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Name: due: Course and Section: Instructor: EXPERIMENT dc Ohm’s Law OBJECTIVES ° 1 Become falar wit he de power supply aod setting the output valtge SV Udsaa arto yas a 4 Apply and plot Ohm's tw 4 Determine the pe of an curve. 5. Become more famfias withthe we of the analog VOM and digital DMM. EQUIPMENT REQUIRED Resistors 11-0, 3.3-40 (14-W) Instruments DMM. 1—voM 1-de power supply 32 EXPERIMENT de 3 EQUIPMENT ISSUED TABLE 3.0 tem Dv vom Power supply RESUME OF THEORY In any active circuit there must be a source of power: Inthe laboratory, it is convenient to use & source that requires a minimum of maintenance and, more important, whose output voltage can be varied easily. Power supplies are rated as to maximum voltage and current output, For example, ‘ supply rated 0-40 V at 500 mA will provide a maximum voltage of 40 V and a maximum cur- rent of 500 mA at any voltage. Most de power supplies have three terminals, labeled as shown in Fig. 3.1. The three terminals permit the establishment of a positive or negative voltage, which can be grounded or ‘ungrounded. The variable voltage is available only between terminals A and B. Both A and B must bbe part of any connection scheme. If only terminals A and B are employed, as shown in Fig. 3.2, the supply is considered “floating” and not connected to the common ground of the network. For common ground and safety reasons, the supply is normally grounded as shown in Fig, 3.3 for “~ «positive voltage and as in Fig. 34 for a negative voltage, 4@ pes FIG. 3.1 8 a® ex sr FIG. 3.2 z¢ os 16.33 fie. w ‘OHM’'S LAW PROCEDURE ‘When measuring voltage levels, make sure the voltmeter is connected in parallel (across) the element being measured, as shown in Fig. 3.5. In addition, recognize that ifthe leads are connected as shown in the figure, the reading will be up-scale and postive. Ifthe meter were hooked up in the reverse manner, a negative (down-scale, below-zero) reading would result. The voltmeters therefore an excellent instrument not only for measuring the voltage level but also for determining the polarity. Since the meter is always placed in parallel with the element, there is no need to disturb the network when the measurement is made. FIG. 3.5 = Ammeters are always connected in series with the branch in which the current is being ‘measured, as shown in Fig. 3.6, normally requiring tha the branch be opened an the meter inserted. ‘Ammeters also have polarity markings to indicate the manner in which they should be connected to obtain an up-scale reading. Since the current / of Fig, 3.6 would establish a voltage drop across the ammeter as illustrated, the reading of the ammeter will be up-scale and positive. Ifthe meter ‘were hooked up in the reverse manner, the reading would be negative or down-scal. In other words, simply reversing the leads will change a below-zero indication to an up-scale reading, = aa Until you become familiar with the use of the ammeter, draw in the ammeter in the network with the polarities determined by the current direction. Itis then easier to ensure thatthe meter is connected properly to the surrounding elements. This process will be demonstrated in more detail in a later experiment. For both the voltmeter and the ammeter, always start with the higher ranges and work ‘down to the operating level to avoid damaging the instrument. When the VOM and DMM are returned to the stockroom, be sure the VOM is on the highest voltage scale and the DMM is in the off position, "The voltage across and the current through a resistor can be used to determine its resistance using Ohm’s law in the following form: rat ea ns ‘The magnitude of R will be determined by the units of measure for V and J. FIG.3.6 ‘The purpose ofthis laboratory exercise is to acquaint you with the equipment, so do not rush. If you ‘are a member of @ squad, don't let one individual make all the measurements. You must become ‘comfortable with the instruments if you expect to perform your Future job function in a professional ‘manner. Read the instruments carefully. The more accurate a reading, the more accurate the results| ‘obtained. One final word of caution, For obvious reasons, do not make network changes with the ‘power on! If you have any questions about the procedure, be sure to contact your instructor. 33 34 EXPERIMENT de 3 & Part! Setting the Output Voltage of a de Power Supply with a DMM and VOM (a) Connect the DMM to the de power supply as shown in Fig. 3.7. 