Cultura Propuesta de Una Actividad Spa314 1

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Madison Brusak & Areli Berlanga

Propuesta para una actividad sobre la cultura (SPA 314)

4. Los estudiantes obtienen acceso a la vida diaria y costumbres por medio de encuentros en persona o
virtuales con hablantes nativos. (ejemplo: pp. 15-16)

LOS OBJETIVOS Indica 2-3 objetivos de la actividad de cultura ¿Qué conocimiento

cultural/competencia intercultural obtendrán los estudiantes?

1. Students will be able to communicate with native speakers about their daily routine.

2. Students will be able to describe how culture influences daily routines.

3. Students will be able to compare and contrast cultural differences in the daily routines of
students in Spain and students in the United States.

LA TAREA Describe la actividad de cultura

Título Intercambio cultural

Descripción In this lesson, students will learn about how culture influences daily routines. The
(incluye teacher will review vocabulary terms that help describe daily routines. The
detalles) teacher will also show a video clip of the typical daily routines of people in Latin
American or Spain. After the video, students will reflect on their own daily
routine and exchange daily routines with a partner in the class.
Students will be given the opportunity to share their daily routines with students
from Spain via Zoom. During their virtual interchange, students are to
communicate, listen, and take notes.
After their virtual interchange, the whole class will come together and reflect on
their experiences as well as what they learned from their partner’s daily routine.
Students will be given post-it notes. In two post-it notes, students will write a
significant difference that they noticed from their partner’s daily routine (one
post-it noting how it is in Spain vs one post-it noting how it is in the US). In their
third post-it note, students will write a similarity that they noticed from their
partner’s daily routine.
The teacher will draw a big Venn diagram on the whiteboard, labeled the U.S on
one side and Spain on the other. Students will take their post-it notes and place
them on the appropriate section of the Venn-diagram.
There will be a whole-class discussion, where the teacher tells the students to
share the types of differences and similarities they wrote on their post-it notes.
Madison Brusak & Areli Berlanga

¿Qué productos, prácticas y Students should recognize cultural products within their
perspectivas deseas que reconozcan partner’s daily routines such as music, food, institutions,
los estudiantes? and/or types of transportations. Students should recognize
cultural practices within their partner’s daily routines such as
meal times and/or common social behaviors and interactions.
Students should recognize cultural perspectives based on their
partner’s daily routine such as the importance of family,
fundamental parts of meals, values, and/or health.

Explica los tipos de comunicación que The students will practice the communicative function of
practicarán los estudiantes durante la speaking and listening as they converse with the native
actividad. speakers about their daily routines. The students will also
practice writing as they take notes about their partner’s daily
routine and write notes for the collaborative Venn-Diagram.

Para ayudar a los estudiantes a completar la actividad, (véase pp. 19-21), ¿Qué harás…

…antes de la actividad? The teacher will review the vocabulary that students have
already learned to describe their daily routines. The teacher
will also play a short, authentic vlog about the daily routine of
a person from Latin America to preview the idea that culture
influences our daily routine.

…durante la actividad? The class will have a virtual interchange with students from
Spain via Zoom. Each student will be assigned a partner. In
the virtual interchange, students will share their daily routine
with the native speaker, as well as, listen to their partner’s
daily routine while taking notes and answering some of the
teacher’s guided questions. The students will be given
prompts/questions to ask their partner to help guide the
conversation (ex. What time are your meals? What is your
school schedule like? What's the common transportation you
use every day? etc.).
Note questions (Personalize):
What is a similarity you noticed? (Make connections to your
own culture and the Spain culture)
What is a difference you noticed?
What surprised you the most?
What is something you already knew?

…después de la actividad? The whole class will come together after the language
Madison Brusak & Areli Berlanga

exchanges. The teacher will draw a giant Venn-Diagram on

the board: the left side labeled “Spain” the middle labeled
“both” and the right side labeled “US.” The students will write
on post-it notes significant differences and similarities in the
daily routines of students from Spain and students from the
US and stick them on the Venn-Diagram. Once all of the
students have made their notes, the teacher will review the
Venn-Diagram with the class and encourage a discussion
comparing and contrasting daily routines in Spain and the US,
highlighting the idea that culture influences our daily routines.

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