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Republic of the Philippines


Tamag, Vigan City
2700 Ilocos Sur

College of Nursing
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In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of the Course

Nursing Care Management 111 Nursing Research 1

Presented to:

Epifania Purisima

Presented by:

Bongolan, Mikaela Alexandra S.

Raceles, Mariam Yiani A.

Supnad, Janelle C.

Pacama, Ryrey Abraham

Tugadi, Christian P.
Chapter 1



The Philosophy and Science of Caring addresses how nurses express care to their

patients. Caring is central to nursing practice, and promotes health better than a simple

medical cure. Nursing requires a combination of innate and professional care skills to

intervene in a competently caring manner toward patients. The theory of nursing as caring

presented by Watson (2015), caring is central to nursing practice, and promotes health better

than a simple medical cure that involved in the transpersonal interaction. Watson believes

that the practice of caring is the unifying focus for practice that nurses possess both innate

and professional caring in order to enact transpersonal caring relationship. Students who

enrolled in nursing program must have caring ability to interact with patients that can

provides quality patient care that can absolutely affect health outcome which contributes

more positive patient recovery and improve the physical and mental quality of life for

patients with serious illness. Therefore, the study aims to assess the level caring behavior of

students’ nurses towards patient recovery. Using descriptive correlation method to analyze

data gathered and to evaluate the effectiveness rendered by student nurse and to determine the

problems encountered by students’ nurses during giving care with the patients.

Statement of the Problem

This study determined the caring behavior of level III student nurses in the University

of Northern Philippines towards patient’s recovery during the first semester of academic year

Specifically, it answered the following questions:

1. What is the socio-demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

a. age,

b. sex,

c. religion,

2. What is the level of caring behavior of student nurses along:

a. humanism /sensitivity,

b. helping/trust,

c. expression of positive/negative feelings,

d. teaching/learning, and

e. human need assistance?

3. How effective does student nurses caring behavior affect patient’s recovery?

4. Is there’s significant relationship between the respondent’s level of caring behaviors

and their socio-demographic level?

Theoretical Framework

This section presents the researchers readings on related literature and studies which

provided the researchers a better understanding about the research on hand.

Caring Behavior

Humanism /sensitivity


Expression of positive/negative feelings

Teaching/ learning

Human need assistance

Socio-Demographic Profile

Conceptual Framework

The study revolved around the paradigm presented below:

Independent Variables Dependent Variables

Socio-demographic Profile Level Caring Behavior

 Age  Humanism /sensitivity

 Sex  Helping/trust
 Religion  Expression of positive/negative
 Teaching/ learning
 Human need assistance

 Significant relationship between

the respondent’s level of caring
behaviors and their socio-
demographic level
 Effectiveness of caring behavior
toward patient’s recovery

Figure 1. The Research Paradigm

The research paradigm shows the relationship between the level of caring intelligence

and socio-demographic profile of the respondents as well as the significant effects of caring

behavior in nursing practice on dealing with patient recovery.


Based on the problems raised, this study has the following hypotheses:

1. There is a significant relationship between student nurses’ level of Caring Behavior

and their socio-demographic profile.

2. Caring behavior of level III student nurses has a big factor in boosting patient’s


Scope and Delamination

This study focused on the level of caring behavior of level III student nurses in the

University of Northern Philippines during first semester of academic year 2020-2021.

Moreover, the study determines the significant relationship between the level of caring

behavior and socio-demographic profile of the respondent along with its effect to patient’s


The independent variables in this study include the socio-demographic profile of the

respondents such as age, sex, and religion. On the other hand, the dependent variables

concentrated of the level of caring behavior in terms of humanism /sensitivity, helping/trust,

expression of positive/negative feelings, teaching/ learning, and human need assistance which

greatly possessed by the student nurses during the giving care to the patient

Operational Definition of Terms

The following terms which are used in this study are operationally defined to

provide better understanding of meanings in the study.

Socio-demographic Profile. This refers to the personal characteristics or personal

data of the respondents. In this study it includes age, sex, and religion.

Age – This refers how long the respondents have been existing since birth up

to present.

Sex – Pertains to whether the respondents of being male or female.

Religion – This refers to the respondent’s affiliation of spiritual organization.

E.g. Roman Catholic, Jehovah’s Witness, etc.

Caring behavior – This refers to respondents’ actions concerned with the well-being

of a patient, such as sensitivity, comforting, attentive listening, honesty, and non-judgmental

acceptance along:

Humanism/sensitivity – It is the perspective of the respondents to seek value,

meaning, and creativity in all they do.

Helping/trust – The ability of the respondent to destitute a helping hand or


Expression of positive/ negative feelings – This refers to respondent’s

interpretation of feelings and/or showing results from a positive and/or negative

situation towards an event or a person.

Teaching/learning – This refers to how the respondents interact

as learners work toward their goals and incorporate new knowledge, behaviours, and

skills that add to their range of learning experiences.

Human need assistance – It is the respondents’ performance of

physical assistance to the patient that is unable to perform the Activity of Daily


Patient’s recovery – It is the return of patient’s to previous “normality” in their

various ADL.


This section presents a discussion of the research design, population, data gathering

instrument, and statistical treatment of data

Research Design: The study will use descriptive correlational method using

descriptive statistics to measure the level of caring behavior of student nurses. The

mode of giving question will be in google form since students are not allowed to go

out due to pandemic.

Population: The respondent of the study would be the Level II nursing student

of College of Nursing in the University of Northern Philippines who already exposed

in clinical duties at different hospital around Ilocos Sur. Randomize Sampling will be

use due to high demand of representative sample and a total of 100 respondent will be


Data Gathering Instrument:

Statistical Treatment of Data: To answer the formulated problems, the

researchers utilized the following statistical tools in treating the data gathered:

1. Mean – determined the values collected in level of caring behavior of

the respondents.

2. Frequency and Percentage – determined and summarize the data from

the respondents by their socio-demographic profile and level of


3. Bivariate Correlational Analysis - determined the significant

relationship between the level of caring behavior and the socio-

demographic profile of the respondents.

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