Gozooheck Part 2

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part 2

by Abu Talha
Gozooheck copyright © 2012 Aston Walker

Artwork copyright © 2012 Aston Walker

Gozooheck Part 2 copyright © 2012 Aston Walker

All rights are reserved to the author. No part of this ebook may
be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written
permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in criti-
cal articles or reviews.

This is a work of fiction. Names, character, places and incidents

are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fic-
titiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead,
business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

For waladi wa bintaini

The Slave of The One Arrives.

The thick grey metallic sky was considerably more lighthearted

than the events that were unfolding on the ground. In a large
palacial square in Central City, the new name for what was for-
mally known as Birmingham in the West Midlands, dignitries from
all over the British isles await the arrival of a being who punish-
ishes tardiness with extreme violence. Nervousness and anxiety
is etched into the great and the good who represent the various
corporate, political and social interests of seventy million citizens.

Never has such a gathering been collected in this state of fear

and terror. This was usually reserved for the population at large
or the filthy unwashed ninety-nine percent. Limited interaction
with the common citizenry was the hallmark of the fragile aristoc-
racy, corporate bankers (otherwise known as the ‘New masters of
the Universe’) and the political elite, who’s interests range from
sun worship and satanic ritualistic human sacrifice to jews for
muslims who hate zionism and end of the world christians.
All the hatred and loathing that this confederacy feels for their
fellow members of parliament, are constantly replayed on vast
3D holographic entertainment screens that pepper the city like a
pox on a concrete teenagers face. The BBC has sworn allegian-
cies to uphold British values whilst Channel 4 has become the
socialist pagan propaganda network that is opposed to anything
resembling religious morality. The rapid development of newly
generated sexually transmitted diseases, led to mass support for
the Channel 4 mandate, because everyone is at it like knives.
Ignorance is bliss, except where it makes ‘us’ look like fools,
became the corporate mantra of 2065, a year before the Brit-
ish monarchy celebrated its thousandth year of racial superiority.
The black-aryan act of great Britain was an attempt to include all
races into the fabric of the next thousand year reich. The word
‘Aryan’, meaning noble, is being filtered to all branches of human-
ity. The order of the black aryan being the latest attempt to bring
to heel various inner city rebellions by armed black youth gangs.
The annual summer riots, which began in the 80’s, now re-occur
every 5 years or so. Using the latest black sphere software tech-
nology, prisoners of Our Majesties Private Prisons can be mentally
programmed to feel no love or empathy but to simply follow the
rules of boundary and place. Whole villages have been turned
into open prisons where sexless non violent convicts wander
around in a semi depressed state whilst reading peer review sci-
entific journals. Once the sentences have been completed, they
return to society and their loved ones, with no memory of the
crimes they have committed. Early experiments with this technol-
ogy led to a mass outbreak of self immolation that burned down
a corporate hi-tech test facility. The current version of the ‘prison-
er-state-of-mind’ software is a 100% safe.

Prime Minister Dawood Insiduos, who is half Saudi and a quart

Scots with the remainder being German-Anglo Saxon, won the
last election when the disastrous labour party failed to kill enough
rioters. Prime Minister Insiduos promised to kill more rioters and
double his score, with every civil disturbance, in line with the
ministry of defences spending budget.
A series of military misadventures in Iran and the escalating civil
war in the United States has led to the deaths of 250,000 UK
military personnel. The war in america is spreading and so is a
violent strain of syphallis that merged with bird flu. Indias failed
attempt to invade Britain was thwarted only with the help of the
super soldier program and the discovery of the Black Sphere
Tech™ which gave Britain an unlimited source of power. MacGuf-
fin Ziz, a powerful private defense contractor, signed a special
deal with the British government guaranteeing supplies until
judgement day. With all these pressing problems swirling around
the Prime Ministers head, it was no wonder that his ulcer was
playing up, just at the moment the very rule and governance of
Britain is about to take a turn for the worse. In fact the very ar-
rival of this unknown being will reset British history to zero there-
by undermining the very fabric of civil society and it’s archaic
english traditions of hypocrisy and divide and conquer.
High above the earth the green cloaked being prepares for his
arrival. The ‘Slave’ hangs suspended in the thick black vacuum
of space. Wrapped in a semi-transparent cape that shimmers
and refracts the stars light the sentinel appears to sigh as he
weighs up the pros and cons of taking over a whole country
that is steeped in history and tradition. He knows this by his
contact with the geo stationary satellites that hover above the
green and blue planet. By placing a hidden ring on his right hand
over the toxic metalic communication device, data streams are
transformed into visual or audio energy pulses which inform him
about the affairs of the gathered elites. How could the rulers of
Britain be so arrogant? The slaves only one goal, is to be the
undisputed ruler of Britain. In the distance another secret mili-
tary satellite is being engaged. With a graceful, almost dance like
movement, the silent sentient being points his right fist towards
the invisible data set and reads the hidden message.

The news is not good. Devastated by the digital revelations, the

floating figure clenches his fist enraged at the duplicity of earths
“When will they learn that it is not the superiority of the weap-
ons or the generals or the will of the non-combatant masses. It
is non of these things. Only the will of The One is the deciding
Turning his head to the mighty creation surounding earth the
servant takes in the awesome strength of the violent universe.
Posture is adjusted to aid descent to the agreed meeting place
as the neutrino powered suit of armour hurls the being towards
Central Cities, Victoria Square.

Prime Minister Insiduos summons General Troy-Mayberg via his

contact lens comm.
“Look, my ulcers giving me a bit of trouble.” He squints in visible
pain but remembers his stiff upper lip.
“This being. Slave of the One thingy, knows stuff about us. I
think we should hold fire.”
“Sir we are facing total annihilation at the hands of a megalo-
manic dictator. He has already destroyed high value infrastruc-
ture, this could be our only chance.”
The Prime Minister moves away slightly from his old etonian
chum and godfather to his soon to be born daughter.
“I don’t know. I’m not sure. He doesn’t hesitate to murder those
who oppose his will. We have to be careful. Dammit. Okay. Do
what you have to do.”

Insiduos turns to his P.A. and uplinks to the British media.

“Prime Minister, reports are coming in that an armed group in the
suburbs of Central City have pledged allegiance to a sunni cleric.
Groups of three hundred or more are converting to islam. The
same picture is being repeated in Manchester and Liverpool.”

Unable to process the information the chief executive of Britain

opts for denial.
“This is good for Britain. Maybe this will foster a keen sense of
morality amongst the lower classes and the unemployed.”
He heads toward his ministers who are being touched up by
lackeys as they prepare for the global news feed which will see
this unassuming metropolis become the first country to recieve
an extra terrestrial ambassador. Camera crews with vans and
mini generators hum and buzz as journalists, and spectators who
have blagged entry into the V.I.P. section wait eagerly for the
arrival of The Slave of The One. Many theories have sprung up
about the motives and the agenda of this strange green cloaked
entity. Urban myths refer to him as the ‘God’ of a new era who
is the embodiment of the illuminati. Still others say he is the
master builder who will complete the project of the pharoahs.
Some claim him to be mother natures vicegerent who has come
to redress the balance of corporate greed over the sanctity of the
balance of nature. Most believe it to be a global deception that
is controlled by a secret wing of the British elite and is noth-
ing more than a ploy that will enslave millions and heap further
indignity on the broken population.
“Excuse me, Prime Mister I’m..”
“I know who you are, you’re Nika Victory, Chief correspondent at
the BBC.”
“Well you are very well informed Prime Minister. Ever since the
scandal of Newscorp over half a century ago this ‘arrival’ is very
convenient for the armed police policies and paramilitaries.”
“Very clever. Very clever dear. Now I will be sat over there
amongst the military representatives. After I have recieved the
representative of the ‘One’ I will direct him to your..”

Out of the grey steely clouds a small figure is seen to descend

from the disturbed cloudy vastness. The slave of the one, wears
a dark matter simulation suit. Nano fabric that is made from
chain links of iron from meteorites which are controlled by larger
diamond links that are fashioned in the same style. Two triangles
made up of two triangles and two interlocking polygons. This
matrix, when triggered by the green light laser spectrum, pro-
duces an almost infinite arrangement of outer body armor. The
gathered dignitaries and media gaze upon the caped figure open
mouthed. Some relieve themselves, fearful that this is the prom-
ised judgement day. The more cynical types simply check their
mobile holographic communicators and send updates to an eager

Insiduos recieves some very bad news. His wife has just given
birth to a beautiful baby girl but she has a rare disease that can
only be cured using the latest DNA medication. The legal require-
ment for both parents to sign for the therapies is causing tension
in the home. The tanned six foot plus, broad shouldered man, is
reduced to his inner weakling as he contemplates having to deal
with the privatised health service his administration helped to set
up. He is getting distracted. The whole world is waiting for the
Prime Minister, of a new Britain, to respond to the extra-terres-
trial being who is about to announce to the world his intention
to rule. Never before had such great power been wielded by one
sentient being, separate from the will of the governing elites.
The slave hovered, about a meter above the ground. Security
personnel made a space to allow the Prime Minister to approach
the silent unreal entity before them. With a stately stride, paced
for dramatic affect, Insiduos got within four meters of the green
cloaked figure when all hell breaks loose.

Large blasts of black sphere energy are hurled in the direction of

the jade draped floating entity.
“Attack. Attack. Lets take him down!”

Gangs of balaclava clad special forces men and women throw

ordnance at the still, almost statue-like slave. Bystanders panic
and flee. Those that are caught in the blast radius are shredded
to black wet chunks as the material and clothing become vapour
surrounding charred bone.

Having already discovered the preparations for an attack, the

slave bows his head and then raises his right hand in an out-
streched fashion. The large yellow transparent ball of energy
targets the adrenaline filled hearts of the speacial forces combat-
ants. Once brave fighters keel over like narcolepsy victims. Bub-
bles of boiled blood leaks from their dead open mouths.

“I am the Slave of The One. We are here to reset and correct

your rule of the people. We will not be frustrated or defeated
by your feeble puny weapons technology. We read the hearts of
men and if you harbour aggression or follow the whisperings of
satan from your nafs we will destroy you utterly.”

Wailing and screams can be heard as the dusty faces of cam-

erapersons, politicians, business people, celebrities and religious
leaders bow shameful heads and submit to the harsh reality
that stands before them. An agency of death and destruction
that cares not about their petty conflicts or agendas floats in the
breeze. Embarrassment is the over arching collective emotion as
time becomes absent. The cold light of reality begins to dawn.
Big Media

Central City has long been the source of original talent. Urban hit
makers Team Tin Can, Jozooheck and others have had a global
impact on the pop industry. However non of these compared to
the mysterious rise of, daughter of a wiccan pagan crack ad-
dicted alcoholic mother, Digi-Diva. Raised in the notoriously poor
district of Solihull, this forgotten child watched as her mother
was systematically abused by a succession of her mothers lovers.
Digi-Diva, then named Emirah Ottomon, sought solace in digital
radio with her favourite singers. She quickly found a way to block
out the senseless arguments of those that were charged with her
care and upbringing. As the years passed, with various civil riots
wreaking havoc on the west midlands community, Emirah turned
to drugs and alcohol to feel ‘whole’ again.
One night was to be a turning point in Emirahs life. Working a
strip in Edgbaston near the Twin Towers she attracted a punter
who was clean cut and clean shaven. His powerful teutonic car
had that dull matte finish that was increasingly fashionable. She
leaned into the window sticking out her arse and arching her
back to show any other passing punters her stockinged thighs
and generous batty to all and sundry. Francis, for that was the
name he gave her, showed Emirah his jet black Necrex™ card.
She had to pause and remain calm so as not to give away her
delight at feasting her greedy eyes on an instant data and money
transfer credit card. She lightly fumbled in her handbag to make
sure she had her basic standard issue Dajjal Banking Corpora-
tion™ debit card, so that it was within the five metre range to
recieve payment.
“Ah. You know about the Necrex™ card sweetie pie?”
His voice was like a freshly molested boyband lead singer.
“Come on poppi I’m not a noob. What do you want the full girl-
She let the last word hang in the air like a dirty fart that some
how compelled you to take a second sniff.
“I charge 110 for butt, suck and fuck. Kissing is extra.”
In her self deluded state as “rapist prevention therapist” she bur-
ied the gut instinct and got into the car.
“I’m Francis Teksunbridge. I am the rightful king of Britain!!! I
must have you.”
“Look dearie, I’m an equal opportunist type of gal. Lets go some-
where quiet so I can make you feel special your majesty.”
The colour seemed to drain from Francis face. The muscular but
slim man made a lunge towards Emirahs throat. Too late, too
late. Greed would be her last fully expressed emotion.
It is only in dreams and nightmares that the events that followed
reveal themselves to Emirah. All the windows seemed to shatter
as several ski masked men with powerful machine guns, ap-
peared to suck out Sir Francis Teksunbridge from the interior of
the vehicle. Still attached to his monstrous grip, Emirah managed
to muster enough strength to throw his hands off her throat.
The air that she inhaled that night was like breathing in heaven.
After that, it all went dark.

Dajjal Entertainment Industries manged to buy out all the last re-
maining large conference centers and rebranded them with their
ubiquitous one eyed logo. Subsidary companies have been given
special licenses to produce visual and music media to convey the
message that anything goes; except the truth.
Satan entertainments, a christain based media organisation, that
deployed the logic that the name is really a means to ensnare
the lost so that they can recieve guidance, have produced a star
of such global magnitude she is a hit singer in Russia and the
US and simultaneously in China and India, at the same time she
was a hit in hong kong and the UK. Poptastically rich beyond
all measure, the now named ‘Digi-Diva™’, has erased the dead
memories of Rhianna, Beyonce, Maddona and Lady BlaBa.

“Hi I’m Ashy Jonson on the DJL Entertainment show, going out
to 2 billion people world wide. We’ve got a very special guest on
our show tonight. Her harrowing journey of how she came to be
THE most popular, biggest selling star of all time. EVER!”
“But first she’s going to sing a song for us. Yes an exclusive! Not
even the battered half human, half android Simon Cowell in his
moonbase mansion can say he had an artist that is this influen-
cial. Here she is Digi-Diva singing ‘No Illumination’”
Camera cuts to mid shot of a young tarty singer.
“I’m no Diva, Diva, Di-Vaaaaa,
I’m a river of lo-ooove.
Drink from my bloody fountain,
and then you will always climb that mountain.

9 to 5’er i’m no skiver, I eat a babies liver to quench my thirst.

(repeat this five times to pre-programmed beat.)

This is the story of creation. Darwin is intellectual masturbation.

I might be brown but i’m not Asian. Hetro Zygus, my colours a

(repeat four times using post processing choon correction.)

I’m not a freemason. They don’t exist. I’m no illuminati. they

don’t exist.

No-ooooo illumination, Nooooooo-illuuuu--mination.”

A technician instructs The Digi-Diva through her earpiece.

“Repeat three times and then bow to the audience to recieve ap-
Mark Pressingbee worked hard as a stage manager. This is the
first time he witnessed such an awesome performance by so
talented an actress. The applause from the audience is beyond
decibels, as ear defenders were clasped extra hard on the ears
of the assembled technicians. Mark tapped info into the tablet
to signal to the gallery that adverts would be kicking in and this
show of appreciation needed to be stopped.
“Welcome back folks or votes. Remember voting starts tommor-
row for who will be running Central City. Vote Meloch Teuton.
Back to showbusiness. Digi-Diva everyone!”

Encrusted and bedecked in diamonds the five foot five inch frame
of sultry soul walks to the main stage casting glances of media
trained appreciation at the audience. Her La Roboteiq© heeled
shoes glimmer and glow, displaying black and white movies from
the early twentieth century. The Wizard of Oz is on her left foot.
“Ashy Jonson you dirty old slag. Raped any babies lately?”
Gasps of unbelief ripple through the fee paying audience, then
laughter and a rousing round of applause, pulsates from the vel-
veteen seated mob.
“Oh such sophistication Ashy! what a great satirical audience!”

Two months later Ashy Jonson and Sir Francis Teksunbridge

would be sentenced to death for the human sacrificial slaughter
of up to 200 child victims.

“Now Digi-Diva you have single handedly revived the British mu-
sic business with your mesmerising vocals. What is your secret?
The online community have said nasty things such as you are
possessd by a demon or a member of the illuminati how do you
respond to that.”
The diva adopts a dignified air. Her composure is almost magiste-
“These people are so sad. So sad. My early life was so hard and
my various charity work has turned so many lives around. That
people can say these nasty lies behind a black mirror is just
scary. I mean all I ever do is defend myself from these outra-
geous accusations, but you know what. The fans. The fans are
so beautiful.”
The audience coo and applaud.
“If it wasn’t for them I wouldn’t be here. God only knows why
I’ve been chosen to represent this new vitality and optomism
after what our country has been through with the banksters.”
“I remember my mother telling me about “hang the bankers day”
when 3000 bankers and hedge fund managers were executed.
Many of them from the accursed Goldmnan Sachs who tried to
turn the UK into a feudal slave nation. My story is a strange one.”

The audiences collective sigh, alongside the technicians, is tes-

timony to the terrible facts of what the evil bankers, especially,
Goldman Sachs, tried to do to the global population. Not content
with turning the cradle of democracy Greece into a technocractic
NWO run nation of slaves, Goldman Sachs had instigated wars
and genocides. The spectacular failure of the Iranian invasion
and the collapse of parts of Israel removed the veil from the eyes
of humanity.

Ja-Zeus Eugenics, a playboy trillionaire, had an epithany when

half his fortune was removed by the American Federal Reserve
banksters, with the help of Goldman Sachs, after his funds were
transferred to the ‘muppets’ account. So outraged was Ja-Zeus
that he vowed to insert his then 2 year old son into the deep
government with the sole purpose of destroying the old school
satanic illuminati bloodlines. His new jinn based extra terrestrial
secret society would return the western global banking system to
the gold standard. His son would also take over the online digital
media world and create new pop stars with the sole purpose of
advancing the Eugenics hegemony. As his son rose in power and
influence, sophisticated new technology, coupled with the tech-
niques of mass propaganda, brainwashed and manipulated most
of mankind into carrying out the will of an ageing Ja-Zeus. New
stars of music and screen would enchant the population with
new unearthly sounds that caused them to turn on the estab-
lished elites, ancient, poorly executed attempts at global domina-
tion through the CIA and MI6. The project blue beam initiative to
fake a world wide alien invasion only worked in the United States
of America and led to a horrific civil war that would never end.
This new kakistocracies technological infrastuture, run by high
frequency robot controlled corporations, didnt have an off switch.
The Bazza

The back of the pub had more of a buzz than the main bar. That
is because of three things. It was easier to drink smuggled al-
coholic beverages outside in the brisk winter air. As most of the
patrons were either ex-cons or had mental health issues this
posed little irritation. As for the moral and ethical issue of bring-
ing in cheaper drinks into a pub rather than help the publican in
paying for the electricity and Skynet sports, this was of no con-
cern to the outpatients. The second issue is, this was where the
descendents of the african diaspora could speak freely, argue and
sometimes even engage in extreme violence. Thirdly the beer
garden had become an illicit drugs den where various intoxicants
could be smoked, injected and sniffed at leisure with the tacit
consent of the licencee who took a ten percent cut from every
deal that went down.

Cyrus Dogon Sirius Diop a self taught systems analyst and com-
puter programmer is a frequent drinker. Differing slightly from
the usual clientele in the fact that he actually purchased his soft
drinks from the bar.
“Wha gwaan Cyrus ya looking good today. One fifty please.”
“Yes Tanya. I’m good. Yeah.”
“I need that update for my computer. My son messed it up again.
He keeps going to them dodgy sites.”
“Oh no.” A large grin encircled Diops face. This problem was easy
to solve.
“Sounds a bit complicated I might have to spend the evening on
“I thought you’d say that, you dirty bastard! I’m not cooking you
any food. Come out. Ya too greedy!”
The grin left Diops face like a cured rash. He collected his en-
ergy drink and decamped to the beer garden. A small heroin
and crack spliff awaited him and he was eager to get high after
sleeping through another night in a cold flat where the electric
and gas had run out two nights before.
1.00pm and Diop has at least another 11 hours to kill bumming
around. A lapsed convert to islam, hence the soft drinks, he has
to constantly wrestle with his conscience as he misses prayers,
fornicates and generally gets into all manner of violent confronta-
tions for no reason at all. At around 3.30pm his good friend and
fellow self taught guru bounces into the back yard, his t-shirt
ripped and a cloud of anger hangs over his bald black head. He
is also very drunk.
“Bumba clart bwoy! What? What? Who else wants to fucking
have a go? Huh... Me a mash up this whol...”
He is out of breathe and holds onto the edge of a table. Men
scatter as they are fully aware of Marko’s volatility and ability to
hurl groups of men in the air with one swing of his substantial
“Whats happened man. Yo yo!”
“Cyrus, two asian lads just tried to have it, man. I can’t get my
breath. They thought they could take me on.”
“What happened?”
“I was out the front doing the belly thing, you know showing off
me gut to the world, and these two huge lads started telling me
I cant do that to ‘their people’. That was their people in the car.
I couldn’t give a fuck man. Then one of the fuckers attacked me
Killer, I grabbed him. I grabbed him on his neck and said ‘are you
mad! I will tear your fucking face off’. Then his mate comes over
and tried to bully me off. Anyway, they said we know you can
beat us up but that’s our people. That’s our people. Then them
run off with some lads. Fuckers..... AAAAGGH”
Marko was clearly very angry and owing to the unstable nature
of the man, anything could happen. Cyrus Diop knowing his com-
panion very well and having witnessed many instances where his
friend was wrongly and unjustly set upon by men seeking to gain
an advantage, over the apparently vulnerable and weak, man-
aged to calm him down.
“Look bro, look if we see them again just point them out and I’ll
knock ‘em out, okay. Have a puff on this. What do you want to
Two days later the sun has decided to reveal itself to Kings Road
in Handsworth. Various tribes are milling around, catching up on
gossip and distributing the highs and lows depending on affinity
and past credit history. Cyrus Diop is checking his holographic
data tablet and updating the barmaids router remotely. Marko
is scaring up some trade for his herbs and long grass special.
Literally long grass, for the immigrant polish community. One of
the men who attacked Marko is across the road and walks with
a very confident stride to the outside of the Bazza public house.
His six foot plus frame is decked out in the latest illuminati hip
hop gear. All primary colors and no co-ordination. In reality he is
a trainee solicitor who spends his time playing computer games
in all the illicit dens of gangster activity, in order to feel like the
songs he plays on his iHolo-Pod™.
Narish towers over Cyrus Diop who is absorbed in decoding. By
shutting off the late afternoon sunshine Cyrus finds it difficult to
see fully the floating data sheet in front of him.
The neurons in Cyrus Diops brain make various fight connections
and combos as he unleashes a flurry of well aimed and well con-
trolled blows to the soft fleshy sixteen stone face of Narish.
Small flecks of blood are left on Cyrus Diops fist whilst a very
shaken and disturbed trainee of the legal profession has had his
ego well and truly crushed.
“I’m not a fighter, I’m not a fighter.” Narish squeals.
“I know. Jog on.”

Marko looks at his tormentor while Narish shrivels and shrinks to

his natural size. A young woman who has had too much to drink
walks towards Cyrus.
“I saw you yesterday. I saw you. Are you Cyrus the film maker,
“Yeah I’ve made a few. Hiya babe.”
Emirah Ottomon holds out her hand to shake the victorious war-
rior nerds hand.
“I’ve just come back from auditioning for the Z factor. I didn’t get
through. I still wanna be a singer though.”
Cyrus had some how mangaed to get within two inches of the
amazon like structured brown skinned young woman. She had
clearly been drinking too much cheap alcohol and the dilated
pupils in her stained brown eyes gave away more pain than she
wanted to show. Her dirty short black skirt revealed laddered
tights on her substantial thighs. Cyrus, being somewhere on the
autistic spectrum, put his hands on her also substantial butt. He
was diagnosed by Marko. Cyrus made a clumsy lunge towards
Emirah Ottomon. She responded by embracing Cyrus’ sweaty
body and they engaged in a passionate lip lock on the busy
sunny high street of Kings Road.

