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The Commoner,
- v

16 . Ik?1, VOLUME 4., NUMBER 43

We Offer $1,000 M

For a Disease Germ That Liquozone Can't Kill. A soe. Bottle Free.
Don't you. know that a germ disease must end when the germs are kiiledRg r
. '

And that it cannot be cured until then? Then why use Medicine .for

.-I' v. if
what medicine cannot do? Liquozone alone can kill germs. Will you '.

1 v.
1 . J

?' "'
let us buy you a 50c. bottle to try? --

On every bottle of Liquozono wo Too little oxygen always causes-lac- millions of others are learning to Asthma
k Hay Foyer Influenza
Abscess Anaemia Kidney Diseases
publish an offer of $1,000- - for a of vitality. An excess of it gives do likewise. Liquozone is now Bronchitis La Grippe
disease germ that it cannot kill. strength to every function of na- employed by hospitals everywhere, Blood Poison .Liver Troubles
We do that to convince you that Brlght'a Disease Malaria Neuralgia
Liquozone doeB kill germs. ture. and by the physicians of overy Bowol Troubles Many Ucart Troubles
Oxygen is also a germicide. nation. Coughs Colds Pneumonia
Think what that means. Every Consumption . Plourlsy Quinsy
modern physician knows that nearly reason is that germs are
all sickness- the little ills and
vegetables; and an excess of oxygen
One million Dollars Colic Croup
- Ilhoumatism
Scrofula Syphilis
the big ones are caused- - by germ Have been spent by ns to give Caturrh Cancer
"Skin DIseiucs
They know that those the very life of an animal i Dysentery Diar-
Stomach Troubled
attacks. Liquozone away. Our offer to buy DandrufI Dropsy rhoea
Throat Troubles
cerms must be destroyed before deadly to vegetable matter. Liquo- Tuberculosis
the first bottle has been accepted by Dyspepsia
zone acts like oxygen. But it does
Tumors Ulccr3 i
the sickness can end. And they 1,800,000 people.
Jiczcma Jirysipeua
And we have Jfevers Gull stones Goitre Gout. A
know that drugs never kill inside more than oxygen, because it is
spent this vast sum to publish the All diseases that begin with fever-- all
germs. stable. It carries its virtues into
offer and to fulfill it. inflammation all catarrh all co-
Those modern physicians are the blood to go wherever the blood ntagious diseases all the results of im-
The result is that millions now pure or poisoned blood.
now UBing Liquozone. And mil- -
goes. It is a remarkable tonic
uso it. These people have told
ions wno were sick like you In nervous debility Liquozone acts as
perhaps are well because to-da- y
? the best thing in the wdrld for you.
others, about it and the others told a yitalizer, accomplishing what no
The discoverer of Linunznnfi Tins
others. Your own neighborhood, drug can do.
of it. The cured ones are, every- - solved the t problem of dm
wherever you are, is full of Liquo-
where; some are your neighbors,
your friends. Won't you ask them
germs m the body without killing
zone usere. And half the people Bottle Free First
the tissues, too. And there is no
you meet know some one whom If you need Liquozone, and have
about Liquozone? other way. Any drug that kills
Liquozone has cured. Ask a few never used it, please send us tho
Don't cling to the old ways germs is a poison,and it cannot be
what they think of it ask them coupon below. We will then send
blindly, when your health is at taken internally. Liquozone is the
what it does. If they say it is you an order on a local druggist for
stake. There la a new way to only way that any man knows to
wonderful that it does all we a
cure sickness, by destroying the end the cause of any germ disease
d bottle a 50c bottle

