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Brides for Sale

Bulgaria's-Roma Marriage Market

Nowadays, marriage is a relationship created between a man and a woman based on a

premarital relationship with a committed readiness with consideration of various aspects and
decisions together. But what if marriage happens by buying a partner through the wedding
market? Why would that happen? What are the provisions in the tradition of brides for sale in
Bulgaria’s Roma marriage market? What is the relationship between the marriage market and
social stratifications? Why is the tradition still running in the modern era as it is today? What
factors influence this tradition still apply? There are various things that I will try to tell you in
order to understand the tradition of Brides for sale which is very completed but also
interesting. This essay will use theories of rationalization and culture theory specifically
social-conflict theory, feminist theory, and structural-functional theory of society the
historical theory of Bulgaria's Roma marriage market as well as the opinions of many social

Brides for sale Bulgaria’s Roma marriage market is a tradition of Kalaychi ethnicity
which is a small blacksmith ethnic that has a population of about ±18,000 which runs the
tradition of brides for sale in the Bachkovo bridal market. The Kalaychi ethnicity is a
conservative ethnicity in which they only perform marriages in their communities and also
include ethnicities who are very guarded and cling to their traditions, which they themselves
do not know where the tradition comes from and since when it runs because there is no
certainty when the tradition exists. The Kalaychi ethnicity is a difficult ethnicity to approach
than other Bulgarians because they are unaffected by modern culture and still live rigid
cultural habits to marry only in their own communities. Identically, Max Weber (The
Rationalization of Society) demonstrates the importance of ideas to the development of
human societies. With a wide-ranging knowledge of law, economics, religion, and history.
Max Weber (1864–1920) Weber focused on ways that people thought about their world. By
tradition, Weber meant values and beliefs passed from generation to generation. In other
words, traditional people are guided by the past, and they feel a strong attachment to
long-established ways of life. They consider particular actions right and proper mostly
because they have been accepted for so long. People in modern societies, however, favor
rationality, a way of thinking that emphasizes deliberate, matter-of-fact calculation of the
most efficient way to accomplish a particular task. Sentimental ties to the past have no place
in a rational worldview, and tradition becomes simply one type of information. Typically,
modern people think and act on the basis of what they see as the present and future
consequences of their choices. In Non-material culture, the ideas were created by members of

In the tradition of brides for sale Bulgaria’s Roma ethnic Kalaychi men pay
between €1,000-€10,000 to marry a woman who a man deems appropriate and according to
their wishes, it is important for Kalaychi women to remain virgins and it has consequences
for them. In addition to virginity, the value of Kalaychi women is also determined by how
beautiful and has a good reputation. It is possible that social standing affects how others see
them. Social class, like race, plays a large part in shaping a child's personality. Whether born
into families of high or low social position, children gradually come to realize that their
family's social standing affects how others see them and, in time, how they come to see
themselves. In addition, research shows that class position affects not just how much money
parents have to spend on their children but also what parents expect of them (Ellison,
Bartkowski, & Segal, 1996). The virginity, beauty, and reputation of Kalaychi women mean
that bridal for sale has social problems. Additionally, brides for sale Bulgaria's-Roma
marriage market representative theories of Culture. Structural-functional theory views culture
as a relatively stable system built on core values. All cultural patterns play some part in the
ongoing operation of society. Structural-functional theory points to ways social stratification
helps society operate.

In the process of brides for sale tradition, many provisions in it concern social
stratification such as the class system, based on both birth and individual achievement. In
class systems, unequal rewards attract the ablest people to the most important jobs and
encourage effort. In addition, women who have a beautiful face and a good reputation have
higher prices. even so, the demands of tradition result in gender discrimination against
women's rights through their role in the family and they cannot play an active role in society.
Kalaychi's ethnic attitude is unacceptable that women should be restricted in such a way that
they do not even have the simplest basic knowledge and skills to participate. That is why
Kalaychi women experience inequality rather than men in the process of brides for sale. This
is in line with the Social-conflict theory that sees culture as a dynamic arena of inequality and
conflict. Cultural patterns benefit some categories of people more than others. Max Weber
identified three distinct economic classes, social status or prestige, and power. Conflict exists
between people at various positions on a multidimensional hierarchy of socioeconomic status.
Men in the Kalaychi ethnicity are not questioned about virginity and how handsome they are,
but that applies to women. Although, men who buy women but still it is not justified because
men and women should have the same rights as each other. In this case bridal for sale is also
representative of feminist theory highlights how culture is "gendered," dividing activities
between the sexes in ways that give men. Sociobiology explores how the long history of
evolution has shaped patterns of culture in today's world. Because all human beings of any
gender have the right to equal rights. A woman's value is unbiasedly measured from her face
and virginity. Discrimination of women in the tradition of brides for sale only harms women.
Gender refers to the personal traits and social positions that members of a society attach to
being female or male. From a feminist point of view, gender is a crucial dimension of social

Ethnic Kalayci especially families of men and women who will do the wedding
market that becomes agents of socialization must have a good mindset. However, the
Kalaychi ethnicity is open-minded to the development of such times as the use of technology.
But they are not questioning the tradition that they live in today's era is a tradition that has
primitive thinking in the modern era. Indirectly, selling their daughter for profit or in Kalayci
women like they need to sell themselves. In this case, the Kalaychi ethnicity must dare to find
a reason why they live the tradition even though it is difficult. However, the culture in society
is not always true because the tradition usually in line with the era of the tradition is made to
show that the era affects the validity of tradition. Link to the past and the guide to the future
(Macionis 2007) Ethnic Kalaychi must make changes if they want to be detached from brides
for sale or they may have to have a new cultural formula. The micro-level approach to the
personal experience of culture, which emphasizes how individuals not only conform to
cultural patterns but also create a new pattern in their everyday lives. Additionally, Karl Marx
suggests it false consciousness, explaining social problems as the shortcomings of individuals
rather than as the flaws of society. Mark was motivated by compassion and wanted to help a
badly divided society create a new and more just social order.

We have seen that bridal for sale Bulgaria's Roma marriage market is a primitive
tradition in modern times. In the process of brides for sale and its traditional provisions, there
is social stratification such as class system, gender discrimination and rights, and inequality.
The evidence as a result shows that bridal for sale is a tradition that is no longer in line with
the present era. In my opinion, Kalaychi ethnicities have to make changes if they want to be
detached from brides for sale or they can have to create a new cultural formula whose
provisions are in line with the present era where there is no selling woman for-profits,
inequality, or discrimination. It is important how women are treated in society and have
gender equality in their everyday lives.

Social stratification : Macionis, John J.,(2018), Sociology, (Sixteenth Edition,

Global Edition), Essex, England: Pearson Limited,​ p.86-291.

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