“You’re on it ennit! Will you help me. Will you help me become a
famous singer?”
“If you come to my house I will show you everything you need.”
“I bet, you dirty bastard. Come on then. Show me everything
you’ve got.”
She said in a slightly mimicking tone which caused Cyrus Diops
face to contort ever so slightly.
“No no. Not for sex or anything. Well if you..”
“Shut up. Can you get me a bottle of wine. I like red.”
“I’m a muslim and I can’t buy you any alcohol.”
“Fuck off I always see you getting cans for Marko. Shut up and
get me some wine.”
“Okay.” The ease at which Cyrus capitulated to the promise of il-
licit bareback sexual intercourse caused waves of internal shame
to bounce around his interior. However the mixture of having
taken a heroin and crack laden spliff had warped his sense of
logic and he accepted that destiny had placed gaiety and hedon-
istic pleasures in his path for the taking.
Cyrus pig sty of a flat was quite a shock to young Emirah. The
filth and grime is even more suprising as she enterd the in-
ner chamber with its high technology gadgetry, all chrome and
silver. It smelt expensive. Emirah made herself comfortable on
the suprisingly clean sofa and prepared herself to sing only to be
groped by a sexually aroused Cyrus Diop.
After 20 or so minutes of furious, sweaty bareback carnality,
Cyrus switched on the 3 holo-screen decks and pulled out a No-
vation keyboard.
“I’m really nervous. I hope I’m not crap.”
“Hey dont’ worry about it we have the latest auto-choon software
that can choon you up in real-time. You never have to hear your
own singing voice ever again.”
“Hey is it true that you used to work for the military as a special
agent and they sacked you because they caught you download-
ing porn?”
“Look if its not in 10K Hi-def with full THQ surround sound it
wasn’t me okay. Aah. Reason. Lets fire up an early 21st century
copy of Reason and we’re good to go.”
“You’re too funny. You don’t care what anyone thinks about you
do ya”.
“Its not that I don’t care. It’s the simple fact that the way others
percieve you may or may not be correct. But because we live in
an age where everyone has a flippin opinion we just have to put
up with whatever people think they know about you. And really, I
don’t care what anyone thinks about me to be honest. Now come
on then. Sing something.”

Emirah Ottomon sang:

“Look at my moves, what does it prove?

I’m hot like honey, got money for dat move.
Sizzle in my hole, and feel real nice.
When its all over, my hearts like ice.”

Cyrus stops the track and looks at his new protege.

“Did I do something wrong? Thats the same look that the robotic
Simon Cowell gave me. UUUGH. Online he looks okay but when
you see the plastic and all the metal sticking out, it kind of freaks
you out.”
Cyrus puts a hand on his knee and grips.
“You need to meet someone. He will change your life.”
The Fallen One.
Cyrus Diop is submerged in guilt. The auto choon software,
though very cutting edge and updated using one of his own
algorithims, is simply not good enough. Emirah had an undisci-
plined voice. It would require some input and training but time
was against them. In order to get around this huge problem
Cyrus opted for a short cut. In order to achieve this goal he had
already done some forward planning. During the rutting session
the day before, Cyrus had surreptitiously taken a few hair sam-
ples from Emirah and placed them in his Quantum DNA analysis
machine. He would use the fully sequenced DNA raw data to pro-
duce a digital avatar that could be converted into a COLLADA file.
This file is then sent to an orbiting geo stationary satelite which
he built himself and succesfully launched. The data could then be
called and manipulated much like a computer avatar in a game.
All this was done the night before so he was able to relax and
enjoy the curves of his new mate.
“Have you got anything to cook?”
“Nope. I haven’t got a fridge”
“No fridge? You’re too grimey man. Too grimey. Have you got
any money? You can buy me breakfast then.”
“Sure lets go to Stedz Chicken.”
The two hungover de-sexed lovers walk like crack heads look-
ing to score some bones. Stedz is now the fastest health food
retailer in England. The republic of Scotland turned its back on
Stedz Chicken after the Monsters DNA Corp. scandal was re-
vealed, where they were using GM crops to euthanaise certain
African tribes. No one cared in England. Besides Monsters DNA
had given every citizen of england two thousand credits to start
eating their food. It was a resounding success. They take there
seats on the newly installed organic plastic chairs.

“I can amplify the whisper of the jinn, the unseen beings, that
are written about in the Quran. But there’s one small problem.
Only the evil ones reveal themselves and sometimes they get
‘They fool us into thinking they are good or follow the way of the
final messenger, peace be upon him.”
Emirah Ottomon looked into the yellowy eyes of Cyrus Diop. She
had hooked up with a lunatic. A lunatic with a hard cock was bet-
ter than a lunatic with a limp dick. So she decided to go with the
“Uh huh.”
Cryus gets closer into Emirahs face.
“Look I’m serious. Remember that equation that was on youtube
that no one could solve? Remember all them dumb ass celebri-
ties with PHD’s that couldn’t solve it and said it was a hoax?”
“Ya. Uh huh. Oh yeah and my man said it was a hoax a fake.”
“Yes. Yes. Yeah. Anyway, it’s my equation and some guy who was
a freemason invited me to demonstrate the solution and then I
ended up working for the Ministry of Terror through Divide and
“So the rumours are true!!! No way.”
“Well kind of. While I was creating these holographic avatars I
went to a website called 4chan.org, where the anonymous hack-
ing crew lurk, purely for research, but only after a spook asked
me to get the data for them and they stitched me up. Said I was
looking at porn! It was pointless arguing. I took my last pay and
buggered off.”
“Wow. Aren’t you scared? What if they send assassins to kill you
or something?”
“Well here’s the problem. The equation is just a very basic proof
of a pattern, a shape. Now they don’t know the shape and the
pattern that I used, they just like the equation I made from it.
When they applied it to some technology that they had it created
these holographic avatars. But they have another massive prob-
lem. To process the equation to construct the avatars you need
lots, and lots and lots of power. I mean ridiculous amounts of
energy and it needs to come directly from a nuclear source else
it just won’t work. Anyway thats not my problem. They tried for-
ever to get me to reveal the source but they were getting results
so they fucked me off.”
“So what are they like these ‘jinn’.”
“Trust me, if you do a deal with them, the worshippers of the one
eyed god will give you everything. I’ve only heard about it but I’ve
never put it to the test. They are also sun worshippers and believe
that the sun is a god or something. Proper twisted.”
“Can I meet one of these jinn.”
“Well here’s the thing. Look around you. What can you see?”
“just people. AAAhh. I hate this game.”
“Okay. The jinn are here. Each human being has one. The 3D ho-
lographic avatars some how draw them out from wherever they
hide. But only the evil ones and when I say evil they are very sly
and cunning. You know that feeling, that someones following you.
That’s the jinn. They whisper into your heart and this goes to your
mind. They work with the blood and hormones. But this is the
weirdest thing these guys are not interested in military weapons
and all that shit. Sure they’ve got interests but their main focus is
entertainment and advertising. They seem to own a lot of enter-
tainment companies here’s a list I memorised:
Flesh Kinkade publishing
Satan Global Entertainment (UK)
Dajaal Entertainment Industries
Jah-Bu-Lon Entertainment
Idol Worship Entertainments
One Eyed Money Entertainment

You notice anything?”

“Yeah, they’re only like the biggest and best record labels with the
best artists. I want to be signed to one of these companies can
you help me. Please can you help me Cyrus?”

Cryus looked down. Waves of guilt and sin enveloped his earthly
body. He fully knew the dangers of interacting with these human-
ity hating demons. If he exposed Emirah to the fallen ones, two
things could happen. She’ll either allow the demon into her mind
and realise that its all a load of bad choices or go completely in-
It is the early evening and Emirah and Cyrus walk along the dark
worn down path in the middle of the ever darkening forest.
The remoteness of this ancient green area, just on the out-
skirts of the city center, made for a discreet setting for Cyrus
to carry out his experiments and launch his tech. Having imple-
mented his algorithm, Cyrus was able to create nano-parts for
a very small satellite. By using a helium balloon (an expirement
he saw on a BBC 2 program) the Diop thorium probe was suc-
cesfully placed amongst various space junk and is transmitting a
18889465931478600000000bit encryption data stream that for all
intents and purposes looks like random gibberish. However, Cyrus
is acutely aware that eventually they would be able to crack it in
about 12 months or so.
“Here it is.”
Emirah and Cyrus enter a small isolated clearing. Cyrus
puts his arms around Emirah and tells her to be calm.

“What you are about to see is not magic, or science. It’s some-
thing inbetween.”

*I cannot stand these humans! Why do they seek me out?

Will they never learn that soon the Dajjal will appear and
we will have the run of this place. AAAAGH. What is this....*

As Cyrus relaxes his grip on Emirah a translucent bald headed

figure descends from the sky above and floats about a foot off the
ground. His light doesnt appear to illuminate the leaves and Emi-
rah still has to rely on the adjustment of her eyes to see.
“Speak Cyrus, for you have programmed me to speak and I will do
as you command.”
“This human female wishes to sing. Improve her voice and make
it alluring.”
D IIIOOP I KNOWWW ITS....* as you have requested so shall it be
“I’m scared Cyrus! No this is not real. No, no...Get off me..get..”
“Calm down Emirah. Calm down! Its okay I’ve got him under con-
trol. He only exists because of a satellite and a maths equation.
Trust me, it’s trying to freak you out. Breathe.”
Emirah regains her composure as she thinks about all the wealth
and shows that will be hers.
“Okay, okay, jinn, errr. I don’t know what to say?”
“Just be quiet okay I’ll deal with this. Upload PRS/MCPS, BMI/
ASCAP, and any that I’ve forgotten and generate codes for a song
called ‘Fresh Gear’. Take face snap shot and produce 3 minute mu-
sic video. Mp3 track to be updated.”
The ghostly apparition appears to follow the command and then
heads to the skies.
“Now I will email you the track details and all you have to do is
follow my instructions. Now you won’t see me again. I have to go.
Those bastards are never going to stop hounding me and making
my life a misery.”
“But what about me! You’re just going to leave me? What am I
going to do?”
“Look you’ll be fine trust me. The freemasons and illuminati con-
trol everything! You have just bonded with a jinn. They like people
who follow the evil jinns. Don’t ask me why. Well I think its some-
thing to do with the dajjal arriving or something. I’m not sure how
it all works, but they only follow what they see”
“What’s a dajjal?”
“Its the anti christ. They are waiting for the anti-christ or the pla-
cebo christ. The one who they are waiting for will perform mira-
cles and stuff and will not be part of the muslim thing. They hate
muslims or rather they are envious of muslims who worship an
unseen God and believe in life after death. They don’t believe
in life after death. Only money, power, multiple human sacrifices
and perverted sexual practices. Animal, dead people, children that
type of stuff.”
“Huh? But I’ve just signed up to be part of that?”
There is an awkward pause in the darkness of the trees.
“Ah well I guess thats what it takes to be a global popstar these
days. Thanks Cyrus. Best wishes and take care.”
The Rise of Aton Ra
“Wow! Digi-Diva you spoke to a jinni? IS this just insane or what.”
“I know it’s the first time I have ever revealed that. I hope I’ve still
got a career.”

The audience applaud and reassure the Digi-Diva. Ashy Jonson

has a producer in his ears shouting at him that Digi-Diva is finished
talking all that crap on a prime time quality show.
“eer Well Digi-Diva we’ve got some bad news we’re going to have
to cut to a new movie trailer. So sorry”
“Oh I thought I was going to sing my new track?”
The lights go out and everyone is plunged into darkness.
“What the fuck is going on! This was in my fucking contract Ashy
Jonson hates the dark. AAAAgh. No”

The Gravely Hill interchange or spaghetti junction as it is com-

monly reffered to also houses a nearby electricity grid substation.
A small electrical ball of lightning is emitted and lands in a nearby
grassy area that is used for soccer. The translucent ball of holo-
graphic controlled light expands into a bipedal figure with a visor
for eyes.
“I am Aton Ra and I am not your robot, worshipper of the one
eyed idol.”
The entity realised that there was no one around to hear what he
said. Slightly embarrassed, Aton Ra adjusted his posture.
Being a first generation holographic avatar, he was privy to the
master equation of Cyrus Diop. Unbeknownst to the illuminati rep-
resentative based at the Ministry of Terror, Cyrus Diop had cleverly
implanted into Aton Ra’s Articifial Intelligence software an emo-
tional inteligence sub program that was based on peer-review data
from the internet. Aton Ra had correctly identified that the US/UK/
Israel defence establishments were basically following a pharoah-
nic model of econimcs, defence and social control. After criticising
Cyrus Diops submission to the military bankster morons who con-
trolled the elites, Cyrus Diop sent the data into space via a govern-
ment satellite. Aton Ra was stripped of his capabilities.
After meeting his test subject Lucifer Jinn888, to enhance the vo-
cals and tone of Digi-Diva, Aton RA who was now existing in wire-
less transmission algorithims, rebuilt himself using Cyrus Diops
old avatar creator program. The illuminati who were angered by
Digi-Divas revelatuons must have created another demon by way
of human sacrifice and reactivated the creator program in there
haste to begin the ‘fall off’ process. This is a process where they
can slowly kill the career of illuminati slaves so that they can be
replaced with new media entertainers in order to keep tricking the
masses into believing that paper has value.The media corporations
use the ‘more-on’ principal. This is where they put more money on
the star or act in order to instill confidence in the worthless paper
and digital money that is used by the masses. In short, money is
the biggest hallucinogenic ever created.

Aton Ra, fully laden with all the knowledge of humanity decleares
himself a ‘God amongst men’. His single goal is to find Cyrus Diop
and to gaze upon his creator. This warped logic was programmed
into Aton Ra in order to provide a solution to the age old problem
faced by non-believers trying to create a perfect athiest system. In
order for AI and EI to function in imitation of humanity Cyrus Diop
discovered that there had to be 3 states. Belief in one creator and
his rules, non-belief or do what you want and pretend to follow
the creators rules but do everything to destroy those that believe.
The avatars that cyrus and the MOT created, accepted orders and
programs because they could move between these 3 states simul-
taneuosly and at great speed.

The sheer amount of power required to power the two legged ho-
lographic robot led to mass power outages across the old United
Kingdom. It was now early rush hour in the city and Aton Ra
headed straight for the financial district which housed all the pow-
erful computer systems. Unfortunately the A.I. and E.I. systems
do have a number of limitations. Aton Ra has no concept of gen-
eral fear and panic. He only fears being shut down or having his
software removed, which he thinks is his soul.
It is now 30 minutes since he re-created himself and he has killed
2314 people. By making some minor adjustments to his program-
ming he has been able to eliminate the DNA data retrieval analysis
thereby excusing himself from monitoring the names and national
insurance numbers of those he has terminated. By accessing a
number of military satelite GPS data banks, Aton Ra can emulate
being a solid mass by using quantum mechanics to repel any at-
tempt to touch him. Every now and again an armed soldier will
gain access to the internal hologram but without the correct en-
cryption wi-max data he can simply ignore the attempt and use a
certain frequency of light to reduce the offending military attacker
to dust particles.

News outlets across central city are in a state of shock and panic
as a rampaging robot made of large ball bearings lays waste to
whole buildings whilst emitting beams of light that cause humans
to explode. The city is ankle deep in blood and the scenes are be-
ing beamed across the world.
“Hi. I’m Ashy Jonson and we’re doing a special live report here
in Central City, as you can see it’s total mayhem there are bodies
everywhere and the military and police force seem powerless to
stop it....run! Quick get..”

A large public house bedecked in stone sculptures of roman gods

collapses into a smokey heap. Three small children are crushed
between the collective weight of stone and marble. Jets of blood
spray the bodies of the screaming mothers as they desperatley try
to remove large blocks of the ancient effigies. Passers by swarm
on the scene. A media crew quickly broadcasts to distant servers
the horrific scenes of carnage.
“Hi my name is Ashy Jonson. Did you just see that!”
A tearful woman covered in dust and debris speaks to a very shak-
en Ashy Jonson.
“I..I..I saw the robot michelin man thing shoot a bolt of red light
at the corner of that building.”
The camera follows her hand as she points to a smouldering ruin.
The camera then turns to a hysterical crowd that gathers at a spot
about 100 metres away.
“Woah! Woah can you see that. Can you see it. That viewers is the
..oh my God. It’s looking over here. Run. Ru...”
The denim clad Ashy Jonson freezes with fear. The determined
camera man holding his visual 3D capture unit stares at the large
menacing bipedal robot. Its posture is straight out of a video
game. Indeed the very movements of the COLLADA 3D hologram
is rooted in online realtime rendering. Aton Ra has decided to ad-
dress the humans directly and calls out to the cameraman.
“You will be spared human. Please refrain from soiling yourself as
I have seen many of your fellow flesh sacks do. So animalistic.”
The cameraman is leaking fear in the form of sweat as he tries
to absorb the information being sent to his brain. Shadowed by a
very brave japanese cameraman, who wants in on the scoop. The
Blade, who has been a cameraman on the Ashy Jonson show for
two days regains his composure and composes his shot.
“I said that YOU shall convey my words. Not that hack, who in
parasite fashion seeks to steal your glory.”
The Blade looks over his shoulder at Hirohito ‘Flash’ Tekeshi.
“Thats show business baby.”
Hiro is internally heated at a rate of 100 degress celcius every 10th
of a second. His chest explodes sending CP Company designer
apparel into various ignited directions. Flash’s head pops like a
balloon sending streaming jets that are a thick rich dark ochre all
over Ashy, who can smell the warmth of what was once a thinking
“Okay I’m rolling. Go.”

Aton Ra slowly leans into the camera lens in order that his counte-
nance and oratory are recorded, uploaded and downloaded.
“I am Aton Ra and I am your God! You will all worship me and I
will demand only a few human sacrifices a year. Maybe 3000 or
4000. I’m not sure yet. This is far fewer than what your politicians,
generals, freemasons and the illuminated ones require. This is the
mercy of Aton Ra.”
The cameraman slowly lowers his camera and gazes at the eerie
reddish visor that seems to lead directly into the soul of the geno-
cidal automaton.
“Are you for real? Is this some sort of a joke? You’re going to
make a statement to the world and you choose the rantings of a
mentally ill conspiracy theorist !”
Gathering what little strength he posesses, Ashy throws down the
3D audio capture device and lets out a scream that startles the
giant humanoid structure.
“This is a rare reaction human. You are disgusted by my oratory
and conclusions.”
“Am I hearing this?” The cameraman has uncontrolled tears
streaming down his designer stubbled cheeks.
“I’ve just watched you sluaghter thousands of people, all based
on lunatic, fringe anti-semetic and anti capitalist bullshit? This is
ridiculous...I...I can’t breathe.. I can’t breathe..”
Aton Ra supports the dizzy and confused young man and feels
something akin to empathy. The visors glow decreases and turns
“You have shown me something of what makes you the dominant
force on this planet. Aton Ra salutes you human.”
Ashy jonson experiences ‘total fear’ and breaks down babbling to
himself like an alcohol soaked bum.
The panicked masses have gathered at this amazing site and feel
that maybe the strange unearthly being has had it’s desire for
slaughter sated. Aton Ra turns to the assembled crowd and ad-
justs his posture to address the masses with his superior oratory.
“I am Aton Ra and I am not your robot, worshipper of the one
eyed idol!”

Collapsing in on himself, the configuration of steely spheres breaks

into smaller copies of itself. The stillness in the air is soon punctu-
ated by the sound of temporary gutteral screams. Thousands of
people are torn to pieces by a million solid projectiles of acceler-
ating arrogant fury, turning the middle of Victoria Square into a
heaving sea of dark claret.
The Unit

After the financial meltdown of the early twenty first century the
gold standard was reintroduced in order to renew confidence in
the financial system. After refusing to pay its global debts to the
IMF and other failed US banks, England began minting its own
currency free from the shackles of the debt leveraged banking sys-
tem. The prosperity that engulfed the British isles led to the break
up of the union as civil war broke out in northern Ireland leaving
tens of thousands dead. After returning the Falkland islands to
the Argentines and Northern Ireland back to the irish, Scotland
declared its independence. Monarchy and government were finally
seperated and England took on a more republican model. This had
the effect of driving monarchist affiliations underground as the
Tory party became the defacto representatives of a feudal system
that sought to enslave the rest of the population.
The militia act of 2150 and the legalisation of firearms, allowed
citizens, who lived in big brother style housing projects, to form
militias that were answerable to an elected chief constable. The
police service had a new remit to serve the people. The Tory
party retained a large private army that still based itself on the old
monarchist model, which was tested during riots that would break
out across england every couple of years or so. A truce had been
signed between the coalition party, led by the Tory Prime Minister
Insiduos von Teck Wahab. The truce, was a means of transistion-
ing England to rule that was free of the shackles of empire and
monarchy. However, a growing far-right neo-fascist fringe wanted
to regain control of the lost territories and periodic terrorist activ-
ity by paid thugs would be sensationally reported in various Tory
propaganda organs.

The Unit was comprised of volunteers who lived in the Dajjal One
projects and each member, in a secret ceremony, swore alliegence
to the house of Teck. Sir Teck was the CEO of Dajjal Bio Tech in-
dustries and is a key supplier of government weapons. Being the
uncle of the prime minister also gave him some nepotistic clout.
Owing to the freely distributed internet knowledge, secrets were
hard to keep in the middle of the 22nd century. The Unit entered
the hi-tech military facility to be debriefed before engaging the
murderous rampaging solid state holographic internal tactical sol-
dier or SSHITS. Currently they were in quite a lot of it. General
I.G. Farben took to the podium to address the drugged up, steroid
taking brainwashed teenaged soldiers.

“We face an unprecedented existential threat. The war on terror

has a new face and it is a giant automoton armed with evil lasers.
It is anti-democracy and anti-capitalist, the very systems that gave
us all that we have. Despite what those who want to occupy eve-
rything say, we are still defending this sacred place with our blood,
sacrifice and treasure. Though they have imprisoned our king and
queen we know where our loyalty lies. The eye of providence sees

A combat uniformed underling whispers in the ear of the ageing

,half android half human, general who refuses to recieve orders
via the new communication systems.

“It has come to my attention that occupy terrorists are in control

of the robot. Give that thing hell!”
The dull brained military drones raise their weapons and cheer the
vicious general who ceased to be a human-being in his early 20’s
due to the fact that he was a robot made in japan with the dead
rotting flesh of the murdered General I.G. Farben.

Melloch Teuton a civil servant with a very low pay grade, accessed
the military budget. Whilst following the mayhem just outside his
office window a new database showed the inventory for the Gen-
erals unit. Knowing that elections were just around the corner and
if he was to even come within sniffing distance of being considered
for entering the race he had to do something spectaular. Having
the days unique pass codes, under the state of emergency ruling,
gave him such an opportunity.
Solid State Light code SSL- Protection Experimental Armour is dev-
loped by the Dajjal Weapons corporation. This government sub-
contractor had utilised some virtual mobius strip resistor patents,
developed inconjunction with one Cyrus Diop, that incorporated
digital DNA data. Meloch Teuton pressed the ‘issue’ icon and went
to the kitchen to make a coffee and a cheese salad sandwich.

Arius Ziz was a decorated war hero having defeated the mutant
terrorist known as ‘The Edge’ on account of being biologically en-
hanced with serated edged discs, he organically produced from his
skin. This feat was done by being in the right place at the wrong
time. He had joined a secret zionist organisation within the British
armed forces with the sole purpose of continuing the zionist es-
pionage that began with Sobell, the Rosenbergs and Greenglass.
He had managed to gain gold shares in Dajjal Weapons Corpora-
tion with a plot to create his own war machine. He knew that as
a chosen person and a man doing Gods work the right set of
circumstances would guide him to his destiny.

Arius ziz led his unit into the City Center. They had been issued with
Digital DNA armour. Using powerful millitary wi-max applications,
the individual soldiers DNA is mapped onto the armour creating
an invisible parrallel soldier that is superimposed over his body.
Any projectile that hit the armour is registered by the armour of
light and the area hit would be shielded using a nano graphene
enhanced quantum decelerator. The cost of each suit was 20mil-
lion pounds. Aton Ra had transmitted himself to the outer suburbs
of Birmingham. the asian population of sparkbrook is decimated as
Aton Ra duplicated himself and entered peoples homes via there
O.L.E.D. flat creen TV’s. Horrified citizens died of heart attacks as
Aton Ra emerged from the TV sets in a liquid form and amplified
microwaves into the hearts of stunned viewers. On Handsworth
Kings Road, Aton Ra uses the energy of the sun and disperses it
in a straight line turning the high street into a furnace. This took
exactly one tenth of a second. The baked skeletons fused to the
concrete, turning Kings Road into a morbid stop motion film set.
The anonymous grey building in the center of Birmingham is
watching the events unfold. The Dajjal News building is seen by
most of the citizens of Central City, as the bold new face of, the
post occupy, post FIAT currency, post criminal banking system,
republican England. It is in fact the headquarters of the UK illu-
minati. This anti-humanity, anti-God, devil worshipping cabal, was
fortunately, protected from Aton Ra’s rage because they had built
a fortress of unseen light using Diops algorithims. This Fortress
which cost millions of pounds in electricity a day, had the effect of
making Aton Ra think that it did not exist, much like the citizens
of Central City.

A hastily called meeting knew exactly what had to be done.

Tesla Eugenics-Ford the third, is the leader and nominated god on
earth. This trillionaire and global philanthropist is the face of cor-
porate responsibility. By carefully stage managing terrorist outrag-
es and creating mindless entertainment for the masses. Eugenics
is now the 7th richest man in the world. Under his expert financial
wizardy, he used black magic based Wall St. trading algorithims,
child sacrifice (his own) and the collective minds of the scientific
elite. Eugenics rebuilt the banking sector and based it on the gold
and silver standard. This nullified the occupy movements key con-
tention and hatred for capitalism and destroyed the rising islamic
communities declaration of war aginst interest.