claim then let us buy YOU a and will pay the druggist ourselvea
cause.' And wo will gladly pay the 50c. bottle. Try it at our expense; for it.
cost while you try it. We Paid $100,000 This applies only to the
see what it does for you. If you first bottle, of course to those who
What Liquozone Is For the American rights of Liquo- find it effective and needful, tell have never used it.
zone, and the British Liquid Ozone others about it, as we have told The acceptance of this offer places
Liquozone is not a medicine. Co. paid the same sum you. you under no obligations. We
It is not made by compounding rights in Great Britain. That for the
is Germ Diseases simply wish to .convince you, to let
acids or drugs, nor is there any the highest price ever paid the product itself show you what
alcohol in it. Its virtues are de- lar rights on any scientific for
rived solely from gas largely discovery. These are known as the germ dis- it can do.' Then you can judgo
We tell you this fact by results as to whether you wish
oxygen gas by a process' requir- best indicates the value because it ease; all
duo to germs, or the --
poi-Bo- ns

ing immense apparatus and 14 zone. Claims are easily of Liquo- which germs create. These are to continue.
days' timo. Each cubic inch of men of our class made, but the diseases to which medicine dees This offer should convince you
Liquozone requires the use of like that save don't pay a price not apply, .for drugs cannot kill in- that Liquozone does as we claim.
for a product of very side gemrs. We would certainly not buy a bot-
1,250 cubic inches of the gas. great worth to humanity.
Liquozone is the result of a All that medicines can do for tle and give it to you, if there was
Before making this purohase these troubles is to at as a tonic. any doubt of results. You want
process which, for more than 20 we tested Liquozone
years, has been the constant sub- tnrougn for two years aiding nature to overcome the germs. these results; you want to bo well
ject of scientific and chemical re- in this country physicians and hospitals But those results are indirect and and to keep well. Then
search. The main result is to get tried it in all and other. We uncertain. They depend on the be enough to your-sel- f fair
into a liquid and thus into the blood, in thousands kinds of germ diseases patient's condition. When drugs to accept our offer today. Let
a powerful yet harmless germicide. obtainable. of most difficult cases wore prescribed for these troubles us show you, at our expense, what
Another reBult is to create a vitaliz dreds of sick We saw it oure hun nobody- knew of germs. Now every this wonderful .product means to

ones with whom every- - good physician knows that they call you;
ing tonic with which n'o other known unug nau
product can compare. eise lanea. And we saw for a germicide. Liquozone costs you 50c and $1.
many a patient brought back from Liquozone alone can destroy the
Acts Like Oxygen the verge of the grave by it. cause of these troubles. It goes CUT OUT THIS COUPON
We proved to tho satisfaction of wherever the blood goes. No germ for this oiler may not appear again.Liquid Fill
The great value of Liquozone lies tho best physicians, that in germ can esoape it, and we have found out the blanks and mail it to the
nt Ozone Co., Wabash Ave., Chicago. 458-4G- 4

in the fact that it does what oxygen troubles Liquozone did what nothing dipease germ that can
does. Oxygen is tho vital part of else could accomplish. Wo proved Diseases which have withstand it. My disease Is
air, tho very source of vitality, the it to be of more value to sick resisted inedi-oin- e
never tried Liquozone, but If you
for years yield at once to will have
supply mo a 6pc. bottle freo I will Ue "
most essential element of life. It humanity than all the drugs in the Liquozone, and it cures
is. tho blood .food, the nerve food, world combined. Then we staked medicine never oures. In diseases
the' scavenger of tho fblood. It is our fortunes and our reputation on it. any stage-o- if f

any disease in this list, the results 'iiit

oxygen that turns the1 .blue bjood to Every member of tjiis company are'BO( certain that yc will- gladly . W201. ....
Ted in the lungs; that eliminates tho uses Liquozone daily in his -
Jptvo (ulj ddreT-t?rjtQpJain- ly
family send to any pation. ho aslqs it!a1hi j ( , .
waste tissues and. builds up, the .new to prevent Bi(c.kiiea,s, yefaslng
an.d wwv-- suAUioiM JMU4ntiJ"..l,4i ozone rvUll be gladjyhospital-no-
. A'riy'-physlciaW- r

supplied for a teat.


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The Commoner.
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Nine Nations
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Now Use Liquozone. Won't You Try It Free?