1@—— 4 FT V-E0 (oe) ead (4) Gum, «=F ® DMM 2@———» a common (ick) esd) Using the DMM, set the power supply tothe voltage levels Ey appearing in Table 3.1 Tanore the meter on the supply when setting the voltage levels. For each setting, choose the scale of the DMM that will result inthe highest degree of accuracy. Once a particulat level is set, remove the DMM and measure the same voltage with the VOM using the scale of the meter that results in the most accurate reading. Do not be influenced by the level set with the DMM. Simply remove the DMM from the supply when the voltage E,y is set and measure the terminal voltage with the VOM, FIG. 3.7 TABLE 3.1 Eyy(DMM) yom % Difference Iv av 55V 825 96V TRAV 16av | 18.75V ee | Calculate the magnitude of the percent difference between the DMM setting and the VOM reading using the following formula and complete Table 3.1 4% Difference = [DMM — VOM Dan | % 100% 2) OHM's LAW ° Is the magnitude of the percent difference for each level sufficiently small to verify the fact that the reading of one meter will be very close to the other even though one is analog and the other digital? (b) This part ofthe experiment wll provide some additional practice in the use of the DMM and VOM. The supply voltage will now be set by the VOM and the setting checked by the DMM, Set the voltage levels indicated in Table 3.2 with the VOM and then measure the set level with the DMM. For each setting, calculate the magnitude ofthe percent difference using Eq. (3.3) and complete Table 3.2. VOM — DMM 7 [YOM — DMM) > 100% 3.3) yon 100% | 3) DMM. % Difference 42V 675 100v 1AISV How do the magnitudes of the percent differences of Table 3.2 compare to those of ‘Table 3.17 Can you make any general conclusions based on the results? (©) We will now investigate the effect of reversing the leads of the meter when measuring a voltage. Using the setup of Fig. 3.7, eset the voltage Ey to 5 V using the DMM. Then disconnect the DMM and connect the red, or V-0), lead to the B terminal and the black, or COM, lead to the A terminal. What isthe effect on the reading? 35 36 EXPERIMENT de 3 Repeat the previous reading using the VOM and the connections just described. What ; is the effect on the reading’? : (@) Based on the results of parts 1(a)-(c), which meter do you prefer to use? Does ‘one appear more accurate? What are the relative advantages of one compared to the other? Answer each question in sentence form. Part 2 Ohm's Law (Determining !) In this section, the current of a de series circuit will be determined by a direct measurement and using Ohm’s law. In practice, most current levels are determined using Ohm's law and a measured voltage level t0 avoid having to break the circuit to insert the ammeter. However, cone should be aware of the procedure associated with using an ammeter, and one should f confident that the measured value and that calculated using Ohm's law are very close in magnitude (@) Comsirust the circuit of Fig. 38 using the DMM as miliammete. Be sur he\. niliammete is connected 30 that conventional cent enes the re (postive) terminal of te meter and ewes the black (negative ermina o ensue a pose read. Ise the messed Valve of in Fig. 38 and Table 3.3. Italy st the DMM onthe high miliammetr sale For Imost DMM th red, oposite, lead must be move rom the V0 connection vo the A eal ofthe meter The COM conection remain the sane Adjust the power supply until Vy = 2 V (the voltage across the resistor, not the supply voltage) using the VOM to monitor Vy. Be sure the red (positive) lead is connected to the point of higher potential (the terminal that conventional current enters) and the black (negative) lead is connected to the point of lower potential (the terminal that conventional ‘current leaves). You may find that searching for the best scale forthe milliammeter will affect the voltage across Vp, since changing ammeter scales will change the internal resistance of the milliammeter. Find a scale that provides a reading of good accuracy with V_ set at the required 2 V, Red (s)leady (Black (-)lead 2 Daa ( de power Ge Red) supply Z vom Lk = V_=2¥ aE +O av OHM'S LAW 37 ° In Table 33, record the measured value of fy from the DMM. Then calculate the level ‘of Fg using Ohm's law and the measured resistor value and record in Table 3.3 (using mA as the ‘unit of measurement for Jp). Finally, determine the magnitude of the percent difference from the following equation and complete the line for Vi = 2V in Table 3.3, TDM) ~ Te (Obs aw! ‘%iterence = |!" & 100% | ce) Tg(DMM, Repeat this procedure forthe other levels of V_in Table 3.3. Note that when Ve = 0 V, Iq = 0'mA and percent difference TABLES3 R=1K0 TeDMM) | ia Vila ms = f