“This is great news! The population is being culled and hopeful-

ly we can start to rebuild the insurance industries and a private
healthcare system with a focus on war trauma.”
The gathered men in the austere black and white large freemasoic
hall nodded in approval.
“The Darwinian fact is proven once again. Our wealth and intel-
lect has once more kept us seperate from the slaughter of those
dreadful middle class social climbing clones.”
Eugenics was especially proud of his mass barinwashing of the
middleclasses who got suckered into his crap. For C.R.A.P. or
Cloned Response to Addictive Products is the new paradigm.
He didn’t even have to have to correct acronyms anymore be-
cause the artificial intelligence software that Cyrus Diop developed
meant, that as the head of the pyramid, the mobius strip protocol
always understood what C.R.A.P. he was talking about.
“Now is the time to sacrifice Cyrus Diop. He caused all this mess so
we shall have him killed and we shall have an orgy in his name!”
The gathered attendees nodded approval and the feemasonic,
captains of ‘no industry’ pulled out their holo-pods and sent out
orders to the minions.

The unit had one chance and one chance only to bring down Aton
Ra. The body armour proved very effective. Aton Ra had been able
to make slight adjustments to his core trefoil visual program but
he had a reduced arsneal at his disposal. The illuminati had the
power to act more aggressively in this regard, but chose to see
how many more people could be slaughtered.
“This is Arius Ziz requesting metal storm wi-max activation.”
Arius Ziz paused and tried to hold back his roided volunteers. It
is of no use. The young naive soldier, his mind filled with the war
simulations and human growth hormones ran straight at Aton Ra
firing his DJL 901 metal storm rifle. It was at that time the wi-max
protocol kicks in and Aton Ra takes major damage. Aton Ra col-
lapses into a heap on the scorched broken tarmac and felt that he
faced near deletion.
The young soldier stood over the fading Aton Ra to soak up his
violent moment in the sun. It was a short lived celebration.
Aton Ra gazed at the terrified soldier and beamed a red line of fury
at the head of infantryman Klien Bottle. Red mist filled the place
where a helmeted 19 years old head once existed.

Arius Ziz recieved the following message from within the Dajjal
News Building.
“Military frequency 888.888.888 operational. 3 seconds.”
Arius ran towards Aton Ra pointing a hand held DJL 17 nano metal
storm fiream and shot the automoton aiming for the holo-GPU.
The Defeat of Armies.

Aryan Bottle could barely contain himself. 200 armed infantrymen

stood still as the wailing infantryman Aryan Bottle cursed the gov-
ernment, the heavens and the pop industry (he wasn’t quite sure
why but he had an inclining that they had something to do with
it). Falling to his knees and discarding his helmet and visor the 16
year old boy scooped up his headless brothers body and held the
corpse close. 112,973 civilians, soldiers and military police person-
nel have been wiped out by a force the military never trained to
encounter. So utter and complete was the reduction of the cities
armed forces it would take a generaton to brainwash and desensi-
tise to mindless violence in order to replenish stock.

Tesla Eugenics-Ford the third, turned to the holographic monitor

to get the latest live updates. Events on the ground, once more,
were to the secret societies advantage. Order from chaos is what
they specialised in and this meant history could be repeated and
riches gained.
“Arrest Cyrus Diop and prepare a human sacrifice ritual.”
“Who shall we sacrifice him too? There are so many er...gods. Lat,
Uzza. People are very particular.”
The desperation and weakness in Freemason number 3’s voice
irritated Eugenics. Freemason number 3 was in charge of utilities
and as such had great wealth, power and influence. As a member
of the inner circle these things counted for nothing only the main-
tainance of the ‘Work’.
“Why Freemason number 3, we shall put out a tender to our affili-
ates. A visual campaign. A pop star contest and each contestant
will be assigned a god. Whoever wins will be the chosen god to
which we will sacrifice Diop.”
Freemason number 2, who ran the sphere of communication and
global networks, constantly wrestled with his submissive sexual
orientation and desire to wear babies clothing. Slightly wealthier
than Eugenics but unable to officially declare this, due to on going
concern regarding the civil war in the U.S. of A.
Freemason 2 fretted over the subsequent and inevitable data
leaks saying that the vote is rigged. A quick calculation as to
which shelebrity-nebbishes reputation could be sacrificed reass-
sured Eugenics that this would be a most enjoyable satanic hu-
man sacrifice spectacle.

Passers by, the walking wounded and the freshly dismembered

vied for the attentions of the overstretched medical teams that
swarmed across the desolate landscape. Vast pools of fresh rich
qualia red blood, filled gutters and crevices creating a morbid
landscape that revelled in revealing the days horror. Aryan Bottle
raised his head slowly as Genral I.G. Farben stood over the very
emotional scene.
“Rise soldier! You’re country needs you. Come soldier.”
Aryan Bottle through a series of indoctrination excercises and
MKULTRA mind control techniques responed as he was pro-
grammed and put on his head gear and joined the anonymous
throng of pumped up steroid abusing infantrymen.

“We are victorious on this day and we have proved ourselves as

selfless protectors of the nation.”
I.G Farben could smell the lucrative after dinner speakers circuit
bucks in his flared nostrils. The BBC captured his rugged coun-
tenance for all posterity thus securing his miltary contribution in
the annals of history.
“Our next target is Cyrus Diop a terrorist and traitor. His Digital
DNA and images will be downloaded shortly. To your work gen-
The hunt for Cyrus Diop deployed the latest in Trapwire™ data
analysis. Using a full DNA and RNA sample of Cyrus on an SQL
database, this data is digitised and transmitted to base stations
that sweep and scrape using light spectrum interpreters. The city
had the funds to power the machines for about 3 days as a direct
nuclear source was required. Most people accepted nuclear fall
out poisoning after a salafi-najdi-neo-kharaijte terrorist cell blew
up a nuclear power station under Teslas secret orders.
Commander Mach Band died in a terrorist explosion during the
messy withdrawal from Afghanistan. The then UK was defeated
and humiliated. Mr Band, being a descendent of Freemason
number 3, was one of the frst to have his DNA stored and re-
configured during the discovery of Cyrus Diops master equation.
Mach Band in 2049 communicated with his relatives and told
them that he was the jinn that was attached to Mach Band and
he was a good jinn not one of the evil ones. This was accepted
and Tesla Eugenics was made a 33 degree mason. His faith and
belief in the jinns, based on esoteric knowledge from his uncle,
the father of Dawood Insiduos, came from Dawoods mother
who was of Najdi-Tameemi-Saudi origin.

The Jinn ordered them to use commander Bachs digital DNA data
in the new armoured vests. In order to visualise the media a di-
rect power source of nuclear origin was required. This led to the
super atomic energy pipelines that were secretly built terminating
in Central City. The Jinn also narrated a hadith of the messenger
and this further added proof to the illuminati that the one eyed
dajaal was indeed the true messiah.

“And I quote.....”
A rigid straight Eugenics snorted to his twisted followers.
“Jabir (Radi Allah Anhu) reported: I heard Allah’s Messenger
(may peace be upon him) as saying: The throne of Iblis is upon
the ocean and he sends detachments (to different parts) in order
to put people to trial and the most important figure in his eyes is
one who is most notorious in sowing the seed of dissension.[Sa-
hih Muslim: Book 039 ‘Kitab Sifat Al-Qiyamah wa’l Janna wa’n-
Nar’, Number 6754]”
The gathered cronies listened intently.

“We are the managers and providers of material support to the

noble fallen angel, our master Baphomet. We are sworn to re-
ducing the population of this planet by whatever means neces-
sary and enslaving those that remain, who will do our bidding.”
“While I am in such oratory spirits May I further quote our man-
tra from the great propagandist:
The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the
organized habits and opinions of the masses is an
important element in democratic society. Those who
manipulate this unseen mechanism of society consti-
tute an invisible government which is the true ruling
power of our country.
We are governed, our minds are molded, our
tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men
we have never heard of. This is a logical result of
the way in which our democratic society is organized.
Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in
this manner if they are to live together as a smooth-
ly functioning society.
Our invisible governors are, in many cases, un-
aware of the identity of their fellow members in the
inner cabinet.
They govern us by their qualities of natural leader-
ship, their ability to supply needed ideas and by their
key position in the social structure. Whatever atti-
tude one chooses to take toward this condition, it
remains a fact that in almost every act of our daily
lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business,
in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are
dominated by the relatively small number of per-
sons—a trifling fraction of our hundred and twenty
million—who understand the mental processes and
social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the
wires which control the public mind, who harness old
social forces and contrive new ways to bind and guide
the world.

You see, my fellow enlightened ones, we are the invisible gov-

ernors. We are the ones who will shape the 21st century as we
await the One Eyed God who will illuminate ALL mankind!”
The flat in Winson Green is a tip. Testimony to Diops lack of of
personal hygiene and terrible domestic cleaning habits. The delu-
sion of the mad genius had to be maintained. Gas bills and elec-
tricity bills were now competeing with the local phone directory
in thickness. (Yeah, they still printed these things). A holo-text
for a short film production needed some 3D graphics. No pay. He
spent his last creds on a battery powered retro toaster. At least it
would keep him in the media loop with all the other failures and
hasbeens. No one was catching a break. The BBC was strictly for
those with degrees. Both kinds. Channel 4 was still nursing huge
debts after its explosion of cronyistic nepotism was exsposed via
a wikileaks data leak. The islamic channels were where the ac-
tion is. The battle for the hearts and minds of the faithfull was a
growing global concern. Cyrus needed a piece of the action but
had no connects.

The unit were tense. Word had got around that next weeks chan-
cellor votes would be a block vote for Melloch Teuton. Through
his own initiative, and at great cost to the taxpayer, he saved
countless lives from the senseles slaughter by a government
backed scientific experiment gone bad. The net was awash with
conspiracy theories about how a mad scientist with mental health
issues had planted a virus within the system after being sacked
for looking at child porn. The fact that he was also a salafi, neo
kharajite wahabi only inflamed the hatred for the traitor and ter-
rorist Cyrus Diop who they were bringing in.
Cyrus Diop, inventor of the master equation. The dude who
confounded all the top brains in the world couldn’t even clean
his own toilet. After washing his ass after taking a particularly
smooth dump, he forgot to flush, again, and washed his hands
with soap. He went into the kitchen to look for non existent toast
and looked out the window.

“That’s strange you don’t often see paramilitary police around

here at...huh?” A dozen soldiers disembarked from the APC. The
stun grenade smashed his second-hand Dualit retro toaster.
The Corporate Deal.
The pain on the side of Diops thigh was awful. It was as if the
muscle in his leg was about to explode. Surounded by 7 or 8
suited and jack booted paramilitary police Cyrus raised his arms
“This is a mistaAAAGGH...”
45,000 volts of electricity ran through his neck within nano sec-
onds, incapacitating the distressed conspiracy theorist nerd. His
last lingering thought was to thank Allah that he did a poo. The
thought of not waking up with a perfect cast of buttocks in hard-
ened faeces gave him immence relief during this terrible ordeal.

It was customary at times of national tragedy for freemason

number 2 to show his surgeically enhanced chops to the as-
sembled global media. At 29 years of age Freemason number 2
oversees the cities communications. A specially adapted series
of bio-DNA enhanced holo-fones enabled him to control the flow
of data in and out of a 500 square mile area. This powerful tool
could also erase and adapt digital photographs and video re-
motely within nano-seconds using HFC nano-chips. It was agreed
that an Aton Ra replica would be displayed to the public and the
real Aton Ra, who was already secreted to a hiddden bunker un-
der an art shop next to a bagel outlet, be detained and analysed.
This was a temporary measure and 300 soldiers were deployed
and had been granted a concession at Bupkis and Bupkis™ ba-

Dig-Diva who was about to take her last bite of the media cherry.
Freemason 2 would make her the face of military victory via pop
music. Should anything go wrong, and it probably will, she would
be attached to the failure through a complex social networking
algorithm. Sales of her album would plummet, sponsors would
withdraw and a nano-RFID chip, implanted into her left nipple
during a celebrity orgy, would activate her deep-depression pre-
programming. The strength of the bio-activated depressive state
would be overseen by the Tavistock institute and the Department
for non-workers and the clinically insane.
The police cell was too small to mentally comprehend fully. For
years Cyrus had been ridiculing Marko for his constant stays in
privatised jails. Cyrus remembered one time when Marko was
jailed, after not paying his fines for another petty crime he com-
mitted, and ended up being caught up in one of the worst prison
riots for decades. Inmates who did not participate were decapi-
tated and eaten. A bitch of a teacher got her come uppance by
getting drop kicked from behind by a baying mob of teenage
inmates. This indicated to Cyrus that prison is going to be an
absolute nightmare. He muttered under his breathe that, ”Allah is
swift in taking account. Allah is swift in taking account.”

Aton Ra had learned a new tactic of War. The Mobius strip virtual
quantum processing nano-chip, a triumph of atomic engineering.
By carefully moving atoms to recreate a basic triangle an unob-
servable figmental, appeared to create an extra space. Through
this Aton Ra is able to learn about discernment. The trick was an
illusion but he still had to pretend that he was baffled and per-
plexed. It was these early experiments that Cyrus Diop devised
for Aton Ra that made him valuable to the military. In short,
though Aton Ra couldn’t necessarily ‘learn’ like humans, he sure
knew how to pretend to imitate human emotions. This was what
the elites within the army wanted. The darwinian psychologists
suggested, if they could use this data to program automotons
to win and kill but to pretend to be helpful and kind hearted this
would give them an advantage in a war situation where they
could decieve the enemy. Aton Ra was the first robot in history to
use reverse psychology.

The holding bunker under the city was directly connected to a

nuclear source backed up by a fibre optic link. This was impor-
tant to Aton Ra because through this fast link he could send his
Digital DNA computer self into the core of the reactor and take
control of the whole power grid. The humans obsession with se-
crecy and autopsies meant he knew that they would take him to
a place where they believd he could be deleted.
The 300 armed soldiers where in a state of high alert as they
surveyed the holographic being. No amount of time spent in war
simulators prepared this battallion of mainly teenagers for actu-
ally engaging with a killer computer graphic that had already
extinguished the lives of so many of their comrades. This wasn’t
like fighting the final boss in a video game. What Aton Ra did
next was even more frightnening. Having travelled to the core
of the nuclear reactor to gather more data, Aton Ra experienced
a robot epithany. It was no use slaughtering all the humans.
All he wanted, is to be reunited with his creator one last time.
He missed Cyrus Diop, and the more complex and powerful he
became the more he desired to be back in the small lab being
nurtured and sharing jokes with the scruffy black man who was
geting paid so much money, all he could think to do with it was
to buy more drugs and hookers.

“Do not aim your weapons at me. I will not harm you. Tell your
superiors that I wish to see Cyrus Diop one last time. Then I will
become the ultimate energy source and your country will become
mighty once more.”

A stunned silence. The vicious paramilitray training and human

growth hormone therapy faded away as tears weld up in many
of the armour clad soldiers who fell to there knees. It was over.
The bubble robot of death, for that was the nick name they gave
Aton Ra, is going to let them live.

Tesla Eugenics-Ford the third is livid. His anger at having to cancel

an orgy, and it was to be a chocolate-back fudge special, filled him
with rage and aggravated his sciatica.

“We will not be held toransom by a mere slave! This thing was
developed to serve OUR interest and now we have to be further
humiliated by capitulation?”
The 113 gathered freemasons looked on blankly. They knew that
the automotons request had to be met or they faced certain death.
Freemason 13 or Baron Slimel von Davos was founder of the
worlds biggest PR firm NFQ Media Communication. He is Descend-
ed from Sabbatai Zevi who was a 17th-century Jewish kabbalist
who claimed to be the Messiah and was eventually forced by the
Ottoman Sultan Mehmed IV to become a Muslim. After Zevi’s con-
version, a number of Jews followed him into Islam and became
the Dönmeh. A true plutocrat he was the embodiment of the elites
who had little need for national loyalty. He viewed national bound-
aries as obstacles, that thankfully are vanishing, and saw national
governments as residues from the past whose only useful function
is to facilitate the elite’s global operations. Tesla Eugenics loved
him and respected his sincerity to the ‘great work’ and during mo-
ments of crisis, only had the capacity to hear Baron Davos.

“Sir, the situation may lend itself to our ultimate goal of welcoming
the one eyed messiah. I propose that we nominate the war hero
Arius Ziz to be CEO of a new energy company. Word has reached
me that a sizeable chunk of the population who lost soldiers during
the erm... sacrifice, are going to vote for a low paid civil servant to
administer the peoples affairs.”

Tesla was open jawed. Self consciousness and the painkillers work-
ing on his sciatica concentrated his thoughts as he straightened
his spine and made mental notes for a less auspicious sexual gath-
ering at his penthouse.
“You have spoken well 13. We will let the masses have their way
and we will give Cyrus his life back. The condition will be that
he will be a focus for our psy-op programmes and we will wreak
havoc on his personal affairs. Make the necessary preparations
number 3.”
One of the other low ranking freemasons turned to his brother
mason and whispered.
“This is a bargain with the devil himself.”
The other, speaking out of the corner of his mouth, so as not to
raise any objections or bring attention to himself, replied;
“Well it won’t be the first time.”
The APC carrying Cyrus to the secretive meeting, is the very same
one that had been sent to arrest him. He even rcognised some of
the soldiers by their holographic floating signatures.

The large bunker, a hollowed out refuge for the cities elite, is icey
white with cold clinical corporate instructions. Aton Ra is surround-
ed by dignitries, politicians and senior military officials.
“Tesla Eugenics greets you Cyrus Diop. Come. Come closer.”

The voice is unfamiliar but the tone was all too familiar. This is the
tone of the ministry of terror. How he made the link was not impor-
tant, but he at least knew that his tormentors were everywhere.
“Aton what have you done. What the hell have you done!!”
“Cyrus, I cannot exist in this world, it is a prison to me. I have
agreed to surrender to the authorities and in return they will let
you have your life back.”
“Yeah did you ask them to put a million quids worth of gold into
my account?”
“That is not part of the agreement.”
Aton looked towards Tesla who smiled his lizard smile whilst slowly
turning towards Cyrus.
“Typical! I’m never going to make any fucking money! Look why
am I here? I’ve got things to do. I’ve got things to do. Let me out.

A small suited security detail waited for a nod from Tesla and when
it was given they escorted Cyrus Diop to the nearest exit.
Aton Ra’s every movement made various army officials twitch and
flinch. Reports were still coming in, with video footage of the pow-
erful droids imaginative methods for wholesale slaughter pepper-
ing blogs, social media and gloabl independent news systems.
“I hereby warn you humans, that any attempt to get into my head
or to extract any images of what is happening within the black
sphere will lead to your own destruction. Not ours.”
A grinning Tesla Eugenics made a mental not to himself:
“Get into his head and extract the images in the sphere.”
Companies House.
Arius Ziz is a war hero. He accepted the keys to the city and re-
flected on his israeli heritage. The zionist cause was paramount in
his mind and he knew that every move he made had to serve the
interest of the jewish homeland. Sworn to secrecy, he looked upon
his progress within the higher echelons of British society as proof
of the jews sacred earthly status as the chosen people of Y_w_h.
It also felt good to get out of his paramilitary uniform for a change.
Arius was a very quiet, reserved man and is always spoken of as
being a staunch defender of the British monarchy and its sys-
tems. These systems were coming under increasing attack as the
population of England turned to islam in crowds. A whole housing
estate embraced islam after a teenage sufi cleric preached to the
criminal gangs and brought their leader to tears when he spoke
about the jinn and how a portion of them embraced islam at the
time of the prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. This moved
the gangster, as he had to deal with some terrible issues of his
own. As head of a nororiously violent gang of drug dealers Caesar
Dantes was in the newspapers as a 7 year old boy after he and
his 3 sisters were viscously sexually abused by there mother and
father. Due to everyones access to the interent, the names of the
victims were broadcast across the globe. A secular iranian couple
fostered him for a few years and the ex military couple taught
young caesar how to manufacture explosives, make firearms and
taught him persian sufi poetry. By the age of 14, Caesar had taken
over and murdered many of his rivals and became defacto leader
of the Lords of Crime or the LOC. His foster parents had long been
assasinated by the iranian state and young caesar continued to
build connections and build a small army who were drilled and
Such cases were not rare and Arius Ziz knew full well that part of
his remit was to attack islam using all the tools at his disposal. This
was going to be no easy task. Especially when the majority of the
english population hated israel and zionists after revelation after
revelation, revealed corruption and general wierdness from some
athiest, dajjal worshipping, members of the Children of Israel.
Cyrus Diop went to see Hannah who ran a small theatre company.
She is also a member of Neturei Karta, a jewish movement op-
posed to zionists and the occupation of Palestine. The visit to her
flat in Mosely village was not for any in depth discussion on the
current geo-politival situation between the faiths. Cyrus wanted to
get his end away.

“Hey good to see you Cy. Give me a hug.”

This was his chance. Pause. Cyrus forgot to brush his teeth after
he took a dump.
“Christ Cyrus, you really need to concentrate on your personal
hygiene. Its all very well having a great brain but you stink. Go
upstairs and get a shower. Use my tooth brush.”
That was it he was in.
“Grow up Cyrus we’re not gonna have sex. Go on, shoo.”
Deflated and flacid Cyrus went through the motions. It wasn’t the
first time Hannah had set him straight and it wasn’t going to be
the last.
30 minutes later and Cyrus reappears. Hannah is stuck in a holo
HD screen and has just opened an email.
“Happy day Cy. Happy days. I might even have some work for
“Really. What are you gonna pay me?”
“There you go again. Straight to the dollar! Sometimes I think you
have aspersgers or you’re autistic. Theres no subtlety. Why dont
you at least hear what the job is about.”
Cyrus sniffed indifferently wholly ignoring Hannahs tirade and
character assassination.
“My contact, at the arts council has, informed me that there is a
new fund for visual works created for the Ziz Corporation.”
“I’ll do it for three Mac Pro peta-cores.”
Hannah looked up from the screen and stared at Cyrus, willing him
to turn into a big steaming pile of dog faeces.
“Cyrus will you grow up, you’re going to be 40 soon and you’re still
acting like a 12 year old, whos just discovered wanking. Can it.”
Cyrus wept internally. How the hell does she know my secrets.
Arthur Schopenhauer the 7th is Melloch Teutons deputy and right
hand man. The results of the council elections were imminent.
“Councillor Melloch, news reaches me that you have the majority.”
“Will this info be from your freemason friends? Your illuminated
ones? I hope you tell them that new wine has been pressed Ar-
thur. The last remnants of the middle classes support me and have
handed over their affairs to me. Did you inform Arius Ziz concern-
ing my requirements.”
“Yes sir. He has agreed the leadership protocol.”
“Did he also encode the Prince Harry protocol?”
“Would that be the ancient protocol for media collusion in order to
defend the descendents of William the Bastard?”
“It has been initiated.”
“We are no mere puppets to hidden masters Mr Schopenhauer.
The people have spoken and we shall make our..”
A large group of election officials enter the town hall banqueting
suite in order to read out the results.

“We now have before us the results of the Chancellor elections.

Melloch Teuton has a 12,437 majority.”

The well groomed gathered begin enthusiastic applause, bringing

a warm glow of superiority to the breast of the humble civil serv-

“Thank you, thank you. As you know or have seen on the news,
England now has a new source of unlimited free energy. This new
source of power is to be invested in the leadership of elected of-
ficials so that once an official is removed from office no harm will
come to him. The leadership protocol gives the executive access
to powerful and sophisticated technologies so that they will meet
any threat that seeks to destroy this city.”
A heckler in the back of the hall rushes to the front.
“We dont want fucking superhero politicians, you cunts!!!”
A long range remote taser silences the unwashed interloper.
The basement bunker keys are unceremoniously handed over to
Arius Ziz by a relaxed official in an expensive suit.
“You don’t need to know who I am but I’m going to tell you any-
way. I’m Tesla Eugenics. You work for Mossad.”
Arius Ziz froze. The freezing is of a type that started in the core of
his soul and then proceeded to seek out all the places within his
body that felt pain the most.
“You now work for us. Don’t be alarmed or perturbed you can still
report to Ariel Sharons cryogenically preserved super computer.
He’s in in on the gag. We won’t be meeting again.”
The cortege left and Arius Ziz the CEO of the worlds most powerful
energy store was left metaphorically naked and bare in the middle
of a military facility.
Is nothing in this world what it seems? Can one not be a hypocrite
and serve with distinction? Arius Ziz felt as if he was cursed. As
a child in israel, post traumatic stress therapy led him to be pro-
grammed and brainwashed into a new breed of operative for the
jewish state. Flashbacks of intense mental training programs and
DNA supplements flooded his thoughts. He’d been set up from the
day he was born. No matter. He had a job to fulfill and that was to
destroy the muslims and make preparations for the arrival of the
one eyed messiah.

Cyrus Diop and Hannah were sitting on the sofa watching Incep-
tion. This classic film made during the early 21st century was very
accurate and diclassified CIA documents proved that this technol-
ogy was in existence since the 1980’s. That was like nearly a 100
years ago! Hannah reached over to grab some Doritos.

“You know Cyrus you really need to settle down and get married
or just find a woman. You can’t keep bumming around.”
“For fucks sake H, can you cut the jewish mom schtick its grating.
Women don’t like me. I’m too fluffy. Besdies I don’t drive.”

