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By: Brianna Barragan

Flora in the African savanna has to be able to survive its
climate. They have to be able to survive and grow in long
periods of drought, but also live during periods of rainfall.
They have to adapt to the environment to conserve and hold
water. They also have to be fire resistant.
Umbrella Thorn Acacia Manketti Tree
Bermuda Grass
There are many different kinds of animals in the African
savanna. The carnivores eat other animals. The herbivores eat
the grass from the grasslands. Many animals adapted to the
savanna they also can camouflage to hide from predators in
the wild.

Aardvark Serval
African Buffalo
The savanna has a warm and wet climate. The temperature in
the savanna ranges from 68 F to 78 F. The temperature does
not go over 87 F or below 68 F. In the savanna, there are 6-8
months of wet summer season and 4-6 months of dry winter
season. There are long periods of drought. It usually rains
from May to November.
Carnivores eat herbivores also scavengers and decomposers
break down organic subject, making it open to producers and
completing the food cycle. While the maasai eat crocodile,
cow, antelope, and etcetera.They also plant crops and harvest
many types of foods.
Their many people who are native to
that land
The End

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