' lu .,..
E. ' .Diquozone is. now used almost tlC world" bver; Peoples half? the world away ffom you are curing -- --

. their ilia by so are people next door to you your neighbors, your friends., Won't you
it.-An- d --

pvask- some of them what Liquozone is doing? Then ask us for a bottle to try.

Liquozone is "so new that few peo-p- ie the very source of vitality, the most
the world could not accomplish with- Eczoma Erysipelas Tuberculosis
Fevers Gnll Stonea Tumors Ulcera
realize how many millions are us- essential element of life. It is'the out jt. Goitre Gout Women'9 Diseases
ft ing it. One year ago " was almost blood food, the nerve food, the scaven
Now Liquozone is more widely Em- All diseases that begin wltuibvcr-alUnHnram- a.

i ' unknown in America. Now nearly half ger of the blood. Itis oxygen that
ployed than any medicine ever wast. tioii all catarrh all contagious diseases all
the people you meet wherever you
;- -

turns the blue bood to red in the

It is more widely prescribed .by. the the rosults of impure or poisoned blood.
are know some one whom Liquozone lungs; that eliminates tlie waste tissue
better physicians. And no one can In nervous debility Liquozone acts as a vital-Ize- r,

has cured. and builds up the new. Too litte oxy- accomplishing what no drugs am do.
doubt that it is doing more for sick
Don't you realize that a 'product gen always causes lack of vitality. An
nHMt.A .. humanity than all the drugs in use Bottle Free.
rc; "which has spread like this must have excess of it gives strength to, every
50c .

remarkable merit? We have never function of Nu-ur- e.

If you need Liquozone, and have
3 asked a soul to buy Liquozone. We Oxygen is also a germicide. The Germ Diseases.
never used it, please send us the cou-
have published no testimonials, no reason is that germs are vegetables; These are the known germ diseases; pon below. Wo will then send you an
evidence of cures. We have only asked and an excess of oxygen the very life all due to germs, or the poisons which order on a local druggist for a f ti ed

the sick to let U3 buy the first bottle-- to of an animal is deadly to. vegetal germs create. These are the diseases bottle a 50c bottle and will pay
let the product itself show what matter.
. to which medicine does, not apply, for the druggist ourselves for it. This
m ,

it could do. Those sick one3 told oth- Liquozone acts like oxygen. But it drugs can not kill inside germs. applies only to the first bottle, of
ers, and the others told, others. That
is how it has spread.
does more than oxygen, because it is All that medicine can do for these course to those who have never
stable. It carries its virtues into the troubles is to act as a tcmic, aiding used it. ... -

Won't yoif do as those millions have blood to . go wherever the blood goes. Nature to overcome the germs. But
done?Mt you aio still using medicine . , - The acceptance of this offer places
it is ,a remarkable tonic the best those results are indirect and uncer-tai- you under no obligations. We simply n.
for what medicine can not cure, won't thing in the world for you. Yet it is
you learn what others know about Li- They depend on the patient's wish to convince you; to let the pro-
a germicide so certain that we pub- condition. When drugs were pre- duct :

quozone? Won't you let U3 pay the itself show ou what it can do.
lish on every bottle r
.of $1,000 scribed for these- troubles, nobody Then you can' judge by results as to
an-offe- -

cost of yoiir test?

for a disease germ that it can not kill. knew of germs. Now every good phy-
whether you wish to continue.
- Not .Medicine. The discoverer of Liquozone has sician knows that they call for a ger-
This offer itself should convince you
Liquozone is not a medicine. It is solved the great, problem of killing micide. "
that .Liquozone does as we claim. We
,not made by compounding acids or germs in the body, without killing the Liquozone alone can. destroy the not buy a bottle and would-certainl- y