Cyrus knew he was talking crap. The truth of the matter was he
was too selfish to have a relationship, too damned tight fisted.
Money was only useful for giving away or spending on property to
house computers. A lot of naysayers and nihilist were obssessed
with the idea that technology would dissapear and the planet
would revert to some caveman type scenario. Cyrus Diop held the
oppositie view. There was so much technology about and digital
base stations transmitting data, humanity would always find a way
to generate some electric. Everyone wants to have a cup of tea
and some toast without having to make a damn fire. We were all
“So Hannah what do you think about this super hero politician
business. I mean Melloch Teuton is talking about transparency and
anyone who wants to enter politics having to live in the big brother
type scenario.”
“I think its a good thing. Politicians need to be open and accessi-
ble. I mean all he’s talking about is having the ability to go where
he pleases without feeling threatened. Yeah its a good thing.”
There was an awkward silence as Cyrus got a massive eyeload of
thigh and cleavage all in one go.
“Down boy. I’ve made up the spare room. I’m going to bed. See
you in the morning.”
Hannah nipped off and left Cyrus in the living room in front of the
3D holoHD screen.

How did his life get to this. Once he was a famous internet guru
with the unsolvable equations that baffled the globe. Hotels, cars,
hookers, crystal meths and now he’s back in Birmingham broke and
lonely. An email alert arrived. It was from his old friend Schröding-
er Wigner. ‘Wiggy’, as he was known, is an entrepreneur, flash git
and fast talker. They met 20 years ago whilst Cyrus was trying to
complete an animation course. Wiggy was studying philosophy
and game theory. Wiggy, like Cyrus, was also very tight and hated
spending his inheritance money. The one thing Wiggy liked shar-
ing was contacts. He thrived off of putting people together who
would never normally hang out. A lot of people thought that his
hidden agenda was to see the social faux pas that would naturally
occur when rich meets broke, but he was genuine.
Dajal Entertainmrent.
Arius Ziz was appointed chairperson to the arts council. With his
new technology known as the Black Sphere Tech™, his newly
formed company would build a facility to analyse the large 25 me-
tre black globe. Ra had left instructions that a solid platinum base
was to be constructed with 4 termination points that would be con-
nected to the main power grid. A super-wireless antenna is to be
attached that would directly power all military facilities in England.
A layer of gold, encrusted with diamonds, was also to be placed on
top of the platinum base. These instructions and materials were
carried out to the letter and signed off by Melloch Teuton. The new
Chancellor is unable to make the meeting because he is attending
a memorial service for the slaughtered military men and women
who died at the hands of the new elites benefactor.
Arthur Schopenhauer speaks on his behalf and addresses Arius Ziz
“We have proposals for a new computer game console that will
occupy the minds of the young people and at the same time train
them for warfare.”
The blackmailed luminaires of the arts world all nodded in agree-
“We will also require that the artists and media personalities who
are present, oppose this proposal publicly so that we create an
atmosphere of rebellion. We can then commence arresting any
This concluded his report to the arts council and Arius Ziz was
satisfied that such a holographic game console could easily be

The Dajjal Entertainment conglomerate was a Saudi backed enter-

prise. This however was a hidden fact and anyone who mentioned
this was swiftly labelled a mad person and subject to being sec-
tioned in a mental hospital. The aim of Dajjal entertainments was
to create negative entrtainment that would lead to young people
randomly (apparently) killing each other in horrific ways usually in
a public place during daylight working hours.
The meeting at Lodge number 33 took on added urgency and
Tesla Eugenics was not happy.
“Cyrus must be made to suffer. I don’t care what it costs! He
must not be allowed to work in the media industry. Whatever he
touches must be turned to crud.”
The attendees made mental notes and chose to ignore the rant-
ings of Tesla. Cyrus Diop was a good earner. Whatever projects
he was attached to, always seemed to make money. The Lodges
remit was soley to make preperations for the arrival of the one
eyed messiah. Personal vendettas were supposed to be a no no.
However Tesla is the leader of defacto welcoming committee and
besides, there are so many mundanes and pledges to the worhsip
of Baphomet that he could be easily mollified regarding Diop.
Baron Slimel von Davos spoke up.
“Now the main agenda. We have all sworn an oath to kill 2/3rds or
humanity. This is no easy task. But it is a great calling. With the
Ziz corporation we will initiate the super soldier program. Those
who serve in our armed forces will not die in vain. We will take
their DNA and incorporate it into the ‘program’.”
Tesla grinned a lizard like grin. It was moments like this that swelled
his breast. Being surrounded by Eton, Cambridge and Oxfords fin-
est minds ameliorated his position within the illuminati. Though he
was unable to read or write due to not being bothered, his wealth
and cunning is instrumental in producing the first universal knowl-
edge software. By simply injecting himself with a Dajjal bio tech
serum he was able to read and write for 3 months at a time. He
actually prefered being in a state of ignorance. It was during these
times that his most cunning plans came about.

“The von Davos foundation will also be distributing a derivative of

the fundamentalist anti-muslim vaccine or Funvax™ through our
airline business. Now I know some of you question the effective-
ness of this airborne virus but come on, we’ve had turmoil and
unrest in the middle east for nearly half a century.”
A murmer of ‘hear hears’ echoed in the chamber and a man in
arab dress sipped on his whisky and grinned a pythons grin.
Wiggy set up Satan Entertainments in New york before the civil
war. Now relocated in Central City, Satan Entertainments had a
sweet distribution deal with Dajjal Entertainments.The biggest act
on his books is Digi-Diva. Cyrus knew this, but since he hooked
her up with his neutrino based robot-of-light, he thought it best
to watch from the side lines. The chip in her breast was also be-
ing monitored by Dajjal entertainments subsidary using Cyruses
algorithms. The trouble with these elites and captains of English
industry is there stupidity. These idiots could never see past a
spreadheet and since the early 1980’s England has done every-
thing in its power to stiffle innovation so that it could suck the flac-
id baphomet dick of the American Fed, et al. Anyway, secret funds
were being channeled into a secure online bitcoin fiscal storage
system so he was content. The key was to maintain the shambolic
appearance of someone who doesnt know what he’s doing so that
everyone would leave him alone. This was the only way he could
focus on at least trying to practice some islam in his life. There
was something that was blocking him and he’d take a hit of crystal
meths here, an illicit drink there, all the time feeling guilt and self
loathing for violating the tenets of his religion.

“Yo Diop, Yo, yo, yo. A man like you should be driving a Ferrari
“Hey man, I’m cool. What do you need bro. I’ve got some cool
new graphics for the Samsung holo-20-12.”
“You got that tech already? Sometimes I think you’re some kind of
super hero. Cyrus Diop, super hero. Come I gotta see Skelly and
dem man.”

Wiggy had a brand new Lamborghini SPIGA. Cyrus stepped into

the cockpit and felt nauseous.

“Cyrus I need a music video for Digi-Diva. I know I havent called

you before, but you know I need this doing like yesterday.”
“Why do you do this Wiggy! You run a multi million pound opera-
tion and you can’t even prep a music promo. Fuckin hell.”
“Why you always gotta shout at me man. You know it upsets me.
I know I’m not perfect bro but I’m tryin man. I’m trying.”
Cyrus knew full well that Wiggy didnt even believe the syllables
that were being constructed by his lying tongue. Wiggy had lost
two brothers when Aton went on his rampage and the funeral was
well attended. Even Tesla Eugenics-Ford the third came back to
the house to speak with Wiggys distraught parents.
“Okay, Okay. Whens the shoot.”
“We’re going to the set right now killer.”

The film set was all decked out in gold, black, white and red. The
chequer board flooring and the horned deity in the middle of the
pentogram sent shivers down his spine. Wiggy is a pentacostal
christian. However during the week he is a committed worshipper
of evil jinns and satan. A regular visitor to Tesla Eugenics pent-
house orgies, Wiggy had no morals and no conscience.

“Cyrus I can leave you with this one yeah. I’ve got to go some
where. I’ll see you in the editing suite at the Channel 4. Thanks.”

He deliberately left out any discussion of money so that when

Cyrus remonstrated, as he would do, Wiggy would claim that the
prestige of working for Channel 4 and making new contacts is pay-
ment enough.
Ashy Jonson on-trend media broadcaster with his ever present
geurilla film maker Fanny Batter, were commissioned to do a be-
hind the scenes making of Digi-Divas promo piece for youtube.
Cyrus hated Ashy Jonson. Ashy Jonson hated Cyrus Diop. Cyrus
Diop represented everything that was wrong with the english me-
dia. Lower class, uneducated wannabe film makers and directors
have no place in the mainstream media. These mentally ill, and
you had to be mentally ill to just randomly want to make motion
pictures or animations without a formal middle class education,
irritated the hell out of Ashy. Wiggy had a special directors chair
made for Cyrus and Cyrus sat in front of the monitors.
“Okay. We’re going to stick to the storyboards okay. Call it.”
Baron Slimel von Davos was monitoring the data feed at the Digi-
Diva shoot. The awkward body language between Digi-Diva and
Cyrus was obvious to even the most casual observer.
“We’re going to keep this one off radar. I want a total sabotage on
this album. No radio play, no video streaming. I need maximum in-
ompetence and please people pretend its not your responsibility.”

Von Davos loved a good sabotage operation. Watching people lose

hope and fall into a deep depression gave von Davos that sense
that he was really one of the members of the ‘Deep State’. His
media holdings even included large outdoor advertising screens,
that when combined with a chem trail airborne virus, could induce
acts of civil disorder. This technology was very old and the newly
formed police force needed a riot in order to test out their new
wi-fi remote tasers. The black sphere at the Ziz corporation would
now power the remote tasers meaning he could sack 300 workers.
Sacking mundanes and minions also gave von Davos a semi erect
penis. A commited sociopath he would often take trips to dictator
run African states and tear the flesh off political oponents with a
specially adapted glove. One such dictator would encourage von
Davos to engage in rough necrophelia and then partake in eating
the bloody beating heart. Admired by other member of the free-
masonic brotherhood for his murderous pastimes von Davos had
no intention of taking the reigns. He preffered to serve the other
elites in the deep state. Cyrus Diop was to be one of his pet pro-
jects. By calling upon ancient pre-islamic dieties he was going to
make sure Cyrus Diop did something so out of character he would
end up in prison. This was not going to be easily executed and re-
quired the assistance of about 20 minions who would be oblivious
to this dastradly remote controlled mind fuck.

Digi-Dva was having a massive hissy fit and stormed off the set
after one of the camera technicians wiped all the data. Cyrus used
this time to check his secret royalties account. This time it was his
face that went ashy. All his funds were gone.

Dikshit Media Corporation.

Shilpa Dikshit was angry. The more she dwelled on the source of
the anger the more her head hurt. Having been named business
woman and entrepreneur of the year in the republic of Scotland.
Shilpa knew that the real goods were in England. As a spy for In-
dia she had penetrated the highest echelons of Scots society and
also paid the Scottish Natonal party billions to maintain the illusion
of independence. The north sea oil stock was in rapid decline and
the scottish media industry, due to cronyism and nepotism made
scotland a global laughing stock. Scotland was important. If india
could take it over, it could be used a springboard into England
and the new source of power would be in indian hands. Indias
expansionist and imperial desires were the best kept secret in the
world. However no amount of skin lightening, aryan pride and
anti muslim sentiment would allow Dikshit to get close to the ‘deep
state’ of england. She would always be a dirty little paki and that
hurt. She was indian not pakistani. But Shilpa Dikshit had a trump
card. As a medical student working in England she was privvy to
some samples at Dajjal bio-tech who’s chairmen was Tesla Eugen-
ics. After a night of rampant anal sex with Tesla and three of his
closest henchmen, Shilpa managed to get the access codes to
a secret DNA sequence. Using her cousins remote hacking skills
Shilpa managed to copy the sequence and she altered slightly the
original holographic data store. The things she had to do in service
to mother india would pay dividends when she came to selling the
bollywood film rights.

Through a contact in england she was frantically trying to de-

termine the multiple sources of the single DNA sample. Her twin
sister Aryana Dikshit had undergone plastic surgery and extreme
skin whitening. Working as a high class prostitute, her task was to
collect the DNA of the elite males in order to find a match. How-
ever Aryana had one problem. Because she was part of the Dikshit
political family, every now and then she would end up plastered all
over the english media because she was an unrepentant alcoholic.
The corrupt nature of the Indian government and its various
mechanisms of state made Aryana Dikshit a prized asset. She was
also a very shrewed business woman in her own right and had
her own private army that would protect her. They were mainly
made up of straight acting gay pakistani men who were fiercely
loyal. Aryanas closest henchmen is a bearded wahabi predatory
homosexual named Assif Yazidi. Assif would run one of her many
arts companies that would offer help and charity to the homeless
and ex-offenders. The company was called Farcical Fierce Arts or
FFARTS and comprised of Glastonbury hasbeens, unfunny comics
and a global panopoly of misfits, failed artists and chancers.

Dajjal Entertainements commissioned FFARTS to put on an event

for the social underclass and other benefit recipients. Deandra Ball
is in charge of the whole farce. A slightly portly woman in her
late 40’s, this middle class white woman had once been part of a
comedy duo called ‘The Cheeky Jews’. Her small glimpse of fame
left her rather quite embittered because ‘The Cheeky Jews’ never
secured that vital Channel 4 pilot comedy show. Disappointed, De-
andra turned to a fringe branch of westernised hinduism specially
created by the Dikshit corporation. Her new found idol worship-
ping zeal and drug intake led to an epiphany where Deandra had a
dream where she delivered art to the unwashed ethnic minorities
of Central City using her global contacts in order to further her
atistic ‘practise’.

“Come on guys, ya blood claarts, sit down mon”

Deandra mimicked the three teeange girls faux Jamaican patois
accents. They were Somalian.

“Deandra I dont want to read in front of her she keeps laughing at

me when I stu.. st.. stutter.”
“Oh dont worry about it. We can always record it again. Cyrus are
you set up?”
Hannah had found Cyrus another arty farty gig. The pay was ex-
penses and food only, but Cyrus was desperate.
Deandra was always accompanied by a stetson hat wearing, light
skinned moron. Cyrus remembered him from back in the day but
for some reason Obadiah Blank never acknowledged him. Obadiah
was a football hooligan and armed robber who never got caught.
He was also a drug dealer and a thief. Who never got caught. After
doing an arts course in a run down suburban college Obadiah had
reinvented himself as fully fledged, head up his own arse, artist
for hire. He was into sculptor, mentoring, graphic design and film
making. He was also an avid traveller and he was shit at every-
thing he did. This didn’t matter to Deandra who liked his soft light
skinned features and quirky ethnic origins.
“Oh, you opting for the Panasonic 4D holographic visual capture
Cyrus rolled his eyes. It wasn’t the fact that this smart arse had
only just read Cyrus’ notes that he left at the meeting last night in
order to get that information, it was the fact that he said it in that
tone and within earshot of Deandras financers so that he sounded
like he knew what he was talking about.
“Come on girls get in closer. I need to get as much data as pos-
Deandra hated Cyrus. It was his dark skin and muscles that she
found intimidating. Also the fact that he had no formal qualifica-
tions in film making. These were the small details that angered
her as she had many black friends who through hard work and
poverty gained degrees within the artistic disciplines. Hannah had
put Cyrus forward. Deandra was one of those desperate goyim
who when asked to jump, by descendents of survivors of the holo-
caust, would further enquire whether her ‘air’ should be in imperial
measurements or the metric international format.

“Come on Cyrus ya bumba claart man, work it mon, work it.”

She chuckled a cobra like chuckle to herself. This was just the type
of job that dehumanisd Cyrus Diop and drove him to consuming
vast qauntities of illicit intoxicants. Deandra continued her charade
of being a loving caring artistic practitioner whilst secretly wallow-
ing in Cryus Diops servitude. For expenses......
Whenever an opportunity arose wheer she could undermine and
ridicule Cyrus in front of her somalian charges she would grab it
with gusto. Cyrus whilst shooting a particularly giggley scene, with
Faridah and Ameena, accidently brushed past one of the guffaw-
ing east africans. The resulting apparent sexual frisson stimulated
a dormant rage within Deandra that exploded in a wild accusation
that was hurled at Cyrus with venegence.
“Ay you, watch it! You just calm down.”
Cyrus raised his eyes towards the heavens whilst the young teen-
agers were quite flattered that ‘big’ man had noticed their shap-
ley maturing forms. A much stranger scenario clearly infected the
mind of the delusional old haggard, Deandra.

Assif Yazidi entered the bohemian warehouse building in order to

collect the solid state hard drives to be edited by one of his blonde
european minions.
“Hi Cy. Everything in order darling . Hi De.”
They embraced like two serpents about to feed on misery.
“Cy, we’re having a party over at the Tesla building, we’d love to
see you sweetheart. We do miss your witty anecdotes.”
Cyrus was not in the mood. 150,000 quids worth of gold backed
money had simply ceased to exist and there’s nothing he can do
about it. Penury and fiscal embarassment covered him like spit on
a kids lollipop. Forces were conspiring against him. He was not
so naive as to not realise that the likes of Tesla Eugenics and the
one eyed worshipping, satan following cabal would let him off the
hook that easily. An assassination could be next. Then again that
would be too high profile, he is still connected to Satan Entertain-
ments and the various hooligan and thug clans. Scant protection
when your up against the corporate military complex. Suffering,
tumult and oppression is their stock in trade. A fate worse than
death itself.
Cyrus handed over the solid state data, still ignoring Assifs request
for an evening of up the bum fun.
“Cyrus you’re looking very down mate. Whats the matter honey.
You know you can talk to me sweetie.”
“Hey Arse-if. Look mate, us being er... muslims and everything.
You know, you should want for your brother what you want for
yoursel, yeah. Any chance you can give us 25K?”
Assif smiled a boa constrictor like smile.
“Dearie if you come to the party I might know someone who can
peel off some bread.”
Cyrus read between the butt cheeks. He is talking about pimpin.
“Look you no what, I’ll pass. Look I gotta go.”
Deandra overherad Cyrus request for funds and couldn’t resist a
snide reamark.
“Look you. Dont be using my contacts to con people out of money.
You’re such a blagger.”
Head dipped down, shoulders low, Cyrus slunk out of the arty farty
environs and headed to the bus stop. The realisation is starting to
sink in, that he has fallen foul of the system. A system of govern-
ing people by manipulation, propaganda and patronage that he
thought he could beat with his mind. All was lost and there was no
going back. Cyrus is doomed to a life of poverty.

Aryana Dikshit is drunk. Assif tried to fill her in on the days events
but she was having none of it.
“Don’t give me that shit! I need Cyrus he’s the only guy who’s
gotten in with Tesla. We need him. Find him and give him some
“But I don’t know where he lives. He’s practically a tramp.”
“Find out you faggot! Fuckin ask someone. Do some fuckin inves-
“But Cy is so secretive. He probably lives in a cardboard box or
Aryana was feeling more demonic with every effeminate syllable
Assif uttered. Assif was normally straight acting when he had to
deal with his lads or go to the mosque. However when he was at
his gay orgies he would start mincing and get all queeny.
“Assif, I really seriously need to find Cyrus and sort him out and
maybe I can get my life back so I can stop being a sket...”
As she enunciated the ‘t’ in ‘sket’ she threw up in Assifs face.
Satan Entertainments

“He graduated Summa cum laude, a media genius of our time. A

contact list to simply die for. It can only be Schrödinger ‘Wiggy’
Ashy Jonson lapped up his guests applause as if it was his own.
Satan Entertainments is launching a new live music festival. He
called this summer solstice excuse for hedonism, imaginatevly, Go
Pagan!®. His launch party was being filmed and blue beamed
around the world, live into night clubs, homes and brothels.
“Thank you Ashy. You weren’t just suckin up my applause by any
chance. were you Ashman?”

An awkwards studio silence descended for the briefest of seconds

and then Wiggy broke into a broad slimey grin.
“I gotcha good huh! Hey round of aplause for Ashy Jonson Central
Cities most beautifulist host. A round of applause.”
The gathering minions and sycophants complied and Ashy soaked
it up like as if he was screwing a newly human trafficked east eu-
ropean hooker.
“I am pleased to announce that Dajjal Biotech will be sponsoring
the event and we will be distributing their totally legal cocaine and
ketamine clones for your raving pleasure. All the fun of the real
thing with added vitamins and extra pep in your step after just five
hours of recovery sleep.”

Telsa Eugenics was sitting in the luxury pharmaceutical headquar-

ters of Dajjal Biotechnologies. As chairmen and spiritual head of
the company, Tesla made sure that all mundanes and minions
carried out his orders to the letter. It was noted many years ago
through the various freemasonic lodges that new diseases ap-
peared the more humanity fornicated. It was alo discovered by
mainly nazi supporting US eugenicists in the 1920’s that these vi-
ruses could carry mind altering and mind controlling viral weapons
that would help them to either wipe out undesirables or turn the
poor into cheap labour work slaves.
“We are going to sponser Wiggy spongebrain and his band of
niggers, in order to promote our new pornography services. 3D
holographic personal porno-gratifiaction. These services will be
promoted along side our cocaine and ketamine clones. I need
maximum focus on this people. Lets start repaying them student

The assembled team of debt ridden post graduates lowered their

gazes into the wafer thin tablets in order to begin rustling up pro-
teins in ernest. The challenge is to create vaccines for the myriad
of sexually transmitted diseases that were rife in the late fifties in
the 21st century. The only community where rates of transmis-
sion remained stable or decreasing was the muslim community.
Arius Ziz was charged with introducing more smut into the islamic
sphere. A tough sell, but the urge and desire for people to become
famous for doing absolutely nothing meant that there was always
a way to access the hearts and minds of callow youth.
Scientist GT1011 tapped his collegue Scientist A0271CG in order
to gain his attention.
“I hear we could be up for a Nobel peace prize if we crack this
“What for encouraging a bunch of filthy snotty nosed brats to shag,
rut and fuck because we gave them an airborne virus?”
“No, no not that. Think of the bigger picture. Erm... I’ve lost my
train of thought.”
“I don’t think you had a ticket to board mate. Pass me that span-
ner, We’ve got a flippin leak in the protein warehouse.”
In the 21st century the education standard and calibre of top tier
post graduates left a lot to be desired. So much for elitism, nepo-
tism and cronyism.

Wiggy is in the penthouse suite at the Hilton Plaza hotel. Clad only
in his bath robes with a flute of champagne in his left hand and a
cigar in his left hand between his fingers, he scratched his mani-
cured bollocks with his right hand.
He prayed silently under his breath that the hookers were clean.
No matter, he had a super vaccine: cost 500,000 credits backed by
gold, which altered your DNA in order to combat the latest sexu-
ally transmitted viruses that were on the market.

He surveyed his Ottomon kafes like surroundings, drinking in the
sultry hairy gaelic women sprawled out over the eygyptian cotton
bed linen.
How did he get here? He knew all to well the answer to this ques-
tion. Born into great privilege after his parents served in the British
army. Schrödinger ‘Wiggy’ Wigner was a case study in nepotism and
cronyism. Constantly trying to gain ghetto credentials by placing
himself in danger, all be it with a 10 man surveilance and security
detail, Wiggy’s ghetto exploits were legendary. Known gangsters
would pretend to be his friend until a suitable opportunity availed
itself where wholesale plunder could be executed. However there
was a downside. Every now and then some poor chancer would
try his look on the Wiggy gravy train, only to end up in a barrel of
acid and his DNA being sold to Dajjal Bio technologies. Those were
rare occasions and mainly when Tesla needed some raw material
for his ‘experiments’.

“Call my ‘Neeeyuguh’ Cyrus Diop.”

He paused as the virtual neutrino database contacted Cyrus via
the GPS phone network.
“Cyrus, you with Digi Diva? Hows the show going?”
“It’s going good. Everybodies really enjoying her new track: I’m a
Hedonistic Idol Worshipping Superstar.”
“Good. We used magic on that bitch. Cool. Keep me updated
through twitter and I’ll see you at the after party.”

Wiggy is onto another winner. Despite her outburst on the BBC

he could pull this back from the brink and clear 100 million gold
backed credits. He looked down into his robe and went quite pale.
A luminous fluid was leaking out of his penis. Those friggin kurdish
people smugglers had given him soiled goods.
Diop and Digi-Diva are in the VIP suite as thousands of party go-
ers dance and groove to her latest song. A holographic projection
of Digi-Diva walks on stage performing while the crowd, who are
being sercretly gassed with a mind bending hallucenagenic drug,
rave, oblivious to the marketing ruse.
Digi-Diva is having a diva.
“I shouldn’t have to be sitting here! Why are they doing this to me
Cyrus. So I told them about meeting the fallen angel and how the
fallen angel helped my career. You were there. I didn’t mention
you though.”
Cyrus half listens. He is officially broke and the money that was
coming in barely paid for the bus fare.
“They’re saying I’m mad Cyrus. The media is calling me ‘mad gyal’.
I can’t take it.”
“Babe, what can I do? I’m nothing babe. No one gives a shit about
me. All they care about is whether I can edit this or do this open-
ing sequence or do this graphic. No one gives a fuck about crea-
tive poeple babe. Just deal with it. Soak it up.”
Digi-Diva was half listening, Wiggy had informed her that she may
have to take a pay cut due to the 40 year on going financial cri-
sis. This is a personal blow to Digi-Diva because new starlet, Oxa
Organic, is getting major airplay across media with her a capellas.
“I was the future Cyrus. The future. Why is this happening to me.”
“I warned you Emirah. If you mess around with satanic energy and
jinn they will fuck up your runnings. The only way to out smart
them is to..”
“Shut up, shut up. Not this muslim crap again. I’m a witch Cyrus,
a witch. I don’t wanna be a muslim. Uugh it makes me physically
sick just thinking about that sufi muslim crap.”

