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[Owner/SPA Name]

[Owner/SPA Address]
[Barangay], ][Municipality], [Province]

Thru: [Broker Name]

[Broker Address]
[Barangay], [Municipality], [Province]

Dear Mr./Ms. [Owner/SPA Name],

This is to signify our interest and intent to purchase your property in [Barangay], [Municipality],
[Province] with TCT No. [Title No.], [Lot No.], and with total lot area of [Lot Area in Words] ([Lot Are in
Numbers]) square meters (sqm) and floor area of [Floor Area in Words] ([Floor Area in Numbers]), which
has been offered to us for purchase by Julio Martin P. Hernandez, your authorized agent.

In this regard, before we provide amount to purchase P[Amount], I would like to request the following:

a) Holding the said property for sale to third parties for [Number of Days] days to conduct due
diligence study. During this period, I/we will undertake various document verification with the
necessary government agencies and conduct technical surveys on the property.
b) Please provide copy of the title, its tax declaration, site location plan and other relevant
documents related to the property.
c) Consent for me/us to enter the property to inspect the typography and boundaries.

We appreciate your favorable consideration of our request and we look forward to hearing from you
soon. We will call your authorized representative by [Date] to follow up this letter or alternatively, you
may call [Buyer’s Phone No.] to give us feedback.


[Buyer Name]
[Buyer Address]
[Barangay], [Municipality], [Province]

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