drugs, nor is there any alcohol in it. tissues, too. And there is no other .waj cause ot taese troubles,
Any drug
it goes give 'it to you, if there was any doubt
Its virtues are derived solely from that. kills. germs is a poison, wherever the blood goes. No germ
of results. You want these results;
gas largely oxygen gas by a "process and it can not be taken internally. can escape it, and" we have found no
you want to be well and 'to keep well.
requiring immense apparatus and 14 Liquozone is the only way that any disease germ which can resist it. Dis-
man Then be fair enough to yourself to ac-
days' time. Each cubic inch of Liquo-zo- n knows to end the cause of any eases
which have resisted medicine for cept our' offer today. Let us show
requires the use of 1,250 cubic germ disease. years yield at once" to Liquozone, and it you, at our expense, what this won-
inches of the gas. cures diseases which medicine never derful product means to you.
Liquozone is the result of a process, We Paid $100,000
cured. In any stage of any disease in

which, formore than 20 years, has For the American rights to Liquo- Liquozone costs 50c and $1.
this list, the results are so certain that
been the constant subject of scientific zone; and the British rights sold for we will gladly send to any patient i
and chemical research. The main re- - a like .sum. That is the highest price asks it an absolute guaranty. CUT OUT THIS COUPON
Fill oat
Bult is to get into a liquid, and thus ever paid for similar rights on any for this offer may not appear, again.Mquozono
It to The
Asthma Hay Feycr Inlluenza the blanks aud mall
into the blood, a powerful, yet harm- scientific disco .'ery. Corapuuy, Wabash Ave., Chicago 458-40- 4

Abscess Antcmla Kidney Dlseasea

less, germicide. Another result is to Before making this purchase, w.e. Bronchitis La Grippe My disease Is 'r""
lilood Poifcon Leucorrhea I have never tried Liquozone. V,uLLfit .
. create a vitalizing tonic with which no tested the product for two years, Brlght's Disease Liver Troubles will supply me a 60c freo
other known product can compare. through physicians and hospitals, in Bowel Troubles Malaria Neuralgia
Coughs Colda Many Heart Troubles
this country and others, Wte em- Consumption
Acts Like Oxygen. ployed it in all germ diseases; in Colic Croup
Pleurisy Quinsy W20t ;;;"
Constipation Qivo full'addfess-wrri- to plainly.
The great value of Liquozone lies thousands of the most "difficult cases Catarrh Cancer Rheumatism
in the fact that it does what oxygen obtainable. We prpved Dysentery Diarrhea Skin Diseases
that in germ Daadrufl Dropsy Trouble . Any phyecian or
hospital not yet using Llquo.
TA i does. Oxygen is the vital part of air, troubles it did Stomach
zone'vvlUb'eiy, iup.pliedfor a test.

what all the skill in Dyspepsia Throat Troubles

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""WWWWITWW MMywl'W yy Mg'ifmwyi
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Tlie Commoner. ' VOLUME 5, NUMBER

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The Virtue
' V.'-- g"


Of Liqviozone is Best Told by a Test and the Test is Free.
Won't You Learn WhaLt it Means to Yovi?
You who lack Liquozone you don't know what ating, vitalizing, purifying. The ben- Abscess
Anaemia Dyapepsia-Dandr- afT
Lczemft-Eryslp- clai

are often apparent from the very Bronchitis

you miss. And the product itself can best tell you. efits
FeYers-G- nll Stonea
Blood Poison Malaria Neuralgia
first dose. Goitre Gout Quinsy
We ask you again may we buy you a bottle to try? Liquozone has numerous virtues.
Ilay Fever Influenza Bhtiumatlsm
La Grippo
Bowel Troubles
Skin Diseases
That one bottle will tell you more than all y& could One of tho greatest is its remarkable Coughs Colds
Tumors Ulcers
Cancor Catarrh Throat Trouble
say. And when you feel the results you can neither effect on digestion. An English au- - Dysentery Diarrhea
.thnrify has written a book on this Also most forms of tho lollowlng:
doubt nor forget them. -- a.- feature of Liquozone alone. But it Ktdney Troubles Liver Troubles
fatomach Troubles
Think what it iTjeanstpJfKTw how to get well, or isLiquozone as a germicide, undoubtedly, that Women's Diseases
Fever, Inflammation or catarrh-Imp- ure
renders its greatest serv- poisoned blood usually Indicate a germ attack.
'fc&GtTyf&Si And it is so easy to know. Send us this ice to humanity. In nervous debility Liquozone acts as s vital
izer, accomplish! remarkable results,
coupon as millions have done and learn what this
11,000,000 Bottles Used 5oc Bottle Free
product can do.
All people need Liquozone; all can be helped by it. More than 11,000,000 bottles of Liq- If you need Liquozone, and have
have been used, mostly in the
But you who are sick and discouraged you need it uozone past two years. All over the world, it
never tried it, please send us this
most. And you are the ones we appeal to. Don't you is fast coming into almost universal coupon. We will then mail you an