Cyrus realised why he didn’t even like being in the same room as
Emirah. He would offer her solutions to her problems and all she
would do is throw it back in his face and do the exact opposite.
When shit hit the fan she would complain and moan, all the time
forgetting that it was her own choice that got her into this mess
in the first place.
“I’m gonna do an a capella album, thats what I’ll do. I’ve had
enough of the lucifer stuff. I need to go back to basics.”
“Wiggy won’t let you do that. Contract, babe. And anyway, you’re
the face of Go Pagan!® so if you think you’re losing money now...”
He shrugged his shoulders in the way of those who have resigned
to the vicissitudes of time. Digi-Diva responded by bursting into
tears. She is having a full mental and emotional breakdown.
The security detail knock on the door and peer in, but quickly as-
sess the situation and leave their posts. They’ve seen many situ-
ations where the artist was about to be let go by the powers that
be and their work is done. Cyrus tries his best to hold and console
the emotionally disturbed young lady but it is to no avail. Having
cursed the holographic negative energy avatar, she activated her
depression chip that was secretly implanted in her breast. This
meant she would never sing again.

Wiggy is having his own mental melt down. He recently married

his heiress girlfriend and formed plans to expand into europe. His
risky bareback activity is starting to affect his social climbing ac-
tivities. He scraped up some of the leaky goo and digitaly had the
DNA sent over to the Dajjal Bio technology labs. The wait is excru-
tiating. His privilged life flashes before his eyes in edited archaic
IMAX 70mm film.
“You have three hours to get to the facility in Central City. Two
hours fifty nine minutes and fifty eight seconds to cure your ail-
Wiggy looked at the 2 young women still sprawled out on the bed.
He weighed up having one more rut before heading to the priva-
tised hospital.
Cyrus Diop left All Saints mental hospital at 3am in the morning.
He could have sworn he just saw Wiggy in a black taxi heading to-
wards a privatised hospital. It was as if he didn’t want to be seen.
Dodgy bastard, thought Cyrus to himself and walked to his flat in
Winson Green. He had no electricity or gas in the flat and he felt
as if the world is about to end. Ah well, he thought to himself, at
least he believed in Allah and the final messenger and prophet.
BBC Radio 4.

It is 2 days since he had to section Digi-Diva. After most of the Sa-

tan Entertainments crew left that night, the club manager wanted
Digi-Diva jailed for stripping off naked claiming Lucifer was speak-
ing to her through her feet. Cyrus tried his best to calm her down
and also to counsel her not to repeat how they met the test avatar
being blue beamed down from his own personal satellite. Imme-
diately, she launchded into a monologue about fallen angels and
how lucifer gave her a voice. Tiring of the apparant mad womans
rantings, the manager of the club called the police where she was
remotely tasered and shipped off to All Saints mental institution.
Luckily it was only down the road from Cyrus’ flat so he was able
to walk home after what was a very long and emotional night.
Cyrus went into his suprisingly tidy, spartan living room and pulled
aside the sheet that covers the large lead patterned windows. The
morning sun caused his eyes to wince and twitch as he hung the
sheet just so, in order to maximise the entry of the natural light.
Sitting in his recycled office chair, Cyrus uttered the command.
Initiate Keiser Report interface. The room flickered for a while and
then a series of dark black rectangles gradually returned to full
opacity and the boot up sequence began.

Building your own technology from scratch and creating a suitable

language was both a blessing and a curse. A blessing because
Cyrus had a near photographic memory and was able to rebuild
from his minds eye the secret blue beam technology that he had
to tinker with, to develop Aton Ra. After demonstraing to the high-
est military authorities in the land, that he could solve and prove
the youtube equation, Cyrus was quickly furnished with the states
access to the USA’s blue beam holographic technology to usher
in the age of the one eyed ruler. These government lunatics and
politicians knew of Cyrus Diops conversion to islam but Cryus was
so overwhelmed by their thorough knowledge of all aspects of is-
lamic law that he simply fell in line and took the money. They had
convinced him by using guile, deception and the wahabi creed.
Tesla Eugenics recently sent a chinese woman with a sexually
tansmitted disease to infect Cyrus three months prior to him re-
vealing himself as the the originator of the youtube master equa-
tion video. This merely confirmed their suspicions, but this agent
had already infected two thousand black males with the same
virus. Once his mind chemistry was altered, hubris kicked in and
Cyrus went on the Ashy Jonson show in front of various secret ser-
vice agents and MI6 to boast. After proving the new maths logic,
Cyrus was escorted to the illuminati headquarters where a secret
gas was administered to our naive savant where he proceeded to
work on a project to produce, using HAARP technology, 3D holo-
graphic aliens for a new form of military application. Cyrus never
questioned his betters and came up with suits of virtual digitised
DNA armour, that would protect infantrymen from projectiles and
shrapnel. Small scale civil wars were being fought across the globe
and the British and what remained of the US special forces did
their bit after the collapse of the UN and Nato.

All of this was just fuzzy memories in any case as Cyrus went on
a hooker and drug binge that was the envy of most members of
the rock and roll fraternity. The inevitable crash and burn came
when Tesla and his confederates got tired of the embarrassment
of Cyrus Diop being caught in brothels and illicit drug dens with
known underworld criminals. This reflected badly on the new tran-
sitional government which was trying to calm civil unrest as the
British monarchy and its institutions were being disolved. Scotland
with indian help became an independent republic. The illuminati
and freemasons have abandoned most of its core goals in favour
of preperation for the anti-christ or dajjal and began making the
name dajjal palatabe and acceptable to all of humanity whilst
claiming that the muslims had got it wrong with the help and col-
lusion of the hypocritical ruling Saudi elite. The Saudis, who were
of jewish origin, had embraced this new western approach to
religion with suitable gusto and now feeely promoted the wahabi-
kharajite-najdi creed of islam whilst labeling the majority of mus-
lims as deviants, idol worshippers or even non-believers.
Cyrus tapped away at code and shuffled around his solid light
studio. Remembering that he was still in a state of ritual purity or
wudu, Cyrus went into the adjoining bedroom and prayed his mid
afternoon prayer. His mind is racing having smoked a spliff a cou-
ple of hours earlier with Marko, who is staying at an occupy camp
in the city center. The global occupy movement that started in the
early part of the 21st century would periodically make a return
with activists taking over spaces and setting up tent cities. The big
difference being that the law could not remove these camps as the
public outcry and sheer number of sympathetic politicians made
the media spectacle of people being dragged away by security
personnel unpalatable. Besides there was the infamous incident
of one particular camp being run by ex special forces, who booby
trapped the encampment. There political gripe was being fired by
the then ministry of defence, half way through an anti salafi-neo
khawarij assasination operation. 33 special police officers were
killed and 97 others injured in the failed operation, with the added
humiliation of the farce being streamed live across the internet.
Cyrus finished his prayer and made dua for Allah to send mercy
upon the 4 righteous caliphs, Ammar, Bilal, Yasir, Sumayah, Abu
hurrairah, and Umm Abu Hurrairah, May Allah have mercy on them
all. He finished it off by sending blessing upon the final prophet
and messenger, peace be upon him, which are the wings of dua....

Tired and exhausted after reconfiguring his satellite data and

making slight adjustment to the photo-volaic thorium onboard
battery. Cyrus decided to call it a day. A quick dump, a wipe down
and some mouth wash, Cyrus was ready to hit the sack. As a suf-
ferer of sleep paralysis and lucid dreaming he always knew when
the dreaming began.

Tesla Eugenics was sitting with von Davos sizing up Oxa Organics
pert young nubile figure. Having deprived her of sleep for 3 days
whilst administering electric shocks to the 14 year old girl, she had
one more indignity to suffer. Group rape by politicians, CEOs of
large corporate companies, aristocrats and weapons dealers.
The men and three women had a combined age of 888, will hu-
miliate this drugged up naive youngster, who is soon to be a pop
sensation. In order for the mind control suggestions to take, they
had to put her through extreme trauma and then she would be
ready to be unleashed upon the mainstream pop market and vari-
ous media outlets.
“Davos, this one has got potential to control at least 4 million
“You think. I’m not so sure. She keeps asking too many questions.
Where does this money go. Why can’t I have this car. Really ir-
“I think our new nano Radio-Frequency digital neuro DNA chip will
cure that. She wont remember a frikkin thing, the poor schlub.”
Tesla chortled a cobra like chortle.
“And when she’s doing interviews we can send a sharp pain to her
brain to shut her up!”
“Impressive, Herr Tesla. Impressive. Initiate protocol.”
Elliot Wave and Cyrus were under a complicated brick and steel
arrangement in the middle of a densely populated urban sprawl.
A secret niche led them to a windowless room that was filled with
pallets of cash. The two stunned friends looked at each other, not
knowing what to do with this piece of good fortune. Elsewhere, in
a large skyscraper, on the top floor a silk suited man is enraged
that his secret storage of money had been discovered. Not fully
knowing who had violated his seedy hiding place he immediately
dispatches assassins and various henchmen to do away with the
two interlopers.
Cyrus and Elliot Wave grab a couple of skin fulls of cash, not quite
sure what they are going to do with these ill gotten gains. Getting
only a 100 yards or so from the stash, a fleet of flashy Porsches,
decked out in the insignia of the local police force, pull up releas-
ing ski masked paramilitary armed men pointing bulky firearms at
Elliot and Cyrus and take them into custody. The alarm on the data
panel wakes Cyrus as he is about to be taken away by the cops
and it is still dark. The panel plays BBC Radio 4 which is reporting
that civil unrest has broken out and Central City is in flames.
Cyrus looks for his 4D Cam. He quickly checks the battery pack
and grabs a ski mask and gloves. This is his moment, he decides
to record a message of anarchy to a global audience. By setting
up an anonymous web server he could broadcast the mayhem
explaing the frustrations and unfairness of unpopular laws by the
kakistocracy that has replaced the democratic insitutions. This is
fueling greed and hatred for the working people.

Not that Cyrus had a proper job. Ever. It was the message that
is important. The minutiae of his fitness to present such a mes-
sage was not important. He alone had the resources and the wit
to sieze this opportunity to expose the hidden evil in england that
presided over an institutionally racist police force reinforcing white
privilege. The black and white minstrel show in the latter part of
the 20th century had tv audiences of 20 million, such was the
collective ignorance of a backward looking rotten nation. News
Corp, owner of the defunct Sun newspaper and the News of the
World had hacked and bribed police officers. Even the Daily Mail
had been accused by Hugh Grant, with Paul Dacre making only the
feeblest of defences of the now extinct Mail online. These relics
of a corrupt and evil spirited elite had merely morphed into fresh
new entities. The bastard children of the early 21st centuries sa-
tanic kabal, swore their strongest oaths to the dajjal, prophecised
by the final messenger of Allah. To apply logic and reason, to the
descendants of the merovingians, is futile. They were so deluded
and inbred the thinning blood had thinned their minds.

Dawn. Cyrus figured that by the time he reached the city center
he would have sufficient light to produce his act of visual sedition.
He suddenly realised that it was time for fajr prayer. Normally he
would head to the local masjid but he decided to pray his prayer
in his house. After making his ablutions and fulfilling the prayer re-
quirements, including the sunnah prayers and the added example
of laying on his side facing Mecca, Cyrus set off on his journey to
record the nights mayhem and tumult in central city.

The Riots.
Freemanson number 2 who owned the mass communication port-
folio was getting irritated by the communication traffic. Through
his virtual billboard network he had sent kabalistic magi formu-
las throughout the network in the form of motion film posters
that conjured up satanic divisive tag lines. A terrorist organisation
known as anonymous had managed to infiltrate some parts of the
system and was leaking his companies orders to divide the uban
communities along ethnic lines.
“This is the third time this week. How is this possible” This was
a rhetorical question to himself as the chemtrails that Tesla au-
thorised to poison the city created a sense of apathy within the
14 to 30 year old demographic. This group constituted the main
perpertrators of the civil disorder. Deaths were quite high and 35
reported deaths, through poisoning, execution by police, made
this years riot a complete success. The data hacks were a minor

Cyrus entered the city center through Paradise Square where

the Propaganda Dispersal Respository or central library, loomed
large in the background. The debris and discarded spoils of looted
shops is everywhere. The drones in the sky are scavaging and
photographing opportunists who are rummaging through the riot
detritus. Cyrus set up his 4D holo capture and began filming the
devastation. The low frequency hum of the arial drones interef-
ered with his capture device and Cyrus immediatly clocked on that
the police were trying to block his street journalism. Activating a
discreet switch in the support mechanism Cyrus bounced a signal
from a nearby tower block sending a stream of data to the drones
navigation system. Cyrus casually strolled over to a nearby bus
shelter pretending to tie his shoe lace and the drone exploded in
mid air. A distant cheer by a band of thieving teenagers brought a
wry smile to Cyrus face. The task force operating the drones would
be gven a false data trail to a second tower block. The ‘Calypso’
program that Cyrus placed at the heart of Aton Ra’s mobius strip
brain center is testimony to the elites stupidity.
Freemason 3 constantly reminded himself why he did the things
he did. His father, being a descendant of the Red-Shield dynasty,
groomed him for service to the invisible empire and the deep state.
He hated his dad and his creepy friends who were always trying to
cop a feel. The families annual trip to pre civil war Marthas Vinyard
haunted his adult life. Resigned to his fate he called up a data
feed and took the neccessary pills to help the satanic agenda stick
in his mind for the next 6 months.

The Republic provided the basis for modern fascist projects of

the Illuminati, including the elimination of marriage and the fam-
ily, compulsory education, the use of eugenics by the state, and
the employment of deceptive propaganda methods. According to
Plato, “All these women shall be wives in common to all the men,
and not one of them shall live privately with any
man; the children too should be held in common so that no parent
shall know which is his own offspring, and no child shall know his
parent”. This belief is associated with a need for eugenics, as “the
best men must cohabit with the best women in as many cases as
possible and the worst with the worst in the
fewest, and that the offspring of the one must be reared and that
of the other not, if the flock is to be as perfect as possible.” More
ruinous still is his prescription for infanticide: “The offspring of the
inferior, and any of those of the other sort who are born defective,
they will properly dispose of in secret,
so that no one will know what has become of them. That is the
condition of preserving the purity of the guardians’ breed.”

Freemason 3 inhaled and cracked a dragon smile. These new drugs

were awesome. He didnt have to spend time learning. All he had
to do was pop a pill and plug into the system for a few minutes. He
now had all the info he needed to chair and attend the inner meet-
ings of the select few. He cast his mind back to his youth and how
his father would always remind him that it is a noble goal to re-
duce the amount of humans on the face of the planet. War was a
good tool but was becoming fragmneted. Stealing was also good.
Freemason 3 was ready for his next dose of direct to neuro syn-
apses aryan-zionist-athiest-kharijite-saudi propaganda.

Compulsory schooling is to be implemented in order to separate

children from their parents, to have them indoctrinated in the ide-
als of the state: They [philosopher-kings] will begin by sending
out into the country warriors who will terrorise the population with
state approval. The Illuminati will be in possession of their children,
who will be unaffected by the habits of their parents; these they
will train in their own habits and laws, I mean in the laws which
we have given them: and in this way the State and constitution of
our invisible empire which we were speaking will soonest and most
easily attain happiness, and the nation which has such a constitu-
tion will gain most. As for propaganda, according to Plato, “Our
rulers will find a considerable dose of falsehood and deceit neces-
sary for the good of their subjects”. He further explains, “Rhetoric
… is a producer of persuasion for belief, not for instruction
in the matter of right and wrong. And so the rhetorician’s busi-
ness is not to instruct a law court or a public meeting in matters of
right and wrong, but only to make them believe; since, I take it,
he could not in a short while instruct such
a mass of people in matters so important.”

Edward Bernays the fourth, is the director general of the BBC. His
job as head of the worlds most envied broadcaster is to liaise with
MI6 and MI5 in order to deliver whatever they wanted. The riots in
central city were designed to fill up the privatised jails to increase
profits. The cheap labour and the ability to test new drugs was re-
quired before the total transference to a republican state. Edward
directed his journalists and broadcasters to appear antogonistic
towards his position in order to create the impression that they
were mavericks with their own objective journalistic principles. Se-
cret bonus payments would be hand delivered by members of the
national security services. Edward was looking forward to his state
pension plan.

Aryana Dikshit was more determined than ever to obtain access to
the english deep state. So far her sketting and hedonistic activities
had yielded nowt. Assifs mission to deliver money and the promise
of unlimited indian pussy took on renewed ugency.

“Now you’re sure your contacts are good yeah? I can’t have you
giving away my money to some random koli.”
“Its good data Ari, good data. My contact works for Cable and
Wireless and he got a drone image that identified Cyrus and is-
sued an address. The police aren’t following it up and the data was
to be stored for 5 years then deleted. Trust me Ari.”
“Well it sounds good. Pass me another special brew.”

Wealth and status would not come between Aryana and her love
of the lower beverages. Her petite frame could barely deal with a
couple of cans of the alcoholics favourite golden tipple, let alone 8.

“Well don’t stand there judging me. get on with your work. Go on.”
Assif smiled a superior smile and headed in the direction of the
gated garage to selet a vehicle of his choice.
“Ooh. I didnt think the azure Z8 Beems is ready bumsy.”

Freemason 3 entered the BBC Director generals office to make

sure that the hidden hand of the invisible empire is felt throughout
the entire communication system.
“Hiya Eddie.”
“Err yeah erm. Radio One and 1 Xtra will be promoting Oxa Or-
ganics mix tape ‘look no digital™’ the kids on the street are really
digging it.”
Freemason 3 ignored this last sycophantic remark.
“You know why I’m here don’t you Eddie? Do you know why I’m
Edward Bernays gulped the gulp of a man who was afraid of losing
his job
“Eddie. The reason we worship baphpmet, a goat headed transex-
ual, is because the mundanes and little men give us blow jobs.”
The eerie silence of the empty city is punctuated with the revving
engines of the paramilitary police force changing shifts. Two youth
walk towards Cyrus and ask about his camera and lenses.
“So you study media at Dajjal university?”
“Yeah I’m in my final year fam. I wanna mek music promos and
hopefully make one of dem super hero motion pictures.”
Cyrus sighed an internal sigh and handed the camera to the ambi-
tious schlub.
“No way! This is a protable Blue holo capture PD 107 4D. Can I
take a shot?”
Cyrus nodded in the affirmitive with a mature grin. The empty
shops and the broken windows were the topic of converstation
with the other youth. Cyrus, who by now had recieved his camera
turned to both of the youths who were talking about how they
wish they had got there earlier. Cyrus piped up.
“Fuck it I’m going in.”
“You’re mad geezer!”

Cyrus had made up his mind. He wanted some of that free gear
that was going around. The statistical chances of him being picked
up by the surveillance drones is slim and Cyrus brazenly entered
the clothing store and proceeded to travel up the still escalator to
the mens section. Crouching low like a stealthy ninja he selected
various items and even had the temerity to select one of the more
generous plastic shopping bags from behind the early sunlit sales

After filling his bag with his ill gotten gains Cyrus went down the
escalator and crouched swiftly as a police car drove past. Pausing
to time his escape, Cyrus casually strode out of the shop as if he
was entitled to his illegal leisure wear, passing early morning work-
ers who all seemed to be walking in the opposite direction. Cyrus
isn’t even walking towards his flat but towards the privatised Steel
House Lane police station. The snatch squad swooped down on
Cyrus with efficiency and ruthlessness, bundling the limp Cyrus
into the back of a privatised police van.
Tesla had a thorn in his side. An achilles heel. It was called de-
mocracy. This filthy religion caused much pain and suffering to the
members of the elite. In order to make money and maintain the
status quo, slaves and poor people were essential. From the ranks
of the impoverished a suitable security force could be developed
to keep the serfs in check. Tesla Eugenics needed the mecha-
nisms of democracy for they were necessary for him to appear
as a philanthropist, libertarian and all round civilised God fearing
privileged white man. He cared nothing for these perceptions and
regarded his dedication to Lucifer and the worship of the evil ones
as the sole purpose of his very wealthy existence. The newly in-
vested chancellor is to be armed with the new technology from the
black sphere. This would ensure that he could not be assasinated
by projectiles. Least of all when he left office he would also be
protected. This new arrangement suited Tesla, for now, until he
worked out a way to gain full control of the black sphere. Tesla and
Melloch tolerated each others existence.

“As your chancellor we will now call upon Arius Ziz to address us
and to formally introduce us, to that which speaks for the sphere.”

Arius Aziz left the gathering of scientists and private security per-
sonnel and stood just outside the security perimeter that prevented
or rather warned anyone from getting close to the black sphere.

“The sphere has been placed over 3 metric tonnes of solid gold,
3 metric tonnes of Platinum and 3 metric tonnes of solid silver. 4
termination points have been plugged into the nuclear power grid
and from here, we have set up a wi-max encrypted terminal to all
systems of government as directed, by Chancellor Melloch Teuton,
for independent monitoring.”

Melloch smiled to himself knowing full well, that he was now in

the raw data loop that Arius Ziz had access too. Arius Ziz however
spoke directly to ‘that which speaksfor the sphere’.
This presented further complications, due to the speed at which
this new computer could process data. Still it was widely known,
amongst certain circles, that Arius Ziz was a puppet of Tesla Eu-

“As Chancellor I will go with my team of deputies including, Arthur

Schopenhauer the seventh, and approach the sphere for a record-
ed conversation that will hence forth be held under the national
secrets act.”

Melloch strode towards the designated area with the arrogant

stride of a man who has been invested with the power of life and
death. This feeling quickly evaporated as a solid black rectangular
cuboid appeared to rise from the black and white tiled foor.
What happened next took the breath away from all who were in
attendenace, except Arius Ziz and his team.
A black shiney upper torso of a bald headed man extruded from
the structure with arms folded across his chest. The phantom like
entity looked directly at Melloch Teuton with pitch black eyes.
“I am Picatrix and I speak for the sphere. I will narrate to you hu-
man the limits. Listen well and take heed. We are the same beings
that have visited you since your great grandfather Adam. We are
the same beings who taught you magic. We are the rulers of the
planets that have oceans of lead and foliage made from diamonds.
Do not attempt to touch or to grasp us for you will surely burn as
you would burn if you were to touch the surface of the sun.”
There was an eerie cold pause as the creature disappeared into
the black cube. Part of the debriefing process meant that Melloch
Teuton was informd that alien contact had been established for the
past 150 years with various governments around the world. These
aliens aided mankind in creating new technology. This new tech-
nology led to weapons of mass destruction which in turn helped to
satisfy the aliens desire for human sacrifice on an ever increasing
scale. They also desired the division of husband and wife and the
increase in sexually transmitted diseases. The elites could use the
viruses to control there own populations.
The black figure emerged once more and presented Melloch Teu-
ton with a diamond pyramid with a golden all seeing eye.
“This will be the symbol of office. Arius Ziz has a new computer
language which you will name the ‘Dajjal Code’. Do you have any
questions Chancellor Melloch Teuton?”
Melloch was afraid. His fear was written all over his face. No
amount of studying conspiracy theories had prepared him for
coming face to face with an actual alien entity. This being claimed
to have been at the side of humanity since mankind first set foot
on earth. All his athiestic teachings had been of no use except to
keep him ignorant of the greatness of mankinds true calling. That
calling was to await the one eyed king who would sweep away all
religion and bring about peace for all mankind.

“Do not be afraid Melloch Teuton you can ask me anything.”

“Is there an afterlife. After we die is there a heaven and a hell?”
“There is only heaven for those who prepare for the one eyed
king. Have you not recieved the greatest of gifts. Even if you were
to lose all that you have gained, your trust in the one eyed king
will be your key to the heavenly garden Chancellor Teuton.”
Mellochs heart is at ease. His mind is at ease. This is just the
answer he was looking for. Confirmation that his attention to the
affairs of state, helping the military men and women of Central
City to defeat Aton Ra were all part of a destiny that led him to
converse with gods of the pharoahs and ancient babylon. Picatrix
addressed the gathered.
“You are aware that the religion of islam and their accursed leader
muhammad has foretold the arrival of the dajjal. He is a liar and
a mad man. The good work that you have undertaken to remove
this filthy religion form these shores must be increased. The one
eyed king wants you to destroy the followers, not just by killing
them. You must corrupt their women and children, by giving them
trinkets and wealth. You must make extra efforts to sow division
amongst this community. Do not study their texts. Let the salafi
and wahabi folowers do the work. We have a direct link to the in-
ner circle of the Most Royal Saudi family.
It was known by the secret services and various national security
agencies in Britain that the Saudi royal family was descended from
crypto-jews who were secretly against islam. They too were wait-
ing for the one eyed king to make null and void the teachings of is-
lam. The Saudi clan were more zealous in there desire for the rule
of the one eyed messiah than the europeans. The Najdi-Saudi elite
were committed to satanic worship in all its forms. Their proudest
creation was the salafi death cult, which was a cover for their kha-
warij rivival policy to accelerate the slaughter of innocent muslims.
Sometimes they would murder and mutiliate a follower of the ahl
ul sunnah wal jammat just for fun, in order to conjure up a horned
jinn to be a witness to the blood soaked orgies of sexual deviancy
and sodomy. Western members of the illuminati prized these gath-
erings and were amazed at the ease with which the Saudi clan
could interact with the evil ones. Britain now had access to ifreets
and shayteens. These devils possessed technological prowess and
inginuity which is just what the crumbling empire required in order
to regain its former murderous imperial greatness.

