Lexington and Concord

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as. Battle Lenton and Concort Dye er ir Bag er Combatants Generals at the Battle of Lexington and Concord: Colonel Smith, Major Pitcairn and Lord Percy commanded the British Troops, Paul Revere and William Dawes rode to warn the villages on the route to Concord and the Congress. Militia were commanded by Barrett, Buttrick, Robinson and many others. ‘Approximately around 900-1,000 took place in this battle, Troop Numbers From Each Side British Side Started with:About 90 Started with: 800 Deaths: 49 Deaths:73 ‘Wounded: 39 ‘Wounded: About 200 Lost: 5 Commanders From Each Army American Colonists Kingdom of Great fritan Summary of the Battle (On April 19, 1775 The Battle of Lexington and Concord was the beginning ofan eight year war. General Thomas Gage, the British royal governor of Massachusetts, arranged 700 British troops for their march to Concord on ‘the afternoon of April18. In Concord, the troops were instructed to destroy the rilitary equipment, or firearms, of the colonists. Wiliam Dawes, Samuel Prescott, and Paul Revere rushed to alert colonists of the raid when the \word of the mission leaked. The colonists in Concord were smart enough to hide much of thelr weapons, but the. British destroyed everything they could find. They encountered the redcoats on the Old North Bridge over the Concord River. The British fred, the Americans fired, and the war began. The British were outnumbered and were running short on weapons. They started to retreat to Boston. As soldiers marched along the road, the settlers fired at them from behind the rocks, the walls, and the houses. 8y the time the British returned to Boston, about 2270 British solders hed been killed and injured. The colonists reported about 90 deaths. Battle Map Showing the Strategy ‘This map shows the route that each sie, the british and the militiamen, went through. In Case ‘you're confused about, ‘the people on they key, Paul Revere is @ was apart of the british army while Samuel Prescott was ‘apart ofthe miltismen. Description of the BaHle Strategy ‘Te Battleof Lexington and Concord wees battle between the Bish nd the Mltiamen.Thisbatle started out on Ap 191775 In Lexington when 700 bitch troops cme ard tol the 77 Milten to Surender or ght Ostrumbered, the Mltismen mere ‘commanded by thee commande to surrender, when someone (no oneslniows wht ste fred a shot From there te Britsh started attacking After the fog cleared up, there wre eight Mltarnen dead and nine wounded, After ths the Bish went to ‘Concord to seerch or arms, but when thay fund nothing they decided to burn the ttle tings thet they had found. However the fe gotoutof contro) tothe pont where some Mite thougt thee house would bur, Because ofthis the went othe Nerth Concord bridge, but the Brien was area wating thre fr them and defending, so when they ave they got shot. A few more hours goby an the Bish are sbout to lesve to go beck to Boston when 2,000 mote aiarnen sve en start shooting the British from behind houses, tone walls tees and shes. The Bish were so outnumbered an dn'thave enough tie to get everything that they ended up lenving multe things suchas clothing, weapons. ete. Just to sure After the Bish fle fom ‘Concord they heed back to Lexington, where they met up wth the redcosts for reforcements, While the Bris was there the coloiet wert to atack them, however, the tin kept them in one aot by using cannon fe, And wile thet wes goingon, mare -inarns came back to ey and fino the redoats However the Mime commander di want them to atack which helped ‘the Bt to escape to Charlestown, Historical Significance of the Battle “The Battle of Lexington and Concord is whststerted the American Revolutionary War If ths war never hed happened, we would stil be under British control The ‘shot heard sround the world occurredin Lexington, Massachusetts tis stl uncertain who shot it, but without it, America would never have independence, This battle is lahat made the Ametiean colonists stand up for independence. Although, tis considered the British won ‘these battles, t drove Americans to bear arms, and to never back down, Thisbatte was the starting of American Independence. SLE We chose effective communicator. This is because by splitting up the work we each earn a different part about ‘the battle and use teamwork to create a project witha the information together. Also because inthis project we ‘talk about the battle and explain what happened and its importance.

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