piterens ov oma Oma 8 2 wv ov wv ° wo ‘Comment on the level of percent difference in Table 3.3. Are the percent differences sufficiently small to establish firmly the fact that the current determined by Ohm’s law will be very close (if not equal) to that measured directly? Answer the question in sentence form. Part 3. Plotting Ohm's Law (a) Using the data (measured values) of Table 3.3, plot / (DMM) versus Vs (VOM) 2 ‘on Graph 3.1. Clearly indicate each data point on the graph. Also label the curve as R = 1 KO. EXPERIMENT de 3 Ig(mA) Uf A 10 a 9 FERRER + PoE 8 oO 7 10 Vp (volts) GRAPH 3.1 (b) Once the curve of part (a) is drawn, the level of resistance can be d any level of voltage or current. ermined at Forinstance, at fy = 5.6mA, draw a horizontal line from the vertical axis o the curve. ‘Then draw a line down from the intersection tothe horizontal voltage axis. Record the level of V» in Table 3.4. Calculate the resistance using Ohm's law and insert in Table 3.4 OHM's LAW ° Calculation: Using a similar procedure, determine the level of Vy corresponding to Iy = 1.2 mA. Determine the value of R using Ohm's law and compare with the evel at Iy = 5.6 mA. Record both results in Table 3.4 Calculation: To continue, determine the level of f_ corresponding to Vz = 8.3 V and calculate the resulting resistance level. Again, record both results in Table 3.4 Calculation: TABLE 3.4 Tema) Va) RO 36 83 (©) The resistance level also can be determined from the equation Vi poe as) Me where AV is the change in V due fo a change in current AY (or vice versa), as demonstrated in Fig. 39, 39 EXPERIMENT de 3 FIG.3.9 For instance, if we choose Al = 6 mA — 2 mA = 4 mA for the 1-0. resistor of Graph 3.1, we can determine the resulting AV, and apply Eq. (3.4). That is, draw a horizontal line from Jy = 2 mA and 6 mA on the vertical axis to the curve and then drop lines down to the horizontal axis to determine the corresponding values of Vp. Find the resulting change in Vj and apply Eq. (3.5). Determine AV, for Aly = 6 mA = 2mA and record in Table 3.5 mA for the 1-KO resistor of Graph 3.1 Determine R using Eq, (3.5) and record in Table 3.5, Calculation: Determine Aly for AV = 4.6V ~ 3.2V = 1.4V for the 1-k0 resistor of Graph 3.1 and record in Table 3.5. Determine R using Eq. 3.5) and record in Table 35. Calculation: TABLE 3.5, ava) | atimay [RO 4 ‘OHM’S LAW Part 4 4 (@) The slope of a curve is related to the resistance by rag (siemens 8) a6 Slope eee ‘Ar Avg R revealing that the smaller the resistance, the steeper the slope, or the more the resistance steep the slope. the less Determine the slope for the 1-k0 resistor in mS using the measured resistor value from Fig. 3.8 and record in Table 3.6, Calculation: TABLE 3.6 R m 1ko 33k Plotting R = 3.3 k0 (a) Reconstruct the circuit of Fig. 3.8 using R = 3.3 kO, Insert the measured value Of R in Table 3.5 and use this value forall the calculations Using the procedure described in part 2, complete Table 3.6. TABLES.7 R= 33K Ress 1,(DMM) mA Veto, % Difference ov Oma 0% 2V 4V ov BV IV (b) Using the data of Table 3.7, plot fy (DMM) versus Vp (VOM) on Graph 3.2. Clearly indicate each data point on the graph. Also abel the curve as R = 3.3 kO. 42 EXPERIMENT de 3 Va (volts) GRAPH 3.2 (©) Determine the level of V_ corresponding to Jy = 2.4 mA and calculate the resis tance using Eq, 3.1). Record both results in Table 3.8 Calculation: ) OHM'S LAW EXERCISES (€) Determine the AV, corresponding to Al = 2.2 mA ~ 1.4mA = 0.8mA culate R using Eq. 3.5. Record both results in Table 3.8, Calculation: TABLE 3.8 24ma Alp=0.8mA AVe= R= R (©) Determine the slope of the 3.3-KO resistor using the measured value (from Table 3.7) and Eq, 3.6 and record in Table 3.6. Calculation: How does the magnitude of the slope compare to the magnitude determined for the I-KQ resistor? Is the following conclusion verified: The larger the resistance, the less the slope? 1. Plot the linear curve for 100-00 and 10-K0 resistors on Graph 3:3. 2. As the resistance increases, does the slope defined by m Aly/AV, increase or decrease? EXPERIMENT de 3 & 3. Under ideal conditions, is the plot of Ze versus Vp for a fixed resistor always a straight line that intersects Jy = OA and Vq = 0V? Ig mA) u | T rot + EEE Eb i 0 t pH } Het + % f oot Eee EEE EH | Het | 8 HEH | EERE EEE } t t 7 + Peet PAHS TAY | 6 t jsenent & EEEEEEEE Et | f tet s Ht + | Peet 4 ob TE HECHT 3 Eee ; f + { UAE eA Lod roe Seg AAS eNO Ve (vols) GRAPHS3 J. Which two terminals of a de power supply must always be connected to obtain the desired voltage?

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