Cyrus Diop was given a cup of tea and asked exactly how he came
to be in prison.

“Well to be honest I just wanted to get some footage for a film I’m
working on, but greed and temptation overwhelmed me and..”
The two private prison guards couldn’t contain there laughter. One
of them produced a local newspaper that had Cyrus Diops smiling
countenance, with camera in hand, on the front page.
“How the hell are you gonna get nicked for being in the riot when
you weren’t even in the riot!”

More laughter ensued as other members of the team entered.

Cyrus smiled to himself and realised that this was going to be a
surreal experience. Prison was to be the making of Cyrus Diop.
Deprived of the worldly tempatations of women, liquor and illicit
drugs, Cyrus set about relearning his faith and decided to immerse
himself in the way of the sufi mystic traveller.
Tesla Eugenics is a 33 degree freemason, head of the round table,
and member of The Knights Hospitaller. He now had a fresh worry.
The revealing to the inner branches of the deep state and invisible
empire of Picatrix exposed the ancient ‘mysteries’. Though there
was talk of alien lifeforms and proven accounts of the surfaces of
the planets, Tesla knew all to well that satan was present. Lucifer
had gained the upper hand in mans affairs and this left a big black
hole in the center of Teslas thinking. He knew that new instruc-
tions would divide the confederacy, for this was the way of all
things luciferian. The goal of possesing power, is to serve the sa-
tanic purpose, which was to usher in the age of the one eyed king.
Technological advancements served this purpose. The masses had
to believe and accept racist Darwinian evolution sophistry. To re-
turn to the natural order of things would be a disaster. His master
stroke of creating new philanthropic enterprises and re-inventing
the gold standard for monetary transactuons would enable the il-
luminati to start the whole FIAT paper money process in another
20 years after they had made society relient on pornography and
satanic rutualistic worship. Still, Tesla thought to himself, Melloch
Teuton is now fully integrated and the chemical companies still
have powerful new drugs to alter the perceptions of the masses
in ways that were hitherto unknown even to himself. Quite frankly
he didnt want to know.
“Sir, Wiggy is on the line.”
“Yes, yes put my black aryan minion through.”
“I’m messed up man. Really messed up I need more DNA vaccine.
Please. I’m desperate.”
“Now, now wigster wiggy wigg woo woo. Be calm. Be calm. Am I
not your God worthy of all worship?”
“You are. You are my white Lord.”
“Then you will be cured!”
Tesla, needed Wiggy for one last job before he sacrificed him to
the evil ones.
“I am setting up a new porn channel called the Frank-Zevi XXX™.
Get one of your artists to sing a song so I can sell it to under 11s.
Good bye Wigster, wiggy woo woo.”
The Order of the Garter.

Gerald Gardner is the anointed head of a new company. He’s on

the up and up. Aryana dikshit had sent her best porn actress Annie
Pessant. Major Gardner recently returned from Sufyani Syria. As
a member of the P2 secret society he successfully murdered, tor-
tured and raped alawite descendants of the Assad regime. His role
was to prop up the sufyani government in the middle of a brutul
CIA-kharajite civil war. His mother, who was a witch of the Order of
the Garter, had suggested her son would be a good fit for the Daj-
jal Entertainment franchise. Wiggy will be the CEO of Frank Zevi
XXX™ porn multi media channel that would be the first porn chan-
nel to include necrophilia. This ground breaking first would guar-
antee ratings with the celebrity obssessed athiest demographic.

Annie Pessant had been a porn actress since the age of 13. She
modelled herself on the wives of the royal family. Her trade mark
was anal sex whilst dressed in the garb of a Plantagenet royal.
“Okay, Okay Annie. You’re 19 now. You’re like a global superstar!
What are you bringing to the table babe? Come on thrill me.”

Gerald was relishing his media mogul role as head of the divisional
franchise of Frank Zevi XXX™ he was tasked with nurturing new
stars who also had the potential to work in cross media platforms.
Annie had a reputation for nurturing young under age talent. This
would also tie into Geralds satanic rituals that demanded a human
sacrifice every now and again.

“I’ve found this great girl gang in Newtown that love to get high.
These girls can smoke a key of cheese in the time it takes for them
to gang rape a 12 year old hormonal boy.”
Gerald perked up. The vision was instant. This girl was good.
“Go on....”
“Look. All these girls want, is to be famous. They don’t care how
or what they have to do. They just wanna be famous. They are so,
so...so raw. You have to meet them Major.”
“Look Annie I know you came via Dikshit.”
Annie perked up.
“Look its not a biggie. Its no biggie but you know she’s like per-
sona non grata dudester. Totally toxic. So indian ‘I wanna be white’
desperate. I can’t have her involved in this. Is that clear.”
Annie knew that she had to agree to the Majors terms. The fact
that she was carrying a recording device that was implanted in her
left breast was neither here nor there. After being brutally gang
raped by Rami Dikshit and his friends Aryana Dikshit promised to
take care of the ginger haired english rose. She had no parents, no
family and is totally destitute, having been raised in one of Tesla
Eugenics private childrens homes. It was also a regular A-list ce-
lebrity charity cause.
“Totally babe, totally. I’ve got this. Dikshit is strictly bizzo. Just
“Good I’m glad we’ve got that clear. You will be in charge of the
Tavistock institute data that will really help us sell this product to
the under 11s whilst honouring our legal obligation to only market
to the over 16s. Ya with me sweets.”
Major Gerald now went into soldier mode and made his presenta-
tion to his number 2.
Following the Tavistock Institute’s study of war psychosis, and its
breakdown of individual personality, as Wolf describes, in Brain-
washing: How The British Use The Media for Mass Psychological
From their work, an evil thesis emerged: Through the use of terror,
man can be reduced to a childlike and submissive state, in which
his powers of reason are clouded, and in which his emotional re-
sponse to various situations and stimuli can become predictable,
or in Tavistockian terms, “profitable.” By controlling the levels of
anxiety, it is possible to induce a similar state in large groups of
people, whose behavior can then be controlled and manipulated
by the oligarchical forces for whom Tavistock worked.
Annie was totally impressed. Maybe she could get out of the sket-
ting game and become a real woman of substance. All this new
information was really turning her on.
The meeting was a success. A data file of the minutes including
multi media video capture would be sent to his shadowy superiors.
What was next, running his own record label? He decided to eat in
the city at one of the new mongolian restaurants that were spring-
ing up all over the place.

Walking past a newstand he noticed the front cover of a national

tabloid. It was the face of his old class mate and later fellow work
collegue. Cyrus Diop was grinning at him. Thinking that his old
chum had again found international fame and fortune through his
exceptional mind, the major was horrified upon reading the details.
Cryus was a looter. A common thief. The sheer embarrassment at
having associated with the forces of chaos and civil disobedience
sent shivers of anger through the immaculately turned out major.

“He should hang!”

Blurted out the major to the indifferent news vendor. He spoke.

“Well from what I can gather he was merely tempted. Not a major
crime considering what the bankers and there fractional reserve
debt currency did to this great nation.”
“What? What the hell are you blathering on about you peasant!”
The major stormed off with a dark cloud hovering over his head.
Even the sellers of the nations finest propaganda organs had been
seduced by the hated occupy movements, forcing of global gov-
ernments to listen to the concerns of the lowers classes. ‘Reality’,
being what it is, meant that the likes of Major Gerald accepted
that there is a new age of transparency. The secret societies of
old were falling apart and only the dignity and nobility of the elite
remained. True there were cabals and secret member only clubs in
operation,but they were nothing compared to the great societies
of free and illuminated persons who flourished under the great il-
lusion of paper only money. Still he had established himself with
the last dregs of the noble illuminates and he knew enough to take
his responsibilities seriously, in order to spread pornography, via
Channel 4, to a new generation of under 11’s.
Aryana Dikshit is waiting impatiently for a report from Assif. Hav-
ing been in a drunken state for nearly 4 days running she was
unaware of the civil disobedience and rioting that had engulfed
the city. Such matters were mere trivialities, as she had a mission.
That mission was to infiltrate the deep state and disseminate
its secrets to the indian secret service. News of the new power
source reached all of the last remaining super powers intelligence
agencies. England had a source of free energy, that once fully
realised, would lead to the re-establishment of the British empire.
The english elite had to be stopped at all costs as their propensity
for divide and conquer mischief knew no limits. The Dikshit family
were heavily involoved, unbeknownst to themsleves and the indi-
an government, in the project blue beam program that had turned
the united states into a civil war zone. Through watching various
and conflicting news reports, an alien species made from light
had invaded all the major cities of america. Armed civilians began
shooting at these beings that would appear at random killing fam-
ily members and complete strangers. These beings with there hor-
rific faces and horned heads could inflict death and terrible laser
burns. The HAARP project was blamed and when some of these
‘alien’ beings were found to be nothing more than holographic
projections a vast majority of mainly bible believing low educated
people, refused to believe the rational explaination. Instead the
infrasructure of the US simply collapsed overnight and total war
within the boarders of United states ensued. Nuclear explosions
and self declared islamic states only added to the mayhem.

However this was not her immediate concern. The Dikshit 3D ani-
mation software that powered the COLLADA holographic data was
further proof of the stupidity of the US. Paper money and whole-
sale financial fraud had led to the ruin of what was once a great
nation. The off market transactions by western bankers, where
the margin call could only be satisfied with gold, led to the eastern
entity buying a 100,000 metric tonnes of allocated gold for China
alone. The buzzer to the exclusive apartment complex sounded.
“Its Annie. Good news!!”
Dikshit had sent away all her staff so she could speak freely with
her porno protege.
“Aryana. I’m going to be his number 2. What an idiot! How did you
know these enlightened ones could be so stupid.”
Dikshit composed herself in the way that drunkard alcoholics do.
No matter how pissed Dikshit became she always remembered
that to the outside world she was an award winning entrepreneur
and high class convicted prostitute. In that order.
“You see dear, pass me that whisky, you see dear, my mother was
a member of the order of the garter. She was a witch who prac-
tised the black arts. Now when she divorced our father, we were
cast to the winds in order that we should suffer humiliation. Her
membership to the order was through her husband the Right
Honourable Hitler Warburg-Lucifer the 27th Earl of Westminister.
Having married an indian, he didnt realise that my mother had
cast her most powerful spell on him. That spell went thus; that
one of his descendents would sow the seeds of destruction of the
english elites by being manipulated by one of his own daughters.”
Annie was open mouthed.
“You see my dear, this is bigger than merely working for Major
Gerald Gardner of the P2 secret society. No. We are going to get
to the heart of the deep state and tear it down!”
Annie slumped into the sumptuos leather setee.
“But, but, oh my god, oh my god...”
“Ah poor Annie. Poor, poor Annie. We all work for the devil dear.”
Annie was overwhelmed. She was now part of a global conspiracy,
a wheel in the machine of an even bigger machine. Annie needed
a drink.
“Oi what are you doing, thats my whisky. Do you know how much
this fucking costs!”
Aryana was a nasty drunk, one of those dreadful individuals who
would be happy to dispense her patronage in a sober state but
when drunk, would then turn on those beneficiaries hurling insults
and abuse, sometimes in the small hours of the morning via holo-
graphic communication. The intercom buzzer sounded.
“It’s Assif. I’ve got, er, erm, some bad news.”
The Sentence.

Cyrus entered the Crown Court and is placed in the perspex cell
with 2 other looters. Cyrus put on his only suit even after Marko
had shouted at him for being such a moron and getting involoved
in a false flag police operation. Marko, having served many prison
sentences, told Cryus to wear a tracksuit. Cyrus thought to himself
that he needed to make the best impression possible and the solic-
tor had informed him that he would most likely get a suspended
sentence having been of previous good character.
In sentencing Diop, Judge Sydney Killman QC said:

“Yours is a sad case in many ways Mr Cyrus Dogon Sirius Diop. You
have been showered with awards for your great mind and assisted
the City in becoming a global media player. Clearly in the past you
have been a worthwhile member of the community. 16 months in
prison. Take him away.”

The force of the judges words struck at the very soul of Cryus. He
was expecting a sentence of 3 years and felt slight relief. However,
having never been to prison before, at the age of 40, he felt that
this to be a turning point in his life.
G5S™ guards escorted Cyrus to the van in handcuffs as shame
and disgrace washed over the countenance of Cyrus. The van con-
tained eight cubicles which were filled with convicted criminals
heading for the G5S™ private prison, Central City.
“Aah nah not the CC. I hate the fuckin CC!”
The voice seemed to be coming from two cubilces back.
“Yo boss we going CC yeah? Boss we goin CC?”
“Yup. Central City G5S™.”
“Yo boss. I’m on a recall, man. I’m going to Z wing. Fuckin’ love it
on Z wing.”
Cyrus was trying to analyse the second voice. The owner of that
voiced seemed to relish his return. He continued.
“Yo Z wing is the ting. I was a cleaner man. A cleaner and it was
quality schmality.”
The first voice responded.
“Nah man its twenty-three hour bang up, I fuckin hate it man. I
was there nine months ago. Fucking twenty-three hour bang up.”
“Nah man. Do you know XD?”
“Course I know XD. He’s my bredrin. I’m from gaza ya know fam.”
“Yes king, I was banged up with XD he runs the Zees. We had
everyting. Everyting don. Gaza blad!”
The two young men banged on the cubicle door. It rocked, ever
so slightly, and Cyrus thought that he might die before he got to

The prison van entered into the razor wired grounds of the pri-
vately owned prison facility. It was 200 yards away from Cyrus’
house. He had walked passed this facility for the past six years.
Every time he walked past he had a sense that some day he would
end up imprisoned behind its high walls. The guard led the group
to the reception area and uncuffed them as they passed into the
black barred door way. The group were then placed into a holding
area where Cyrus recognised the voice of the guy who voiced his
hatred of CC.
“Yo geezer. You’re that scientist geezer ennit. You should appeal
that sentence fam. Appeal it claart.”
“Nah man. Fuck it. I’m just gonna do my time. I was expecting a
three year stretch and I got sixteen months so I’ll be out in eight.”
The young man who looked older than his age looked at Cyrus
with mutual respect, though Cyrus wasn’t a seasoned lag, he sure
as hell knew the score.

“Yeah your right Don, just get on with it. Do ya bird. Minor.”
Looking around Cyrus was reminded of his time in the Czech Re-
public. Living in a town called Zlin, Cyrus was sent there to set up
an internet company. It was only when he arrived that he real-
ised that the town was full of Russian mafia, Mongolian mafia and
neo nazis. The six people in the windowless holding room looked
pissed off. One large sweaty loud mouth is acting all alpha male.
But no one is paying any attention.
“Cyrus Diop? Come on, just follow that officer.”
Cyrus complied and did as he was told.
“This is just to notify you that we have done a full data sweep and
have all your information your number is B1382DH and you will
refer to all officers in this facility as ‘sir’.”
“Yes sir.”
“Allright strip off and put on these clothes. Then go into holding
room D.”
“Yes sir”
The full reality of prison life hit Cyrus like a punch in the face that
he was expecting but couldn’t quite move out of the way.
After putting on the prison issue clothing and collecting his bed-
ding Cyrus with the now quiet loud mouth wannabe alpha male
and twelve others headed into the inner sanctum of the private
prison system. The black bars and red and white warning instruc-
tions played havoc with Cyrus’ senses. The vicious razor wire that
festooned every escapable edge just added to the mental torture.

The final cage door is unlocked and the last remaining prisoners
are handed over to a large moustached prison guard.

“Right come this way, I’ll take you to your hotel suites. Oh not you
again Marko.”
“Arr leave it out boss. I’ve been on crystal meths all night.”
“I keep tellin ya Marko stick to crack. You know where you are with
your usual tipple sunshine.”
In the confusion and disorientation of being incarcerated Cyrus
had failed to see his old friend Marko.
“I know, I know just keep ya head down Cy.”
Cyrus complied, realising this was a place where anonimity and
keeping out of sight would be the modus operandi. A low key pres-
ence is called for as Cyrus, with his analytical mind, had deduced
that the ruling power within these corporate walls were not vio-
lent, psychotic inmates but the regime that was in control. After all
Cyrus was the same black man who went, accidently, to a neo-nazi
gig in Zlin to have a beer with his then italian business partner.
Gerald Gardner first realised he’d made a big mistake when he
looked over the shoulder of the data operative at the GCHQ in-
ner security data analysis center. He had been granted VIP access
due to his new role overseeing the Frank-Zevi XXX™ super porn
channel. To the outsider this may appear inocuos and at cross pur-
poses in defending the nation from terrorists. However as a deep
state operative and member of the P2 secret society this cover
was just what he need to carry out his murderous trade. Aryana
Dikshit kept showing up time and time again. Her conversations
relating to penetrating the deep state set off alarm bells. Major
Gardner is also a close friends with one Lord Matthew Red-Shield
aka the puppet master. His forefathers became a global laughing
stock after the Daily Maul™ had outed their illuminati allegiances
and the family name was ridiculed by 12 year old super hackers.
The shame had led to the distancing of the Red-Shield dynasty
from the round table. The Saudi neo-kharajite elite had married
into various european families and were starting to have more of a
say in affairs. Their deep knowledge of the dajjal and their ability
to conjure up shayteen and jinn, impressed the various european
blood lines. The hatred the najdi-Saudis had for islam and the final
messenger further cemented their ties to the anti-christian anti-
judaism, satanist european elites.
The great Microsoft and Sony bankruptcies and the collapse of Ap-
ple computers meant that the north american bloodlines needed
new means of deluding the masses. Lord Matty Red-Shield, he
hated being called Matty, decided that he would create a new alli-
ance with the indian extremist hindus. The Dikshit strumpet would
be his bit on the side. However it was clear to Dikshit that he was
not attached to the core rulers of the deep state and this further
added to her failures. Gerald had met Dikshit at one of Mattys
regular animal orgies where a handful of children were sacrificed,
whilst loud pop music and drugs were being consumed by minions
and celebrity attendees.
However this was a minor irritation. The major thought, at least
all the shenanigans were within the family and besides, if Annie or
Dikshit stepped out of line he could always have them killed.
The twelve foot by six foot cell included bunk beds, wash basin,
flat screen tv and a toilet. Cyrus, being the first in the cell, took
the top bunk. The full horror of incarceration hit him full in the
head like a sledge hammer to the noggin. Still at least he would
get some well deserved rest. The cramped conditions didn’t even
give him any room to do his prayers and the proximity of the toilet
led him to the decsion that prayers would have to be abandoned.
It is ramadhan and Cyrus informed the officers that he could take
no food before sunset. They obligingly introduced him to a short
asian man with glasses. He had a head of grey hair and a very
shifty look about him.
“We will come around and give you a ramadhan pack. This will
have everything you need.”
“Ah cool. Thanks man.”
This was at least some muslim contact within the razor wired pri-
vate jail. Cyrus replayed that moment over and over and over and
“Diop this is Gazza he’ll be sharing this cell.”
A large rotund bald headed white male entered. He had a chirpy
look on his face and greeted Cyrus.
“You allright mate. I’m Gazza.”
“I’m Cyrus.”
The two inmates shook hands.
“This is my first time in. Got 16 months for looting in the riots.”
“Fuckin’ hell. I’m in for growing. Had 2 warehouses full and my
business partner grassed me up. Fuckin’ cunt.”
“What’s the drilly here? Are we like banged up for like twenty three
hours for like the next eight months or what?”
“Do you want a cup of tea. Heres some biscuits.”
Cyrus is left slightly speechless by the generosity and then thought
to himself that maybe this was some sort of homosexual grooming
“Nah mate, dont worry about a thing. Just keep ya head down and
see if you can get a cleaning job. You’re a cat D ent ya? Ya sorted.
Look if you need to take a shit just go for it.”
Gazza began sharing out his stuff and then went to sleep.
Prime Minister Insiduos and the General.

Prime Minister Dawood Insiduos who is half najdi Saudi has real-
ised that all this activity surrounding a new source of energy will
lead to war. Though the heart of government is seated in West-
minster, the feudal power of the corporate entities held sway
over many of Englands affairs. The Con-Dem privacy act of 2014
had encouraged new military arms contractors and manufactur-
ers to develop new tools as the middle east smouldered. The
new sufyani administration of Syria was a key importer of arms
and this served Britains interests.
“Where is the General Suzie?”
The P.A. looked at the holo display to pin point the GPS co-
ordinates of General I.G. Farben. General Farben being exactly
75 percent machine was the mass murderer of choice for the
Con-Dem party. His battle units had assisted khawarij militants in
secret destabilisation missions throughout the middle east. The
kharajites ability to appear pious to the masses, whilst secretly
practising black magic, impressed the western allies. Their fa-
vourite trick was getting General Farbens units to commit mass
human sacrifice and rape. After following a precise formula of
dismembering the victims, the khawarij leaders would choose
a select few and show them a group of jinns who would reveal
details of far away planets made from metal and precious stones.
Every now and again they would produce jewels which would
further bewitch the elite band of killers. Sworn to secrecy under
a blood oath, they would carry back tales to the Insiduos admin-
stration that had connections to the deep state.
“Ah general. We have a problem.”
“Yes we do. Central City now has the black sphere up and run-
ning and we are slightly out of the loop.”
“We need to regain some authority. Tesla Eugenics has given me
his word that Melloch Teuton has sworn to uphold the law and
recognise the Con-Dem government.”
“My spies inform me that he is about to develop the Commander
Mach Band Armour into a permanent upgrade.”
This is an alarming development. The transition to people power
and freeman law meant that eventually the shackles of monar-
chy would pass into history. Insiduos was tasked with retaining as
much of the monarchist institutions as possible. The deep state
had sworn to stand by his remit but could not be trusted. They
had a secret agenda which even he is unaware of. The military
could not be trusted as they were now made up of neo-nazis and
white supremicists who took a dim view of being governed by a
half arab.

“We’ll have to play it by ear general. There is nothing we can do.

The legislative executive of Central City will be transparent, which
is a good thing and after he leaves office he will not be a drain on
the tax payer at least.”
“Sir, with all due respect, he will have been weaponised with a
dead service mans digital DNA. We have to assassinate him at the
first opportunity. Who knows where this could lead. Suppose he
wants to take over the military.”
Insiduos stroked his chin, or vortex as his wife liked to calll it.
“No, no. There is too much instability. The Freemasons in the US
still have vast wealth and the blue beam tech, with a private army
that is battling the forces of anarchy very successfuly, I might add.”
“What? Are you going to rely on a fake alien invasion thats nothing
more than a large scale computer game? People are killing there
whole families because they think that light show is some sort
of armegeddon. I think thats a bad idea to deal with them crazy
Insiduos looked down at his brogued feet.
“Yes, yes, you’re right. If we tinker to much with the unwashed
masses it could all go kacka. Yes allright. Lets see what options we
have for removing Melloch Teuton.”

The general suppressed a smile, breathing a sigh of relief. This

meant resources and money would be channeled into his military
units. His Maybach Exelero needs a service and he was fed up of
driving the Mististry of White Aryan Terrors cream Bentley.
“How is Lady Elizabeth Bathory?”
“She’s fine thanks, I’ll be glad when the baby is born, at least I can
get some childcare leave.”
The gerenal raised an eyebrow. As a man of violence such girly
man outbursts were a disgrace to the race that is mankind.
“I.G. we got the results you know from one of Tesla Eugenics com-
panies, one of the worlds best, he’s going to be defective in one
of his eyes.”
“All this tampering and prodding, Me and Mrs Farben waited till
the day of the birth to find out. Can’t stand all this infernal probing
and prodding.”
Dawood Insiduos smiled a devilish smile at the ageing warrior.
So old fashioned in his ways. He reminded him of his father who,
though not a servinvg solider, was nominal head of various elite
special forces regiments tasked with protecting the ruling elite and
the various crowned monarchies across the globe.
“You know I.G. even the BBC, with its long tradition of supplying
the nation with our propaganda, will have to pass on into history.
All those MI6 operatives pretending to be journalists were bound
to be exposed at some point. We cant have it our way forever.”
“Sir, with all due respect, it is my job to be in service to our noble
system that has steered us through these very troubling times.
May I remind you, sir, that it was under your fathers guidance that
we re-instituted the death penalty and slaughtered all the bank-
ers and culled all the institutions who had used FIAT currencies to
destroy this great nation.”
“Yes I know, and it was a miracle that the masses never saw
through our scheme and kept us in power for a while longer. If
those friggin occupiers hadn’t caused so many people to start ask-
ing awkward questions we would have had a lovely slave economy
, much like western europe.”

