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Areas of Strength

Laura’s Eligibility category is: Down Syndrome (DS)

1. Laura can read aloud 50 sight words and knows the sounds of all letters of the alphabet.

2. Laura can do basic addition and subtraction.

Areas of Need

3. Laura needs help in sounding out and pronouncing words that are unknown to her.

4. Laura cannot multiply or divide.

Instructional Accommodations:

Writing Skills

5. Monitor Laura’s sitting posture, make sure her feet are on the ground and she is stable to


6. Prepare notes that have places to fill in, so Laura does not have to write the entire set


7. Relate math work to Laura’s interests (example if Snow White had twice the number of

dwarves, she would have how many?)

8. Allow her the use of calculators or apps on a tablet to ensure work is correct

Word Problems

9. Use visual aids or a free education app to help work through word problems (free apps

offered through Google Play or the Apple Store or via online)

10. Re-word or re-work word problems so that Laura can decipher and relate to (time, money,


11. Include pictures or flash cards that Laura can utilize.

Cognitive Learning Skills

12. Bring up old work or concepts throughout the semester to ensure Laura is retaining


13. Allow for breaks if Laura is struggling or becoming restless.

Environmental Accommodations

14. Allow Laura to help the teacher whenever possible (handing out papers, collecting papers,

forming a line to leave the classroom)

15. Allow Laura to work independently, with a group or with a teacher, depending on her mood

or if she is in need of help.

Assessment Accommodations

16. Laura is allowed to ask questions if she is confused but not allowed to ask for answers.

17. Laura is allowed to take assessments wherever she feels comfortable (in class, in library, in


Social Skills

18. Laura will join some sort of extracurricular activity (art group, music, dance, sports team).
19. Laura will be placed in all groups throughout the year, no matter what skill level the other

students are at.

20. Laura will meet with those involved in her IEP once a month to talk about how she is doing

and what she likes.


Manuscript Writing

21. By semi-annual review date of the 2020-2021 school year, in a classroom setting, Laura will

write out 7 letters without the use of tracing or stencils, achieving an 80% proficiency (up from

75%) measured by the observation of all those involved with her IEP (excluding non-licensed


Cursive Writing

22. By semi-annual review date of the 2020-2021 school year, in a classroom setting, Laura will

write out 13 letters in upper and lower case, using dots or other aids (no stencils or tracing),

achieving a 75% proficiency (up from 65%) measured by the observation of all those involved

with her IEP (excluding non-licensed professionals).

Arithmetic Benchmarks

23. By semi-annual review date of the 2020-2021 school year, in a classroom setting, Laura will

be able to multiply and divide numbers 0 – 4 and then 5 – 10 at 90% proficiency (up from 75%)

measured by the observation of all those involved with her IEP (excluding non-licensed

Word Problems Benchmark

24. By semi-annual review date of the 2020-2021 school year, in a classroom setting, Laura will

be able to work through word problems that are based on time, money and distance at a 90%

proficiency (up from 70%) measured by the observation of all those involved with her IEP

(excluding non-licensed professionals).

Reading Comprehension Benchmarks

25. By quarterly review date of the 2020-2021 school year, in a classroom setting, Laura will be

able to recognize and sound aloud 5 new sight words (adding to her total list) measured by the

observation of all those involved with her IEP (excluding non-licensed professionals).

Cognitive Learning Skills Benchmark

26. By quarterly review date of the 2020-2021 school year, in a classroom setting, Laura will be

achieving a 70% proficiency on all tests and quizzes, through use of any resources available to

her (excluding tablets or computers), measured by the observation of all those involved with her

IEP (excluding non-licensed professionals).

Social Skills Benchmark

27. By semi-annual review date of the 2020-2021 school year, in a classroom setting, Laura will

be responding appropriately to in-class discussions and questions asked, at a proficiency of 80%

(up from 70%), measured by the observation of all those involved with her IEP (excluding non-

licensed professionals).

Implementing and Monitoring

28. Mr. O’Neil will work with Laura (and others) in a low stress, group environment, one hour

after lunch to work on behavior and communication skills. This will take place in a resource

room or outside (weather permitting).

29. Laura will be able to tell her parents what she has learned and/or accomplished each week,

maintaining a log with parental signatures.

30. Laura will work on volunteering to help and answer questions, straying away from being

chosen or called upon.

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