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1 Use knowledge of students to engage them in learning

Level of Development: Applying
● I utilize pre/post tests to gather data to help guide instructional strategies.
● I have students create “about me” presentations at the beginning of the year to help me
learn about the students. I continuously work on having informal conversations with
students to get to know them better.

1.2 Connect learning to students’ prior knowledge, backgrounds, life experiences, and
Level of Development: Exploring/Applying
● We are provided with lessons and a curriculum through collegeboard Pre-AP. As I read
through the lesson plans, I make adjustments to the lessons to better connect with my
students. Adding background information and/or adding context to help them better
understand/connect with the content.

1.3 Connect subject matter to meaningful, real-life contexts

Level of Development: Integrating
Date: 11/2020
● Including images in presentations that are familiar to students (for example, if we are
talking about food webs, I use organisms that students are familiar with as examples) or
images that give a visual representation of text.
● I use examples that are meaningful to students (learning about biomes, I have them
research the biome that we live in and compare it to another biome of their choosing).
● I have students research topics to build on their understanding. I will give examples for
students who need more guidance but also leave it open for them to choose an area of
interest. (for example, research communalistic relationships and choose one organism to
explain its relationship…)

1.4 Use a variety of instructional strategies, resources, and technologies to meet

students’ diverse learning needs
Level of Development: Integrating
Date: 11/2020
● I integrate digital tools into my lessons regularly.
● Most of my assignments are done through the computer so that students can utilize
options like text to speech, spell check, and translation tools.
● When taking notes, I provide skeleton notes to anyone that wants them.
● I work to integrate drawing into my lessons (like drawing cell shapes/structures in
● I use short videos and utilize edpuzzle to check for understanding and add clarifying
statements to those videos.
● I hold guided discussions where students work in groups to answer questions and then I
randomly call on groups to share out.
● I translate documents using the function built into word to supply students with
assignments in their first languages.
● I utilize Pear Deck to check for understanding and adapt lessons based on class
understandings of concepts as we go.

1.5 Promote critical thinking through inquiry, problem solving, and reflection
Level of Development: Exploring/Applying
Date: 11/2020
● I create or modify activities that support lesson content and accompany them with
questions that help to guide students to solutions.
● I use warm up questions that are designed to promote comprehension and critical
thinking of a previous lesson or to help introduce a coming lesson.
● Students collect data, analyze the data, and then write conclusions for labs.
● I use PearDeck to ask questions about lectures or lessons to promote comprehension
and critical thinking

1.6 Monitor student learning and adjusting instruction while teaching

Level of Development: Integrating
Date: 11/2020
● I am constantly watching student engagement by watching for facial expressions, asking
clarifying questions throughout a lesson, I constantly walk around the room checking in
with students as I go. I make it a point to check in with students that I know are
struggling with concepts. I offer time after school when I feel that students may need
extra support.
● During PearDeck lessons, I am able to give live feedback with students changing their
answers based on the feedback given.
● I open breakout rooms (during distance learning) for students to join during independent
work to ask clarifying questions when they need to.

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