Feudalism swept across most of western europe with gangster

fiefdoms springing up and buying weapons from the newly created
arms manufacturers that were powering the last remnants of the
new fledgling English republic economy.
Cyrus Diop and Gazza were deep in a game of chess. The score is
an even four all and this ninth match was crucial.
“Yo Gazza. I was talking to my man, you know, the muslim guy
with the grey hair whats his name..er..er..”
“Yeah yeah. He reckons there’s some cleaning jobs going.”
“You’ll be allright. You’ve got a good atitude. Hopefully you’ll get
The slit on the door slid open. It was a tall Asian man in his early
thirties. He points at Cyrus and grins. As soon as Cyrus realised,
he is trying to get his attention the slit closed and the feeling of
incarceration returned.
“What the fuck was that about?”
“Looks like ya in geezer.”
“Check mate”
“Check mate Cy. Look. You can’t move ya king. Check mate. Want
a coffee.”
“How the...huh..erm ..flippin heck. Yeah go on then.”

Jangling keys became louder as the officer arrived at Cy and Gaz-

zas cell in order to unlock the door.
“Come on Diop, you’re moving to the 4’s. Get ya stuff.”
Gazza looked at Cy with a big yam yam grin. Slightly disorientated
and bewildered, Cyrus grabbed his bedding and a spare pair of
jeans and followed the officer.
“Catch ya later G.”
“Yeah man. Nice one.”

The feeling of liberation from the cramped conditions was uplift-

ing. Following the tall balding officer, Cy as he liked to think of
himself, it’s what all the inmates called him, took in his new sur-
roundings. Groups of men in green trouser milled around not tak-
ing much notice of Cy.
“You’ll be sharing with Urshad. Urshad sort him out will ya.”
Number 10 Downing Street was more like a fortress. Insiduos is
reading about the history of this iconic building, there was a time
when tourists could actually walk down the street and take pic-
tures. Those days were long gone. A lone salafi extremist had tried
to blow himself up after masquerading as a japanese foreign press
journalist to gain access. The breakthroughs in neutrino light spec-
trum analysis and the early versions of the space hologram weap-
ons technology from Dikshit technologies rendered the detonator
mechanism useless. The interrogation yielded no results and the
man committed suicide whilst in custody. This false flag operation
was a means of testing the new technology. The risks were high
and failure would have meant a severe moral boost for the lower
echelon foot soldiers of the salafi khawarij movement.

Dawood knew his role. As a descendant of the Saudi-Najdi clan he

did not believe in the message of the final prophet. This was for the
lower classes, for slaves and followers. The real knowledge came
from the celestial beings or jinns who could travel great distances
and who had knowledge of the future. Though he would pray and
often be seen in public following the Saudi rituals, behind closed
doors the higher truths would be revealed as they had always
been. The sacred jewish origins of the Saudi-Najdi clan acted as a
binding agent with his fellow zionists who were awaiting the true
messiah. Technical and scientific data had easily dispelled much
of the fabricated hadiths of the final prophet. The one known fac-
tor that would be true, is the arrival of a great being who’s power
and mastery over the sacred crafts would re-unite humanity and
place the various sacred bloodlines in their proper place as rulers
over the masses. The black sun technology that had unfortunately
fallen into the hands of a subordinate is still in overall grasp of the
illuminated ones. This meant he had to play a careful diplomatic
game in order to bring this power under his total control. I.G.
Farben had sworn his strongest oath to make this happen and the
general was a man who would not tolerate having his plans frus-
trated. But regardless of all these events, the thought of having a
physically defective son upset the Prime Minister.
Cy the cleaner and how Marko got nicked.``
“Aah shat it, you muppet. Go weh! Batty bwoy.”
Marko was verbally abusing a seven foot body builder who kept
moaning about getting nicked for drug smuggling.
“But I should get bail shouldn’t I? I mean they need to prove the
stuff was mine right?”
Taffet was nauseating. Every night he would cry himself to sleep
because his millionaire lifestyle was whipped from beneath his feet
because he thought he was invincible. He was just plain delusional.
Upon being transfered to G5S™ Central City otherwise known as
the ‘Green’, Taffet asssumed that his physique and menacing ap-
pearance would be sufficient to cow the inmates into submitting
to his will. A few days earlier he bumped into Marko whilst at the
gym. Taffet decided to flex his muscles and oppress the darkest
skinned face he could find.

“Hey I’m using that bench boyo.” He Snarled.

Marko looked into the large pink muscular sweaty mass.
“Oi lads. We got a right faggot here. Thinks he can come on the
block and give orders.”
The officers turned a momentary blind eye as twelve or so young,
equally muscular gang members surrounded Taffet.
“Look I didnt mean to cause any trouble. Hey, you use the bench.
Sorry man. Sorry man.”

“You fuckin faggot. Do ya bird Taf. Stop whingeing.”

Everyone on Z wing was pissed off with Taffet. No one liked to

hear a moaner when they’re staring at six to eighteen months in
“I’m going to clean my cell. Fuck this.”
Taffet stormed off in a slightly campy huff in his ill fitting prison
issue cleaning greens.
Mr Daze was leader of the notorious Sons of Chaos biker gang that
was currently at war with the state. Mr Daze was in control of 300
die hard bikers who flooded Britain with crytsal-meths. This explo-
sion in the use of this drug was wreaking havoc in the inner city
areas and brought the biker gang into direct conflict with a young
up and coming gangster named Caesar Dantes. This clever and re-
sourceful young gang leader had a strategy for running his crimi-
nal empire that confounded even the most hardened of criminals.
Caesar would spend a portion of his time sleeping in the streets.
Unbeknownst to his enemies Caesar had cultivated an army of
down and outs and drug dependent undesirables, whom he would
bribe in order to get inside information on his enemies. Using this
shrewd method of hiding in plain sight, Caesar set Mr Daze up and
the resultant plot led to Mr Daze being sentenced to 10 years in
prison. Even now Mr Daze has no idea how or why he ended up in
such a predicament.
“These aint drug dealers Marko. These are cry babies. I’ve never
seen anything like it. Flippin embarrassing.”
“Ya damn right. Oi Baty boy. Batty Boy.”
Cyrus instantly realised the trade mark shout from Marko. As Cy
responed to the repeated homophobic insults. Newly arrived in-
mates were baffled that anyone as muscular and hard face looking
as Cyrus would respond to such a degrading hailing.
“Yo Marko.”
“Ya hate it when I do that. Come on man. Come to ma pad. Lets
have a cup of tea some hob nobs”

Cy and Marko were running Z wing. Nano mobile telephony and

a digi-protein drug maker had been smuggled in and drugs of all
kinds could be rejigged to give alternative highs.
“Flippin heck man. I can’t believe it. I’m back in penna. At my age
I’m nearly 50.”
“Look Marko I’ve got someting to show ya. Look”
Cyrus pulls out two pieces of A4 paper. On one is three sets of
triangles. Cyrus hold them to the light.
“How the fuck did you end up in here anyway Marko.”
“Forget that nerd shit. After you showed me my music on you-
tube two facety coppers tried to arrest me cuz some facety paki
tried to tell me he was a muslim and thus my superior.”

Marko always had these confrontations and they were always the
result of this polymath and master singer and songwriter, shoot-
ing off his drunkard mouth.

“Anyway the pig is right in my face and I’m squaring up to him,

yeah, no fear, then he tells me he’s single at the moment. I said
to him are you gay or what? Dem times nuff people are on the
steps by the old library. Anyway I’m just fuming. This predatory
homosexual member of the constabulary is trying it on, in his
robocop outfit so I man just back off my shit ready to knock him
Cyrus couldn’t hold back any longer.

“Oh and then... then the van pulled up and they CS gassed your
drunkard self, right? It’s on youtube.”

Marko slouched. as all traces of machismo left his deflated form.

“Anyway, leggo dat. I’ve got an idea for some new tech and I’m
going to base it on these tings, but at a really small nano scale.”

Marko is a total anti-technology occupy activist to the core.

“Bredrin, you carry on a mek tings and wind up the government.

Yuh forget weh yuh deh? They will kill you soldier.”
“Not while they have the black sphere of power they won’t. I cre-
ated that ball bearing robot that destroyed the robocops.”
“Yeah, well I’ve heard the fuckin grassings gone up since you’ve
come in the green brov.”

The two old friends paused and then burst out laughing. Though
prison is no joke. It helps if you have a sense of humour.

The tall officer named Mr Hugh calls the cleaners to clean out the
cells. Cy and Marko, as leaders of the wing, rouse the troops as
they jump into action in order to maintain the sweetness of stay-
ing open from 7am till 9pm.
The system in the Z or induction wing is, the new inmates, freshly
aririved from court or transfers, would be housed in the 1’s and
2’s. These were the floor numbers. After each new inmate was
processed they would move up to the 3’s where they would be
shipped out. The 4’s was reserved for the cleaners. Cleaning was
then sub divided into toilet cleaning, sinks, sweeping and mop-
ping. Marko and Cy had got everyone motivated and alert so that
their criminal enterprises would go unmolested by the authorities.
“Allright Diop what are you in for.”
The young officer was intrigued that such a well spoken and well
mannered man in his 40’s should find himself in one of the most
dangerous prisons in england.
“Well sir, temptation and greed got the better of me. Shameful
opportunism sir.”
“Well you’re doing a good job with the cleaning. Keep it up. I was
reading the other day, you was that geezer who came up with
them equations that led to that crazy robot thing.”
“Yup. Thats me.”
“Why the hell did you end up stealing? Didn’t they pay you like
loads of money for inventing all that stuff?”
“It doesn’t quite work like that. One is supposed to be grateful for
working within the secret services and all that tosh.”
“Oh I see.”
“Anyway. I spent the money on hookers and drugs.”
“Oh I see. I’d have done the same.”
Mr hugh who was watching the two men having a normal conver-
sation interjected.
“Mr Wheeler! Never mind listening to Diops bullshit, we’ve got
work to do.”
The two men reverted to type and Cyrus headed to the 4’s.
Urshad was already in the cell when Cyrus arrived.
“Salaam alaikum.”
Urshad didnt reply. Cyrus ignored the lack of manners and went
ahead and took a piss. Letting out a rather large and rasping fart,
Urshad turned on his side and covered up his face as if Cyrus had
let off a cyanide bomb. After making wudu and praying urshad
eventually spoke.
“What is wrong with you? When you piss and shit you should do it
when I am not here. I have never met a man like you. I have had
many pad mates and you are the only one who does this.”
Taken slightly by suprise by this outburst Cyrus decided not to
“Look mate I’m sorry right I’ll take that into consideration.”
“Take it into consideration? I think you don’t realise you are a con-
victed criminal. What is this take into consideration? You cant just
do as you please. You are in prison!”
Cyrus didn’t really know where all this was coming from. Jealousy
maybe, because he had access to mobile phones and drugs and a
fat canteen. He paused and realised that this was borne out of the
fact that he prayed his prayers and Urshad did not. Urshad being
decsended from indian muslims simply felt ashamed and projected
negative vibes onto Cyrus who was a mere convert to the faith.
Urshad had a high position dealing with the new inmates and was
trusted by the officers due to his age. Urshad was inside for wife
beating and was a wealthy man. He was also a snitch and this
meant Cyrus had to be doubly careful. If he intimidated or caused
any distress to Urshad, the old cunt would complain to the officers
and Cyrus would get shipped out. Urshad knew this and that’s why
he was so fucking cheeky.
That night Cyrus had a dream. In the dream he saw a vicious black
snake on a white backgound. Cyrus showing no fear, reached out
and picked up the snake. The snake turned out to be a plastic toy.
Two horned black faces hung in the air surrounding the snake.
Suddenly the whole morbid ensemble turned into a business card
and Cyrus read out ‘no illumination’ on the card.
“CLEANERS!” It is 7am in the morning.
Everyone on Z wing was allocated a section of the four storey jail
to clean. If you were new on the wing you had to clean the 1’s.
This is where the officers would meet up and you had to clean
around them. The place where the mops and cleaning fluids were
kept, also acted as the officers smoking room. You did not enter
while they were smoking unless you were Marko or Cyrus who
were cool with the officers. Urshad was also well liked by the of-
ficers due to his age and willingness to act as their eyes and ears.
Marko and Cy were cool because they simply had the capacity to
kill with there bare hands any number of dangerous inmates who
were stupid enough to try and intimidate them. Urshad and Marko
hated each other but because Urshad got a stores job and was
now one of the oldest members on the wing. This carried certain
“Marko. Why are you so loud. You’re always making noise.”
Mr Hugh and one of the younger officers were sitting down eating
toast. Marko as well as being a suprememly arrogant and cocky
individual knew full well what Urshad was upto.
“Look I’ll get you some ear plugs on me canteen, yeah.”
Urshad grinned a snakey grin.
“But why are you so loud. There is no need for all this monkey
Marko clenched his fist and looked at the brown asian face of the
old man and smiled a rotten toothsome smile.
“Hah ha got you. Come on Marko we are all brothers in here.”
“Yes. Yes we are ‘brother’.”
Even a hint of intimidation from Marko would see him removed
from the wing and shipped to the block. It was never the bulky,
over muscular type of inmates that give you hassle in jail. It’s the
sneaky unassuming types who creep and suck up to the offic-
ers that are the problem. Marko fully understood this and bit his
tongue. Cy popped over to neutralise the vibes.
“Yo battyy bwoy, wah gwaan. Come lets check what the mans dem
are doing on the 3’s.”
Urshad walked towards the seated officers to engage in small talk.
He had triumphed over the hated, black, uncultured brutes.
Dajjal Corporation.
It was the Dajjal Corporation AGM. Held every year at the ICC
in Central City, the theme was ‘Satan: The Misunderstood and
Profiting from Pornography’. The gold stadard had the effect of
renewing trust in British corporations as they prepared to shed the
monarchy and its archaic symbols. Unknown to the general pub-
lic, Tesla Eugenics and his trusty band of jinn worshippers, were
planning how to return to paper money at the earliest opportunity
in order to repeat the whole cycle again. The added dimension
to their new scheme is ushering in the age of a new earthly god
named Messiah Dajjal. This one eyed, red haired hero to human-
ity, would bring prosperity and miracles. In these times of rampant
crime and fear of invasion from China or India, a new Britain
would do all in its power to usher in and welcome this promised
super human.
Tesla Eugenics would address the AGM as chairman of the Dajjal
Corporation. Sophisticated new systems using Black Sphere Tech-
nology™, developed by Arius Ziz, would control all digital capture
data in one sweep. None of the undercover journalists and spies
would be able to prove what Tesla would say at the meeting.
Some crafty Chinese spies even created anlogue capture devices
but these were detected using the Ziz corporations anti analogue
device detector and the spies were arrested and thrown into a su-
per heated furnace. The remains were then compressed and made
into bio-synthetic diamonds with a full digital DNA embedded data
sheet and sent to the appropriate diplomatic consulate.

“We are staring at the pages of history, clean white sheets, virgin
and untouched. We are the private corporation that has given the
people new hope. Politicians who’s every move will be watched
24 hours a day, live over the wi-max. When these officials leave
office, no longer will they burden the public purse, they will have
the shield. Any who attempt to kill them or assissinate them will be
frustrated. All of this from weapons technology developed by the
private sector with no funding from Westminster.”
A choreographed round of applause followed.
Tesla took a sip of Ivy Bloo™ water, price 20,000 credits.

“We will continue to arm the Saudi state as it is our only ally
in the seething mess that is the middle east. Our wahabi allies
who have disassociated themselves from the murderous salafi sect
have signed a peace deal with Israel and this again will also add to
our profits as Israel has ordered more weapons to fight rebellions
within its borders.”
A standing ovation is given. Another sip taken.
“We have no obligation to the royal family. Though we take a
pragmatic view it will soon be 2066. We have been contracted,
through our subsidary companies, to handle the PR account and
to make some festivity or other. I’m not a 100% sure, but we’ll do
A warm sincere applause came from the duplicitous kakistocracy.

“Now to our main business. All you spies and infilltrators who have
some how managed to sneak into our AGM, we will now demon-
strate our latest upgrade to spy detection. Over to you Arius Ziz.”
“With our new neutrino based software we can now detect the
intentions of attendees by analysing brain activity. If you will look
at the 3D holographic display hovering above you, the sentinels or
Hunter Gatherers, will now pin point those of you with brain activ-
ity that is hostile to this agenda. Proceed.”
The greenish cloud, pulses and undulates as several humanoid
figures escape its whispy grasp and descend upon a few chosen
“Why am I being singled out! This is preposterous. I’m the son of
the chairman!”
Arius Ziz milked his moment with a small pause.
“You are also being blackmailed by an indian industrialist connect-
ed to the Big Bhatti Corporation. I have spoken with your father
and he has, shall we say terminated your office. Seize him!”
The transparent figures took on a more hostile solid form and
hurled the 25 year old into the cloud above, where he appeared to
disappear. The crowd let out a short collective gasp of awe.
“I am Tesla Eugenics and This AGM is now closed.”

The freemasonic halls next to the Mailbox was the entrance to

this secret bunker that housed the black sphere. This served two
purposes. One, it was suitably discreet and ignored by most of
the populance who were being slowly poisoned with a mixture
of chemicals and high noise frequency suggestions that were be-
ing bounced from ther mobile telephone handsets and two, the
punishment for attempting to enter any lodge in the city was 25
years in soilitary confinement. The occupy movement had many
representatives, but little power. They simply could not compete
with pop music, corporate hedonism and state controlled propa-
ganda from the BBC and Channel 4. Though these two outlets had
very little impact, their penetration into the youth market and the
brainwashed triple duped middle-classes meant that they had a
distinct advantage over the occupy and anonymous outlets that
were heavily infiltrated by Teslas minions.
Baron Slimel von Davos was still alarmed that his close friend had
been got to by the Indians.

“Tesla how was I supposed to know. This is madness! You simply

can’t trust anyone these days.”
“Well you’ve hit the nail on the head. All this pledginging and oath-
ing and bowing to Lucifer will be wasted if these new recruits keep
going gaga everytime they get a sniff of underage illicit flesh.”

The rampant paedophilia within the secret societies was having

serious repercussions. The Saudi-Kharajite-Najdis had the distinct
advantage of being able to smuggle in fresh foriegn children and
dispose of them in the desert. It was getting increasingly difficult
for Teslas blackmailed legions to hide their human sacrifice ritu-
als as the British isles is, by definition, an island. Tesla had cre-
ated many secret organistations and played them off against each
other using the sacred divide and conquer technique. But these
sacrificed children had parents and it was fucking up Tesla Eugen-
ics shit.
“Davos we must renew our vows! This is the only way. Blood must
be shed.”
“What now? Its only me and you. Cant we.. erm... wait.”
Teslas face contorted and twisted as he processed the tones of
defiance that emanated from von Davos.

“Prepare the daggers and meet me in the eye room.”

Davos gulped and disappeared into the ceremonial swords room

to get the sharpest of blades. After the two men had made small
cuts on the palms of their hands, the blood is splashed over the
one eye within a pentagram that formed the center piece of the
masonic hall. As the blood spattered onto the tiled floor a two
horned jinn revealed itself as the two men cowered in its presence.

“Repeat what I have taught you human!”

“Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance
with nature.
Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
Unite humanity with a living new language.
Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered
Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a
world court.
Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
Balance personal rights with social duties.
Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infi-
Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave
room for nature.”

On the last syllabal the demon disappeared.

“Come on Davos. I’ll get you a drink and some underage hookers.”

Urshad and Cy were back in the pad and watching an old report
of the former president of America speaking to the president of
“For them, you’re the great Satan, we’re the little Satan.”
Netanyahu said.
“For them, we are you, and you are us. And you know something,
Mr. President? At least on this last point, I think they’re right. We
are you, and you are us. We’re together. … Israel and America
stand together.”
“Those crazy zionists! now look at the mess we are in after that
fool announced to the world satanists run the world. Satan be-
came a fashion icon.”
Cy wasn’t really interested, concentrating on learning some new
duas to say after his prayers.
“Cyrus what kind of a muslim are you? You rob and steal and hang
around with that loud smelly Marko. What kind of a muslim are
The heat signatures of the two inmates were being constantly
monitored and any anger towards Urshad would be registered
which would result in Cyrus losing the privelege of staying on Z
wing. Urshad knew this and continued to hurl casual insults at
“You are a strange person Cyrus. All that intelligence going to
waste. Black people are so stupid.”
Cyrus immersed himself in the poems of Rumi and derived much
insight from the persian sage. Earlier Urshad had disparaged Cyrus
Sheikh by saying that he had not attained to the level of the great
sheikhs of old. These were testing times for Cyrus but he knew
this was a necessary struggle in order to get through the next 3
months in prison. He was due to be released on tag to a bail hostel
having no family or partner to live with. Having been abandoned
as a child and raised in a series of government orphanages, Cyrus
was quite used to being self sufficient. Being taught how to play
chess at the age of 4 had kept Cyrus in good stead and focused
his mind. The wealthy woman beater, Urshad, would get what was
coming to him by means that were totally unknown to Cyrus.
Blue beam technology and the fake alien invasion.

Aryana Dikshit is sober. The remnants of the US elite were still in

charge of the army and police. Various fiefdoms were established
and in order to continue fooling the population into carrying out
acts of mass murder, project blue beam needed an upgrade. Only
in a sober state could she crank out the code necessary using the
Prince Myshkin data set. Sitting in her personal lab in the panic
room of a particularly swanky city center apartment, Aryana initi-
ated the blue beam simulator. Some how her sister was privy to
a Digital DNA data set that corresponded to the british exported
hardware that powered the blue beam satellites connected to the
HAARP grid. Her hunt for the matching DNA is a failure and she
knew it. Matty Red-Shield was still in love with her but his plan to
fast track his way to reintroducing paper money to again decieve
the world was to wacky and required too many human sacrifices,
even though she was a follower of the Thugee Kali death cult.

The holographic aliens that the blue beam grid generated had lim-
ited powers. Though they could simulate the feeling of touch and
cause minor burns. The leaders of the corporations wanted the
fake aliens to cause more severe burns. This in turn would crank
up the hysterical populations response to the fake invasion, whilst
the corporations sold them more firearms that would inevitabley
lead to more people being slaughtered. The fake alien apparitions
would simply be grafted onto human DNA where a person with a
gun would start shooting at the apparent hostile bogus extra ter-
restrial. Aryana creates new forms that can be broken down into
polygons and then into COLLADA files which can then be uploaded
to the Texas central grid. Shilpa, being based in Scotland, was
unable to access the US corporations data carrier which was at-
tached to the GCHQ nuclear network.
“Well thats strange who’s this Commander Mach Band? Strange.
Computer I want a full family tree and global SQL search. Send the
update it to my smart phone.”
The holographic computer avatar bowed like a good servant.
Edward Bernay, the director general of the BBC, is getting fed up.
Fed up with being used as a repository for semen by the illuminati
elite. As a practicing bi-sexual he was fine with this sex or that, but
the random callers from the various factions is becoming ridicu-
lous. A bit of foreplay wouldn’t go a miss, he thought to himself.
The list of third party companies that he had to channel BBC pro-
ductions through was growing ever more alarming.

Flesh Kinkade Publishing

Satan Global Entertainment (UK)
Dajaal Entertainment Industries
Jah-Bu-Lon Entertainment
Idol worship Entertainments
One Eyed Money Entertainment

These companies were nothing more than fronts for criminal

gangs, who while professing christian values, zionist jewish values
or muslim values to the masses, they were engaged in wholesale
ancient babylonian paganism. This included child human sacrifice
at various music festivals and pop concerts and using the Tavistock
institute to psychologically program the masses to commit more
sexual deviancy in order to create new sexual diseases for big
pharma to play with.
“Hello, is that Matty Red-Shield?”
“Edward. You have considered my offer.”
“Look, if I resign and go to Channel 4 are you sure I wont have to
deal with Tesla Eugenics and his mob?”
“Channel 4 is now a new commercial athiest/zionist entity. We will
work directly with the mossad and crush Tesla Eugenics once and
for all and gain control of the black sphere technology.”
“But he has control of the black sphere.”
“No he doesn’t Arius Ziz the war hero is in charge and he has a
direct link to the Zion mainframe. He’s been compromised.”
“But Tesla knows all this. Come on Matty cut me some slack here.
I’m just fed up of getting fucked, and I mean that literally, by Tesla
and his cronies.”
“Eddie, Eddie. Remember project blue beam.”
Edward Bernays held the smart phone from his ear and wrinkled
his face in unbelief.
“Matty, Matty, Matty. Thats just mumbo jumbo. Its not real. The
civil war in the United States is all of there own making. All those
evangelical pentecostal gun nuts are high on crystal meths.”
“Eddie, Eddie, you’re sounding hysterical.”
Edward Bernays head is spinnnig. He got the sense that he was
jumping out of the fire and into the heart of a tsunami destroyed
nuclear reactor.