realize that this product must have remarkable pow- use. order' on a local druggist for a full-siz- e

ers, else this offer would not be made to you. The good it has done Is immeasur- bottle, and will pay the drug
able. Countless cured ones scat--tere- d
gist ourselves for it. This is our free
Please let us show you what that power means to everywhere are telling what
the product has done. Almost every gift, made to convince you; to let
you. every neighborhood
hamlet liv- has the product itself show you what It
ing examples of its power. can do. Its acceptance places you un-
What Liquozone is Kills Disease Germs And the product does nothing but
der no obligation whatever.
good. To assure you on this point,
The virtues of Liquozone are de- The great value of Liquozone lies some scientists of very high standing Please don't wait longer. Don't miss
rived solely from gases, by a process in the fact that it is deadly to germs, have authorized us to use their names the help that millions have employed.
requiring large apparatus and from 8 yet harmless to the on our labels. Learn at our expense what Liquozone
human body. This is the product which we ask means to you, then judge its value by
to 14 days' time. The complete for- you to try. No one can use it with-
In that fact lies its main distinc- results.
mula is sent to each user. out being helped by 'it. And if it
The gases are vitalizing and the tion. Common germicides are poisons sTiows you a way to become perfectly Liquozone costs 50c and $1.
product they create is a tonic. The when talten internally. That is why well, think what it means to you.
gases are germicidal, and the product medicine has proved so helpless in It is wise to learn its power. CUT OUT THIS COUPON
that results is a powerful germicide. dealing with germ diseases. Fill it out nnd mall it to The Liquozone
The object of the process is to fix It has been proved, in laboratory
Where It Applies Company. 458-1- Wabash Ave. 64

the gases, and to combine them, so tests, that Liquozone kills every form My disease is
Those are the diseases in which
as to carry yielr virtues into the sys of disease germ. Not a known germ Liquozone has been most widely em- I have never tried Liquozone. luffUJ?tu
will supply me a 50c bottle free I
tem. can resist it. The reason is attribut- ployed. In these diseases, more than
This invention means simply a way ed to the fact that germs are veget- any others, it has earned its wide rep-
to utilize gases' in the treatment of ables. They apparently absorb utation. Most of these troubles are
this known to be caused by germs,
germ diseases. Thjfr whole power of e
gas-mad- product, and the product pre-- N
In each of these diseases we sup-
the product comes from gases alone. vents their development.
No alcohol, no narcotics, no danger- ply the first bottle free. And in all "W 201 Give full' address-wr- ite
plainly- -

ous drugs are employed in it.

It has also been proved, by some of no matter how difficult we offer each
The result is a product which, in tho world's highest authorities, that used a two months' further test with- to ne
'some sorts of ailments, does what all Liquozone is harmless to the bodily out the risk of a penny. No one is Note that this offer applies
other treatments have failed to ac- - cells. It is not only harmless asked to risk any money on Liquo- - users Amr
W llOSnltUI not sw
f vet

compllsh. but I
ono until lift known lio 1h hflnprl hv I using Liquozone will be gladly
Rood for you. Its effects are exhtlar--
it plied for a test.,

COPYLEGENDS.COM ..;"" Jv."Afc. ijJWii.v.rfv. 4Mt; E&

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