing different athletes
every episode. To make sure our audience is
entertained, we will be discussing a different
topic each and every episode, such as football
news, boxing news, basketball news, etc. It is
our job to keep our audience up to date with
each and every sports detail that happens all
over the world.
The target audience for Over 24

our podcast consists of

young explorers and 18-24

Although our audience 25%

aspirers, from 13-18.

can be opted for
However, our podcasts
anyone, we grouped
are suitable for all ages,
our audience into
especially for those with
unemployed or middle
a passionate side for 13-18

class, and intend to 70.8%

sports. We chose young

create a free service for
explorers and aspirers
all. There will be no ONLY 9% OF
due to the fact, our
focus on gender due to PEOPLE DO NOT
podcast is not only
our focus on equality.
entertaining, but PLAY SPORTS
Over 24
4.2% 15



Male Female Other
Our purpose is to discuss different details and news on numerous
sports all around the world to a wide sports based community. Our
goal is to discuss sports events, news, and details whilst interviewing
great athletes, in order to entertain our audience and create a great
community all around the world. At 'The world of sports' Podcast,
our goal is to build a safe place where all true sports lovers can come
together and discuss topics based in and around sports.
Whilst interviewing athletes is one of our main
features, discussions about the performances of
players, and analysis of matches, is highly
interesting. From analyzing the physical
performances, and the mental side of sports by
using video analysis, we will be discussing amongst
others each detail in order to provide information
and insight into each sport for our audiences to
Whilst we will be discussing athlete performances in a wide
range of sports, we will also be going through the
performances outside of the sports, for example, the build up
preparations towards a fight or competition. This is a key topic
for our audience, and our athletes, as it gives us an insight into
not just matches and competitions, but the preparations into it
and what athletes go through to gain fame and glory and their
world outside of sports!
We will be hosting a page for our audience community
in order to create a safe environment where
discussions and questions can be asked, to us and our
audiences. This will be a place for our audience to feel
safe, open, and enjoy the experience of learning new
topics of a variety of sports. We will be hosting quizzes,
surveys and will be taking feedback in order to improve
our podcasts. How will our quizzes work? - Our quizzes
will consist of our audiences rating player
performances, tactics, and matches, in sports such as
football, basketball , tennis etc. At the end of each
match/contest, our audience will be able to rate player
performances from 0-10, giving us a reaction in our
podcast episodes.
Discussing details, such as physical
injury details, preparations etc.


Analysing tactics, methods, and physical
performances amongst athletes.

A page where our audience and us can come
together as a community.
For our service, we will be As I am the founder, and
minimalizing our budget, due to presenter of 'The world of sports
the compatibility of our podcast', I will be funding the
equipment and location. As the organization for any equipment
podcast will not be a video needs.
podcast, we will be able to save However, through thorough
a large amount of money and planning and discussions, we have
invest the money into the come to a conclusion that we will
charity: Soccer Aid. Whilst our be spending less than £100 on the
audience can listen and enjoy making and producing of our
our podcasts. We also set out to podcast. This includes,
make the world a better place, advertisements, website fee's,
and audiences can also equipment, etc.
contribute towards donating
through our website.
What makes our podcast unique and special, is the limited
amount of competitors. Yes, there are the likes of Joe
Rogan, BBC, TransferTalk, who are all well known podcasts
and do discuss sports topics, However, there is none like
'The world of sports podcast'. This is because we are always
based on sports and the world around sports, and never off
topic. Furthermore, our ethical ways, allow audiences to
create a better and safer place in the world, which can
affect thousands of lives all across the world. We look to
educate the young generation with topical discussions and
information they may not find elsewhere. With interviews,
with thousands of athletes and sports members, it gives
audiences a bigger insight into SPORTS.
For our podcast, the resources Furthermore, Social media is key to
required are minimal. As our podcast 'The World Of Sports' Podcast. We will
is an audio-only podcast, the be presenting all updates, and times in
resources and equipment needed our social media profiles. Our main
mostly consist of a Phone, or social media sites will be based in
recording device, and an empty YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter, in
room. Of course, having access to order to advertise and promote our
the internet is crucial for our podcast podcast services to a wider range of
service as we will be hosting it on our people. Our podcasts will be hosted on
website, and on our YouTube YouTube and our website, whereas,
channel. Instagram and Twitter will be used to
promote, advertise, and update our
audience on our upload times.

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