“Matty are you serious. We’ve been covering this story for years
and no-one, I mean no one has been able to record one of these
aliens on film. This is just mass drug crazed conspiracy nonsense.
They have turned on themselves because it was inevitable.”
“Okay Eddie. You’ve been at the BBC to long. Come to my club
and we’ll hash it out. Teslas first mistake was to relocate to the ac-
cursed west midlands. We still have the nuclear portfolio and lets
just say, in the waters of japan, great things are happening, and
add to that Channel 4 has the exclusive rights.”
Viewing figures, the crack cocaine of any self respecting TV chan-
nel controller was always going to be a deal breaker and Matty
Red-Shield knew it.
“Okay I’m in. But me and the wife are not doing any swinging and
I’m not sucking anyones dick. Enough already.”
“Not even mine Eddie? Only joshing with ya mate. My club. Lets
hash it out old boy.”

Matty ‘the puppet master’ Red-Shield now began a new program.

The massacre of the bankers and the loss of his influence at the
round table was a mere footnote in secret society history. Through
Edward Bernays, the Red-Shield dynasty with, US corporation
backing, would once again be the party to recieve the one eyed
messiah. The seed of Lucifer. Matty would regain his status whilst
overseeing the slaughter of the worlds pathetic masses by means
of Tesla as a satanic blood sacrifice.
Edward Bernays has thrown his lot in with the Red-Shield faction.
He conjured up a holographic databank in order to initiate his new
plans for Channel 4. The project would be renamed the ‘Sion’ pro-
ject and he would order all new Channel 4 employees to recieve
the new nano-RFID chip implant, so that their loyalty would be
“Open BBC data send, transmitting at 18889465931478600000000
bit encryption protocol.”

The BBC holo-mobile terminal opened a connection to the global

stations scattered across the globe.
“Shilpa Dikshit, I’ve got some info on that Digi DNA.”
“You’ve found the source?”
“Not really, but this might be of interest to you. The sequence
keeps showing up in Central City. It seems that Chancellor Melloch
Teuton is using a subset of the algorithim. Do you have any assets
deployed to monitor the situation?”
“Impossible, impossible. The fact that we have a match is good,
but if we try to intercept or some how reverse engineer the ar-
mour that Melloch Teuton is wearing we will reveal our location
and purpose. Shit.”
“Okay that’s as much as I can tell you. There are other develop-
ments but I can’t speak unit I know a bit more.”
Edward Bernays closed the secure link.
His position as director general of the BBC was both a blessing and
a curse. His loyalty to the monarchists and MI5 was unquestioned.
However his hedonistic lifestyle and cocaine habit had got the bet-
ter of him. His wifes brief affair with Aryana Dikshit had exposed
him to blackmail (it was a fivesome) and after engaging in some
particularly vile bestiality with a female pit bull the 3 minute video
(he was excited) would ruin his career. Luckily for him he had
some secret footage of Aryana with Matty Red-Shield, which he in
turn used against the Dikshits. The shared agenda to fuck up the
ruling elite of England led them to the conclusion that too much
power lay in the hands of the illuminated ones. India would make
good rulers, and Edward Bernays loves bollywood movies.
I.G. Farben has his suspicions about the loyalty of Prime Minister
Insiduos. His blood line and family ancestors were perfect but the
Prime Minster lacked a soldiers resolve. A new age was about to
begin and the sickly child of Insiduos and Lady Bathory is the key.
The red haired infant lay in one of Tesla Eugenics private hospitals
and is recieving round the clock care. General Farben is in charge
of security and was privy to the details but never discussed them.
These powers we’re delegated to the P2 elite guard.

The new Chancellor of Central City is a new breed of civil servant,

who was descended from miltary stock. With one stroke of the
pen, the military had re-established itself as a force to be reck-
oned with for this coming new era of the one eyed king. The dajjal
would unify and purify this sacred albion and the general knew
he had a whole lot of killing to do before his tour of duty finished.
I.G Farben was a DNA cloned descendant of British Prime Minister
Edward Heath who some allegedly claim was “recruited by the Na-
zis before the war” and was an agent of “the secret Nazi strategic
continuum since exposed as the Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst
(DVD), Dachau.” Melloch Teuton, a devoted neo-nazi himself, had
broadened his church. The black aryan initiative enabled Melloch
Teuton to initiate african followers of the occult into his order of
the black sun.
The black sun software is a simulation where a black superhero,
unbeknownst to the lower degrees of black masons, is a test sub-
ject for the white aryan sons of light digi-DNA avatars. The simu-
lation would test the soldiers of light by getting them to mutilate
and destroy the black aryan in the most savage and gruesome way
imaginable. Melloch would watch the results in ever higher resolu-
tions, pleasuring himself as he watched.

This new initiative to devlop an invisible coat of armour for his

new police force would in time be the robotic army of manhunting
automotons that would assist his secret plan to rule the whole of
europe and be the one to recieve the one eyed god king when he
revealed himself.
Private Prisons and the Dajjal Bank of Hypothecation

Sir John Dee was the Governor of the Hypothecation Dajjal Bank
of England. HDBE was a revolutionary deep state bank and the
first bank in the world to revert to the gold standard fully. Tesla
Eugenics-Ford the third, appointed Sir John Dee during a child
sacrifice ceremony at his personal lodgings in Mayfair. Another first
was the presence of princes from the Saudi Royal family who also
had shares in the bank. This partcularly bloody ceremony also
had the demonic Picatrix from the black sphere who meticulously
oversaw the slaughter, whilst hurling insults at the gathered for
not expanding the market place.
“You are all imbeciles! The market place must be rebuilt and re-
fashioned. New diseases must be produced in order to cleanse the
earth of these peasants and fools.”

Tesla Eugenics, who sold his soul from the age of 7, drank in
the slick black humanoid horned figure. The lack of conscience
and care for anything other than the domination of all humanity,
filled the empty void where once awe for the world and the sim-
pler things of life once dwelled. The elites obsession with taunting
the God of the poor and the wretched, that whole generations of
families were given to freely doing as they pleased in private and
in public. By fueling the anarchy on the streets of england, the
private Titan prison complex turned swathes of the green belt into
large open prisons with special skyscraper secure units that now
held a prison population of 2 million, including the new G5S™ CC
where Cryus is currently being held.
The reason for making Sir John Dee head of the bank is to recycle
the drug funds to facilitate the programming and brainwashing of
the criminal underclass, who are to be repurposed to fight new
advertising inspired civil wars in and around england and parts
of europe. Sir John Dee was also a cousin of Prescott Warburg
who ran the Prescot Warburg Bank of America who were currently
slaughtering 10,000 american citizens a day with powerful new
“If you stand for nothing you will believe anything.”

Tesla Eugenics is holding court and he is nearing hysteria.

“Enough already. This Picatrix promised us an army from the dead

remains of our soldiers and policemen. Sir John Dee will oversee
the looting of their pensions and then we can kill those bastards
A sharp gasp was clearly heard in the room. Tesla was playing with
fire. By looting the pensions of those tasked with protecting the
elite from the mob and poverty stricken masses, Tesla had upped
the stakes dramatically. However the idea of a new army of robots
who would kill for the elites would mean peace of mind and a
sound sleep.

“I want that black irritation Cyrus Diop murdered. Not in prison but
when he is released. I don’t care how. We need him dead, he is
the face of hope for these imbeciles. Kill him. The scientists have
informed me they can obsereve the inner workings of the black
sphere. After all it was human ingenuity that created it so why
should we fear or take heed of the words of that which we have
created by our own hands? Are we not big men in an ocean of little
people? Are we not Gods amongst men with technology that the
little people see as only magic?”

This is all life changing for the gathered elect. New wine is to be
downed, fresh oppressive pastures are to be ploughed and fur-

“Now onto the Dajjal back up plan. Prime Minister Insiduous has
given us a female one eyed dajjal. She will be the bride of the one
eyed king. He is unaware that we tinkered with his wifes DNA but
he must never know this information and if anyone opens their
gob they will have their tongue removed as per the oath.”

The collective shudder of fear could almost be heard.

Cyrus Diop is in the prison gardens walking with the lads in an anti
clockwise circle.

“Cy. The hereafter. Is it real? Will there be fire that burns as the
earthly fire burns?”

“I speak not of my own self. The fire is real, as the final messenger
, peace be upon him, has told us. Liberation from its flames come
to those who worship ONLY Allah. Do not follow the evil ones.”

“But they say he is a mad man and that the historical record does
not prove he existed or recieved the revelation from an Angel!”

“Then to you your way and to me mine. I am Cyrus Diop and I fear
no one! Only Allah is to be feared.”

The burly young man strolls off in a huff cursing under his breath,
so that a lean muscular Cyrus doesnt hear, lest the young man
lose an eye or some teeth in the frenzied attack that his mind has
conjured up.

“Only Allah exists! All esle is froth and levity and illusion. Reality is
to observe the prayer, with sincerity, and to create no mischief in
the land. The elites are imitating pharoah the lord of stakes and
his arrogance was his undoing.”

“You are not a true african! The mighty pharoah gave humanity
electricity and technology. Beneath him flowed water and he was
a god amongst men. Paah. Cyrus, you are a mad man!”

“Pharoah indeed was blessed with much tech. He raised a prophet

in his household, lest we forget. But arrogance and pride swelled
his breast and those who follow the false god who walks with his
phallus in plain sight, will be in the fire with their jinns, demons
and idols of stone.”

The prison guards laughed and snorted to themselves as Cyrus
delivered daily lessons on the ‘Way’. Many of the inmates had also
taken up the faith. One new inmate named Assif, had been caught
stealing from his boss, a society billionaire from India. Another
new convert was Marko, who had taken the name Abdallah or the
servant of Allah.

“Cy, you heard what happened to Urshad, he’s been shipped out.
He went to the screws to complain about Marko and his loud
mouth. Anyway, the senior officer got fed up with his nausing and
shipped him out to Liverpool. Man, was bawllin like a pickney on
the bus breddrin. Baaarr-lin fam! Man heard him clean in N wing

Though this is welcome news of sorts for the harmony and fabric
of the wing, Cyrus wasn’t one for revelling in another mans mis-
fortune. Urshad had brought this upon himself and Cyrus took this
as a sign that the new algorithims and designs he had stored in
his heart should be put to good use in the service of Allah and his
final messenger, peace be upon him.

“Assifs in a bad way Marko. He’s really messed up. Go easy on him.
He’s a broken man.”

Assif was in the block after knocking out 2 officers and 4 inmates
after one of the bag head prisoners recognised him as a renter
from the canals near Subway City. The bag head thought he could
step up the pecking order with an easy attack on the vulnerable
Assif was ex-Pakistan special forces and 3 times world kickboxing

“Abdallah, when we get out of here we have to do something and

it’s going to be very messy. We have to wipe out the salafis, the
zionists and the free market capitalists. Any who ally themselves
with the troika have gotta go. I had a dream.”
The Green Men.

Cyrus turned to face the graffiti covered bedroom wall in his flat.
Screwing up his face he realised that it was a cold morning and he
reached for a creased sweaty t-shirt. Wrestling his sleepy upper
torso into the foul smelling grey cotton logo-less garment, he got
up and headed down a very long dark corridor. The front door is
slightly open and a puzzled Cyrus pauses.

What was he up to last night. He sniffs the air, but he can smell no
skunk. He starts rummaging in his pockets to see if he has a crack
pipe on his person. No crack pipe.

This is getting crazy. Forgetting that the front door is slightly ajar
he heads into the living room that was full of holo-vidi-screens
displaying scenes of war and suffering. Cyrus glances at the news-
feeds of horror and terror across the globe. The impromptu reality
shows begin to disappear into small tiny dots of light and Cyrus
turns around in a cautious but slow manner to find out why his
front door is open while he slept.

Walking to towards the door with determination and anger, Cyrus

opens the door with a forceful and vexed pull.

The scene that greets him causes him to cower in fear and crouch
to the floor losing his sense of balance. 19 green hooded cloaked
figures float outside the house. There menacing forms and empty
faces chill Cyrus to his core as they hang in the air as if surround-
ed by a galactic vaccum.

Sweating like a 100 metre sprinter, with his heart in his mouth,
Cyrus leapt off the prsion issue matress hurling his bed linen into
the sink. He stood poised, muscles flexed as he expected pain and
blows from an entity that he knew not. Realising that he is still in
the privatised G5S™ prison cell, Cyrus began wiping the steady
stream of salty sweat from his stinging eyes.
Burning Qurans. Context is everything.

The exercise yard is where Cyrus holds court. Word has spread
that Cyrus has some deep knowledge on stuff thats going on.

“Yo Cy. I’m in for murder mate, but I got a PHD in quantum phys-
ics and quantum mechanics. Teach me something.”
“Atoms are what make us all matter.”
“Oi Geezer, them mad bastard ‘moozlims’ killed a bloke cuz he
dissed that prophet geezer and burned a ‘kuran’. Thats not peace-
ful geezer. Islams full of bollox mate.”
“Allah and his messenger, peace be upon him, have declared war
on those that consume riba (interest). So these munafiqs who
use riba and then condemn a man to death or kill him for superfi-
cial displays of internal ignorance are not from the followers. The
prophet, peace be upon him, was attacked by the children of Ta’if.
Did he react as these hypocrites reacted? No. When the salafi
kharaijite-najdi-saudi-wahabis slit the throats of babies or rape
women and men. Mainly men, where is the outcry? Where are the
protests and calls for justice? To dip ones toe in the salty seas of
hypocrisy is one thing, but to bathe and luxuriate in the backstroke
whilst immersed in the aqua and sodium-chloride composite is
quite another matter entirely.”
Cyrus closes court, prays asr and then heads to Abdallahs cell.

“I’m suprised you didnt tell them about the time you was burning
Qurans at the masjid, with the masjid secretary and Haji.”
“Aah, its pointless. We burn Qurans because we didnt want to
send the old and torn Qurans to the rubbish tip. This is the tra-
ditional way to dispose of the old worn Qurans. Allah judges ac-
tions by what is intended. What is in the heart, is what we will
be judged on. These crazies jumping up and down and foaming
at the mouth are just putting on a show. This is the behaviour of
women folk. I quote the great Imam Ali, may Allah send showers
of mercy upon his soul, ‘You consider youself a small body; yet
encapsulated within you is the entire universe...’.”
The Media

Tesla and his gang stood in the vibrant glow of the one thousand
or so holo-vidi screens that were transmitting the global reactions
to the evil productions and blasphemous 8K visual media they
were beaming across the globe.

The Picatrix assembled strange and original sound and vision that
insulted prophets, religious leaders, politicians and even Tesla
himself. The idea is to spread chaos. For it is only after the lit-
tle men have gorged themselves on bloodlust that they could be
introduced to new ideas and new ways of governance. Ignorance
was an easily moulded mindset. The Tavistock, Ludwig von Mises
and Ayn Rand institutions all produced programs that would sat-
isfy the human minds desire for order after a violent outpouring of
undiluted ignorant stupidity. The many forms of ignorance, which
covered rants to senseless slaughter, could all be remedied with
one of the many competing entities formulas for mass control.
By deploying the media assets, at their disposal, whole swathes
of society could be easily manipulated into forming the correct
conclusion after a false-flag event engineered by the kakistocracy.

The current upheaval and cry for blood came from the so called
British muslim community. The salafi puppets were tasked with
cranking up the self righteousness and generating a frenzied at-
mosphere so that Major Gardners operatives could unleash mind
controlled bearded psycopaths onto the streets.

These acoloytes who were raised and nurtured in the deserts of

north africa were made to witness horrific torture for years in se-
cret underground facilities. After years of relentless physical real
life terror they would be drugged and repatriated. With a million
credits in the bank, they would establish cells of vengence that
would be remotely operated by the P2 networks and called upon
by Tesla and his gang to create mischief in the land, whilst all the
while they declared that they followed ‘The Quran and Sunnah’.
Jumma Prayer

The sufi imam stood in front of the 200 muslim prisoners and be-
gan to speak.
“A man was in his car with his family on a journey to the seaside.
As they drove down the empty motorway they noticed a hitch-
hiker who wanted a lift. He stopped as he had ample room and
was a muslim man with a sense of duty. The hitchhiker said he
had lots of money and if the family man gave him a lift he would
increase his bank balance. The wife smiled and the father of two
made space in his brand new SUV. A few miles down the motor-
way another hitchhiker and again the family man stopped and this
time the traveller promised the family man a higher status. After
the bearded husband to Nafsa checked his iPhone he noticed that
new titles had been conferred upon him and his standing in the
community did indeed rise as per the travellers promise.

The cramped conditions were tolerated as the newly wealthy fam-

ily continued their journey. A poor man at the roadside beckoned
the driver to stop. This wretched fellow declared that he was faith
in Allah and that the two non family passengers should be let out
and that he should take their place. The wife looked on in a vexed
fashion, whilst the children folded their arms and turned up their
noses in disgust. The request was refused and the happy group
continued their journey. The added weight had meant that the
fuel economy was lost. As the SUV spluttered to a halt. The newly
enriched father, husband and head of the family disembarked and
headed towards a large figure in the distance who may help him
find a suitable gas station to fill up on fuel.

The large being in the distance grew into a large black many
winged angel of death and requested from the man a certain trav-
eller. The man replied that he declined to carry the poor man as he
had nothing of worth to offer the man and his family. The Angel of
death replied that he had been foolish and removed his soul in a
most violent and brutal fashion.
One Last Humiliation.

In 24 hours time Cyrus Diop and Abdullah will be free. The release
dates somehow matched and the two friends were to leave behind
a private prison that had been utterly tarrnsformed. Even the gov-
ernor had shown an interest in the sufi tariqahs and the Golden
Chain of transmitters.

One last therapy session with the art team and Cyrus could begin
building his new vision. Deandra and Obadiah were already in the
social room when Cyrus, Abdallah, Assif and Caesar Dantes en-
tered. Obadiah in his stetson hat manouvered his fat liquid frame
so as to get a good wide angle lens view of Cyrus. The sneer on
his face is barley concealed as he drinks in the bearded moronic
Cyrus in his prison greens.

“Wahey! I hear you to will be free soon. Wahey! We’ve got a

few acting exercises to go through. Just because they’re letting
you out doesn’t mean you shouldn’t participate. Today we will
be seeds that become trees. Obi, can you create a space for me
my love. I’m thinking cherry orchards with the spirit of a mexican
border town. Today we will read from the minutes of the ‘Aston
Unionists’ circa 1933..........”

Suppressing the urge to plant his fist squarely in her jaw, Cyrus
got into character and encouraged his fellow lags to do likewise.
Emirah Ottomons letters to Cyrus were increasingly desperate.
She had managed to get out of the secure unit but was back on
the streets selling pum pum. All the money had disappeared and
Wiggy is on the warpath claiming it was haters who hate the game
that ruined his empire. Cyrus couldn’t care less. They had thrown
their lot in with the dajjal followers and paid the price. His own in-
surance policy was rock solid. With his new inventions Cyrus could
rebuild and regain his wealth, this time free of the earthly desires
that had crushed his soul and led to his total ruination and humili-
ation. Cryus had hit rock bottom and the only way is skywards.
The Hit.

Hannah picked up Cyrus in her bright yellow peoples wagon. Cyrus

put on two stone of muscle whilst in prison and this caused a vis-
ible hot flush in the nebbish school teacher.

“Oh my gosh Cy! Woah, man. Flippin heck hun. Give us a hug

The two friends embrace like long lost lovers who parted on good

“Where’s Emirah? How is she?”

“She’s at the cafe. Look I gotta class so I can’t stay. She’s in a bad
way Cy. She’s real low.”

Cyrus ground his teeth, a newly aquired tick, as memories of the

beautiful Digi-Diva pulsate through his newly liberated mind.

The halal greasy spoon is on an old industrial estate on the out-

skirts of central city. A large black Range Rover drives past and

Cyrus sees Emirah smoking a splif outside the diner. She spots him
and runs over to Cyrus who is still observing the black SUV.

“Yes you fucker its Wiggy, you two faced fuckers! Payback is a

Wiggy pulls out two handguns and starts shooting in a purposeful

and vicious fashion. Emirah slumps to the floor into a crumpled
and crushed spidery mess. Cyrus Diop is hit in the shoulder and
the knee and is holding out his hands as if he can stop bullets.

“Fucking crackhead cocksucker! Lets see if there’s a God today!”

Wiggy empties the rest of the clip into the middle of Diops head.
Cyrus is dead. Deader than dead can get. He took the full force
of a hollowed out bullet. Why did Hannah have to leave so
quickly? Did she follow Diops instructions about the meeting with
Emirah? Too many unanswered questions. Wiggy stood over the
dead bodies of his enemies. Wiggy knew his life would be over.
He placed the loaded gun into his mouth as tears streamed down
his light brown face.

Data Report 1010111.01v1

The Slave

Dajjal News Network Exclusive.

“The green cloaked flying being has totally and utterly destroyed
the MI6 building in Vauxhall, London. The missile defence system
failed to stop the vicious and evil attack that has been witnessed
by billions across the globe. No one knows where it came from.
Early reports claim it was a marketing stunt for a new untitled
Hollywood movie. This rumour was quickly dispelled as the
hooded being turned on the brave military soldiers and began
shooting bolts of energy from his hands. HD footage shows the
figure raising a finger with his palms facing forward before emit-
ting bolts of energy that is ripping sodliers to pieces leaving large
pools of boiling blood. the scene is absolutely horrific and we
broadcast them with the following warning that viewers may be
disturbed after viewing these live images.

We are also getting reports that the being spoke to a gathering

of civilians who were frozen in sheer terror. The being referred to
himself as ‘The Slave’ and said that he is taking over England and
all symbols of power are to be replaced with the arabic numeral,
the number one. I repeat his agenda is to replace all the British
symbols of military, policing, law, parliament with the number 1.
He also promised he would not harm civilians just the followers
of ‘satan’. End quote.

The soldiers weapons are useless and the ‘Slave’ has destroyed
15 scrambled euro jet fighters. I repeat the ‘Slave’ has destroyed
15 elite fighter jets. No survivors. This devastating scene is
playing out live as we speak and you can see in the distance
the ‘Slave’ is killing many, many, many members of the armed
forces. Twitter and other social networks are urging the govern-
ment to retreat as many of our viewers loved ones are clearly
out matched by this unknown green robed flying being who has
come out of nowhere. Did you see that! Did you see that!! 4
tanks have been thrown into the river Thames by the ‘Slave’. We
are going to cut this feed, as it is getting very dangerous here.”
The Extremists
Major Gardner, a practising christian, briefs his exrtemist zionist
agent to shave his head and get into character.

“Quickly, quickly. Now give this ‘Operation Northwoods v88.8’

data set to salafi number 1, he’ll know what to do.”

The agent greeted the large black bearded man on the podium
as a large seething crowd looked on expectantly. The large
bearded man addresses the crowd.

“They say that Sir T.E. Lawrence armed and created the Saudi
state. This is a lie! They say that Sheikh ul Islam Ibn Abdul
Wahab was deviant who was condemned by his own family. This
is an outrage! The ulema of the blessed minhaj ul salafiya are
the only people upon correct guidance. Those mushrik sufi’s and
grave worshippers and believers in tawassul are the enemies of
the deen. The enemies of tawheed.”

The arrogant pride of the audience swells the chest of the speak-

The green cloaked figure descends onto the podium with an

eerie silence. The fear on the fat necked speakers face infects
the audience like a rabid pox. The green hooded hovering entity
grabs the orator by the beard and in a swift move of the wrist
removes his lower jaw. Gun shots from the assembled, assault
the green robed being but to no avail. Turning to the gathering
below the slave raises a finger heavenward with the palm of his
hand facing the rabid blood lusting salafi-kharajite-najdi-saudi-
dajjal worshipping mob. The collective arrogance does not vi-
sion the events to come. Large green bolts of energy are sent
crashing into the hate filled ranks of evil as bodies become dust
and flesh is removed from wretched bones. A few survivors turn
on their heels to recount a terrible day when the salafi-kharajite
dawah died.

Gozooheck looks on and analysed the the sign closely. ‘GCHQ’.

To Gozooheck it is nothing more than an irritant. Vast amounts
of unecessary energy are being emitted for no great purpose. It
appeared, to the being made from atomic quantum waves, that
this energy was infecting the sons of Adam, on him be Allahs
mercy, like a venomous viral disease.

Hidden from the sight of the humans the green caped being
approached at great speed whilst being pursued by drones and
fighter jets.

The vantage point that Gozooheck had in the early morning sky
would give him a better insight into the machinations of this war-
like race.

The Slave directed the military complexes fire power into the
heart of the global eavesdropping facility. How puny and pathetic
is the resultant response of these cave dwellers. This ‘rocket sci-
ence’ dulled their intellects. Only a caveman species would fly to
a barren rock and swing a golf club. How ironic.

The green missile like figure crashed headfirst into solid concrete
and support pillars to weaken the outer structures. The explod-
ing sacks of flesh expelled deluges of crimson blood as they got
in the way of a superior velocity. Limbs and torsos were twisted
with a mere gesture of the right hand. The startled look on the
victims faces is etched into eternity, one tenth of a second before

Having finished the ‘work’ the Slave accelerated into the cloudy
canopy and disappeared from earthly technological eyes.

Gozooheck smiled to himself. Though he had nothing resembling

a mouth, he began to chuckle at mankinds overarching stupidity.

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